He wasn't sympathetic at all, just 100% evil
He wasn't sympathetic at all, just 100% evil
Other urls found in this thread:
I know, it's great. When was the last time we got a villain who was just a self-serving asshole and nothing more?
Man the sarcasm on this post is just dripping
>When was the last time we got a villain who was just a self-serving asshole and nothing more?
His whole motivation was wanting to rape barely legal teens
He was sympathetic though, the wizard fucked his life
I know right? It's awesome.
No. His family did.
Red Skull comes to mind.
>in a world where real superheros exist, try to be a fake superhero
How did he think he was ever going to get away with this?
But he was getting away with it, everyrhijg was goingg perfectly until that bald guy fucked up by not telling him about the missing drone
He was sympathetic until he killed his father.
From that point forward he took the revenge on all the people who genuinely hurt him and everything else was unnecessary.
It was nice that for once they actually got the character of Mysterio, but I don´t like that they made him so tech based and that he hated his suit.
The climax had him in a lame ass camo suit with drones. It was very anti-climatic. They should have saved the mind rape for the final fight.
There was a serious power vacuum after most of the original Avengers either died, fucked off or retired following Endgame. Seeing as how the public aren't aware of people like Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel, the only currently active heroes known to the general populace are Spider-Man and Ant-Man (sort of).
>but I don´t like that they made him so tech based
what? that's what mysterio is though
Only an idiot would sympathize with Sivana. Boo hoo, daddy and bro were mean to me! He’s a evil petty asshole. Look, we all have family drama and life can shit on us, but it doesn’t give you an excuse to be a murderous madman.
That said, I love Sivana
Thank fucking god. Enough with the ''Muh redeemable villains'' shit
>but I don´t like that they made him so tech based
What? That makes no sense. Furthermore his camo suit had eyes just like the villain costume. I get the impression they didn’t have time to make his VR suit look like his comic one, hence why it was projected on
That's why he was a breath of fresh air.
We've had too many sympathetic villains as of late, it was time for a good ol' fashion bad guy.
the point is that he's just a pathetic dude in a mocap suit
Dunno, i'm sure the rest like Falcon or Hulk were still active.
He could (and did) very easily get away with it until an actual threat comes along. The drone army would help a bunch, but it wouldn't do much against Galactus or whatever.
Let’s compare to previous Spider-Man movie villains:
>Green Goblin: a good guy in risk of losing his company until an experiment made him crazy
>Doc Ock: a good guy until an accident killed his wife and made him crazy
>Sandman: a guy desperately trying to save his sick daughter
>New Goblin: a good guy until he lost his father and discovered his secret arsenal
>Venom: an unscrupulous guy who became downright evil after losing his job and getting the symbiote
>Lizard: a good guy trying to recover his arm until an experiment made him crazy
>Electro: mentally unstable guy who becomes crazier after an accident
>Green Goblin (TASM2): good guy until Spider-Man refused to give him what he thought would save his life
>Rhino: just a self-serving asshole
>Vulture: family man trying to survive a dog-eat-dog world
>Shocker: just two self-serving assholes
Didn't he like the suit? He wanted his cape steamed and ironed all night long
>I don´t like that they made him so tech based
Do... do you think Mysterio is actually magic?
Shocker barely had screentime though, seemed more like setup, Rhino was just a cameo basically too
That shot of him holding a freshly fired gun to Peter’s head was nuts. Sure, Vulture was a dick, but Mysterio was actually counting on killing dozens of people to make his narrative work. That shit was fucking evil man
You could sympathize a little. I mean, BARF? Tony was an asshole boss. Becoming a super villain over it was a ridiculous overreaction, of course.
I've realised that the villains that start off as friends or family like Ego and Mysterio end up as the most horrible
>How did he think he was ever going to get away with this?
By getting EDITH and using its drones to make its illusions look like they are real as those drones provide real firepower.
>but I don´t like that they made him so tech based
Never change Yea Forums
>I don´t like that they made him so tech based
Implying Yea Forums reads comics
I'm hoping he's not actually dead.
Fuck the final battle was all sorts of lame, other than the Spider-Sense hallway scene.
Oh fuck yeah this was also nuts, but other than that, drones were a really lame and just visually unappealing villain. Honestly, the Elementals were all kinds of suck too.
Dude was fucking ruthless. He was totally prepared to blow Peter's brains out right there with no hesitation.
MCU doesn't actually have that much of that, though? like, just because thanos has motivations other than "mm power, also i love kicking puppies" doesn't mean he's actually supposed to be sympathetic
The part where he threatens to kill his employees was really unnecessary.
He should have been supernatural, like Dr. Strange.
This post was made by a woman, I can tell
After playing Ace Combat 7 and watching Far from Home, it seems that drones are becoming a huge cliche. We get it, drones bad. Can we move on to something else?
Mysterio isn’t dead, he recorded the bit of him spoiling Peter’s identity came after Edith told Peter that “all illusions are down” remember, Beck still has control of Edith, he never gave voice confirmation that Peter was the new owner, even better, none of Mysterio’s crew were caught either.
The drones were just a tool like Ock arms or Vulture’s wingsuit, personally I thought the drones were very grounded and cool, made me think of a cloud of flies swarming a spider. And that scene where Peter jumps into the illusion and starts to web the drones together was fucking sweet. I absolutely loved this movie.
And he didn’t hesitate either, that’s a 16 year old kid and he was going to blow his brains out. That’s pretty fucking dark man.
The goal is to make his stage suit do the things his hologram can (fly, shoot lasers, etc). Combining that with the drone illusion system and he’s even more deadly
What's with using lame villains no one actually likes?
First Vulture and Shocker, now Mysterio. Who's next? Doctor Octopus?
Only casuals like yourself think they’re lame, faggot
Here, have your (YOU).
