Ever drop a comic because of the art?

Ever drop a comic because of the art?

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Not the art of that specific page, I am okay with it.

I hate it so much

I really don't see the issue. also, what's the next page?

They sure know how to waste space. No wonder manga is dominating.

Isn't that Stuart Immonen.
I could power through the end of Slott's run thanks to him.

Immonen is a hundred heads above Bagley. It's a really good test for how long you've been reading comics and how far you've developed your taste based on your preference in first vol's artist

Yes. Dropped it like it was fucking hot

>implying manga don't spend 200 pages of a single tankobon to show an event that could be effectively summed up in 50 at most

plenty of times but I donĀ“t think this art is particular bad

Especially late USM vol. 1 Bagley. That was some of his worst work.

This looks bit erotic

No but I wanted to, but it was part of a bookclub thing so I finished reading it and hated it.

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>hating on Immonen

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It's really a good pleb filter

Just wait untill Lafuente takes over USM a few arks after this one.

The writing isn't helping

This nigga somehow managed to combine both vomit worthy art and cluster fuck plot into one

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no. as long as it's consistent, it doesn't bother me.

Story matters more than visual direction.

Manga is more decompressed than comics though...

Most overrated artist Marvel has. Is he gay? Why do all the marvel writers and artists imagine he's god-tier?

This. I'd agree it's not bad as not nearly enough to drop a book over. OP has his tastes though.

Explain why. I hear this all the time. I disagree. I'd like to know why people find him so talented. His paneling isn't special, his art isn't verily kinetic, isn't overly emotive, it's mostly just kinda really solid and generic.

>shilling marvel intern memes
Explain why he's above criticism and dislike.

Greg Land has made me drop several comics over the years.

That artist never should have been attempting comics. Hideous trash. No story what so ever. So sequential movement. Just pictures. Pretentious trash. Author probably loves kings batman.

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What the hell is happening on this shit?

I don't read comic books illustrated by Hayden Sherman.


First few trades have a really neat style, then the artist changes and everyone one starts looking like SU style balloon people and all the background characters start looking like parodies of tumblr OCs.

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Morrison X-men was hard to get through at times because I hated most of the art.

"Among my other achievements, I'm a qualified sex therapist..."

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It sucks too because the story itself is great

Yes, but I have never dropped a particularly good comic because of the art. I have read bad comics for the art.

It's all so blocky, and the noses piss me off for some reason.

I barely buy anything with this guy, unless I'm really into the story.

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All New Ghost Rider once Tradd Moore stopped drawing it.
What came after wasn't even all that bad, but the art is what hooked me, and once that was gone all I was left with was a mediocre cape comic I probably wouldn't have bothered with otherwise.

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And they still have yet to invent color or learn how to print on paper that doesn't yellow.

We can shitpost all day user.

No, because, like, the story is what really matters. You're all surface level if you care about the art.
I also only play video games for the story.

Just by responding you've already played into his hand.
There's is no win state here. Any action you take will only makes things worse.

Yes but they also only charge 10 bucks for those 200 pages of story that will still be canon in five years as opposed to paying 15 for maybe 120 pages

I kept reading the last run of Ultimate Fantastic Four.

So no.

I was unable to read The Bigger Bang (art by Vassilis Gogtzilas).

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Dynamite's Barbarella

This is still the good art right?

What's wrong with the art here? The digital coloring isn't the best, but there's nothing particularly wrong with the anatomy or composition.

??? She was sexy as fuck.

Humberto Ramos
John Romita Jr.
Greg Land and his clones who also trace 3D models
Ramon Villalobos
Alex Maleev
Mitch Gerads

Yeah Patch Oliffe on Hawkman needs go. Imagine having Hitch, then this

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Frank Quitely, Phil Jimenez, Ethan Van Sciever... Literally some of the best artists of the time.

I powered through the entirety of JLA despite that horrendous Porter art so, no.

Hating on based Stuart Imminent
What a fucking plebe
Yes, it's the art, not the culture, distribution methods, dominant forms of transit and incredible backlog to mine that make manga successful.
Goddamn weebs are stupid


I've noticed that alot of marvel comics nowadays have webcomic tier art. Its shameful, especially when the comic has an Alex ross cover.
but I've been spoiled by clay mann and Gary Frank

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For anyone who doesnt speak DC editorial I'll translate: we have given up and are going to cancel this book soon.

Porters art was definitely from that era. JLA got better when Brian hitch did the art.

T. On like volume 5 or 6 of pre infinte crisis JLA

>Gary Frank
Yeah, making everyone look like a psycho is true quality

I never pick a comic with bad art, they are comics, they are supposed to be visual, I don't care if jaime di caco or whatever "famous" "writer" made the story.

Pretty much any comic that switches to 3-D trace art mid-run. Dark Tower hurt pretty bad because the previous artist was pretty great.

Got a pic? I don't see how they could possibly look worse than Stevenson's normal style.

What's wrong with it? That page looks kind of cool with the stylized/sketchy aesthetic they have going on.

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Superman Year One, Romita Jr fucking sucks

>200 pages of story
I think you mean 200 pages, and also a story... That could easily fit into 25 pages.

>yeah, bro-in-law

Jesus fucking Christ I wasn't prepared

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It usually takes less time to read a tankoban than a trade even though the page count is shorter in a trade. Not that I really think that affects most people's purchasing decisions. Most people just prefer the one they're more familiar with.

Not that guy, but holy shit that is some grade z meef Steven Universe fanart

Where is this art from?

David Finch.
Everyone look like Handsome Squidward

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The short lived Fell's Five D&D comic, it was too good for this world.

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What the fuck? Is this a fetish?

>Venom watched Jap porn once

>Ethan Van Sciever
Isn't he an alt-right Nazi?

I don't even give them a try if I find the art to be shit.
Comic books are a visual medium and I'm not gonna put up with shit visuals, If I didn't care about that I'd read regular books instead.

It looks like every page was submerged in the mud. It's simply inreadable.

IDW D&D vol. 1 lasted for 16 issues. It's pretty good result.

Unironically no

Most of the mainstream comic art is just so soulles and the poor, uninspired ''inks'' don't help one bit, probably makes it worse.

Well, what did you expect? You said it yourself, Godzilla drew it, probably on a regular size page to boot, I'm amazed I can make anything out.