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If you are a Mutant in 616 what should you do?
Asher Johnson
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Ryan Murphy
Such a hamfisted message
Jonathan Hill
Avoid any group with an X in their name. Try to get involved with one of the Z-list teams that have been forgotten since The Initiative.
Dylan Nguyen
Suicide. You'd be doing the world a favor, mutie scum.
Daniel Evans
This. Most B and C-list characters (especially teens) are essentially disposable child soldiers that Charles recruits into his holy war under the guise of "protecting" them or teaching them to "harness their powers". The Xavier Institute has a higher fatality rate than graduation rate.
Nathaniel King
Find a way to cross universe's and get into the DCU. There you can just be a regular meta human and no one gives a shit if your a mutant
Benjamin Richardson
so... typical American high school?
Aiden Gutierrez
If I had cool powers, I would become a superhero, not associated with X-men whatsoever. If I had shit powers or powers that can only kill people around me and a deformity, probably suicide
Thomas Nguyen
Immediately come out as some kind of LGBT, start marketing myself as a queer mutant, astroturf a fanbase. Let's see them try to Rosenberg me.
James Nelson
This is honestly the best answer
Jaxon Phillips
Go get one of the BILLION fucking cures that exist.
Also this
Luke Wright
>powers that can only kill people around me
You could probably use the powers to be a mercenary, but that's only if you can control it, and have a mentality conducive to that kind of work.
Xavier James
Totally pleb question coming thru!
Are there any mutants who live normal lives and don't join any of the mutant groups
Lincoln Butler
What about making a new mutant civil rights group? That works with non-mutants more?
Noah Cook
Yes, but they usually get killed anyway.
Cameron Morris
Charles hasn't been running the school in years.
Jose Richardson
Become a costumed villain and never mention that I'm a mutant. Eventually everyone forgets that I'm actually a mutant.
Luke Sanchez
I'm glad that the artist made the bigots diversified.
Jason Long
Best answer.
Andrew Smith
Lie about how I got my powers, say I was involved in a laboratory accident, seek immunity with SHIELD, use my powers for good, come out as mutant after saving the world and hopefully lead to a change in mutant perception.
Carter Reyes
Probably go kill /pol/ posters
Asher Cruz
I think a small number of Spider-man super-villain are mutants but he don't make a issue about it.
Jonathan Morales
get off the planet as soon as possible because all mutant related futures are bad ends
Jose Green
I guess maybe Namor if you count being an Atlantean king a "normal life".
Kayden Gonzalez
based and bluepilled
Kevin Lewis
I would kill all of Yea Forumsmblr
Nicholas Murphy
Nah, fuck it, either elemental powers, flight, or regeneration, otherwise I suggest suicide
Brayden Gray
Nicholas Walker
>have a mutant king
>continuous cycle of war/kingdom destruction
Dylan Williams
Do mutants just automatically make everyone near them a bloodthirsty psychopath?
Robert Gutierrez
A bit illegal, but THIS.
Dominic Martinez
what kind of powers do I get?
Joseph Ward
Yes, in the most unsubtle and hamfisted way.
Daniel Sullivan
I think that was actually the plot of a real X-story, except it was some kind of mind control thing that was turning people into bloodthirsty mutant-hating psychopaths.
Caleb Edwards
It was some bullshit about how Mutant hate is caused by a super intelligent bacteria because it can't infect them, it was retarded.
Parker James
based tranny
Aiden Wright
To be fair, they were under the influence of micro sentinels
Connor Cook
Basically 3 options.
>be a superhero and don't associate with mutants
>convince the government that I am an asset and not a problem
>let myself become viral by livestreaming my whole life
All of those points to one thing. Not letting people inherently think of me as a threat.
Isaiah Nguyen
Why restore the Germany Empire of course!
Luke Davis
David Stewart
>Try and cross universes
>Access gets on your shit for trying to come to DC and sends you back to your universe
Good job!
Christopher Young
>Interrupting Hello
>Sentingl in his head
What's happening
Alexander Wilson
Thomas Mitchell
I live in the Netherlands, it's liberal as fuck here, I'd probably be fine.