Mysterio has always been a joke, the fact that they turned him into an awesome villain is an accomplishment
I really loved how, while Mysterio wasn’t a Hollywood special effects guy, Mysterio is treated as a whole production even down to a scene writer and that the actual Mysterio suit is actually just a Mo-Cap suit, the added dome for the Edith HUD at the end of the movie had me mark right the fuck out. It’s a great way to show that, while it was a 1:1 adaptation, the writers knew the character and loved him and wanted to pay proper respect to the comics.
This guy, right?
>lame ass camo suit
The Motion Capture suit is unironically the most kino thing about the movie. It carries all of Mysterio's classic motifs through it (pinstripes, diamonds, eyes, triangles, and a fishbowl helmet) while being totally utilitarian and allowing him to skin his "classic look" over it.
How come casuals were so surprised that he was a villain? Why did people get mad and call it a spoiler when it was said he was one? Did people just ignore all the comics, tv shows, games, merchandise, and general talk about Spider-Man to not know this?
>knowing anything about a comic character that they have t seen in a movie before
That’s concept art from a movie, casual. Mysterio isn’t a joke
Some people thought the twist was going to be a meta thing where Mysterio wasn't actually lying.
like me
>I don't read comics
anyone have webms of the illusion fight?
name ONE good story where Mysterio isn't treated like a joke, no Old Man Logan
Yeah it’s frankly a great spin on Mysterio, even kind of meta how his comic costume itself is an illusion. Still, I hope next time his comic look does all the things his real suit does. I can also appreciate how detail obsess he is. He’s the director, star, and special effects master all rolled into one
there's a few high quality screens
Guardian Devil
The Gauntlet
>multiverse deconfirmed or at least as unknown as before the movie
>bringing back JK Simmons as JJJ
Fucking incredible
Mysterio was fun but the Stark connection was unnecessary. Still, I liked how he was so ruthless and for no other reason than his own narcissism.
MCU has a tendency to kill off their villains too fast but Mysterio just can't be dead. That would be incredibly stupid.
The civil war tie-ima for Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Issue 5 of Spider-Man and Deadpool
The Mysterio issues of The Gauntlet from Amazing Spider-Man
There, three for you to check out and enjoy user
I like that when peter went full spider sense he just noped his illusion bullshit so hard that Mysterio freaked out
The Noir issue of Edge of Spider-Verse.
Does this mean we won't see Hydro-man or Sandman or Molten Man in the MCU?
After the Vulture being borderline an anti-hero (he only killed an asshole criminal by accident, and was just trying to provide a job for his workers and himself), it was a good choice.
I loved how they had mysterio try and pull a dying apology speech illusion to try and trick the audience.
People know John Stewart as the Green Lantern and some know him as THE Green Lantern and he was only in one tv show. Mysterio has been in a villain in multiple adaptations across many mediums.
That seems to be the best explanation but it's still weird how people were completely clueless. You'd think they would be disappointed or half surprised.
The looks that Skrull Fury and Skrull Hill gave Peter when he nerds the fuck out over the multiverse theory implies to me that the Multiverse is something that’s more than just a theory off Earth, the fact that a human, and a very young human at that, was able to so easily grasp and understand such a complex concept gave them pause for a moment.
Hydro-Man is in the MCU that isn't the fake hologram, according to Flash, maybe we'll see him
>"BuzzFeed says there's a sailor named Morris Bench who was exposed to an experimental underwater generator and got hydro powers."
He's still classified as a monster to be killed on sight by the US military, and has a history of going on rampages that destroy towns in his wake.
He's probably got a much worse rep than spiderman even at the end of the movie.
You don’t know what that means. Times was a crook who convinced himself he was owed something. He preaches to be a blue collar working man, but in reality made bank living in a huge house making profit on illegal weapons and crime
John Stewart was also in the majority of the episodes of both JL and JL-U, Mysterio has been in, what, less than a dozen episodes of cartoons combined? Not a bad argument, but John had a ton more screen time than Quentin ever got.
no because they can only borrow a few characters from Sony, why do you think MJ is Michelle Jones
I only hear people say doc ock, never realized how silly doctor octopus sounds til just now.
Dude. A literal "Hey, I did all this shit, it was me, and this is all a scam" video camera got pulled off a drone, can be activated by anyone just banging on it, and his crew's response is "Lol, no biggie".
Dude, 90% of supervillains would have murdered that fat guy painfully at that point, letting them all off with a warning is goddamned nice for most supervillains.
What if mysterio made an illusion of himself getting shot too? There's nothing indicating that couldn't have been an illusion as well so he'd have an out to get spiderman to leave afterwards with.
Keep in mind that's easily explained as a crazy pasta conspiracy theory that isn't real and was just posted on an internet board. Flash could have been reading something fake.
The fact that he can just sit in a diner in Hulk form and talk to people without worrying about the army rolling in tells me that shit is over.
The Accords are as good as toilet paper now, too. Steve and the others were able to live in public just fine.
He was stealing from the person who fucked him over (Tony stark).
All of the things he stole were being stolen from the organization that shut him and his workers down without compensation. (which is why in real life laws exist that would force them to be compensated for their contract)
From his point of view, he's being robin hood.
>What if mysterio made an illusion of himself getting shot too? There's nothing indicating that couldn't have been an illusion as well so he'd have an out to get spiderman to leave afterwards with.
Except, you know, EDITH confirming all illusions were off. It’s better, and far more hilarious/in character, if Peter fell for Beck playing dead. Not all gunshots are fatal, and Beck is an actor
He was sympathetic in that he was fucked over by Tony and didn't set out to hurt anyone, just willing do it if he had to.
no, he had some issues, that's why he got fired from Stark Industries
Edith confirmed the illusions were off THEN. That doesn't mean mysterio couldn't have faked getting shot earlier and then pretended to be gutshot a second later.
