Theme park thread

What's your favorite new stuff?

>Sesame Street land
>infinity falls
>Lego movie world
>Toy story coaster
>Galaxy's Edge

Would you rather: pet a dolphin or pet a tiger

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Other urls found in this thread:

I will never stop loving the comfort of the shark tunnel.

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Disney or SeaWorld

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Rise of the Resistance. Dec 5 for WDW, Jan 17 for DLR.

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What is it? A show?

Legoland has the best photo opportunities.

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Ride. It's supposed to be the big main attraction of Galaxy's Edge; the entire "experience" is ~30 minutes, but the actual main ride portion is about 5. From what's been leaked, it looks like you hop on a Resistance transport, it plays a thing where you get captured by the First Order, you get moved to holding cells on a Star Destroyer, then you hop on transports that take you through the ride where the Resistance breaks you out and you're seeing the Star Destroyer you're in being attacked.

Oh man that sounds cool!! Do you have the leak?

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I think this is the most comprehensive thing I've seen on combining the leaks with official shit Disney's shown:

Only thing it glossed over is that Poe's black/orange X-Wing is parked next to the Resistance transport you board.

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Wow I'll never be able to get in. The lines will be all the way to the other state. It looks so cool!!

Finally a date. Looking forward to it.

Why do so many attraction go for capturing only a few years at most of popularity before being dated instead of being timeless?

Disney was an artist.
The new imagineers are good but bogged down with sjws. Sjwism is like a cancer that devours our good fun things. They want life to be horrible.

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Becuase execs like Iger are only concerned about bringing in money with no regard to art or craftsmanship. Disney before him was willing to try new things and create timeless attractions.

Seeing a child that close to a dolphin fills me with a primordial terror

WDW's is before DL? kinda surprising

That's a really significant delay

Never seen one of these threads, this is really fucking cool
I've worked for Disney, Legoland and I've been working at Universal Studios Islands Of Adventure for 3 years.

what is your function?

"Raptor trainer" at Jurassic Park
Its a fun job, I get to hang out with Blue all day

>100% humidity

How the fuck do you last a day during peak summer crowds?

It's really rough, the heat is awful and the loud guests can get a little annoying
Although the worst part is the jurassic Park theme playing on loop blasting in my ears for 8 hours a day every day
Working during the rain is sweet though since we shut the attraction down. We get to go home early a lot of the time during the summer

We're here all the time user
Join us sometimes

They intentionally are holding it off in DL because they're trying to manage the crowds by holding it back.

WDW isn't worried about crowds because they've got 3 other parks and 2 water parks.

Have sex and go back to /pol/. Disney was shit.

Fantastic Worlds announcement when?

My 11 year old brother wants to be you

It's always cute seeing kids wishing they had my job thinking I actually tame raptors
I once killed time on a rainy day making up all sorts of dumb facts about raptor training on the spot while talking to some tourist who wanted to apply to be a raptor trainer. He was in his 30s and believed every word I said
Made up some shit about getting the eggs in the Sahara desert and raising them underground in a hydro incubator.

Objectively false

Why did the starwars part is Disney fail

>1 ride
>the rest is just shopping /dining
There's your problem

the seaworld shilling is an intresting turn of events for these threads
>tfw never get to do this

Rise of the Resistance opening team here. Can’t say too much, but it’s a good fucking day.

what do you actually do since the ride isnt open?

>Going in January for marathon weekend
How bad will lines be in Galaxy's Edge?

user I fail to see how sjwism is the culprit. The Star Wars area has limits put on it so that it has to be the way it is because of legal stuff, if thats what you were gonna say.

explain the appeal of paying money to run

It's fun. Usually there's a lot of energy from the runners and crowds that makes doing races fun. Disney races in particular are great -- so many great costumes to see, Disney busts out unique characters and old ride vehicles and stuff like that for you to see while running, and running through the parks is pretty magical. The price is pushing it, especially since there's no discount or anything on park tickets, but it's worth it to me.

fuckin even seaworld is crowded with the brazilians and argentinians now. they lay their ponchos on the ground and just take a nap on crowded pathways

i have like 6 months left on this pass and I've yet to ride any coasters. Desperately want to ride Manta but I'm baby. How do I overcome being a weenie?

