Can you guys recommend me some good superhero comic books/arcs?

Can you guys recommend me some good superhero comic books/arcs?
I haven't read comic books in a very long time and was thinking about reading a few. What are your favorites? Which ones should I avoid at all costs?

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>Which ones should I avoid at all costs?
Kelly sue Deconnicks run on captain marvel. Also dark knight strikes again.

Read DC Universe: Rebirth and then read rebirth action comics

Okay, current popular ones are Immortal Hulk and Morrison’s Green Lantern, just avoids would be King Batman and Bendis Superman But would recommend Super Sons, another of my faves would be Aaron’s Thor:God of Thunder and I know Zub’s Champions has its’ fans, current Justice League Dark is pretty good

Thanks bros. What about non-Marvel or DC superhero comics? Are any of them worth reading? I've read Watchmen and The Boys long ago, and recently I tried Invincible but it didn't really do anything for me.

You can pick up the first 10 issues of doomsday clock. It's a 12 issue series wherein dr Manhattan has been fucking around with the DC universe since crisis

>non superhero
Savage sword of conan has been fine. The Darth Vader series has been fine.

Definitely check out Spencer and Locke, think Calvin and Hobbes, but fucked up.

Watch MCU instead. Save a lot more time.

Oh shit. I love me some Conan. Will definitely check that one out. Thanks user!

Immortal Hulk by Al Ewing and Joe Bennett

The Green Lantern by Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp (I would highly recommend almsot all Morrison books, just know some are better to start with than others. This one is good to start)

>Smaller Company Superhero
The Wrong Earth by Tom Peyer and Jamal Igle

Ice Cream Man by W. Maxwell Prince and Martin Morazzo

She Could Fly by Christopher Cantwell and Martin Morazzo

The first 7 issues are out and I think the 8th has just come out of savage sword

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Not OP but is immortal hulk in a trade or hardcover yet? I've heard nothing but good things about it but dont want to buy the single issues

Annihilation saga

Check out Wrong Earth, published by Ahoy comics.

Read Marshal law

Dont listen to this faggot. Next thing he suggests is gonna be fucking Brat Pack and Maximortal

Marshal law's a whole lot more better than those two, your shit taste is seething

Read Astro City and Irredeemable. If you didn't get far in Invincible it takes like 10 issues to get going. There aren't really any good indie superhero comics currently running, people will tell you Black Hammer but...ehh...

The Maxx and the tick

There’s this new comic, Second Coming, it’s pretty good. Jesus becomes a superhero’s sideckick

Nemesis the warlock

Yeah I didn't get that far but I'll push through if you think it's worth it.

I remember that same sort of thing from BattlePope. A friend gave that comic to me years ago but I didn't really find it funny.