Illusions being turned off would erase peter seeing an illusion earlier of him being shot, and popping a blood pack on his stomach and holding it like he's shot would be all he'd need to do to sell it without actually being shot.
This still ties into peter asking the wrong question, but lets mysterio get right up and run away without impairment when he's gone because he wouldn't actually be injured.
>"These days, you can be the smartest guy in the room, the most qualified, and no one cares. Unless you're flying around with a cape, or shooting lasers with your hands, no one will even listen."
Very meta. Movie is already Gylenhaal's highest grossing movie so I guess he was right
You’re an idiot. He was making a fortune off selling deadly alien weapons and sold to the highest bidder. After killing the first Shocker and threatening Pete in the car, he gave up deluding himself this was justified. You fell for his damn sales pitch to Peter
I can't imagine seeing a sinister six movie where the vulture doesn't end up betraying everyone else to save peter. I hope the third movie's villains they introduce are evil assholes as well so we don't have a team of nothing but nice guys.
I also hope they don't cheap out and use the MCU shocker or give us an instant chameleon to round out the group. I want every single member to get a full on villain performance to make them seem legitimately worthy of being a supervillain like these last two movies.
Doc ock movie, Rhino movie, electro movie, kraven movie. Leave out the shocker, he's just a thug with a fancy gauntlet in this series, and not even an impressive one since its basically just a Fallout powerfist here and not a ranged shockwave glove.
You’re overthinking this. He just played fucking dead until he left. It’s brilliant. Saying “oh that was a hologram” too is lame.
Spider-Man Goes Mad.
Maybe after they kick the shit out of Peter they tell Vulture to go dump the body, Vulture spares him secretly, takes him to a rooftop and tells him to leave town for his own sake
There is no way John Stewart has been in anywhere near as many shows, games, and pieces of merchandise as Mysterio.
His threat to peter was halfhearted (he ignored killing peter and just tried to leave with the stuff at the end), and his killing the shocker was a mistake.
Anyone else a little annoyed by the way Peter finds out Mysterio is a fraud? Nothing bothers me more than super convenient coincidences solving problems, wish they could have figured out a better way than 'MJ just happens to find projector and just happens to show Peter and it goes off right then'
Nitpicky, Peter had to find out somehow, but it felt lame to me.
Shocker will be left out but Scorpion will probably definitely be a member
It just keeps getting longer and longer...
Why rhino instead of sandman?
Sandman's power is more OP on paper than any of the others, and I think the team still needs to be balanced enough that peter can reasonably beat them.
>He was sympathetic until he killed his father.
He literally had a decades-long hissy fit because he couldn't use magic. How can such a massive bitch be sympathetic
Are you trolling or legitimately this stupid? He tried to kill Peter when he collapsed the building on top of him, and the only reason he didn’t kill him on the beach is because he saw something that wouldn’t make the job a complete bust, and wanted to get the fuck out of there before police showed up.
>Killing Shocker was a mistake
And? He didn’t care, and wouldn’t think twice about killing again if his cushy life was threatened
No one's realized that because Jonah is here now we'll get scorion as a baddie next movie
We’ve pointed this out numerous times
I think this is where they'll go since the writers today confirmed JJJ getting a big role in the third one
Maybe the next movie will be about Ozcorp funding super suit villains to take down badguys, with Jonah being one of the prime donors.
They make a scorpion suit and a rhino suit and play up the public some legitimately heroic looking individuals that will use them, then osborn has a under the table criminal group (consisting of the sprung scorpion and aleksei) attack and "Steal" the suits.
Osborn now throws up his hands about how horrible it is that their stuff's been stolen, while the rhino and scorpion are actually working for him to be his new super enforcers so he can fill the power vaccum left by the avengers.
I’d be willing to bet that he has, JL and JLU were very long running shows and he was in damn near every single episode, I can’t be 100% sure, but didn’t he also appear in Superman the Animated Series and that short animated movie that the GLC got?
I’m thinking Mysterio has been in maybe 2 dozen episodes of cartoons, that includes the original Spider-Man, Spider-Man and the Amazing Friends, SMTAS, the MTV cartoon, Ultimate and the current show. Did he ever appear in Spectacular, I can’t remember seeing him in that show. I will say that Mysterio has appeared in more video games and Mobil games thanJohn Stewart has tho.
This is actually something I’ll look up while at work later, but I’m confident that John has had more exposure than Mysterio (until now for obvious reasons)
You are comparing one show that lasted from 2001 to 2006 to decades of exposure anyone who doesn't read comics would have to a character. He's not Green Goblin or Dr. Octopus but he's still appeared as a villain in enough mediums. There are kids birthday parties with Spider-Man themes and you can find Mysterio chilling with the villains. Did stores have to remove the old posters they had of Spider-Man's villains because Mysterio was in it and they didn't want something they've been selling for 10 years to be a spoiler?
It was meant to show how unstable he was, which he'd mentioned was the reason he got fired by Stark.
I liked how he specifically made sure no avengers were coming to pull his bullshit.
Hey, fuck you, buddy. Shocker needs his full costume and a second gauntlet. And it needs to shoot actual shockwaves.
I won't just be left blueballed by an incomplete Shocker.
fun fact that I just found out, the guy who dubs Mysterio in the latin american dub is the same guy who dubbed Tobey Maguire in the Raimi trilogy
Children walk up to Hulk and ask him for an autograph. Post-Snap Hulk kept up the hero gig while everyone else moped
MCU Shocker is terrible
Are the Latin American MCU dubs any good? I wonder if other places have that hatred for dubs that English speaking weebs have
They are pretty damn good, and they kept the same voice actors throughout the years but I'm personally not a fan of dubs, I like movies in english because dubs can be terrible and ruin the original feel of the movie, like Logan
What did the Logan dub do?
they got the same actors and all (the guy who dubs Wolverine is the guy who dubs JK Simmons as JJ) but they completely avoided the swearing, which makes the original movie more brutal in some ways, and it's weird since Deadpool's dub is full of swear words like the original movie
Did it still have an R rating?
