I've been reading the Redwall books lately and I found out there was a cartoon, it any good?
I've been reading the Redwall books lately and I found out there was a cartoon, it any good?
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>i'm a baby who needs to be spoonfed an opinion instead of taking 20 minutes of my incel time to watch an episode
Damn dude who raped you today?
I only know it from a Deus Vult meme, but it looked pretty good
I know this is Yea Forums newfag but there's no reason to be rude
They don't compare very precisely to the books, there's a lot of changes in terms of events, characters, and tone
But I think the three seasons are all entirely enjoyable, and the first two being outright pretty dang good. Tim Curry voices the main villain of the second, if that sweetens the deal any
and they should all be on youtube in one spot or another
Ow The Edge.
For children, yes.
I am that is.
My sword shall wield for me.
Sorry, the tagline just bubbles up.
I like how there's a little recap of the eps done in the style of tapestry
It's based
I distinctly remember there being gore in one episode where some dude, who's dressing up as the big bad, gets shot with a crossbow
you said it, the I word!
a little blood there, yeah. And some pretty grody sounding crunching when Asmodeus gets someone. Also Matthias straight up beheads him but there's not really any blood spill from it
Shit even the film is on there, thanks user
When does the film take place?
I remember really liking the series, but it kind of got boring when it switched to different characters. Was that the third season? I remember loving everything with Mathias, and then a new season started and it was a new story about different characters and it just wasnt the same. I think the series ended right after that season which is a shame.
Third season is a prequel about Martin.
Yeah, Redwall: The Movie
I mean the second still has Matthias as a primary POV character along with some of the others
I assume that means all of the episodes cut into one video?
I was too afraid to look before due to spoilers, but that's exactly what it is. It seems to be a streamlined season one that follows the book closer
Do you need a nap?
The movie was just a handful of episode clipped together to be a movie. I would just watch the show, since the "movie" skips out a lot of stuff
Funny, to me that would be a reason to recommend the movie instead of the series. It dragged on.
I'm curious what they leave out, though I'd tend towards watching the whole shebang as I've done before
I felt that the animation itself was kinda weak, comparatively and some of the characters (Cluny especially) have had better designs on jacket covers, illustrations, the Redwall comic, etc.
The shows were not *bad* but kinda toned down and personally, I never cared for Mattimeo as a book; Martin the Warrior had good points in the story, but not adapting Mossflower or Mariel was a fucking crime if you ask me.
>but not adapting Mossflower or Mariel was a fucking crime if you ask me.
Fucking this, it's a big egregious wrongdoing that the show implies Redwall existed BEFORE Martin came to their land
Animation can be a little spotty at times but it was really cozy.
Wait, they did THAT? I only saw a small portion of MtW; I had no idea they fucked with the ending like that...
My primary reference is to early in the first episode of the first season. Mortimer tells Matthias that Martin "came to the abbey, wounded and weary" or something like that, which could just indicate he came to the place that would BECOME the abbey, but doesn't really sound like that
now as for the 3rd season
It ends with Rose's death and Martin departing Noonvale to wander in grief. He leaves the sword of Luke behind, so the origins of his own legacy blade is a mystery unanswered
Who says that I am dead
Knows nought at all.
I - am that is.
Two mice within Redwall.
The Warrior sleeps
Twixt Hall and Cavern Hole.
I am that is.
Take on my mighty role.
Look for the sword
In moonlight streaming forth,
At night, when day's first hour
Reflects the North.
From o'er the threshold
Seek and you will see;
I - am that is,
My sword will wield for me.
>I'm an asshole who needs to use meme-y words to insult others and not actually give a helpful explanation of a pretty good series.
Brian Jacques would be ashamed.
Then write you as a rat who drowned in their own shit.
Hands down. Mossflower, Mariel and Rakkety Tam were my favourites
Nice cropping.
They probably just adapted the story straight from the book, which ended up not being how shit happened when Jacques actually wrote it. Redwall is full of shit that doesn't jibe what came after it
I liked it, but hadn't read the books so I can't say how closely they follow the plot - beyond most of the worst bits of violence being changed or excised completely.
He literally took a Google image result of a YouTube video
Okay, so were the mice people sized or regular sized? The scale seems to shift from episode to episode.
I think you struggle less to keep sane if you think of them as humanish sized or larger and ignore the outliers
On any other day I might agree with you, but man, you crossed the line.
It was alright, but goes by at a much faster pace.
The first book referenced real world locations and large mammals like cows and there was a horse but that was retconned in the following books.