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Every day I lose another reason for living. You're supposed to be a light in my miserable life, Disney!!
>The Lion King, Disney’s latest attempt to make a new hit from the blueprint of one of its old ones, begins the exact same way as the 1994 animated smash on which it’s based: with a blood-red sun peaking over the horizon of the African Serengeti, a single chanting voice rising with it. What follows is a shot-for-shot recreation of that film’s spectacular opening musical number, “The Circle Of Life,” in which all the beasts in the kingdom take their place at the foot of a jutting rock, ready to pay respect to the young predator that will soon be calling them prey.
>There’s a key difference, however. This time, the antelopes and giraffes and scurrying ants look exactly like actual antelopes and giraffes and scurrying ants. And that proves to be both the major technological achievement of the movie and its great miscalculation, its fundamental folly. The scene’s dramatic apex is supposed to be the interaction between the mighty lion Mufasa (a returning James Earl Jones, because who could replace him?) and the wise mandrill Rafiki (John Kani), who’s come to present the king’s newborn son to the world. But both characters have been so authentically rendered, with the limited range of facial motion their respective species possess, that we’re essentially just watching two animals stare blankly at each other. The emotional connection between them is entirely theoretical, supplied only by context or maybe by memories of what their hand-drawn ancestors more clearly conveyed.
>Technically, this new Lion King is as much a cartoon as the old Lion King; it’s been created entirely on computers, and features nary a single life-form or landscape not made from 1s and 0s. But like Cinderella, Beauty And The Beast, and the recent, embarrassing Aladdin, it’s a lavish Disney remake that detrimentally thrusts material conceived for animation into an effectively live-action world. At least those films anchored their nostalgia trips to real personalities. There’s almost nothing recognizably human in The Lion King, which labors under the bizarre misconception that anyone needed a photorealistic take on the Shakespearean struggle between talking, singing lions. Joyless, artless, and maybe soulless, it transforms one of the most striking titles from the Mouse House vault into a very expensive, star-studded Disney Nature film.
>Is there a point here, beyond squeezing a few million more out of a tale that’s already been Broadway adapted and direct-to-video sequelized and prequelized? The Lion King wants to make us gape, like those genuflecting herbivores, at its state-of-the-art craftsmanship—at how far animation has come in 25 years. Yet there’s something distracting, even uncanny-valley unnerving about hearing, say, John Oliver’s panicked voice projecting out from the clicking beak of a dead-eyed hornbill. The effect isn’t so different from what you’d get from dubbing over the chewing maw of a real animal, Mister Ed-style. And the lack of expressiveness becomes a real liability when it comes to caring about our hero, prince Simba (JD McCrary as a cub, Donald Glover as a grown lion), who sports the same placid, unchanging cat face when he’s confronted by the defining tragedy of his childhood as when he’s pouncing on a beetle.
Just watch the original you cry baby
>One-time Swinger Jon Favreau, now a go-to guy for special-effects showcases (did anyone see that coming, even after Iron Man?), offered a similarly lifelike menagerie in his dry run to the gig, The Jungle Book. Caught in its own uncanny valley between fidelity and deviation, that movie wanted to be a direct remake but also its own thing. The Lion King settles, unimaginatively, for the former. It’s more faithful, even, than those carbon copies of Beauty And The Beast and Aladdin, which bulked up their running times with (unnecessary) subplots and (forgettable) new songs. Here, it’s basically scene for scene the same plot, as young Simba becomes a pawn in the Claudius-like scheme of Mufasa’s resentful runt-of-the-litter brother, Scar (Chiwetel Ejiofor), then flees the pride and reinvents himself as a carefree bachelor to avoid facing his past. Even those who consider the original a towering classic of the Disney Renaissance would probably concede that it’s not for the film’s story, with its skimpy second act and weird, there-goes-the-neighborhood class politics.
>No, The Lion King endures because it’s gorgeously animated, mythically scaled, and packed with memorable songs. Yet however confidently he can oversee a big production, Favreau has almost no knack for spectacle, and over and over again, he botches scenes that soared in ’94. Early showstopper “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” was practically a Busby Berkeley number. But because real animals could never stack on top of each other like that (silly!), the new version finds Simba and love interest Nala (Shahadi Wright Joseph at first, Beyoncé later) trading lines while… running through a stream.