Yeah I think it was, for all the violence and blood, there's two "R ratings" here, 16 and 18, I think Logan was 16 and Deadpool was 18
Mysterio has constantly mind fucked heroes for generations man. Bad writers try to make him into a b list villain but a writer with any understanding of his powers make him a huge threat.
Only because Talos was bad at his job
Does anyone have to one where the user said Mysterio never pretended to be a hero?
it's so weird this is basically my kitchen
Was Mysterio's plan for any actual bad guy attacks just to drone them? Cause that's kinda hilarious. I would've watched The New Adventures of Drone Man
Pretty much, with that plan most of the Avengers would have been fucked going up against him and his illusionary drones, dude is pretty damn deadly, what are some super villains going to do against that?
Got a link?
The Gems are the Infinity Gems, fuck off with that Stones crap. For that and that alone I respect those dubs.
Remember when Mysterio tricked Logan into killing all the X-Men and basically carry the supervillian team?
>I don´t like that they made him so tech based
As opposed to being more glass globe based?
Neither did anything wrong.
This is why I say leave him out. Shocker so far has been "not shocker", and they'd have to completely rebuild him from the ground up with a new guy walking in.
It'd just be too clunky, going "oh, hey, this guy earlier called himself the shocker, but here's this totally NEW guy who's started calling himself the shocker and has totally different weapons/costume than the old ones!".
I think it'd be simpler just to cut your losses and focus on the other characters (Since there's not going to be enough time as is to focus on all of spidey's gallery with 3-6 years between movies) than try and salvage a wrecked one.
Also, this is why I like the marvel universe more than the DC universe. The villains seem like actual PEOPLE, and the universe runs on the principle of "Supervillains exist, so everyone's adapted to that".
The mob in the DC universe cowers in fear and is utterly impotent against people who's power is "has a split personality", while in Marvel superbeings are just accepted, they plan out how to deal with it, and get superbeings of their own on the payroll as special forces.
>with that plan most of the Avengers would have been fucked going up against him
Thor: Lightning storms the area and shorts them all out till the illusions break down.
Hulk: Outright immune to bullets.
Iron man: Probably has enough sensors in his suit to act as bootleg spidersense and get past it, and most probably has a blanket EMP saturation weapon to short out all the drones.
Mysterio's drones also shoot fire, electricity and vibrational blasts.
None of which will be strong enough to hurt the hulk meaningfully.
Meanwhile he just starts slapping his hands together with force waves in random directions until they start to fall out of the sky like flies and wins by attrition
The key word there was “Most” user, but Ironman is dead, and Thor is off world, Vision is also dead, as is widow, Hulk may be immune to bullets, but it would be a simple task to use his illusions to mind fuck Hulk, you should have suggested that Hulk use a sonic clap to disable all the drones. That leaves Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Old Cap, Fal Cap and a few other heroes who didn’t really get the Avengers title, and what are they going to do? Not a whole lot without the plot demanding it so
She didn't "just happen" to find it, Peter tried to web the ferris wheel and accidentally caught an invisible drone instead, he jerked that piece off the drone. The movie explicitly shows this, I've seen it twice
>and that he hated his suit.
He called it lame once but then had someone clean his cape to perfection just as he was about to pull his big stunt in the finale.
Get outta here with your bullshit.
He was sympathetic, but he was also a complete asshole. Love it
He might have become good, but imagine having a shitty life, then being transported to a magical world, told you might be the chosen one and then promptly be told you would never be worthy of being the chosen one. Shit like that hurts.
>He was sympathetic
How? How the fuck was he sympathetic. I'm beginning to think the lot of you are fucking sociopaths. "Sympathetic" doesn't mean "I liked the villain" for fuck sake
>Shitty life
He was a brilliant mind with (albeit limited) resources from the family company, and had wealth. He had every chance to do whatever the fuck he wanted with his life, but instead chose to be a petty fuck trying to get back at his brother and father.
He was a kid that constantly was being bullied by his family. Money can't solve that, specially at that age.
I didn't say money solves everything, but it arguably gives him more chances in life than most. My father is perhaps the only bully I ever had, and I'm not a sadistic fuck who wants to kill him or anyone for that matter. There's a reason why Sivana failed the test, not just because the test itself was flawed, but because he was naturally drawn to such evil. Being bullied by your family doesn't magically make you sympathetic, nor does it give you an excuse to be a piece of shit. Our choices matter, defined by who we choose to be.
Main difference is that you weren't thrown into a magical world, shown that you could be the chosen one and promptly being thrown off from said world and told that no matter what you could never be the chosen one.
user Sivana questioned if he imaged the whole fucking thing. Furthermore, that's like someone walking up to me and saying "You could have a billion dollars, but you won't because you did ____". Move the fuck on.
>I'm not a sadistic fuck who wants to kill him
You should be, user. Imagine the man you could have been without him constantly bringing you down. Just think of the misery he has caused you. Where is the justice in this world if pieces of shit like him get to live peacefully while innocents die horribly every second? Man up, user. Fix God's mistakes.
>Should I still steam the cape?
>YES Janice, after this I'll be literally shaking hands with the queen
He's not. They're very clearly building to a Sinister 6 movie.
Hopefully they make Scorpion as terrifying as Vaas was
Scorpion should be like into the spiderverse and be a mexican guy with scorpion legs and a claw
I love this guy. The only thing I didnt like him in was his role in Orphan Black. Can't wait to see more of him.
