Why didn’t he just modify everyone’s fertility rates?

Why didn’t he just modify everyone’s fertility rates?

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Imagine the reaction that they would get in this day and age if a man was in control of a woman's body like that.

I modified your mom's fertility rate, nerd.

Because then he'd have to wait a generation for it to take effect, and many more resources would be squandered in the meantime

Thanos kill half of everything so everyone could see the immediate results
Kind of like a wake-up call

>Why doesn't he just double everything
Then no one will lean from the lesson he believes he's teaching

I don’t have a mom, I have 2 dads you gay fuccboi

Why didn’t he just use the gauntlet to make everyone learn the lesson without killing them?

>not having seed strong enough to impregnate a dad
what are you gay?

He didn't snap half the universe away for the resource thing, he was a guy so fixated on the resource thing that he was willing to gather the infinity gems and snap away half the life in the universe just to fulfill an itch.

They have to earn the knowledge
Because he believes that someone should come to the conclusion on their own. He wants them to see the world his way and that he was right by their own choice not brainwashing

They should never have changed Thanos' original motivation. It was more relatable anyway

>information is brainwashing
what is this shit i'm reading

You paid for her to get her tubes tied???

Because people deserve to be born, so they can die in Pain

Is it so hard to understand that Thanos was an idiot? He's a big retarded California Raisin, with a dumb idea and the strength to see it through to its very dumb end because might makes right.

How do you make a corpse any more virile?

Because thanos is also anti pro choice.

its because the stones give him knowledge that would have been smarter move to do. If anything Thanos should have consulted the Stones all together before snapping to make a better choice. But he was like nope killed too many people to stop now!

I think its because his hands were too stained with blood before he got the stones, there is no way he will undue what he has done.

Injecting information directly into someones brain with the express purpose of changing their mind. Yeah that's brain washing.

no it isn't you retard, if your argument can be destroyed by knowledge than your argument was the brainwashing in the first place.

You really need write that again in a way that makes sense
Anyways you're still missing the point, Thanos wanted them to learn it the hard way. Thus killing those people

Because he's a fucking loony
The entire fucking point was that his plans were full of holes. Everyone who's trying to raise him up on some pedestal is a fucking 'tard

Why didnt he make everyone white?

how does that not make sense?
>person has an opinion
>here, have some irrefutable factual knowledge that proves your opinion is wrong and whoever been feeding you that lied to you.
i can't make this more cookie-cutter if i tried
also rolling the dice on whoever gets turned to dust doesn't accomplish anything, just mitigates the problem at best, if he had killed the ones that DON'T learn i'd have no complaints

The genophage was wrong, Shepard

Why didn't they destroy the stones after Hulk's snap ?

Because the whole point of it was that he was on a fucking time crunch before the universe would enter a point of no return and everything would go to shit.
To modify fertility rates he'd have to wait at least a 100 years or more to even start seeing any form of result in the trillions upon trillions of people and even then heroes would be up in his shit for it. Culling half the universe at random fixes the problem immediately, then you can do the fertility rate thing to ensure no one has to do it again if you want.

If you want to be a smart-ass you could say that since he had all the stones, he could just go back in time and then modify the fertility rate of every sentient species in the universe, but then you'd still have people disappearing at random left and right in the present, not to mention doing something so drastic at such a time would inevitably lead to extreme changes in the world's history and evolutionary track - things like having tech and science lag behind generations what it should be, completely different cultural norms and even a full species wide extinction way before the events of the movie.

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