>It’s not the only musical sequence that falls flat; Scar’s jaunty villain anthem “Be Prepared” has been totally gutted, whereas the Oscar-winning “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” now unfolds during the day, for some reason. Excepting the opening scene, Favreau makes no attempt to match the original’s extravagant angles and choreography: While Scar’s hyena cronies once menacingly emerged from the sockets of an elephant skull, here they just kind of wander into frame.
>It’s as if every creative decision were subordinate to the film’s misguided insistence on realism, on keeping the mannerisms and movements of these magically intelligent creatures “believable.” And so, all the pleasures are not just secondhand but diminished: We’re watching a hollow bastardization of a blockbuster, at once completely reliant on the audience’s pre-established affection for its predecessor and strangely determined to jettison much of what made it special. Even the vocal performances, delivered by Favreau’s high-profile celebrity cast, suffer by comparison, perhaps because the actors are forced to downshift to match the more narrow emotional spectrum of their digital avatars. This means, for example, that Ejiofor abandons all the campy relish Jeremy Irons brought to Scar, reducing the heavy to a single note of bitterness, while Jones dims the regal intensity like a stage actor who’s started to grow a little bored playing the same role night after night. Ultimately, only Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen, as slacker sidekicks Timon and Pumbaa, make much of an impression; their funny, possibly ad-libbed banter feels both fresh and true to the spirit of the characters—the perfect remake recipe. Just don’t look too hard at their character designs. They’re realistic, hideously.
Disney shouldn't be remaking 2d films anyway. If they want more money for old animated films just follow the Kingdom Hearts path and release Lion King 2.8 Final Mix and have it be a three hour long 2d remaster of The Lion King 2 taking place immediately after the first and all the way through the end of the second. Then 10 years later release TLK 3
Obviously reviews are subjective but from how it's described this sounds like worst case scenario
Oh goodie are we at the point where Yea Forums digs up the very few negative reviews for another great Based Disney movie?
I know. Trust me, I haven't spent a penny or a wasted second on any of these remakes--even if someone else offered to pay for my ticket. It's just the fact that these movies, sequels, and reboots are what's taking up space instead of that beautiful animation/stories that Disney was known for. It's disheartening that there's nothing to look forward to from a studio that I used to love so deeply, just to go to remember of what "was."
And yet this movie will make 2 billion dollars easy, calling it now.
Nobody seems to be actually excited for it. And it's playing during the screentime of an MCU giant.
At most it will only be $1.5 billion
You're wrong. it will make a lot but Disney is experiencing diminishing returns.
>every time I hear Seth Rogan's voice
>Beyonce's hammy over-singing on Can You Feel the Love
>Ultimately, only Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen, as slacker sidekicks Timon and Pumbaa, make much of an impression
The two white guys carry the film? Say it ain't so!
It’s actually legit racist to call this movie pointless. Have an a mostly POC cast makes sense and it’s righting the wrong of the original that cast whites like JTT and Mathew Broderick in the roles of African Animals that should be played by actual POC from Africa or African American communities. And it’s not against whites either- the roles should specifically go to POC and not other minorities like Asian or Latino/a.
John Oliver phoning it in hard as fuck, Jesus.
You must be young to not have expected this.
The decay after Tarzan and the fact people nitpicked Princess & The Frog apart so badly that Disney dropped everything but CG should leave you with no expectations for quality of anything, so when something worthwhile eventually comes out it is a pleasant surprise rather than every failure be a constant source of disappointment.
We’re in the Eisner years again.
And it'll still make millions...fuck me.
>But both characters have been so authentically rendered, with the limited range of facial motion their respective species possess, that we’re essentially just watching two animals stare blankly at each other.
That version of Be Prepared is just so underwhelming.
Did anyone post that clip from Hakuna Matata? Simba singing looks super weird. I wonder if it's bad enough the public will turn on it.
Wait, critics disliked both Aladdin and Lion King??
What reality is this?
Are critics actually starting to get standards?
>African Animals that should be played by actual POC
No, this review will not be the norm. AV Club is a shit hole but their two lead film critics, this guy and the Russian guy are decent.
Sorry mouseketeer, it is.
I mean neither film makes drastic enough changes to warrant good reviews, but Disney doesn't care about critics because they're making lots of money.
You fucking dipshits
There have only been 2 negative reviews posted for a reason
Kid Simba and Nala singing is spot on
Aladdin won’t crack a billion. Box office is feeling it slowly
>Aladdin 2019
>RT score: 57% critics, 94% audiences
>Global revenue: $925,340,256
Yea Forums is so naive.
Finally people are waking up to Disney’s soulless leftovers
Of course No one will be able to criticize Little Mermaid because of the black lead
So, can they scrap the other live action remakes now?