Fuck you.
Why didn't Tony activate his massive weapons array in the fight against Thanos and his army in Endgame?
Because that's the shittiest Scorpion? Guy in a suit is better
Mysterio was fucking retarded. What good is money and glory if an actual Avengers level threat comes later like Galactus or Kang come towards the planet to fuck it over?
>They're very clearly building to a Sinister 6 movie.
No, they are not.
You show up in every thread saying "no" with next to no proof saying otherwise. Why the fuck else do you think they're introducing so many Spidey villains at once?
Then the actual heroes will take care of it.
Also he has an army of drones that has illusions. Even if he goes legit, a man who isn't actually in danger and can control hundreds of drones isn't nothing.
I've just had a random idea. Do you think MCU might do a nanomachine Venom someday?
We've seen Peter make the suit this movie, and since the final form of Tony's armor was nanomachines, I can see that being repeated for Peter as well.
"We are Venom" could also be used for representing nanomachine networks.
>why are there spider-man villains in spider-man movies?
Aw you're adorable. In just two movies we've established multiple Sinister Six members, AND kept them alive. A villain surviving a MCU movie? That's an accomplishment
Shut up faggot. Nothing is stopping them from using other non-spidey villains.
That's actually a neat idea although I think Sony are going to whine enough that they'll just make Tom Hardy's canon.
the MCU will do Venom when Holland is 40 years old and both Avi Arad and Amy Pascal have died
They can barely use his roster now because of Sony and you want Venom? no way man
nothing else from Sony's works have been canon though so far right?
>Mysterio is still alive because he is going to be in Sinister Six
>There is going to be a Sinister Six because Mysterio is alive
I did say some day.
They could straight up jump to Agent Venom or Toxin or whatever other symbiote since the characters have existed outside Spiderman's littler universe for quite a while now to have their own story.
>Dumb faggot believes MYSTERIO is dead
Kek, I bet you were one of those dumbasses who really thought he was a hero from another Earth prior to release. Get fucked loser
>Red Skull
>Justin Hammer
Mysterio is dead, Vulture sure, Scorpion was not a member of the Sinister Six, Shocker and Tinkerer were throwaways and also not members of the Sinister Six
why would they use non spidey villains in spider-man movies
Prove he's alive right now.
Venom sold more than BOTH homecoming and far from home.
You couldn't pry venom from sony with a crowbar.
>Ojos derp es mejor
Bueno, eso es como tu opinión hombre
>Venom sold more than homecoming
not true
We had confirmation from Edith that he was dead, I don't know what more you want?
Why would they use an Iron Man villain in an Antman movie?
Revenge for Ultron
We had confirmation of no illusions. Peter never checked a pulse
I didn't hear "he's dead" did you? And peter sure as hell didn't ask that. He asked if what he was seeing was REAL. Which it was-- it was a very real person playing dead.
>not members of the Sinister Six
Oh look at that, the casual doesn't know The Sinister Six roster is always changing.
The fact that
>Peter is a dumbass who fell for Beck playing dead
>Only way he confirmed the "death" was from asking EDITH if illusions were off
>The fact that ITS FUCKING MYSTERIO, known for faking his death
Sorry, I should have said MADE more money than homecoming. Venom has a significantly lower budget and only sold slightly less than homecoming.
you can't just assume that every villain that shows up is going to be a part of your imaginary sinister six movie user, it's not healthy
>wishful thinking
>Beck's drone kills Fury!Talos
>Gets hunted by SHIELD and SWORD as a result.
Fury and his guys totally just left Becks body up there to rot
Mysterio's plan was to kill Nick fury and have public popularity on his side in order to get put in charge of the world's meta-humans organizations as a result.
See the part about him clearly having "put a bullet in his skull" as a step of his plan.
Its basically like Osborn getting H.A.M.M.E.R, once he's in place he has enough resources to guard himself.
Hey remember all those times Loki died?
Remember when Ultron died and people said he would totally come back because he is a robot?
They're clearly setting up a sinister six, They introduce Scorpion to establish that, and mysterio and Vulture are known members of it.
I really don't know what more you want user. Its pretty clearly their endgame. This is like saying "yeah, just because they had the mind stone and Thanos in Avengers doesn't mean they're going to have the infinity stones show up in future movies!"
make your point of fuck off
Aren't they making a movie for ultron now?
Not the same. Easy to retcon, but yeah Ultron is probably dead
My point is that they've been trying to pull off The Sinister Six for years, fans want to see them fight Spider-Man, and Disney clearly has interest in doing it too given that
And Mysterio are all there after two movies. Furthermore, next film is going to be about Peter and his loved ones under attack by every villain he fucked over. Or did you forget Gargan's threat? Moreover, god forbid fucking Mysterio of all people faked his death.
And? It's pretty clear he is dead now after Thanos killed him. These are not the comics. They are not going to bring back dead characters willy nilly. Loki is dead and the same can be said for Mysterio.
MCU Shocker would barely rank as the team coffee boy from what we've seen.
They literally just greenlit a fucking Loki show after they fucked with time in Endgame and he escaped.
Actually he did pretty damn good with no suit, and a single prototype gauntlet. All he needs is a few upgrades and The Shocker is here.
Loki stayed dead, another Loki from the past escaped. Whats your point?
Isn't amazing how Loki's gone from "Thor's number one archnemsis and pure evil" to "Pitiable anti-hero and beloved brother"
Its kind of like if in 10 years the Joker ended up as batman's partner
Reread that post, slower this time.
When Joker is revealed to have family relation to Bruce, then we'll talk
>Brothers, seperated at birth
Makes more sense than 3 jokers
does it?
3 jokers certainly explain why the fucker doesn't die, ever, and bullshit around with the inconsistent origins
That's literally the plot to the new Joker movie lmao.
what the fuck?
