How would he fair against Superman?
How would he fair against Superman?
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Well that depends, are you talking about Pre-Crisis Superman? Or Post-Crisis Pre-Rebirth Superman? Or are you talking about Post-Rebirth-Superman?
but he would wipe the floor with superbro for sure, dont know about doomsday supes tho.
Dragon Ball's "Ki" does not exist in DC. It only applies to the Dragon Ball multiverse.
this makes no fucking sense, the gems are reality warpers, the whole statement of being another reality contradicts what the gems are for. And Ki or Chi or Xi does exist in DC universe.
>this makes no fucking sense, the gems are reality warpers, the whole statement of being another reality contradicts what the gems are for.
It makes perfect sense. Marvel acknowledges it, DC acknowledges it, just accept it.
The Speed Force only works in the DC universe. It only makes sense that other intrinsic energies and forces only function in their native universes.
If we in this reality were to travel to another universe, the laws of nature might be completely different (ie no gravity or inertia, etc).
Just because they acknowledge that it doesnt work, doesnt mean the concept of the stones arent nerfed for plot sakes or makes believable sense. The stones can creates new realities, it makes no sense that stones wouldnt work in another reality.
I agree but at the same time you dont have the speed force which isnt a reality warper, the stones are. They can recreate the universe. Just because they are plopped into the DC universe and not work would have been a total waste of time even trying to collect them in the first place. Plus these gems are a singularity. Singularities still work in DC, it was just a weak plot hole to keep the story going.
if Ki doesnt exist in DC, then the yellow sun radiation wouldnt be the same as DC yellow sun radiation. Denying Ki is denying life it self.
He fights Superman.
He's always the underdog against a stronger foe.
In mid-fight, Goku gets a free transformation.
He also learns how his opponent's weaknesses in every fight, and may copy techniques from Supes too.
Match may end with a friendly draw since both are pure of heart.
well it wouldn't end in death. Thats the problem with death battle, they focus on who would kill who not who could beat who.
I said "Dragon Ball's 'Ki'". Goku could still use Ki in the DC universe, but he would be nowhere near as OP as he is in the Dragon Ball multiverse. If it were the case, then any human martial artist in the DC multiverse would be able to fly, shoot energy beams, and destroy a planet with ease.
>Goku upgrades
>All his feats now consists of hitting harder
>How can Superman stop him now?
Supermans feats are nonsensical. Picking up something infinity heavy, punching through realities, whistling a tune of pure goodness and killing a deity... Goku hitting harder isn't going to make him overcome that.
But that's the thing, who knows what would happen if Goku adapted to Superman's infinite power? He's already capable of pushing past his own limits just by his own willpower to get stronger than insert stronger opponent here. The same applies to fighting Superman.
Goku was able to handle God Ki no problem, Goku is known for adapting rather quickly to a point its comical
>Goku hitting harder isn't going to make him overcome that
thats the nonsensical part of goku, because it would.
question, where did the idea of superman being limitless? He still needs to recharge in sun light. Especially after taking damage. Death Battle used all of the superman versions to prove their point but not all supermen were the same.
Dragon Ball's God Ki also only applies to the Dragon Ball multiverse.
Death Battle. And it depends on the writer. Superman is backed by 10s of writers for him and Goku only has Toei animation and Toriyama to write for him.
Also he can resist a mountain of kryponite or in some versions is near unphased. Then he can just fly into the sun and become infinitely strong to take down the universe and never recharge again.
Then what if I told you that Superman's solar absorption only applies to DC's yellow suns. DBZ's multiverse could very well not feed Superman because it's not his chemical matchup.
It didnt exist until the new series started, you are assuming that ki isnt the same in DC. When it could be. The stones dont work in DC doesnt mean Ki wont work.
The writers of superman contradict each other all the time. Plus Death Battle couldn't do math correctly let alone know what limitless means. Supes could go into the sun, YET he doesnt. He has to stay in the sun for a while to become limitless.
this too
>you are assuming that ki isnt the same in DC. When it could be.
Do you have proof?
None of the DC characters can shoot ki blasts or use it. For example, Avatar is closer to this, because elements are bended by chi.
Except ki and chi are two completely different concepts.
do you have proof it would not? Mind you the stones are speaking on behalf of marvel, not dragonball. If the stones only work in their reality then that is just the stones.
More on that point is if the stones dont work why doesnt the same thing happen with marvels super heroes in the DC universe, did their powers get taken away?
>Except ki and chi are two completely different concepts.
well the mean the same thing just one is chinese and the other is japanese wording. Its like saying sorcery and magic are different.
But in DC universe and Dragonball their terms of chi and ki could be different.
Wrong. Ki is standard powers for Starfire. She has all the abilities Goku has.
Aren't Reality Gems literally unique to each universe in the Marvel multiverse?
They were specifically designed not to work outside of their universe, that's not the same as ki and such.
Don't get me wrong, I think Superman > Goku, but people like you who try to pull these bullshit reasons like "E-everyone in Bleach is a ghost so superman couldn't see them!" or this retarded ki not existing idea are fucking pathetic morons.