Disney lived long enough to see itself become the villain.
Eeehh, it's relative I guess. I'm a 90s kid so...
Maaaann, I remember when I saw this movie in theaters--we got it the first day it came out in VHS at Sam's. Good times.
Amusingly enough Princess & The Frog was the last Disney movie I went out to see in theaters. All the others looked too uninteresting to rush to see in the big screen and waited for Netflix or Redbox. Wreck it Ralph was good and I regret not seeing Tangled in theaters (although the trailers for this movie were terrible "lol zany Dreamworks teir").
They're almost out of 90s Disney movies to remake.
All they have is the hunchback of Notre Dame, which is probably too dark to remake, Tarzan, which we don't need another one of, and Pocahontas, which stands no chance of a remake.
So what's next, Brother Bear
>Yea Forums
Nice try
I think he's implying POCs are African Animals as well.
Walt Disney himself is rolling in his grave. Instead of making sure animation wouldn't be just for kids only, but also for adults too, and further with making sure to produce actual good quality stuff, they are simply shitting on Walt. Disney used to be great. Not as bad as it is now. Not this crushing nightmare. At this point I want it all to burn, but they have so much money they use it to as wood for their fireplaces.
They already announced a Hunchback remake. Pocahontas is never happening and neither is Hercules (probably). Tarzan might happen in another decade.
The producers are all white Americans, though.
Something tells me the Burroughs estate isn't in any hurry to work with Disney after John Carter.
>keeping the mannerisms and movements of these magically intelligent creatures “believable.”
Walt would be so pissed. Disney is no longer about wonder and magic.
Come on guys the Aladdin remake made 924 million and it was panned. Even with Lion King being panned it is the remake of the more popular film. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it actually ended up grossing more than Endgame out of sheer nostalgia pandering.
I can almost guarantee this terrible film will be the highest grossing of all of the live action remakes at the very least.
IIRC Tarzan is free public domain so Disney can do whatever they want.
They're white when it benefits them.
I forgot about Herc, there are rumors of that happening.
Then finally, mercifully, this will come to an end.
Though, I put nothing pass them at this point, so they'll probably remake Bambi in this style next, because fuck original ideas. You just know that they want to do Wizard of Oz, but they don't own the rights to the important shit from the Wizard of Oz movie people like, plus they did a bad adaptation of a Oz.
Beauty and the Beast was easily the weakest of the remakes so far (not counting Dumbo) and it made over a billion.
my only worry is if the luau scene is in or not
I don't get why this is getting so much shit. Literally every other Disney reboot should be shit on because of how stupid and pointless they are, but a recreation of Lion King with "real" animals is actually a really cool idea.
Apparently not, since they can't use him in Kingdom Hearts anymore.
I think its one of those "the stories are, the character isn't" deals.
I can see the posts already, "the little black maid"
double racism jokes galore
>Then finally, mercifully, this will come to an end.
Of the 90s films, yeah, because they ran out of them but they already announced Lilo & Stitch. Hercules would need the Mulan remake treatment where they basically make a new movie altogether because it hasn't aged very well.
Let me guess, you thought The Mouse paid critics or something
Seriously if anyone complains about how the animals look like ACTUAL ANIMALS they should be forced to watch that Netflix Mowgli movie
The worst part about Be Prepared is that you could easily see it build into something powerful, but it just stops after a verse.
I remember this quote where one of the disney ceos basically said "we're just interested in making money, and we might just happen to make something artistic if it makes money"
Does anyone know if its real?
They can criticize it but they'll praise the actress to high heaven. Remember Wrinkle in Time? Reviewers knew it was awful and panned it but were still really nice to the director cuz of 'good intentions' or whatever.
>because they ran out of them but they already announced Lilo & Stitch
For fucks sakes.
I don't know what's worse this pathetically obvious falseflag or the fact that there are people on this site dumb enough to fall for it
Aren't they doing a Black Couldron movie? They're going backwards in time, even if the movies aren't as nostalgic to the audiences as the Renaissance ones, they'll still be banking on the Disney brand.
here's your live action Stitch, bro
Critics pan Tyler Perry movies all the time, being black doesn't guarantee a good review
lol dont shill your articles here, especially with lame title jokes
I heard something like that in a Lindsay Ellis video. Can't remember which one since she's done quite a few on Disney.
>Aren't they doing a Black Couldron movie?
They're doing a Sword and the Stone thing for Disney+
Shut up, its necessary. Whatever it takes to make this thing flop.
