How do you feel about these as crimefighting costumes?

How do you feel about these as crimefighting costumes?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It'd be so cool

Too busy.

how do you takee them off to pee?

grow up

IS THIS FUCKING WARFRAME?! on Yea Forums no less?

>How do you feel about these as crimefighting costumes?
>Crime Fighters.

Not even a little. They're more death monsters that go in and out.

If they were in a crime fighting setup then you would see headlines like this:
>Strange fish-like-aircraft seen in sky.
>Entire industrial district murdered in the night. Police only discovered it because the sheer amount of blood filled the storm drain and flooded nearby businesses. Criminal cartel presence suspected in area.

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Obviously he/she meant the looks of them, not the warframes themselves.

DE would find some way of fucking it up

literally wut

Those combinations are not very good, and no newbie should have those frames yet so there is no excuse.

They should have bought the Kiteer colors.

3/10, this is why mom left.

Does anyone know if the Warframe comics are good? I was tempted to buy the first anthology a few times.

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More like Professor X would be manipulating their childlike dependency on parental stand ins to use them as soldiers against the Limbo Dimension, or by the Guardians against Darkseid in DC.

But they’d kind of suck. Part of the appeal is being one of them. The slow burn story has been one of the vidya stories I’ve been the most invested in as an adult, and it feels like a damn good mystery.

Just read it online man.

its fun

>kiteer colours
>not being a tropical flavour avatar of justice

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Lookswise, they wouldn't be too out of place in a symbiote story

If Warframe gets an animated action show, I fear the amount of loli and shota operator lewds that will flood the internet once the true tenno are revealed. As of now there isn't much lewds.

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The upcoming Paradox storyline seems to imply cross-dimensional travel to a universe where the colony ship actually reached the Tau system safely or some kind of hallucination of that.

Either way, I think adult form will be an option going forward. Probably to make Operator a legit mode rather than an Eidolon shieldbreaker, a way to safely resurrect, or as a means of selfhealing.

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>have magus lockdown, magus repair and zenurik tree
>operator is now an AoE energy and health beacon, can delete tanky enemies just by dashing and crowd control as well
>doesn't even need an amp

the "operators" are the worst thing about warframe. could have just made them to be as vor theorized as "beings of pure energy" but no, had to be some other stupid shit instead

Shame too, because the harrow questline has an operator who is just that, and he's fucking terrifying.

the suit is organic. you pee in it and it just absorbs it like a plant

i don´t quiet understand warframe but I respect its unique look

no you fool, your ghostly space magic is possessing the organic body horror torture victim so you pee your orbiter while the suit just sort of oozes.

mini backstory catchup
>galaxy spanning empire (the orokin) collapses, taking most of their technology with them
>galaxy falls into chaos, eventually two major powers form
>the corpus, a profit driven group of militarised megacorporations
>and the grineer, a bunch of rebel mass-cloned slave labourers turned fascist dictatorship
>there's also the infested, a hive mind of the usual "infect everyone and make them like us" kind, but they don't really have a goal apart from spread
>both factions are scrambling to unearth orokin technology, accidentally awake the tenno, supersoldier space ninjas the orokin made to fight their last big war
>this is where the game starts

The team comp is serviceable though a little excessive on the crowd control.

Technically the warframes are actually costumes so there is some interpretation there.

Women can't be competent so it's shit by default

I don’t think the Orokin got out of the solar system. They sent the Sentient (or the robots that would become the Sentient) to Proxima Centauri to get it ready for colonization, when the Sentient did the usual Robot thing and decide to wipe out humanity to protect other planets and life:

Speaking of the Sentients, is Space Mom still crazy? Did the Operator rescue or kill her yet?

says you

>no lewds

Storm, Squirrel Girl, Captain marvel?

>new Catwoman suit

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Still crazy, now working with Alad V to make sentient/corpus hybrids.

wish i could read the rest of these comics and that they keep making more

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Seriously, why not just have the Warframes be robots? This whole soul dive thing seems unnecessarily complicated.

Because they were originally space ninjas in body armor suits.

Isn't body/transhumanist horror kind of an underlying theme with the whole game?

Then it wouldn't be warframe dumbo, also a lot of it is explained throughout the game and its different quests, robots weren't cutting it in the war against the sentient.
Why would beings of pure light give a shit about the tribulations of humans and robots, operators make more sense. Gameplay wise they're annoying right now with the delay in deploying them and all but story wise they're pretty necessary.

