Black widow hype thread.
Best girl of the mcu deserves her movie :)
Black widow hype thread
it will have scar jo right?
Plenty of set pics with her. So surely.
Yeah. But most likely it will be passing the mantle movie.
My nigga she dead.
Yes. That is why they will bring new black widow for avengers. with Natasha's blessings.
She looked and acted the best in Endgame. Made her death hit so much harder.
And who could be the new black widow?
Ultimate Jessica Drew?
I love when a character gets their redemption.
Its yelena. Casting news confirmed it.
Eh why not
Iron Man 2 is the best shes looked
The things I'd do
Watch movies with her?
Black Widow's best movie was The Winter Soldier. She really improved as a character once they made her Cap's right-hand woman and bro.
>Best girl of the mcu deserves her movie :)
It came out in March
If Taskmaster actually looks good and kicks ass, I'll go. Otherwise, I'm staying at home.
If you're using hollow and wooden acting to equate 'best girl' then you're absolutely correct.
Reminder that this will make more than any DC movie could ever dream of
>BLACK Widow
>not actually black
Why is this allowed? racism is disgusting, it's 2019 ffs
Tumblr pls
I'm just looking forward to the inevitable Young Avengers team.
Bringing a new, young Black Widow into the mix in ScarJo's solo outing.
Hawkeye's daughter.
Ant-Man's daughter.
Either IM3 kid from the funeral, or Morgan (possibly piloting a much-larger suit, kinda like Tony within the Hulkbuster armor). Maybe both.
Cap and Peggy had kids, you know they did. He didn't go back just to get his woman, he went back to be a civilian, a husband, and a family man. There is a grandchild of Steve Rogers running around waiting to step up into the role, who probably has no idea who their granddad really is.
Not sure about Thor, this one might be the pulled-out-of-their-arse representative. Maybe a young Beta Ray Bill?
Wait and see... Wanda was pregnant by Vision when she got dusted, and she came back still pregnant. Just need a little magic to up the aging process.
I just don't see Disney/Marvel letting go of the incredibly strong family theme of the Avengers. They're going to keep it going.
She is the new Black Widow?
>woman preggo with second child hype thread
How she gonna feel when Black Widow's movie doesn't even get half the hate that Captain Marvel did?
>Give her fantastic chemistry with Steve
>Steve still goes after the proto Boomer ass instead of BW or Sharon
What the fuck was his problem?
Pretty much this
Bad writing
i wanna cassie lang become stature so bad
Movies, man. She's just holding the fidget spinners in her hands and popping little flappy things. They were never in there, but the shot is so quick, you'd never see or question it. Shits wild.
Not in this timeline
How about we post Widow lewds instead
Whedon is shit and shipped her with his self insert
How are you gonna hate that?
You're welcome
she CUTE
But how could they fuck up so badly?
Peggy moved on, he should’ve too.
Of course. Worst ship. I try to forget Age of Ultron was executed the way it was.
I'm still mad they got rid of the red hair
Whedon happened
>But how could they fuck up so badly?
If it's not Tony, The Russos don't care: Just look at what they did to Thor, Hulk.. hell, even Thanos
>Peggy moved on, he should’ve too.
And died, and told him to move on. on top of that
>but it's what Tony wanted.
The last time they talked he had the nerve to blame Steve for what happened and fucked off, how Steve could still give a shit about him, it blows the mind
I dont think it will get any hate, scarjo is a nice person and Im almost hyped for her movie
Captain 7-head is the worst actress in the MCU, bar none
You forgot this nobody "hero" that did literally nothing in infinity war
Low tier bait. Try harder, faggot
Is there a worse accent in the MCU then this?
Every Wakandian
I think its more likely that Wanda uses part of her soul to bring back Vision (along with Simons brain patterns), and in the final battle with Chthon, in the Flickering Realms, she fires a soul shard into him that makes him scream in pain and she escapes Wundagore Mountain.
The shard eventually returns to Earth and enters William Kaplan.
> We will never see Natasha fuck Wanda.
It hurts, guys.
>Best girl
>Hit wall six or seven years ago
Actually she still is probably the hottest MCU character, and that's pretty sad and speaks to their other casting choices and fanatical dictum to remove femininity and beauty from their globalist shitworld
When is this movie taking place again? Before Infinity War or during the five-year skip?