He grew up in poverty without his parents, his dad was murdered by his own brother/Eric's uncle who proceeded to leave the kid behind to discover his dad's corpse, and he made legitimate points criticizing Wakanda's isolationism.
He's a ruthless sociopath in present day and doesn't care about justice for black people so much as satisfying his own personal vendetta, but a lot of people do find him pretty sympathetic.
He's black and not white. That makes him sympathetic.
He had a decades-long hissy fit because he was declared inherently without worth, denied a golden opportunity to leave his shitty home-life and make something of himself at a moment when he needed it most, and then was bullied and shit on my his family for causing an accident that was ALSO partly the fault of The Wizard Shazam.
He's essentially Harry Potter, but with a shittier attitude and if Hagrid showed up, took one look at him, and said "Nah, you don't deserve magic. You deserve The Dursleys for the rest of your pathetic life, asshole."
>He's essentially Harry Potter
Harry Potter lived under fucking stairs and was essentially a slave. Thaddeus Sivana had a tough dad and a shit brother, a good education, and could have done whatever the fuck he wanted with his life once he turned 18.
>B-B-But his daddy was a meanie!!!!
Big fucking deal. He's not the first, last, or special in that regard. Hell, I doubt he even laid a hand on Thad.
This entire generation is full of sheltered pussies for fuck sake. Man the fuck up.
The damning evidence is that peter said "is he..." and then didn't have the guts to finish the sentence. He asked if it was real instead. That's an obvious indication that Beck is alive
>Big fucking deal. He's not the first, last, or special in that regard. Hell, I doubt he even laid a hand on Thad.
Making a lot of assumptions here. I admit I made some as well, but calm down. You seem personally upset by the possibility--not implausible based on the surrounding context and end result--that Thaddeus Sivana was abused.
I actually like the film and this version of Mysterio. The only part I hated and thought ruined it was them revealing Peter's identity.
They'll cast it back into doubt by the end of the next, I bet.
The damage is done unless they get a devil to mindwipe everyone. Look at DD they tried to cast that shit back into doubt so much it has become a meme/joke in the comic. I don't know why but it really ruined a great scene with the one and only JJJ too.
I've come to realize that the reason the second movie in a trilogy is always the best is because the villain naturally becomes the part of the show. "The hero is tested" is all the plot you need from their side in the middle part. Look at Empire Strikes Back for example. Next movie will have to focus more on wrapping up this arc for Peter, so the villain wont be as good
We're having a discussion, user. Pardon if I'm being colorful
All they need to do is have a skrull (or himself) take out another skrull disguised as peter parker, and have live footage streamed of "Peter parker" Transforming back into an alien, making everyone think its some sort of alien body snatcher thing.
I just wanna know if Janice ever got the wrinkles out of that cape
Mysterio didnt show Peter massless in the suit, just told everyone his name and showed a picture.
I think they might just do away with secret identities because Marvel doesn't like them anymore, but it's still salvageable
>Sympathetic" doesn't mean "I liked the villain" for fuck sake
It also doesn't mean "I agree with the villain's actions". It just means "I can empathize with aspects of their motivations and behaviours."
The new spiderman issue where we found out he fooled Kindred,and made him kill his psychiatrists
That makes no sense. Why would they be able to borrow Flash Thompson, all the villains, Uncle Ben and Aunt May, and Jameson... But not Mary Jane?
The drones were far too weak individually to stand up to Thanos' forces. Remember: while he's tactically brilliant and fairly strong, Spider-Man isn't THAT heavy of a hitter... But he can physically thrash the shit out of drones pretty casually when he isn't boxed in.
>These are not the comics
>In a twist involving time travel and a major crossover event, a character's death and change of alignment was retconned to return him to the status quo
Sure sounds like comics to me.
Are you the same user earlier in the thread who made this all about you and your father, who bullied you?
Would explain why you're so adamant that Sivana cannot be sympathized with.
>Spider-Man isn't THAT heavy of a hitter
Is that a joke? Only people in Endgame that were physically stronger than him were Thor, Hulk, Captain Marvel and Thanos himself
War machine. Ironman until his death. Ant man. And this is with a very small amount of the marvel universe.
The majority of the X-men are far stronger offensively than spiderman (Cyclops, iceman, ect.), Dr. Strange is WAAAY stronger, 3/4 of the fantastic 4 are heavier hitters, Dr. Doom is worlds stronger, She hulk, 90% of the X-men's villains...
The only reason Spiderman is comparatively strong in endgame is that a very small portion of the marvel universe exists in the MCU at this moment.
I'm just saying, he's not a tank-buster. Thanos' Black order and the alien army can quite probably fight and beat tanks.
>Only people in Endgame that were physically stronger than him were
Also anyone in Stark-suits. Quite possibly The Black Order. Potentially Drax and Groot and DEFINITELY casually-advances-while-holding-heavy-vehicle-weaponry Gamora... And maybe Nebula. Oh, and Black Panther, for all we know.
All I'm saying is that if Spider-Man can smash dozens of drones with physical force alone, in a single hit each, then probably Thanos' army could wreck them.
Oh, and there's the possibility that without direct control by Iron Man or someone else, they might inflict some friendly fire in the chaos.
Who gives a fuck about the X-Men? We're talking specifically about Endgame, and how useful the weaponized drones might have been.
>DEFINITELY casually-advances-while-holding-heavy-vehicle-weaponry Gamora... And maybe Nebula
Ok you are just joking then. Carry on
I'm talking about the marvel universe as a whole user. The marvel universe has way, WAAAAY more characters in it than were featured in Infinity wars, and the majority of them are bigger hitters than spiderman.
Flash, Mr. Harrington, and Mr. Dell were the highlights of the movie for me desu
But they're all irrelevant to the topic at hand
>wanting to rape barely legal teens
I haven't seen Shazam, but are you serious?
