Spiderman 3 script leaks (in development)

*Talos will help Peter by shapeshifting into Spider man so the public will not think Spider Man = Peter Parker

*Tom Cruise is in final negotiations to play Norman Osborn.

*The film will feature MJ’s parents, played by Joe Pantoliano and Nicole Scherzinger

*Happy and May get married in the third act.

*JK Simmons has a bigger role as JJJ and Betty becomes his assistant

*Ned becomes the Hobgoblin, the secondary villain of the film.

*The script was written during production of FFH

*Set to be released in July 2021

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Fake and gay

Why do people peddle obviously fake shit? Like, even if people fall for it, what's the get?

Nothing except the first point is even plausible to be true.

>Betty becomes his assistant
She’s a high schooler now.
He’s Alex Jones.
This doesn’t even make sense

>what's the get

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>Ned becomes Hobgoblin
Sounded plausible until that part

>script leaks for a movie a week after the previous movies release

No one falls for this shit

>They include his parents but don't even show the origin of his powers


The first bit is actually plausible

>*Tom Cruise is in final negotiations to play Norman Osborn.

Yeah fucking right

fat hobgoblin with a mobility glider.

You know, this would have been the perfect opportunity to age Betty Brandt up to have her be the correct age to be in the bugle, and giving her role from the movie to Cindy Moon or someone else.

My uncle knows Feige. These rumor are close to what he has heard.

my uncle knows your uncle and says he is a liar.

Okay this is bullshit, because there no way that guy get fits in time to be Hobgoblin, if you told me his father or big brother was the Goblin I would believe it

I would prefer Spider-Man: Home in the Future and make it about the Future Foundation or the Fantastic Four

>Ned becomes the Hobgoblin
I see that Indian that plays Flash Thompson with the Symbionte before that happens

no more osborn for the love of god im tired of this scene no one but some fucking old ass men love

>Tom Cruise is in final negotiations to play Norman Osborn.
Stopped reading right there

My uncle Ben has never heard of Kevin Feige

this could be a really neat twist. say with the public knowing Peter is Spider-Man Ned starts getting harassed constantly because people know he knows Peter. His life spirals downhill and he becomes disillusioned and finally just snaps blaming Peter for everything. But with the body type of the actor who plays him I just dont see it happening

>Spider-Man 3 ends up a Norman Osborn movie with Spider-Man only getting 10 minutes of screen time

my uncle knows your uncle. he hasnt heard from him in a while and hopes hes doing ok and wants to catch up

the hobgoblin is a mech based on the look of green goblin (so that people think its the goblin or whatever) that ned controls. he's the guy in the chair after all

They're very sad and lonely people whose only joy in life is the small endorphin rush they get from seeing their screens fill up with (you)s.

>Ned gets fit for the hobgoblin part
you can still tell it's him, dude's just too big.

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Exactly, fat hobgoblin is going to be shit

If you were never NEET you will never get it

The real question is will Flash turn against Spidey now or will he still support him?

Will the title be "Can't Go Home"? I expect there to be some sort of reference to One More Day.

>*The film will feature MJ’s parents, played by Joe Pantoliano and Nicole Scherzinger
I honestly thought her dad was Michael Keaton. I didn't realize they weren't the same girl until now.

>walking back the outing of the secret identity
Why do so many people think that they'll go with the obvious cop out solution? Especially when the MCU has never been big on secret identities to begin with? He'll just be a public hero, another way to differentiate this incarnation with the other movie incarnations of Spider-Man.

The comics walked back on it a whole bunch of times, starting with Ditko’s run.

>Ned's fat ass in tights on a glider
I dont believe it but damn that would be funny

My uncle IS Feige, he say's its bullshit

You know what? Tom Cruise would be good casting for Doctor Doom. He was super menacing in Collateral and has the required charming but unhinged huge ego to play Victor.

Tom Cruise Norman would be neat, I think the director said he's not doing villains that have been done before though.

So.......Beetle, Speed demon, Overdrive, and your boi, Boomerang.

Spiderman 3 will reveal that uncle ben is actually norman osborne

I actually kind of want to see this in a parody kind of way

>Ned becomes the Hobgoblin

I wish.

>no Mac

Think ned would be more or less pathetic than Harry in the Raimi movies?

I mean he basically took himself out in the first 30 minutes of the movie so badly he almost gave himself brain damage, and the "CLANG" as he just fell down like a pinball was downright fucking hilarious

>Tom Cruise is in final negotiations to play Norman Osborn.

But he’s not though. Really. REALLY.
Like dude. Come on.

Because unlike Iron Man, Spider-Man can't function as a public superhero because he's dirt poor and widely despised by the general public

Think aunt may will get killed?

Bullshit, here's the real one:

Peter Parker, having had his secret identity exposed, makes a heroic sacrifice against those who threaten himself and his friends and family, by traveling to the past to become Iron Man

One could hope.

Real talk here.
Spiderman will die at the conclusion of the sinister six arc so they can bring in Miles morales so fast viewers will get whiplash, because a black spiderman will get them mad media brownie points.

>Talos becomes spiderman to help convince the public he isnt spiderman
>tfw we will never ever get Daredevil posing as Spiderman to help Peter or vice versa
It's not fair

>Ned becomes the Hobgoblin, the secondary villain of the film.

I'd prefer Liz Toomes becoming a goblin (MENACE), after finding out Peter is Spider-Man, using tech Vulture & Tinkerer had hidden away.

>Tom Cruise as Norman Osborn
Not bad, but mcconaughey would be better

Nicholas cage as Green goblin.

Homesick maybe

Hobgoblin? More like Blobgoblin amirite. Don't make the guy get fit, instead poorly cgi his head on top of bodybuilder body

>Home evicted

>Journey home
>you can't go home
> a new home

Homeward Bound


hope not. Marisa Tomei is sexy and one of the highlights of the new movies.

except Peter drives merchandise. Disney owns the merch rights to Spiderman and they make a billion off of it.

There's a reason they keep giving Spiderman cartoons even though he's not fully owned by them.

You know into the spiderverse? Massive success? Basically about miles. Miles sells merch.

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