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>his favorite park doesnt have a full sized pirate ship

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Constant Pov viewings on YouTube so you know what you're getting into

I can't believe people even still go to SeaWorld.

>allowing children anywhere near dolphins
These parents must hate their kids, and secretly hope they get raped and murdered.

>projecting your fantasies this hard
Try getting out of your mom's basement some time, a breath of fresh air might help.

I stopped going after the garbage opening of their shitty penguin ride and black fish

Dolphins are evil, mate.

SeaWorld kind of sucks.
I only tolerate it for my nephews infectious enthusiasm.
Hes three years old and thinks sharks are the greatest thing in history.
>tfw no merida gf

Anybody here intern with Universal and could share anything about the process? I got contacted for a phone screen the other day and don't want to screw it up. Got shot down after an interview with WDW last spring so I wanna be as prepared as possible.

>tfw waiting eternally for RMC Gwazi

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Who is ready for D23?
Who is scared for D23?

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>Smugglers Run can be ruined by a five year old Mexican kid being in the Pilots seat and crashing into everything.

its gonna be dope
its mostly on rails havnt you seen the videos?

What if Universal remakes Kongfrontation only with a King Kong vs Godzilla theme?

I can just imagine the insane amount of screens

Kind of nervous because of how bad I saw lines were in previous years (and this is my first year going). But the new reservation system has me a bit more hopeful since I'll know what I'll definitely get in to and what I should have low expectations of seeing.

Although the merch I've seen for this year seem pretty lacking. Personally, I found last one had much better stuff with Star Tours, Pirates, and Space Mountain all having stuff to celebrate their anniversaries. The Lucasfilm display being the exact same as SDCC stormtrooper exhibit they're doing also kind of sucks.

Not him but I've been on with a range of pilots. Even with mediocre pilots, it's generally not too bad, but outright bad pilots tank the experience - and this is from somebody who doesn't feel the need to get as many credits as possible. If you're a pilot, it can be frustrating because you're putting the effort in to dodge or line up with the cargo train, gunners on manual targeting need to mash their gun buttons more because targets will keep shifting between the three areas, and engineers won't be able to watch most of the ride because they keep getting air blown in their face to alert them of crashes and needing to hit buttons to fix shit. Not to mention every crash means you get shaken around, which with a bad pilot can happen every ~7 seconds, and it gets old, real quick. Basically, even though it's mostly on rails and you're going to be on the ride as much as people who expertly do the ride, it can still mean you've waited in line for 30-90 minutes to just be annoyed for 6 minutes and not get to see much of anything except a wall of buttons.

Hey did they ever fix the Yeti?

They'd have to dissemble the mountain to fix it. Joe Rhode said he would get it fixed before he dies.

Why did Galaxy's Edge fail so hard? I thought Star Wars brought in the big bucks

Only one ride.

>Megadeth fan in charge of Imagineering

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But its Star Wars

And the park only has one admittedly good ride and a few shops.

Don't forget the price hike just before

>Had a chance to buy the Star Tours toy when I was younger
>Decided to get a shitty stuffed big stuffed snake instead.
>Mom only let me get one toy on the trip and I fucked it up

I'm still pissed about this years later. Especially since I see some of them go for like 90-100 dollars

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>The Nintendo Universal park has a chance to actually be better than the latest offerings from Disney.

If it's anything like it is now, It'll be about 50-60 minutes.

Finally got to ride that for the first time when I went during the GE reservation period. Surprisingly comfy.

City Walk is fucking kino when it comes to dates
>miniature golf
>fun dining options
>go to the park with comp tickets
>clubs and karaoke for late night

Way better than Disney Springs and their dumb overpriced shops and tourist overload

That's why you do Fantasia Mini Golf and Boardwalk. The type of people that go to CityWalk don't make for the best date atmosphere

I'm reminded of the times I passed on a few Matterhorn things that caught my eye:
>'Bomble plush
>Matterhorn Sundae (back when main street had one for Splash Mountain)

At least the macaroon was pretty okayish.

Anyone ever stay at any of the Disney Hotels? I remember I stayed at the Dolphin in Orlando when I younger. Nothing but good memories desu. The pool was open 24/7 so after the park me, my dad and sister would go there and hang out, the arcade was cool and the breakfast with the cartoon characters where pretty neat.