This suit looks like it would taste so good if you licked it

Why would operators give a shit?
Honor, vengeance, or whatever.
They certainly didnt have to listen to Lotus, and could do whatever they want.
Its superhero shit, Tennos are heroes.

Only white knight losers trying to score good boy points and fat feminists who loathe anything that makes them look bad complain about sexualization. If I were a superhero with a hot body, I'd fight crime in a suit so tight that it could be mistaken for bodypaint. I'd flaunt my muscles and my bulge.

They look retarded, specially the one in the right.

I like them as a neat little power and love the lore implications.

But they need to be able to parkour like a Warframe, or do that teleport jump like in the Chimera Prologue everywhere.

>Hating Nyx

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why is her head a tea kettle

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This is all too much like the Geiger.

Hello fellow heroes, it is me, your friend!

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Ballas was really into punk mohawk chicks.

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They look like they were designed by a guy from the /xeno/ threads.


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Those aren't "costumes"

you can't wear a warframe

They did do what they want, and what they wanted to do was listen to Lotus, atleast after they woke up from the Somatic pod. Legit the only reason the operators are doing their own thing is because Lotus left them, and even then they'll likely keep profiteering from a system on fire, which they poured gas on twice.

Off topic threads are cancer and against >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

Warframe has a comic anthology you stupid fuck. Its literally in the sixth post. Fuck off.

Fuk yu

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Nidus is legit fun as hell once you build up all his stacks. Damn near unkillable

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Thickest and best girl


Sort of can. In a metaphysical way

That costume on the left is really fucking bad in particular, the purple legs and blue upper body with those random maroon shoulders. Ugly shit you got there

The philosophy of Warframe is fascinating. I’m shocked there isn’t more editorials about it.

Anyone in a position of power other than super corrupt assholes are a bunch of abused children who jumped from slavemaster to emotionally manipulative master who was herself emotionally manipulated by their original abuser that blames them for the death of their first “mother”.

The superpowers are only powerful because they rely on strength stolen from an equally corrupt dead predecessor civilization they cannot replicate the works of.

Almost everyone who isn’t evil is a bunch of primitives squatting in the ruins the evil groups raid.

Anyone not evil and not primitive is so weak because of their refusal to do evil that they rely on the children to do all the work that they plan, or are varying degrees of neutral and scared or insane and still shackled by the programming of the evil precursors.

Ultimately everyone is either a damaged slave, a nobody that have the patronage of child superheroes, or a malicious bastard scrambling in the ruins of a dead galaxy for scraps of power.

I mean, for fucks sake. People are preventing their own genocides from space fascists by offering plush toys and capes.

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Honestly, I love it
From the "I changed my name so those war crimes dont count any more" to "you can have a toy once you murder 200 people"
It's dark and fucked wrapped around a fun game.

I love all the people clamoring for the tenno. Every syndicate, every organization. Hell, even the companies who the tenno regularly murder through ask for their help. I want more comics exploring the Tenno growing older, want to see some getting tired and jaded.

To be fair, the plus toys are for animal conservation.

You know what I would kill for? More mission commentators. Syndicate missions with more than a single opening line, invasion missions where the side you're supporting is the one directing you, that shit would be gold.

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and me
competent women are like 4 leaf clovers, you're never going to find one

those tubes are stupid

That would be great. Tire quickly of "Ok Tenno, a lot of people are depending on you to get this done."
I would like to know more of the why and who. In the game would be great, but even an issue for each syndicate just exploring them would be amazing

I think the Ostron are the most fucked up
>live in the protective bubble projected by a living building they worship as a god
>harvest and eat the building's flesh, mutate and become time agents from this
>all the animal life is linked in a hivemind to the building
>area is covered in the remains of a sentient that nearly killed everything on the planet
>remains reanimate themselves at night and wander around killing people
>also there's grineer there
>they constantly throw weaponised abortions at you
>also every now and then a giant infested pustule forms and threatens all life on earth

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Ordis dropping the therapy mom recordings and just commentating on missions would be great, he only does that on one of the worst missions in the game. Teshin would be nice too.
Fuck, maybe allied Tenno themselves, like that “Tenno agent” saying what they stole from a back room themselves.

I love the Syndicates forgetting they hate you for merc work as well. Suda sent more kill squads after me than anyone else, but gave me my main frame.

We need more like them.

I’m glad they are revamping the starting the starting experience and leveling. Until I read the comics I thought Maroo, Darvo, Lotus, and Clem were the only humans who weren’t evil.
I thought the guards on stations were robots, same as Warframes, and Lotus was their creator or something.