They're doing the book series the Black Cauldron was based off of, not remaking their version from the 80s.
I notice Be Prepared literally straight-up rewrote/omitted some of the dumber or weirder lines, which is kind of weird for a remake that apparently is mostly scene-for-scene
Obviously the performance in the original is better though, and this doesn't even really come off like a song. Just thought that was kinda interesting
Shut the fuck up Boco
Literally nothing will make it flop ESPECIALLY not a tiny handful of negative reviews
I just want this to stop. I'm just so tired. I feel like I'm in the 12th round a boxing match, and I already have CTE, and Disney (quite frankly Hollywood as a whole), just want stop beating me up
Be Prepared was originally cut and then people got mad so they just added this weird heavily truncated sing-talk version of it. Favreau did the same thing with like half of the Jungle Book songs.
This is literally the bottom scrap of SOULLESSNESS
It seems the only way to stop these remakes is to:
A) Bully people into agreeing with you
B) Accuse Disney of false shady actions
And nobody wants to do that. I'll have to tread through people I follow always posting about why these remakes are awful and why Disney is dead and blah blah blah.
I'll be emotionally drained being surrounded by all this negative energy that I'd feel like I have to agree with everyone I follow. Why? I don't know, out of petty?
With that being said... This movie looks alright
Does this movie have a great tie in game? No? Then it can fuck off
It's the British way
I hurts...
Also, I saw the toys for this the other day. I swear, some of them look IDENTICAL to the ones I had back in the 90s. I wonder.
>The producers are all white Americans, though.
How do you live in the world with your head buried so far in the sand?
They're not remaking The Black Cauldron, they're doing a full Chronicles of Prydain series.
At least The Jungle Book gave us the beautifully bizarre Christopher Walken as King Louie scene.
Don't you have anything else to do? You weren't going to see it anyway since it's not 2D.
So I looked up that Ejiofor guy who voices scar
>In 2008, he was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II for services to the arts. He was elevated to Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the 2015 Birthday Honours.
Like I care about some outdated screencap
I was actually gonna move on, but you since you wanted it.
Here's an updated screencap
That was great and he nailed the role.
Ejiofor is a fantastic actor, but you have to look at his indie and small budget work instead of his Hollywood stuff.
Well seeing how they shat all over Godzilla 2 the answer is no
I don't think it's about expectations as much as it is about hopes at this point. Nobody expects Disney to have any soul at this point, but they hope to be proven wrong.
I thought the Princess & The Frog was good desu
It's a Disney movie that released. Pretty sure you're too late to make it flop.
Still outdated there are at least 61 reviews now
I have mixed feelings about the songs but the instrumental pieces are p good.
Its actually not out for another week. But it still won't flop even if it really, really, REALLY deserves to...
What sort of toys were they? Plush toys or figurines?
Disney paid them to shit on it
And this is gonna do what exactly? You're preaching to the choir here user. The movie is still going to make a lot of money.
didn't a wrinkle in time get panned?
Figurines. More like statues, really. No posing. And a Pride Lands playset that struck me as so familiar...
The problem is that the critical embargo lifted a week before the film's release.
These reviews probably wouldn't have made much of an impact if they came out the day or two days before the film's release, but "The Lion King" is going to be considered Rotten for a solid week now. This could hurt box office numbers easily; the question now, I suppose, is whether Disney is banking on consumer nostalgia and brand-name celebrity appeal to get people into theater seats.
The PG rating also helps, I suppose, since it makes for a movie that families can enjoy together as a family.
I'm not that user, I could've told you three months ago it was going to get bad reviews, but that doesn't mean it's going to bomb.
>Critics don't like a movie that literally tells the same exact story but it's just shinier looking and it only exists to make money off of nostalgia, surely this is the end of the remakes!
It's released, it's just not being shown to the general public yet.
I don't like the voices for Timon and Pumbaa.
how on earth did you not know who chiwetel is
he was the darling star for like four years
Where's this review from?
>*crack* *sip* Now the 94 Lion King, THAT had soul!
I'm bad with names
Objectively, it did
I have a feeling this entire movie was made to give Beyonce an Oscar.
it really did
101 Dalmatians is the only good live action Disney remake.
It's literally like Disney looked at the soul/soulless meme and thought "how can we do the ultimate version of this?".
Unironically, yes.