Also where I found I am legitimately good/lucky at claw grab games. And that people are actually impressed if you manage to get something.

>Win claw game
>Girl my age comes up and says wow that was pretty cool
>Talk for awhile
>Win a pink flamingo plushie for her
>She literally squeals and gives me a long hug
>11 years old so I'm feeling pretty slick
>She eventually has to leave but we hope to meet up in the arcade or by the pool for the rest of the week
>Never see her again

And that was my first vacation crush

>Jurassic Park ride reopens at Universal Hollywood
>now called Jurassic World
>includes 50% less dinosaurs and 50% more screens
should be used to Universal fucking up by now

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>B-but Harry Potter

I'm fully expecting Chapek to announce he's pissing on Spaceship Earth because Figment pissed on and fucked his wife.

Please just fuck off forever goddammit. My favorite ride and its fucking brilliant musical integration is still being strangled by this boring as fuck rehashed SW shit. I've never even been on GG but at least it's something different for fucks sake.

Did I hear permanently convert all Space Mountains worldwide into a Star Wars IP ride even though no one wants it?

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Might as well add 'Rock'n Roller Coaster' while you're at it.

I'm afraid that a lot of people WOULD want it. The park nerds like you and I would obviously be pissed, but do you think the general public would?

I'm unusually tolerant of the changes and IPfagging as of late (I thought Mission Breakout, while inferior to ToT, was at least a decent effort at a retheming), but the permanent botching of Space Goddamn Mountain would set me right the fuck off.

With that in mind, what attraction do you think WOULD get the general public fuming if they slapped a shit overlay on it? What's the biggest piece of classic DL that even the most casual of park visitors considers untouchable?

That honestly sounds like the best job ever.
I used to work at a summer camp supervising 8 and 9 year olds and that was basically my schtick, only it was Yea Forums related factoids and there were no animatronic raptors.

How much you get paid, if you don't mind me asking? Is there opportunity for upward movement? I know one of the dudes who basically runs Halloween Horror Nights used to be Gandalf in the Bill and Ted Show or something like that.

The trick to getting over a fear of coasters is to accept that, even if the safety mechanisms fail, getting murdered by a rollercoaster is a pretty unique, badass way to go out.

I'm not even memeing. I was terrified of anything more intense than Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin well into my teens and now El Toro and Fright Fest/HHN style fright mazes are the only things that make me feel remotely alive.

Also, if you like Spider-Man, deadass pretend to be Spider-Man. It's autistic, I know, but it's as close as you're gonna get. For my one friend it wasn't Spider-Man, it was pretending to ride Falcor at the end of Neverending Story. Coasters are a pretty beautiful thing once you get past the primal fear of hurtling through the air. Most don't go faster than a car on the freeway and it's the only way to experience that kind of flying sensation.

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They've actually been moving away from screens in recent years, probably because of the extremely negative reactions to Kong and Fast and Furious.

Hagrid is LOADED with animatronics and Jurassic World uses screens exactly once, paired with a really novel special effect.

Even without the constant thought in the back of my mind that the animals are tortured essentially it's just not that fun of a park.

Considering Galaxy's Edge seems to only be on par with Harry Potter at best, I'm honestly convinced Nintendo World will be the best thing at either park by a country mile.

Disney is on top of the world right now and doesn't really understand that they have to put effort in. If you look at the history behind the Wizarding World, their pitch for JK Rowling was very much "you need us, lady, so we'll give you like a wizard faire or something with a light gun arcade in it" and it's clear they haven't outgrown that attitude.

Universal, on the other hand, is VERY used to being second best and understands that they need to put in 110% to even get acknowledged, hence why most of their recent output has been so quality.

Meanwhile Disney's pitch for the Spider-Man ride is literallly
>I mean... I guess we could reskin Toy Story Mania? ... again?

I love how the expectation subversion goes as far as BANTHA MILK

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>Expecting literally anything from Hollywood
Uni Orlando is where it's at

>Universal makes Butterbeer that tastes how you always imagined it would
>Disney makes blue milk that makes you go "oh... that's what it tastes like?"