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Was disappointed to learn about the living building. I thought they were out whaling giant armoured sea beasts.

The Guyver did it better.

I thought so too until I looked closer at the strips they are cutting by the dock.

Nakak’s little speeches are amazing. She makes Cetus seem so much more alive. Its a shame Orb Vallis was so much less interesting. The characters were better, but you can only attack Nef Anyo’s net worth so much before you want to just kill him and be done with it all or just keep doing Index.

Topic user has a point.

Post Warframe comics.

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Fucking thank you I loved this little series.

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Anyone got the clem comics?

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Goddamn these are cute.
Where are they from?

Originally? Dunno. I’m using google.

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I missed the name in the first one

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The original ones or the million fucking ones since then that DE also used to make Clem lore?

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umbra has a mind of his own, sadly he cant talk

luckily you can take them off

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I’m still disappointed he doesn’t just wander the ship like a Kavat or Kubro.

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theyre complete shit. the faces are so featureless and lacking in personality, all your eye is drawn to is the badly rendered tits. and you can get tits anywhere.

compare something like spideys mask, or deadpools, or iron mans. no features but he does have an area on his face(eye marking) that stops your eyes and you can focus on.

why do men keep making these posts? do they lack a mineral?

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This is something that fucks with me hard.
He has sentience. And you're driving him around like a scooter. I dig the question is this right?

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Early ones are the only ones I remember.

Not him but she is awful in the game

Is this the same poster always making the bodysuit threads on /tg/?

But Tenno don’t have eyes. Why would they need eye holes?

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As someone who makes bodysuit threads on tg, no this is someone different
The question wasnt whether tenno need eye holes, it was would you fight crime in those suits.
I love warframe, but the suits would need editing for humans.

He can kick you out whenever he wants, like he did in the questline.

You can communicate together when transferring.

I just want to know his perspective on things. He’s one of the top Orokin nobles, seeing the vastly changed universe. Getting in the mud and helping people who’s ancestors he lead the Orokin in snatching children from to keep themselves immortal, at the urging of a child ancient even to him that he still thinks of as a “void demon”.

He has to have some juicy commentary he can share.

Warframes without a tenno around are in too much pain / too crazy to be coherent, umbra was only different because he hated ballas so goddamn much

Ah, I see.
Most are copies of the original, which have no intelligence.

The only originals we know of are Umbra, Inaros, Revenant, Titania, Oberon, and Octavia. All of them other than Umbra are dead, unless you subscribe to the theory that Suda is Octavia and her mind was extracted from the body for doing something wrong.

>As someone who makes bodysuit threads on tg, no this is someone different

Shame those threads never lead to any discussion except warframe shit.

>He’s one of the top Orokin nobles
Dax were human guard dogs.

Also Harrow. Forgot him.

There isn't anything to discuss regarding bodysuits. It's just art dumps and screaming about how good asses look.

The "is this right still " valid to me
Who's using who? Still driving him around, and potentially exploiting a broken man.
100p I'd love to hear him talk out what's up more.

Im excited to see whoever comes next.
I figured they umbra'd ex because his prime is locked. But assuming he wont be the only one.

Rhino prime's lore bit describes him running around his holding facility screaming and eating people before he wanders into the tenno pods and calms the fuck down.

Feel free to shut up if all you're gonna do is troll.

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No, his son was a Dax. Umbra was once a Dax, but later was head of the Orokin council, the one that Ballas was on which condemned Margulis to either death or Cephelon-ing. We aren’t sure which, presumably death though.

Ballas didn’t have the balls to speak out against her sentence, so he got revenge on them all instead by turning Umbra into a Warframe and forcing him to kill his own son then locking him into the memory, using the Lotus to cause the Tenno to kill the rest of the Orokin, then giving Harrow the secrets to killing the Tenno for putting Margulis into the position to be a criminal in the first place. he didn’t care about the Sentients wiping out the rest of humanity because Orokin considered themselves so superior that no other humans were people. Like all the other Orokin he hated the Tenno anyway for being something possibly an equal in power.

This bears repeating, space stepdad is a huge prick because he was too much of a chickenshit to vote not to kill his own wife and blames everyone else, and is jealous his stepkids are more adult than him and keep getting all the love from the women in his life.

they have eyes sometimes

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Yeah, I think so. We aren’t forcing him to do anything. We’re the only ones on his side, but its his own fault kind of and we’re in the same position anyway.

Cry some more about no one taking your fetish seriously.