Spirit really isn't anything special but it might take it if Frozen 2 doesn't deliver. I have nothing against her but I think she really wasn't a good pick for this movie, or at the very least they should've had someone else sing Simba's lines in CYFTLT because she and Donald have two really different ways of singing. Also her one spoken line we've heard so far didn't sound good. She apparently REALLY wanted to be Tiana so I think she's been wanting to be in a Disney movie for awhile and she saw this as her only chance.
How do all the animals float slightly above the ground?
Shut up, nigger
>Ultimately, only Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen,
I read various reviews indicating this.
I'm going to be a little shit and say I don't really see either one as soulless. They're just different.
They took a seen where the characters were rich in expression, actions, and emotions with deep, beauttiful colors, and turned it into a washed out, grey, boring, static, emotionless CGI homunculus of board room decisions and money lust.
Tarzan, Pocahontas, Hercules, Hunchback, and Princess and the frog all lost money.
But one has a large number of expressive artistic decisions infused into every shot, while the other one has just stripped all of those out and not really replaced them.
Honestly if there's nothing genuinely better this year then yeah, just give it to her. I will laugh if the Elton John song wins instead though.
>“Can You Feel The Love Tonight” now unfolds during the day,
How can you fuck up THIS bad? This HAD to be on purpose, right? Favreau WANTED to sabotage the film so Disney would stop with these soulless rehashes, right? Otherwise I can't fathom why nobody on the set of a multi-million movie would find anything to say about making the scene of the song that has TONIGHT in the title in DAYTIME
They'll probably give Rocketman a bunch of pity awards because of Dexter Fletcher's involvement with Bohemian.
>We’re in the Eisner years again.
He was also during the 90’s renaissance, the difference was that Frank Wells and Kassenberg kept his dumb decisions under control. When Wells died and Kassenberg left to create Dreamworks with some of the Disney writers and animators, everything went to shit. Didn’t help that he later pissed Pixar by claiming Steve Jobs was encouraging piracy through iTunes.
Were there original songs in Rocketman?
>inb4 Disney tries to trademark real life Lions
There was one song written for the film as a duet between Elton and Taron, "(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again"
For fuck's sake lion weigh 450 fucking pounds. Why is he floating all over the place like a fucking balloon?
>Even Dinosaur has more expressive CGI
how do you fuck up that badly
>Steve Jobs was encouraging piracy through iTunes
That sounds like such a boomer thing to say.
It's only a problem because they decided to make simba look like a real life lion
The lack of human expressions is intentional.
it intentionally sucks you mean
Reminder that Disney wants this to compete for Best Picture (rather than Best Animated Film) at the Oscars.
They are so ashamed this is a cartoon it hurts
Only BB and Alice have made 1 billion WW and done good numbers domestic. Jungle Book almost reached but felt short.
After Black Panther and fucking Green Book, that doesn't really surprise me
Oh, fuck them.
I remember some live action movie about "the fun times in Africa" or something from Disney. I recall some lost baby animals dying of starvation.
animators, what do you think of this?
>a lot of animators today are so micro-managed in their work to fit an ideal looking kind of overly-sterilized animation that it looks fake and shitty
It's a problem because it's shit. When animators actually worked at Disney they instead that weight is everything in bringing images to life. Look at this perfectly executed scene from Jungle Book:
You're right this is SO much better
Aladdin was fun, the critics were fags for that one
There's a TV ad in the UK that shows Pumbaa saying something like "we need something plump and juicy.... why is everyone looking at me?" But I didn't see a grass skirt when they run off screaming.
>Very few
It isn't, if this review is anything to go off of. They're scrapping any kind of silliness the movie could potentially have for the sake of "realism".
I think Favreau is turning into the next Cameron in that he's mostly making films as an excuse to test new technologies.
>the Oscar-winning “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” now unfolds during the day, for some reason.
well done disney
fucking lol
surely that'll backfire on them? even ignoring that oscar voters hate the fuck out of animation, what on earth does this film have to make it stick out over the other hypothetical best picture nominees?
It's amazing how many reasons there are to hate this:
>needless remake of a classic
>the death of animation
>casting of Childish YOU WILL LIKE HIM Gambino
>casting of Seth Rogan
>casting of Beyonce
>neutering of Scar
>neutering of elaborately staged musical sequences
>butchering of all classic songs
We could go all day
Good...keep dropping...
Why the fuck are we obsessed with critics? Do you really think people are going to care? Do you think Disney cares?
>Can You Feel The Love Tonight
>performed in daylight
This is pretty good.
Now this is how you write a movie review; actually explaining why it's good/bad.