Making it non-dairy milk in the Cali/Florida heat was a smart fucking love but for fucks sake I haven't heard a single description of that shit that hasn't sounded off-putting. They couldn't just make it taste like lavender and matcha or something?

>smart fucking love

Goddamn autocorrect

is that one guy or two guys or a robot?

The weirdest part to me is that they didn't even feel the need to make it SIMILAR to what it should have been. It should have been a creamy and slightly sweet drink. That's it. I don't think anyone actually thought that the milk of a biological animal would taste like anything more than a sweet creamy taste with maybe a twang of some unique flavor that makes it alien. Instead we got some fruity bullshit

is that a guy?
how many guys standing on each others' shoulders is that?
I count at least 14 people here

I know that a lot of people go to SeaWorld mostly for the animals, but if I was in charge, I'd set 'em all free and build all the new space into more rides and attractions. Remake SeaWorld as a kind of "Legends of the Sea" park with different areas based on the myths and legends of the ocean, Atlantis, pirates, etc.

Keeps the activists happy and you get a better park too.

You know the Shamu show used to be Sea World's main draw but it does seem to be pretty shitty for the whales...what if they got rid of the real live whales and just had one animatronic one made that could do the exact same show but multiple times a day without tiring. It wouldn't need to be fed or have certain special water qualities so it would probably be easier to maintain than a real whale. The main expense would be the upfront cost of having the thing designed and manufactured.

Or would the cost to have one made for each part be way too much? It's gotta be cheaper than keeping 5-7 live whales fed and cared for every single day 365 days a year right?

I kinda feel like a robot whale would honestly be more impressive, at least for a while.

I mean, I know I'd pay to go see a lifesize killer whale robot that did an entire show that the "trainers" still interacted with as if it were alive. Could be neat, just change up the show every year, program in new stunts and tricks.

almost every new ride in Universal Orlando is screens.
Gringots is one of the most disappointing things the park has to offer and i dont even give a shit about HP
that said two of their best non coaster rides are sim rides but one is a decades old in Spider Man and the other is Transformers

I honestly didn't expect galaxy's edge to flop so goddamn hard. I'm laughing at Disney's defenses of it though

I really think it's because Disney killed interest in the franchise
SW merchandise isn't really selling at all. TLJ killed a lot of interest in the series as a whole

Fuck off shill

Can't wait to go to jurassic world the ride bros

Anyone got any advice for what to do if I get shitters in my crew for Smuggler's Run? Haven't been yet, and I'm fairly competitive, I want to minimize the chances of me throwing an autistic fit if my team doesn't know what they're doing.

D23 has gotten too big now for me to want to go. I feel like in the last decade the whole "Disney fandom" thing has really skyrocketed tenfold. There was definitely a time where sure, normal people liked Disney products, but to be an obsessive fan of their work was still considered a niche, nerdy thing.

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Someone please screen cap this post.

Fuckin excited
But why is that bird naked

Lavender milk sounds awesome actually.


>El Toro
I love rollercoasters but this is one I just don't like. It always makes me feel like all the shit in my pocket is gonna fly out or I am gonna fly out and not in the "Holy shit this is intense!" way but the "Holy fuck this ride isn't fucking safe" way.

Which is exactly why it's an excellent roller coaster. Remember that you are much more likely to die on the way to the park then in it. If you aren't afraid every time you pull onto the freeway, there's absolutely zero reason to fear for your safety on coasters.

I know. The ride itself is fine. I think its just how small the seats are and how you are locked in that freaks me out. I end up not enjoying the ride as much as I should.

Favorite six flag ride though is Bizzaro/Medusa and Nitro. Batman is a close second just because of the nostalgia factor. Never got to ride the Great American Scream machine before they turned it into Green Lantern but I'm 100% sure it was better then GL. GL is uncomfortable as fuck.

I was at GA right before Scream Machine left and I tried it. It was a lot better than GL with the only problem being a particularly rough jolt before the corkscrews. Thankfully Viper is still kicking ass over here at MM.

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I think I rode Viper exactly once but at my Six Flags, it kinda got the reputation of being a jolty, knocks you around rollercoaster. I don't really remember it being that bad. Not as bad as the groin destroying GL.

Was also surpised how long they kept the Batman and Robin ride up at Great Adventure since it seems like it almost never worked or only one of the tracks would be working and then eventually shut down during the day.