Jaxson Watson
If it's a passive mutation that can be hidden easily then most likely yeah. But usually the ones who have passive mutations and therefore are never persecuted are the ones who create the most problems and get most mutants killed ( read the X-Men who for the most part can pass as normal people) while the mutants who want to live a normal life without causing problems and not giving a single fuck about mutant right and all that bullshit are usually the ones with the worse mutations and the ones who always get persecuted.
Jack Long
Immediately murder the Inhuman Royal Family since they tried to gas my race.
Owen Thompson
Easton Sanders
Isaac Robinson
If I'm good enough, I join the Avengers. If not, I join Damage Control or Shield. My life is fine. Some people will be shitty to me, but my life will be fine.
Blake Phillips
Before House of M, yeah, plenty. After, not so much. They must exist, as do (sigh) nuhumans, since there's "many of them" but we only see a few.
Jordan Baker
I would consider it but instead I would just use my mutant telepath powers to just constantly use cerebro to beam really gay thoughts about dark skinnded men into their heads every day.
Daniel Gray
Depends on my power
So am a new Apocalypse without the tech given powers?
Blake Cooper
count me in.
Nathan Wood
kinda reminds me of Devilman: Crybaby
David Myers
You know, "Charles's Holy War" is actually what people want from minorities, however unrealistic that may be.
When people like O'Reilly or Hannity go on and say "Why aren't the Muslims doing anything about terrorism" or "Why doesn't the black/Latino/gay/whatever community do something about this!?!!" They are literally asking for what the X-Men do.
The X-Men put on stupid outfits and fight their own kind to show flatscans that Magneto is just a vocal extremist within a largely benign community. And then just like a real minority, they say their own dumb shit that makes people nervous. "Everyone is queer/reparations now/immigration reform/mutants are the next step in human evolution"
Asher Campbell
hell yeah voodoo cyborg
Hudson Hill
So upon gaining mutant powers, you immediately forsake any ties to the nation, race, or community you were born into, swear allegiance to the mutant race, and set out to re-open old feuds by killing their old enemies?
At least be self aware enough to understand this is why everyone hates you mutants.
Wyatt Hernandez
>I would consider it but instead I would just use my mutant telepath powers to just constantly use cerebro to beam really gay thoughts about dark skinnded men into their heads every day.
>really gay thoughts about dark skinnded men
>really gay thoughts about dark skinn ded men
It's bad that you would be thinking about this all the time, even without broadcasting it into everyone else's minds.
Grayson Morgan
Are there any pro-mutant SJWs in the MU? You'd think that the X-Men would try to find any human ally they could find, frame anti-mutant bigotry as something alt-right and racist and being pro-mutant as "woke" and progressive.
But you only ever see vocal anti-mutant civilians. Civilians that don't mind mutants are a minority and never seem to be very politically active.
Jordan Perry
Why the fuck do people hate mutants so much when their heroes also have superpowers?
Joseph Clark
be a superhero. and pretend to be a normal human with powers given by a magic tarantula or something. it's not like anyone could call me out on it.
Robert Adams
Marvel civvies have a reputation for the retarded because they really only have to modes: nameless thankful person to validate the hero or comically abhorrent 1-dimensional strawman to tear down.
Plus X-Men have always been trash and hamfisted with their allegory. They can't have a focus on SJW pro-mutant humans when the entire point of most of the runs is literally "Please validate our persecution complex".
In this way it really mirrors the real world since racism has never been lower and regular people literally do not give a fuck, yet you see crazy people both white and black constantly try and steer everything into race and seem completely disconnected from reality just to boost their ego at how good and forward they think they are and to keep blaming a society that does nothing but prop them up for their hangups and to keep their perceived victimhood respectively.
Chase Richardson
The Sentinels will find you eventually.
Hudson Howard
Luis Young
They probably exist, but is like a DC character getting a superpower and just deciding to live a normal life never using it.
Zachary Ramirez
One of the worst plot ideas ever.
Jaxon Martinez
Probably never use it, outside of doing it once or twice on a small scale in my garden when it floods.
Oliver Davis
>Go get one of the BILLION fucking cures that exist.