>Dyke shit
Also what a waste of numbers
She was a fugitive at the end of Civil War. She had to do something to look discrete.
everybody shut the hell up on this shit comic con next week god dammit
I think it takes place between Civil War and Infinity War and covers what Nat was doing during the period of time where she was a fugitive.
we will learn more about the fuckin movie next week
There will always be fanart, user
>doesn't like to see two hot women fug
Why is nobody aware it'll be set in the past?
Any shortcomings will be due entirely to management not on acting talent.
She’s 34 user
>Cap and Peggy had kids, you know they did. He didn't go back just to get his woman, he went back to be a civilian, a husband, and a family man. There is a grandchild of Steve Rogers running around waiting to step up into the role, who probably has no idea who their granddad really is.
that would be an alternate reality
Brie makes people so irrationally mad and I love it
>Ultimate Jessica Drew
Don't do my girl dirty like that
No it wouldn't, fuck up.
The Russo's are idiots who don't know how to read the script given to them.
Writers confirmed Cap is a stable time loop.
>being this dense
You can't change history with the time machine. There are three different scenes explaining this explicitly. The movie is written for children and people still don't understand this?
Where did the shield come from then?
The best MCU girl is Peggy.
lol, no
History wasn't changed, my dude. It happened as it always did. Cap ALWAYS went back in time and stayed there. That was what Doctor Strange saw all along with Tony and Natasha dying.
It's a close kept family secret.
Are you trying to imply that it would have been impossible for him to acquire another shield over 80 years? When his wife was such a prominent figure in SHIELD with a vast network of connections?
Would Wakanda spare the vibranium?
You think they wouldn't, knowing it was for Captain America to pass on to Sam Wilson?
>Proving my point
Close, but no
It's implied only Tony can make another shield for him since Wakanda's versions were so different (and shit).
>Is there a better accent in the MCU then this?
Fixed that for you.
>I think its more likely that Wanda uses part of her soul to bring back Vision (along with Simons brain patterns),
MCU Vision doesn't have brain patterns from anyone else, it works much better that way.
I call it the Emilia-effect.
In other words: be loyal to your fucking waifu you haremshitter.
It'll be even better when Wonder Woman 2 comes out.
Fuck off, Steve.
Yo why is Cap doing blackface?!
Thank you user. Your ban is worth my nut
That's a terrible idea. Please go back to tumblr.
Widow was THE female because the best Marvel female characters are mutants and mantles, and feminists are divided on mantle role representation.
Now Marvel has the X-Men, meaning basically all of the good female Marvel A-listers.
>Now Marvel has the X-Men, meaning basically all of the good female Marvel A-listers.
This is a dumb meme. All of the mutant women are team book characters, none of them can sustain a solo book for more than a year, and wouldn't work as a solo movie either.
>Young Avengers team
won't happen. Young teams are corny as fuck and not as appealing as chad adults walking around.
And neither did Widow until the MCU happened and gave the character renown.
Had they had the X-Men since the beginning you can bet there would be at least one Storm or Kitty Pryde movie even if just to fill a racial quota kind of deal. I can most assuredly bet Sue will be the "protagonist" of the MCU Fantastic Four.
What quota does kitty fill? Besides Jewish
Stronk independent womyn.
Man, had they had the X-Men back in phase one I bet Whedon would be pushing all he could to make her solo movie.
they didn't even give War Machine his own movie. What makes you think Storm could hold her own franchise? She's always been part of the team.
Because War Machine is discount Iron Man while Storm is one of the actual recognizable, and popular, black/woman character in the franchise.
Movie was meh but if anything Cap marvel's run was proof people who are too invested in sjw/anti sjw shit have no influence besides their small circlejerks. I want to see BW, CM2 and Hercules:the gayest avenger.
hopefully she kill herself
>"hi there beautiful"
>infinity war widow
Bless you
does not change the fact that it can still be a skrull or that the real one does not die
Is Scarlet Johansson the only MCU actress with a nice butt?
She's old, user. A person cannot keep playing the sexy spy forever, especially if one is a woman.