This rides awesome tho

>planned Disneyland trip for next week
>looking forward to riding Space Mountain again, having forgotten about the Star Wars retheme
>read your post
and just like that, my mood dropped like a rock

It's a decent enough overlay that my opinion of is dropping rapidly because it won't go away.

Space Mountain is my favorite ride at Disneyland. There's a very cool "abstract" nature to SM, there's no backstory or direct narrative, the thrill is simply that you're going into outer space. There's a great feeling of tension from the queue to the top of the last lift, the mission control jargon in the queue, the ambient sound effects in the loading dock, the whole sequence of the three lift hills and the power transfer and coordinate lock.

The crown jewel is the excellent music. Listen to the track and note the "main theme" melody that starts at seven seconds in. That bit is incorporated throughout the whole ride, the second lift, entering the dome, the initial "verse" after takeoff, approaching the climax, and landing, all in different variations that match the action. This is a piece composed exclusively for this track layout, and it fits the ride so perfectly that it makes the entire coaster feel "musical" like the track and music are one and the same.

Hyperspace Mountain expects us to get excited about the same tired A New Hope beats we've seen several times already, including in the parks alone. The main theme, Imperial March, and battle theme. "All wings report in", "Punch it!", "It's a trap!", it's like a greatest hits CD, we've seen this all before. The battle music is worked to match the ride well enough, but it's not a piece that was literally made for the ride like the regular theme. The new visuals are interesting enough, but they light up the building and break the visual illusion, most egregiously a crashing TIE Fighter towards the end that illuminates both the track and the wall of the dome itself. The entire cool abstract space fantasy is gone for a ridiculous "plot" involving us tagging along on a dogfight yet not really participating.

If it returned during May only, I wouldn't be as upset. It's been here for too damn long.

What do you think of ghost galaxy or whatever the Halloween overlay is called?

Haven't been on it. Effects seem cool and the idea of a sentient cluster of stars is great, but the music is kinda dull.

Most importantly it hasn't even come close to overstaying its welcome. I was interested in trying it someday, but now I can't this year and may never be able too.

At Universal, you just buy fast passes. At Disney, you should eat in the A/C restaraunt. Disney is really bad at providing cool areas to escape the heat. SeaWorld is very good for A/C.

I love seeing the dolphins talk to kids at SeaWorld.

So the best job in the world? That's so cooool!!

Or this :(

Brazilians have taken over SeaWorld, it's true. It really sucks. I've heard the coasters are amazing. I was too scared last time and annoyed at the heat and crowds. I mostly do the indoor aquarium type stuff.

Disney has a beautiful steamboat.

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The Netflix propaganda hasn't affected numbers, however there are now way too many Brazilians.

baby tiglophin

3rd worlders dont give a fuck about animal rights

The internet hates SeaWorld but in real life Liberals love SeaWorld.

Dolphins have been known to save humans from sharks. I love dolphins.

I love sharks.

>With that in mind, what attraction do you think WOULD get the general public fuming if they slapped a shit overlay on it? What's the biggest piece of classic DL that even the most casual of park visitors considers untouchable?

Haunted Mansion?

It helps to love the characters and the park. Also you might have to wait a few months before they actually hire you.

This :'( at least Disney knows we hate screens

Water and Animatronics rarely mix. Look at Jaws at Universal

They had a gay pride parade that pissed off families. People pretend this isn't why and call me /pol/ for stating the facts.

What are you working on next?

Disney is for families. Universal is geared more for adults.

People really need to learn that not everyone is from California

People really need to learn the parade happened at Disneyland Paris

Druggies and alcoholics. Also that lady who killed her kid.

Nothing better than vacation crushes.

It's crazy because the ride looks really cool until you realize it's just screens.

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John Stosselman did a great video on why they targeted the park. Basically they're "meat is murder" types and are lying.

The animals live better than they would in the wild.

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PETA shills saying replace the animals with robots... There is a reason you're not in charge. People like to see the animals.


Stupidest thing I've read in a while.

I agree. Butter beer is just wonderful.

Agree 100%

The overlay on that is kino tho

It goes on for too long though. Just feels wrong to not have vanilla Haunted Mansion during Halloween.