I guess this critic is blacklisted at Disney?
They wouldn't pay critics if nobody cared.
Don't forget
>remaking an animated film with ANOTHER animated film you pretend is live action because... reasons
2 negatives? Majority reviews have been D's and 3/5's.
Then why are they releasing it this early?
Now they're paying critics to trash the movie?
Why do you care if some people care?
>even Chris Stuckmann is throwing shade at this flick
Please let this be the year Disney's bubble bursts.
i dont really understand the chinese film market, but just from what i've seen in the past, maybe they eat up this kind of shit a lot more than 2d animation?
Why are you mad ladderbro?
These reviews are fucking amazing.
>Zazu worries that the circle of life has become “a meaningless line of indifference,” but “The Lion King” more closely resembles a perfect ouroboros. It’s the work of a studio that’s gobbled up the rest of the film industry and is still hungry for more. “The Lion King” feels less like a remake than a snuff film, and a boring one at that.
Never gonna happen
Why'd they reuse the Swahili chanting from the original? It's the exact same recording
That's because it's an actual African signer who was part of the Broadway show. Not a popstar or meme rapper.
Oh sorry, they don't pay them, they just call them racist and sexists if they didn't like it.
Good question normally these retards won't shut up about how "critics don't matter only the audience score does" and then ignore the actual audiences that push these movies over a billion
How the fuck were you idiots dumb enough to fall for this bait?
>"Lol but the Jungle Book remake wasn't THAT bad it was actually good imo"
Where is our man Armond White's review?
That's not the Jungle Book remake you fucking retard
That's WB's straight-to-Netflix piece of shit
These are the retards you get lumped in with if you want bad lazy movies to fail and Disney to be good again
ladderbro, you're have a fit, calm down.
>those comments
Example #1000 of why we can't ever have nice things.
>a WB straight-to-Netflix piece of shit looks much better than an expensive Disney piece of shit
What the fuck is a ladderbro?
at least they are expression emotions, the CGI is horrible, but they are atleast expressive.
CGI is cursed, simply. This is why 2D will prevail even when no one does it anymore.
>the movie disney never expected praise for got big
>the same movie disney manufactured for praise is getting criticisised
circle of life?
No one knows. Some user just goes around calling anyone who says anything positive about Disney or negative about anything that isn't Disney
Critics really don't like these remakes, and they have a moral objection to how Disney is buying everything up. So all the critics who aren't in Disney's pocket are going to trash it.
>pretending to be a newfag
>it's a 2d shilling thread
What do you want me to shill then? The inevitable obsolescence of CGI?
No. I want Disney to die.
What did they have to do to stop beyonce from singing this?
I don't want them to die, I want them to actually try
>whereas the Oscar-winning “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” now unfolds during the day,
This can't be real
bootlicker supreme has spoken!
I don't like Disney nor do I fucking like them currently holding 40% of the box office.
Her own ego would demand she write her own song which is what she got.
Just stop
Is Beyonce even a songwriter? I thought she was strictly a singer.
Not going to read the rest of the thread. Is Be Prepared in the movie or not?
Grace Randolph says no. They leads you to think it's gonna happen, and then it doesn't happen.
you could try judging the film on its own lack of merits...maybe...even...perhaps...
>Look at my meme word, Mommy! They posted my meme word in an article!
Read the thread. There's a neutered sing-talk version of it like the Jungle Book songs
be prepared sucks anyway
he's not even singing, he's just talking
user, I'm sure that the term "soulless" existed even before Yea Forums was created.
>actual photo of Beyonce recording her part
All words are memes, under both the academic and colloquial versions.
This is shit. This doesn't justify the hyenas marching.
haha gross
When even boco thinks this is bullshit, you know this is bullshit
One of the lesser-known rules of the intarbutts is to never read the comments section. It's akin to attempting to discern the artistry of orangutan flop, and usually about worth as much attention.
beyonce fucking CHILL
>“Can You Feel The Love Tonight” now unfolds during the day, for some reason
Fucking what?
Holy shit, this is embarrassing Beyonce
>the Oscar-winning “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” now unfolds during the day, for some reason
I would guess, and I'm just throwing this out, that since the expressions are almost non existent and it's hard to see them move their mouths, they shot in the day time to make it easier to see.
That, or they were just so proud of the CGI that they didn't want to hide it with shadow.
>"African animals should be voiced by black people because I'm so not racist, I end up inadvertently making racist statements."
literally this post
>Those comments
Are these people shills or genuine retards?