You’d just end up getting lectured by the x-men when they destroy the lab just a second before the cure is administered.
Blake Morris
>So upon gaining mutant powers, you immediately forsake any ties to the nation, race, or community you were born into, swear allegiance to the mutant race,
Wasn't that what the Inhumans where expecting out of the people that got powers due to the mist?
Nicholas Morgan
NO. Look at Kamala.
Brandon Murphy
You know damn well, that you wouldn’t even make it a block before a sentinel fried your ass.
Gabriel Hall
Y'know maybe Erik had a point.
Daniel Reed
I would be fine, I’m just the Jersey Devil totally not a mutant guys haha
Lincoln Hughes
How DARE rogue not want to kill everything she touches?!
Jaxon Campbell
Okay, so...what's going on here?
Jeremiah Edwards
>Avoid any group with an X in their name.
Not happening. The X-Men WILL find you and they WILL recruit you. If you try to refuse, they call you a race traitor and/or lobotomize you into obedience.
Luis Ross
She was in the comic for a little while and I think she even got a suit but pretty quickly they had her realize the fighting/adventuring side of the X-Men wasn't for her. I kind of remember her popping up occasionally but it's always primarily as a doctor. And I think her power is kind of low key and defensive as well.
>Cecilia Reyes.
Logan Reed
Goldballs tried that. His adoring public completely slaughtered him the moment he came out.
Gabriel Nelson
They tried to recruit Kamala she just turned them down.
Chase Gonzalez
The X-Men didn't give a shit about the Scarlet Witch being on the Avengers until Decimation happened.
Not to mention other characters like Justice or Ricochet.
Justin Myers
i would discredit all scientist as being bigoted and prove mutants are humans with just 1 extra gene, sue the government for all the mutant experiments and outright destroy the x men school then rebuild it as something that can actually be considered a school
Oliver Miller
And she would rather kill herself than have her power taken from her, no matter how inconvenient it can get for her.
Elijah Barnes
Did she die?
Jack Green
Leave earth for literally any other planet.
There are human looking aliens. Go hang out on their planet.
Jordan Rodriguez
The Inhumans were offering any 'Nuhumans' empowered by the Terrigen cloud the opportunity to abandon their old life and move to Attilan, but weren't forcing anybody to do that.
Ryan Baker
>something that can actually be considered a school
Piling up mutants in one place has always seemed like and actually has been a bad idea. It's why Genosha failed fundamentally. Someone who doesn't give a fuck about the science or some "malfunctioning" sentinel from the past present or future is just going to come along and fucking air strike it.
What I've always thought should be done even though it may seem evil as fuck is that a group of mutants should "liberate" some oppressed country. North Korea or Palestine, even better some crazy as shit conflict ridden shithole African country. Drive out all the warlords, use their powers to help building a functioning upwardly mobile sustainable society and use the humans to whom they are now heroes as human shields. Maybe have a telepath use local leaders as puppets to encourage friendly human mutant relations. Then gradually, like over maybe ten years, just become a mutant lead nation that has a healthy human population in it.
Landon Kelly
>Not using your powers on a large scale
>Not building The Wall out of solid blood
>Not saving Mexico so much money
user, embrace your destiny
Dylan Jones
Kamala turned down the offer to live with them, but she still sides with them whenever they call her up.
Tyler Rivera
I am now tempted to figure out if that's actually true. Might be easy, might be hard. If I do it, I'll post my findings here.
Evan Nguyen
why not include mutants and humans in one school. eventually, the purifiers or some crazy anti mutant group will attack and kill normal humans thus making them seem worse and casting the blame onto anti mutant groups.
The x men are the worse heroes ever. they had people who can cure cancer,hiv and other stuff and never used that to gain good publicity
Levi Reyes
would Magneto sueing the USA government for all the shit they did to mutants hold up in court?
He is a ww2 death camp boy who came to the USA and saw the government do the same thing only for him to fight it. He could claim PTSD or some shit
Henry Peterson
He's done too many actual crimes; He could go to court to sue them, but he'd then also be arrested at court.
He might win the suit, but would also have multiple life sentences and death penalties levied against him simultaneously, making any monetary damages he wins pyhricc.
