>You mean you have the technology to de-age me with the Pym particles, but you won’t do it?
>No... I don’t think I will
You mean you have the technology to de-age me with the Pym particles, but you won’t do it?
If he cared to still be young he would have just come back. He wanted to live the normie life and pass on the mantle because he was tired of it all
Why would he choose to die in agony and humiliation as an old man with dementia who shits himself, instead of de-aging to die in battle defending the world?
OP I think a better question would be why didn't they use that tech to de age Tony so he wouldn't be dead and could look after his daughter.
He still has the super soldier serum in him
That brings Thanos back.
I think you need to take up your irrational fear of aging with a therapist rather than 4channel.org board Yea Forums
A better question is why didn't Steve prevent 9/11? or keep Kennedy from being shot?
I mean, the government knew who he was and that he had been hanging out in the future, they would have listened to him
>movie repeatedly states you can't change the past
I don't care if their time travel rules make no goddamn sense, they said it repeatedly
>can't change the past
then what was the point of putting the infinity stones back if the past wasn't going to change?
How is being afraid of inevitably hurtling towards the void of non-existence irrational?
so what is the current status of cap in the MCU universe right now? he appeared in that memorial video in far from home do people think he is dead?
Because it's inevitable. There's no point in worrying about it.
>That brings Thanos back.
How? Your using the machine on Tony, not the stones.
Does the afterlife exist in MCU?
Ancient One explained it, any "change" will just create a branching parallel universe, having no effect on the "original"
everything dies, nigga. freaking out about it while you're (presumably) still far from your ticket being punched is quite so
They promised they would.
So those timelines don't get devoured by Dormammu? How is this not extremely obvious?
for all we know he did stop 9/11 and other shit, but that would branch off into an alternate timeline and we wouldn't see it.
Using the machine on Tony will only result in a dead, younger Tony. It doesn't revive you. It just makes your body younger, it doesn't actually turn you into the person you were when you were younger.
They didn't even use it to fix fat Thor.
Granted, that pissed off Thorfags and was therefore the best part of the movie, but still
Souls and the afterlife literally exist in the marvel universe. There is an ACTUAL soul stone.
he dies as an old man with saving the world under his belt
They could have brought Tony back on the spot. All they needed was the Time stone and they had Strange there who could freely use it.
wanted his ass ded, lol
>Because it's inevitable
fuck that, i may not make it but medical technology will eventuallt allow humans to spit god in the face.
give humanity a limited time span will you? time to pierce the heavens with my immortal fucking cock drill
There is when it stops being inevitable thanks to pym particles.
Eternity is a curse. The fear of death will be meaningless in the face of the unrelenting suffocation of an immortal's ennui
Not him but I've seen my grandparents devolve into barely human husks. Grandma asked to be euthanized several times but was not given this mercy. There's nothing irrational about not wanting to experience that.
>Reverse time for tony undoes his actions erasing thanos' army
The story happened the way it fucking happened, if you didn't like it, that's your business, I'm sick and tired of these threads of people playing armchair directors.
You want a better movie? Get yourself on the path to make one.
>Mordo fucking shanks Strange during the big final battle while everyone is busy with Thanos
Woulda been kino
Never understood this idea. It's pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Only those that already are depressive sacks of shit can conceive such a notion as getting bored of "life".
I mean, I guess if you're an immortal God living like some hermit disconnected from anything, or in a backwards ass stone age/medieval society, getting bored would be a concern.
But Jesus Christ, get a hobby, time may stop for an immortal but time never stops for anything else, as long as there's civilization, there's always going to be something new to try or something new in an old thing to keep you entertained.
People can spend entire lifetimes dedicated to a single pursuit they derive contentment from and when they die their only regret is that they didn't have enough time to do it more.
Reading a new book you're interested in will never be boring if you enjoy reading.
Same with sports.
Watching new cartoons might get stale when you've watched so many that nothing's really new, but you can still enjoy it based on animation and waifus and so you can shitpost online
Video Games, collecting shit, Gunpla, you name it. And considering immortality doesn't really exempt you from needing to be a wagecuck to fund these things, you won't be able to dedicate all your time to your hobbies unless you manage to get into money, or use your unlimited time to become so good at something that you can get people to pay to watch you do it, like speedrunning shit or just setting up a channel on the current video hosting site of the time and using your extensive knowledge of shit to talk out of your ass and ask for patreon bux.
At a certain point advanced A.I and sexbots will be a thing, they'll never grow old either, you won't be alone.
Then it's space travel time, there's gonna be some amazingly awesome shit in the future that we can't even conceive of the same way people less than 200 years ago couldn't conceive of what we have now and that trumps any con immortality might give.
Hob Gadling is a perfect example of what happens if a person gets to live forever. They don't plan on stopping any time soon.
Because this is what heroes do
t. Russo brother
Ysing the time stone to undo that would have undo dusting Thanos' army, like reversing Vision's death also reversed the explosion. And using the time stone to undo something done with all 6 stones? Not a great plan.
fly to Syria right now then you fucking pussy
>When in a lifetime you can experience less than 1% of what humanity has to offer, and that percentage gets smaller each and every passing day.
Marvel should make him the new DIrector of S.H.I.E.L.D (or maybe S.W.O.R.D.)
So that the alternate timelines created arent fucked forever living out worlds where Loki runs around with the tesseract and the sorceror supreme doesnt have the tools to defeat dormammu.
Reminder that Cap cucked the Steve Rogers who was still frozen and undiscovered in the timeline created when the gem was removed, and that Steve Rogers woke up to a world that never missed him because he had been replaced by our Cap, who then stole that timeline's shield to take it back home and give it to the guy who got beat up by Rumlow.
What horse shit are you spewing, kid
Well as long as he doesn’t croak offscreen, they always have the means to bring him back if they ever want to
>A better question is why didn't Steve prevent 9/11? or keep Kennedy from being shot?
He did... in the alternate timeline he lived out his life in. That world is probably some kind of beautiful utopia thanks to him.
hopefully Cap had the decency to be a secret hero like Ant-Man so frozen Cap can still have the legacy
maybe the cucked Steve did the same thing to fight Thanos and ended up cucking another Steve
Cucking on Infinite Steves