The original Rhino or the copies? Or the Tenno piloting the brainless copy?

You sure you want to go down this rabbithole?

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Red lights flashing on stark, white walls. Davis is running ahead of me, dropping his notes. We're running for our lives. The fear gives me a strange perspective - I'm out of my body. I've forgotten how I got here. I don't recognize this place.
Davis and I slam pinned against a cell door and he shouts at me. I give him a dumb look. I can't hear him, the sirens, anything, only the muffled throb of terror in my head. I turn away from Davis down the hall and I see it. The hulking mass, flickering red, glinting like steel and fresh blood. Its skin changes, flowing like mercury when I'm blinded by the sudden muzzle-flashes. They do no good. The beast surges forward and the security men become crimson mist and gore.

I'm a statue, a cornered animal. A gate opens inside me and recognition floods in. I have seen this monster before. I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers. I have given it pain and measured its response. I have crafted then rejected countless like it. But I've never seen this beast so close, without the shield, without restraints. I have never seen it... free.

I know I will die so I just watch with curious acceptance. The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth. It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. It knows who I am and what I've done. It rears up like a bear and roars, shattering the lights and casting us into darkness. I can hear it lumbering toward me, its metal fingers rending the walls, but I know I am dead. I close my eyes and stand ready to pay.

I feel the pull on my arm and realize Davis got the cell open. He tugs me into the cell beyond and I fall on my back. I see Davis standing at the open door, waiting, as the monster tears towards us.

Suddenly I could live through this I shout, "Davis, close the goddamn door!" - But he shakes his head eyes wide as moons. He shouts, "Watch!" over the roaring and rending of metal.

Then silence. Davis is panting, laughing? The beast fills the doorway, inches from him, dripping in blood, but still without violence. It stands there, looking at its hands. Davis whispers, "No one would have believed me."

I crawl up the wall to stand, opposite the door. I've never seen this cell, a cold place with an array of shelves. A morgue? "Where are we, Davis?"

"This is where they keep them. The ones from Zariman." I'm thrown, what was the Zariman? The ship that never returned? "Davis, what's going on?"

Davis turns to me, a smile forming - "What's going on is..." he turns back to the beast now silent and calm.

"...big, fat promotions."
Sounds like a copy.

Nah. They'd be extremely brutal towards criminals so much that even the more brutal anti-heroes would be tame in comparison. I can already see the Marvel-verse and criminal cartels wanting to deal with the Punisher and whatever arsenal he currently has instead the bizarre armored chicks and dudes that slaughter whole armies. Hell, I would say that anyone who is an asshole, no matter who they are, will be cut down and the Tenno would make sure they won't rezz back.

And then we have DC. Batman would have to work overtime because half of the criminal underground of Gotham simply ceased to exist in one night. The terror would be so great criminals would actually plea Batman and the GPD to save them. And that's just Batman and Gotham...

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Probably the original actually, sounds like one of the early experiments before they got much further than "infested but made of metal and man shaped"

I made all 20 Warframes I own into the 20 Primarchs, now I'm going to make them all Doomguy. Because why have 1 Doomguy Rhino when you could just have 20 flavors of Hell genociders?

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Sounds fun. Were frames and primarchs picked for compatibility?

From a team perspective, how does everyone else play fashion frame?
Team colors? Personalize everyone? Theme?

To reply to myself, I switched from Justice league to power rangers recently.

Tend to do it on a frame by frame basis. sometimes a look just jumps out of you, like business vauban

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Don't they fight space crime basically?

ok, Yea Forums here........

what the FUCK is warframe?
i see its F2P, but is it SHIT f2p or GOOD f2p?

Frames and Primarchs were picked for looks, powers and personality. For example
>Ash P- Corvus Ckrax
>Harrow- Lion'El Johnson
>Hildryn- Horus (Luna Wolves)
>Nezha Deluxe- Fulgrim
>Rhino P-Ferrus Manus
>Trinity P- Roboute Guilliman

So far, Trinity P is absolute perfection in looks, choice and powers when it cimes to Bobby G and the Ultramarines

Finished Warframes don’t have mouths, and are not powered by food. That sounds like a prototype, or an Infested.

Tenno don’t seem to do much by themselves. They find factions to take orders from.

They’d probably take work from SHIELD, Star Labs, the JLA, the Avengers, and the alien groups. If the criteria was an annoyance most Tenno would probably ignore it aside from ones who specialize in frames like Loki, Equinox, and Octavia which can do nonlethal easily.