In which case the drones might still have run into the friendly fire issue, provided an impediment to fliers, and may have been susceptible to attacks by Thanos super-strong army.
The fact that you legitimately think Gamora is stronger than Spider-Man is fucking hilarious
No, you gullible fuck.
We know her to be incredibly strong from this and otehr scenes. We know Spider-Man to also be very strong DO you have clear evidence as to who is the physically mightier, in terms of ability to inflict damage with blows or lift shit? Have we seen either of them at their absolute limit? Keep in mind, we're JUST talking MCU here.
Having a shitty dad doesn't give you a magic pass to be a shitty human being. Sympathy has limits. But hey, agree to disagree
>bringing back JK Simmons as JJJ
Would be cool if they didn't treat him like an alt-righter with an Alex Jones-esque show. That's not Jameson to me. Jameson is a good journalist who just really hates Spider-Man. A great example of this is when he tells off Sam Bullit after Bullit's goons rough up Peter.
I'd bet someone like Osborne would threaten Toomes' family. And we know how far he would go for them. He'd probably quietly admit to Peter that it's nothing personal.
>magic pass to be a shitty human being
That's not what sympathy means.
They haven't established him as alt-right, just as a blowhard (very consistent with past characterization) and a conspiracist (not that unreasonable a thing to be, in a world as crazy as the MCU).
I know what sympathy means, I'm merely saying I personally don't find Dr. Sivana sympathetic given his actions
The sinister six isn't osborne's group though, its more Doc Ock's group.
Osborne doesn't NEED a group.
Hunh wow you really got that out of a kid being told no?
Dude, that's a relatively recent interpretation of the character. Originally, he'd constantly jump the gun and print complete bullshit about Spider-Man without any proper journalism
See PS4/Insomniac JJJ had a show too, except he was still considered a credible journalist with best selling books. In fact he was right about a lot of stuff in that version, even fair, except when it came to Spider-Man naturally.
People like him as a surly almost fatherly figure to Peter.
Not him but that's not really the issue. The MCU version is already established as a unreliable news source, when that wasn't the case with JJJ and The Daily Bugle in comics. The only thing the DB got criticized for was targeting Spidey, but beyond that everyone thought JJJ a straight shooter. MCU version however kind of misses that entirely, and just calls him a crackpot
You're also implying that people arguing he IS sympathetic are "[giving him] a magic pass" because they're from an "entire generation is full of sheltered pussies" and wondering rhetorically how "such a massive bitch" can be sympathetic. I mean,a ssuming all these posts are you.
Easy. People empathize with (have "common feeling" with his childhood, causing feelings of pity and sorrow. It doesn't mean they believe his actions are justified.
You're not obliged to also sympathize with him, but it's not some mysterious degeneracy that causes others to do. The reasons are obvious, and most certainly the result of deliberate authorial and directorial choices.
Who says this JJJ isn’t? We don’t knw anything about him yet. I think Alex Jones in tonality can be done that way as well.
People in the mainstream media CONSIDER him a crackpot. Doesn't mean he IS. It's entirely possible it'll turn out he is on-the-money about a lot of things mainstream Marvel people might consider crazy conspiracy nonsense, like shapeshifting aliens, a secret SHIELD space program, The Mandarin still being alive, and sorcerers existing.
he just literally ruined a sub-18 year old kid's life and put a death sentence on him and everyone he knows and loves.
Every other Iron Man film?
I just think it's a poor comparison, lumping Sivana with Harry Potter. One had a tough love resentful father, the other was practically a servant
The scene makes an offhand comment implying The Daily Bugle is a shit source right off the bat, so naturally people kind of have a problem with it. Furthermore as states, JJJ would NEVER endanger a minor. He would fact check and see who the hell Peter Parker is. And that's another thing; Peter never even meeting Jameson is all kinds of fucked
He had good reason to believe that 16-year-old ordered a drone strike that killed the world's greatest new hero, and devastated London killing countless more, all for the sake of fame. And then covered it up, no less! He's just trying to bring him to justice and make the world see the truth.
As of now, he did get away with it, even postmortem.
>tough love resentful father
We have no evidence that there was any genuine love or affection there. All we know about him is that he was a bully, raised his older son to also be a bully, and raised his younger son to be... Well, Thaddeus Sivana, demon-conjuring serial killer.
I get the feeling he was probably a pretty shitty dad. I feel like it's implied adequately.
Again, that's relatively recent shit. The Daily Bugle was a fucking rag, that would have gone of business if it hadn't started going after Spider-Man
>>multiverse deconfirmed or at least as unknown as before the movie
Multiverse was confirmed since Doctor Strange
If you have a problem with Killmonger being listed you should also have a problem with Thanos
What's wrong with that? Lots of men have that motivation and become super successful to engage in it.
Tfw no Bruce Campbell to play Mysterio.
Wrong. The daily bugle itself was originally small potatoes compared to JJs People magazine knockoff, which the writers forgot about. JJ had been a respectable newsman since WW2
Kids these days. The cartoons always de-power spidey, and faggots like you are the result. Spider-man is canonically able to lift Thor, Hulk, the Thing, and Hercules at once. It was way back in ASM annual #1
And? You people constantly bitch about talk no jutsu and every villain being redeemed, and then you get and evil guy and you bitch about that too.
If he was supposed to be the next Iron Man, then that would be recruiting him into the Avengers and vice versa. Illusions won't work on everything either, could Mysterio have even done anything to Thanos?
>could Mysterio have even done anything to Thanos
He would've been as effective as everyone but Carol or Thor. And he wouldn't have figured out time travel, i'm sure there are other examples. Plus we're all assuming he'd actually fight instead of just running away
>Mysterio running away
besides Sandman, the other two are trash and probably never had a chance of getting a movie regardless
What about the Hulk and Black Panther?