Oliver Reed
I feel like shit is going to go down even if i try to do good.
Thomas Wilson
They may also make you gay if they're in the mood.
Jaxson Bailey
But user, what if i was gay all along.
Dylan Cruz
Jean took her to Atlantis, not sure why the X-men didn't stay there.
Austin Carter
You'd never know the difference.
Angel Watson
You'd never know for sure. You can't trust telepaths.
Nathan Wood
Whoever wants to disturb my peaceful mutant life would be wrecked really hard. I would however use lethal force as a last resort.
Logan Myers
>why not include mutants and humans in one school
Because mutants ARE ACTUALLY FUCKING DANGEROUS. Let's be real, you're talking about teenagers that could involuntarily incinerate you or tear you apart because they had a mood swing. Mutant teens should absolutely be segregated from normal people. I'm sorry I didn't specify that.
>they had people who can cure cancer,hiv and other stuff and never used that to gain good publicity
What the fuck is it like dying of cancer knowing damn well there exist super geniuses and powered people that will give a moment of thought to any crisis that isn't an alien invasion or to cure a plague they were somehow involved with bringing to earth in the first place?
Isaac Lee
Blow up the world. As other said, people in Marvel Universe are fundamentally retarded. The only solution is death.
Ethan Richardson
power dampeners are a thing and if 100% of every race outside of humanity did it so can the backwater race called humANITY
Chase Allen
What sort of person wishes death on their own species?
Asher Sanchez
Im gonna be fine
Xavier Rogers
Spidey doesn't discriminate.
That's why he's one of the good ones
Sebastian Mitchell
Okay, god mode unlocked. I'd bite a chunk out of as many low level mutants and metas as i can find, try and bite wolverine, then just collect from omega mutants. Nothing can touch me then
Luis Ward
You will go with an X-team and Jean will make you.
Eli Sanchez
>try and bite wolverine
And that's where you die user.
Christopher Richardson
Look for a way to go to space and maybe get it on with some blue space babe with daddy issues. Shouldn't bee too hard. Kree are everywhere.
Caleb Robinson
Pretend I got powers from some freak accident.
Jeremiah Brooks
>Mutants (metaphorical gun owner) being shot by literal guns
What did they mean by this?
Owen Morris
Luis Rodriguez
Thats what the low level mutants are for. Try and get some regen, some speedster, maybe some heightened reactions (all pretty standard) then just go for it
Thomas Morales
You don’t need cerebro for that.
Jeremiah Flores
Man, the /qst/ with tht power was fucking great
Dylan Morales
Have sex with other mutants
Adam Cook
I wonder if you offered enough money or beer or something he would let you just take a bite.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Im inviting all of you to live in my personal Multiverse that im gonna create.
You can have your own Universe if you want one.
Carson Garcia
Such mutants will occasionally pop up when they need another scene like OP of a mutant being outed and then hamfistedly attacked, but other than that they don't get much attention because no one wants to read a comic titled "Seth, the admin assistant who plays WOW and can control asphalt but chooses not to".
Flatscan superheros are generally mutant-friendly because you can't have a bigoted hero (pic related). I also remember a one-off Wolverine-and-Kitty story from some years back about them trying to find an injured mutant girl in a small town, getting attacked by the locals yelling weird paranoid shit, and them assuming they're anti-mutant haters until Kitty found some photos of the lost mutant as prom queen. It turned out the mutant had gotten lost and injured walking through the forest and was transmitting her fear to the townsfolk via her empath powers.
Logan Reyes
>Gets to fuck 11/10s like Emma and Sue Storm
The farthest from a normal life you can get.
Justin Gonzalez
The Fantastic 4 and Avengers have paid PR teams, bruh.
Spider-Man gets just as much shit as mutants do because he's poor and can't afford to fight the press.
Josiah Lee
Jose Rogers
Asher Moore
Brayden Perry
Oh, I can easily use this in secret, my entire life. Maybe use it to make money somehow. Gambling, maybe. Live a pretty quiet life as long as I avoid X-Men.
Adrian Long
>biting people
>not just breaking into their houses to eat their hair or nail clippings
C'mon, user. Get serious.