It's literally just an endless grindfest.

You play as space ninja wizard robots murdering your way through thousands of mooks.
Just go look up some gameplay videos.

Space war.
There isn’t a central power for there to be crime for them to deal with.

Grind and timers. If you are patient, you can wait most rush things out.
For instance, it might take upwards of 27 runs at a boss to get the four blueprints for a frame.
Three of those blueprints take 12 hours to build, then the final product takes three days.
Or you can rush it, or directly pay for it.
The thing is, most missions drop what they call Void relics. These are pretty much lootboxes, except you can't open them with money.
Play a Void Fissure mission, and it will open by the end of it. Then you get to choose one of four options at the end.
The parts and blueprints in them can be easily traded for the paid currency.
The main limiting factor is weapon and warframe slots, but two relic cracks and trades can buy you a slot.

Its an F2P MMO.

People love it because the creators are literally the most ethical business model in gaming. They made a thing free because too many people bought it and they were worried it was going to be a pay to win thing.

I picked up Ember and Nova back when I was into MLP, and they are still colored like Party Horse and Book Horse respectively, because those colors still just work for them.

These two videos are all you need to know.

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We could really use a multi limbed, Goro, warframe

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You mean one who isn’t Nidus?

what item was that?

Yes, good as Nidus Phryke is, he is not a true multi armed person. He's a poser

It wasn’t an item. It was an ability to randomize the color of your pets for a microtransaction currency used for cosmetics. They were worried they’d made an addictive mechanic, so they removed it as an option then expanded the breeding system to allow you to replicate colors, then put all the color options as being freely changed at will in appearance customization once you unlock the color, and made it so you can get more colors from playing the game and buying them from merchants who don’t accept the micro currency.

Everyone mentions that story on youtube when they talk about Warframe, but nobody explains it so everyone thinks it was a pay to win problem rather than an addictive collecting problem. Its almost a myth about the game, so few people know the full story.

I love how there is a lore explanation for new players and expanding game population.

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If only.

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Well these are adorable

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Hmmm. That's a good answer.

>You can't beat the Drej, they're Pure Energy!

DE shills pushing threads on every board it seems. /m/ here Yea Forums /g/
wont matter. they killed themselves. when people figure out the next big update still involves not land archwing but actual archwing people will hate it just like the original archwing update. its going to back fire so hard no amount of cocksucking or unrelated new meme money sink will ever cover it up. And right after that is yet another PoE copypaste.

Arch is just a way to go from ship to ship in the next update.
Arch sucked because Arch combat sucked.

Also, have you considered people just like Warframe, and their convention just ended so people are posting about it?


Jesus fucking christ. They're not suits.

>>Arch is just a way to go from ship to ship in the next update.
they are reusing the jordas raid and that has nothing to do with your ship. i can already see thousands of angry crying people complaining about not being able to get through the trench run.

>have you considered
no its shilling and Yea Forums already has plenty of problems.

> people just like Warframe
sub 250 hours in-game playtime and/or joining post 2nd dream doesnt hold an opinion of this skinnerbox. DE's incompetence along with their hugbox reddit knows no bounds.

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This is even better knowing he actually did that.

>that webm

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I'd call DE about possible larceny/Intellectual property misappropriation.


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That is entirely inaccurate.
Warframe, as of current "Lore" or DE's approximation of the jumbled mess of semi-interesting things said, if it isn't outright stated, it is heavily implied that, Warframes were previously people. As well as, Warframes aren't costumes in any way, as your Operator does not physically get inside them, or wear them, but uses Transference to take over their bodies.

pushing 1500 hours here. you're a fag

>they are reusing the jordas raid and that has nothing to do with your ship. i can already see thousands of angry crying people complaining about not being able to get through the trench run.
So something people run until they get the dropped frame, like every other boss fight?
>no its shilling and Yea Forums already has plenty of problems.
I’ve been here 11 years. People have been complaining about “shilling” as if its a new thing for 6 of them.

“Shilling” is not a teal complaint. Its a “stop liking what I don’t”, or a REEE from someone who refuses to hide threads.

>sub 250 hours in-game playtime and/or joining post 2nd dream doesnt hold an opinion of this skinnerbox. DE's incompetence along with their hugbox reddit knows no bounds.
Use grammer and punctuation. I can’t figure out what you are trying to say here.

The original prototype of each Warframe was a person.

The versions players use, the Primes and regular ones included, are just assembled copies. Clones. Umbra is the exception, its the only one we have the original of.

is that expressly stated anywhere? Because that would make a lot of sense, too much sense for it to be something DE actually stated.