>He was sympathetic
>How? How the fuck was he sympathetic. I'm beginning to think the lot of you are fucking sociopaths.
I don't think you know what either of those words mean.
In fairness, they made the Skurlls good guys 2 movies eariler
This. And Sony's Venom went full good-guy mode almost immediately.
Dead man Logan. Literally it’s about Wolverine wanting to kill him because of his potential to pull off what he did in the old man Logan timeline.
Or Peter is indeed next gen Tony.
"I am Ironman/Spiderman"
that's certainly one way to completely misinterpret a scene for the sake of your fanon
Super Skrull when?
With Fury in space working with Skrulls, it seems to make sense for Fantastic 4 origin to happen there. Maybe one of the skrulls get overcharged while the humans only get partial charges creating super skrull and fantastic 4
I liked how Mysterio calmed his voice and tried to keep a respectable tone when talking to her.
I personally want them to introduce Reed as the next genius inventor after Stark and then a few movies later do the official FF
I actually really want all of them to be super geniuses.
Considering that Spiderman has frequent collab with FF, I think it would be nice to have an entire nerd crew movie. I always got annoyed that only Reed ever seemed to contribute anything scientifically in the team.
I would also like it if they didn't do the obvious "hothead" is human torch, the "muscle" is Thing, etc. It's played out across so many movies now. I want more intuitive rather than over analyzing Reed, flashy and energetic Sue, Johnny who is super scared of collateral damage and risks.
I would be okay with whatever take on the Thing.
You're right, but I understand his point. It was all digital tech.
Hopefully if there's a Mysterio in Sinister Six movie, he'll have developed the anti-spidersense gas, AND t spider-sense will be a thing that doesn't keep not working at random times all on its own.
>Janice is the nicest and most product assistant Beck has
>Has often confided in her when alone
>”I’m trying to make art! You’re the only one here who understands”
I'm sure that was just an easter egg for readers. In-universe it'll just be a conspiracy theory kind of thing.
>Except, you know, EDITH confirming all illusions were off.
So Beck programmed it in advance to confirm all illusions were off, while his failsafe illusion was still on.
>This still ties into peter asking the wrong question, but lets mysterio get right up and run away without impairment when he's gone because he wouldn't actually be injured.
Spider-sense SHOULD stop this happening, but I don't know what's going on with the tingle in these movies.
You don't need a full Ock movie, people already know who he is from Raimi. Just give him plenty of focus as a key member, or boss, of the 6.
Honestly, I don't think was a long-term thing. If he wanted he could just create another threat. Mysterio could be like "this threat is even worse than the elementals. It must have followed me to this earth! It wants to destroy all life everywhere and even the whole universe! Way more dangerous than that Thanos guy you keep telling me about!" Then Mysterio can kill it but at the same time have the creature completely vaporize Mysterio. Then his name will be immortalized as the guy who saved all life everywhere and the entire universe while Quentin retires.
Who are Ant-Man's villains?
>Implying they can't bring Ultron back any time they want.
>Loki is dead
Except for the Loki who isn't, and the fact he's getting a TV show.
you mean spider tingle, right?
>The damage is don
Yeah, it's impossible to show the public that Mysterio was a super-faker, and/or have 'Spidey' turn up where Peter is, or while Peter's in jail or something.
>Holland being the new face of MCU
He was more sympathetic than the Vulture, think about it.
The Vulture sold hi-tech, alien weapons to drug dealers and lowlives, which will eventually make him responsible in the future crime waves in New York. He tried to justify this by using the excuse of "Oh Stark took away my job" even though he could just get another job elsewhere. He didn't have to become a aliens firearm dealer in order to provide for his family, he was just greedy and wanted the money.
Beck was disgruntled that Stark just steals his life's work and uses it for his own uses, and he found other guys that felt the same way. They have legitimate reasons for hating Stark, since he took away a lot of their goals and aspirations.
Has shown no great feats of strength that I can think of.
>Dude, that's a relatively recent interpretation of the character.
OZT, where he stood up to Bastion in the name of journalistic integrity, was over 20 years ago.
He doesn't need to be.
Other dimensions (and timelines) =/= alternate Earths in the true multiverse sense.
You know the concept of the show is Loki dicking around throughout human history? The Loki that escaped in endgame is not relevant, the show takes place in the past.
Or he could have just lied there, faking it
Red Skull did nothing wrong, fuck off /leftypol
>It's played out across so many movies now
TWO. Plus the one nobody's seen.
OK, but there's still a living Loki the mcu can use.
Yeah because in our society we always change our minds on if someone is something based on evidence later. We definitely have long attention spans and follow a story all the way through. We never condemn people based on knee jerk reaction pieces ever.
>I would be okay with whatever take on the Thing
They should have the actor base his performance on the personality and mannerisms of Jack Kirby
Que te follen, eso es lo que ese user te ha dicho.
Ock is generally the defactor leader of the six, I'd be upset if he wasn't this time around.
peter tingle
his peter tingles
haha another penis joke
Stop calling it a tingle, May
>spider sense
What's that? Do you mean the Peter Tingle?
The whole point of the ending hallway scene was Peter learned to trust and follow his spider sense, this was set up early in the movie when May asked him about it and then again during the first Elemental fights, since Oeter was in no real danger his spider sense isn’t working and he has no idea what to trust. By the end of the film he learns to trust it, even having no confusing reaction to catching Beck trying to shoot him in the head
To be fair, his employees were probably the main reason he got caught
>why are we missing drones
>it's fine lol
>why are some drones off their mark
>it's birds, lol
makes you wonder why they were no longer working for Stark in the first place
That bald fucker who got shouted at by Obadiah was to blame