Frames are infested people, It's why they're immune to the infestation. It's why we can understand helminth, phorid, and lephantis.

Lephantis: "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh."

Helminth: "We germinate, for the Master... within the Master."

Attached: Flesh.jpg (1920x1080, 1.55M)

yeah I know about that part, I mean the "all the ones we build are clones" part

Oh, all the ones we build from doing missions are just mass produced (not sure if they're also infested) clones. Prime frames are the originals.

Attached: umbra.png (388x500, 220K)

The Duviri Paradox seems to be set within the void, where the Zariman 10-0 was stranded

Technically the prime frames are the original orokin designs, the non-primes are post-orokin reproductions, hence why they're weaker and less COVERED IN GOLD

Yeah. It's just weird and pretty obvious that frames were originally just robots and then they introduce the body horror shit and now it's just kind of weird.

umbra isn't so much an original as the blueprints were tampered with to contain a small portion of his memories.

Any time someone forges that warframe they'd have to deal with mad Umbra.

When we do missions we don’t get parts of existing frames. We get blueprints that Ordis assembles out of parts.

Each original had a personality, we see a lot of their deaths in lore. Like Revenant getting cocky and being eaten by space uncle, Inaros allowing himself to die in peace, Limbo tearing himself apart across time and space doing the math equivalent of grinding 30 flights of stairs, and so on.

The body horror shit was in the original incarnation, back when it was dark sector.

Umbra goes with the “you the player are the first Tenno who woke up that didn’t die before waking up others” main character part of the lore.

You have the real Umbra. Everyone else’s are copies of yours.

Also important to note is this is when operators were still under the impression they were the warframes, and so bound to a frame.

So original=Umbra. Prime=First generation of copies of original. Regular=redshirt scrub Tenno.

The real Umbra is a fine layer of ash in that area of Lua, that's why you have to build him in the orbiter. he is a clone.

Heck no Umbra is the last as far as we know as the warframes were already being used as weapon. Ballas was punishing Umbra for outing his betrayal where he sends all the warframe data to Hunhow.

Umbra = Unique, late orokin era
Prime = Orokin designed original
Vanilla = Post-Orokin Tenno reproduction

Umbra got his ass whooped on Earth.

Attached: 1557079205631.jpg (1024x656, 127K)

>the Umbra clone that you rebuild retains all the memories of the original and tries to murder you once you build it


Yes, Ballas specifically designed it that way.

>>hiding threads fixes the problems of offtopic spam
no it doesnt. its 2nd worse to complaining about it and not reporting it
>>sub 250 hours in-game playtime
as in the hours your profile says in game not your steam hours.
>>post 2nd dream
people who joined after 2nd dream update
warframe is a skinnerbox
>>DE's incompetence
DE is incompetent
you see this this is what happens when you retcon your own lore to the point where you just take player's popular speculation and add it to the game. They will probably overwrite it again in a few years but remember "darksector isnt canon"

>>reddit hugbox
the reason why we have dance emotes and bobbleheads. hell there is even a reddit glyph. They approve everything DE does even the bad things. DE likes it this way not having to worry about criticism and only worrying about if people are not buying enough platinum.

This game is absolute shit now and its entirely the playerbase's fault for allowing the game to degrade.

How do you feel now that Rebecca has Jojo fever?

she has as much influence over the game than those sjw chat moderators. hoped you like day 1 Titania and day 1 Revenant.

>it's an user blames Reddit for everything in his life going to shit instead of accepting maybe he's just never happy episode

DE has nuked my friends list 3 separate times. im allowed to be upset.

>my friends called people niggerfaggots in region chat and got banned and this is somehow DE's fault

>implying calling someone a niggerfaggot is enough to wipe a friend list 3 different times

Attached: 1549251103728.png (387x820, 164K)

Friends leave.
This is a lesson you will learn.

Why would you?

Attached: 512e6bf777d22ac856fcabf80c613553.jpg (919x1300, 224K)

Color scheme following the warframe’s theme/a theme that fits the frame, i.e. for Chroma Prime the primary color is green because he’s a reptile and secondary is red to go with the “skinned” part of his power/as exposed muscle. That or a random color combo that just looks good, like accidentally giving Mesa Prime Inaros’ color scheme.

Have you ever considered that you are a miserable shitbag that nobody wants to play with? Nah, must be a conspiracy, that's way more likely.

Attached: 1558258032560.png (1600x1200, 2.02M)