Wait what? she does?
>Powers up by emotions
>Shoots lasers in special colors from their own ki
>Race of warriors who all look/dress the same
>Can fly
>Strength depends on how emotional they are
Yeah, 1-1 ripoff of Saiyans but Starfire came first.
>well it wouldn't end in death
Yeah, it would. Gogeta kills his enemies as Vegeta is the dominant personality.
It's not Ki though, it's solar energy converted into plasma.
saiyans are a rip off of kryptonians and the monkey king.
But a lot of powers are emotional base. Ki isnt emotional base its something else, the saiyans just have an affinity with ki that their emotions amplify it.
>dominant personality
ok thats not how fusion works. it combines them. The personality of vegito is the combimation of their cockiness and pride as fighters and their attacks are more vegeta leaning because of the straight forward attacks.
Gogeta Is a different combo, more friendly but more fluid in technique.
I thought Tamaraneans get there powers from solar radiation like Kryptonians do. The only difference is that Krypton had a red sun so they never had a chance to experience those powers while Tamaraneans had a yellow sun but they had a different power set and limit. Cartoon Tamaraneans are different all together if I recall correctly.
Both New Broly Movie and GT show that Gogeta is just as much of a coky ass as Vegito
>but two distinct fusions
>it's not a 50-50 mind share then
Dominant personality makes more sense. You're just confusing yourself.
Vegito was more outright insulting with his cockiness.
Gogeta doesnt need to boast through words, he does it by showing them. Its like one has beam attacks that seem akin to vegeta while gogeta is more akin to face to face fighting and spirit attacks.
None the less its best to go off Toriyama's gogeta if anything.
you are thinking its 50/50 at all here. Its a combination. Fusion isnt the sum of 2 parts its more than that. It creates a whole knew person.
Even if it was 50/50, they could still easily be unique, that guy is a retard.
Makes sense, we're on Yea Forums
For all the retards ITT, I'm going to combine the words fire and tack 50/50 in two different ways:
fick and tare
Wow, they're not exactly the same!
Combining half a cup of hydrogen with half a cup of oxygen still makes water, retard. The combination can't make two separate substances in a "different combination".
Combinations require 3 things.
Fusions only require 2.
They are both confirmed to be equal in power.
So the only thing that makes them unique is the mind share between the two, aka dominating personality.
you dont seem to understand what fusion is. Again it isnt the sum of 2 parts or a mixture of words. Fusion creates a new power multiple times bigger. In the case of dragonball its power.
Every fucking time an autistic dbtard comes here hoping to proving that his serie is superior in powers but ends failing to do so miserably.
Yeah, but we were talking about personality, keep up. You can hardly 'magnify the power' of a personality, it doesn't make sense.
So if 50/50 can create new characters, then what the fuck is a perfect fusion between two minds?
>Combining half a cup of hydrogen with half a cup of oxygen still makes water, retard. The combination can't make two separate substances in a "different combination".
>So the only thing that makes them unique is the mind share between the two, aka dominating personality.
That isnt fusing you dip shit you just have twp personalities more incharge than the other, Fusion makes a new person. I didnt mean combination as how you put it, I mean combining through fusion. dont be dumb.
The fact that you care enough to make this comment rather than having fun considering the possibility shows you're almost as bad.
On a side note its hilarious that people shit on Dragon Ball for Goku being so powerful due to literal decades of power creep and yet cum in their pants when Morrison writes
Which universe is more bullshit? DC Comics or Dragon Ball?
Same goes for personality moron.
user, you are a 50/50 combination of your mother and father, and so are your siblings. Are you genetically identical to your siblings?
well I think they are on equal terms thanks to Dr. Slump
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
Yes. But what separates me from that sibling is PERSONALITY.
What about him, how far can he climb?
Vegito is canonically more powerful
Oh God user, you're literally fucking retarded.
oh my god, fusing is fusing everything. Not just bodies and power, its personality. Its like 2 souls fusing to make one consciousness. I mean listen to them fucking speak, a dominant personality would mean one personality is in charge. It doesnt work that way, its a completw fusion.
exactly which means you mother or father isnt the dominant personality of you, its your personality thats the dominant one.
after retcon
The way the Potara and Fusion Dance fuse people could easily be (and probably are) different to each other though.
The Time Retcon doesn't mean the fusion is any less powerful
>This user also thinks he's a genetic clone of hi siblings
Goddamn, Yea Forums really is the dumbest fucking board on this site.
yes it is that is why you get 2 distinct personalities from each other when it comes to their fused form.
yeah just different techniques in the end.
That's what I was saying from the start, user.
was sibling even mentioned in that post? No? then shut the fuck up.
Except, that "child" doesn't share minds and memories with both mother and father at the same time. Which means the concept is bullshit and should end up like concept of fusion.
Ask for a kidney transplant from anybody except another sibling. Your body will reject any foreign organs not in your genetic makeup.
Possibilities on a show that the characters have basically the same kind of ability? There is a lot of other shows with way more interesting characters and powers to argue about it. Discussing the same thematic all over again and again is really boring. And Superman is not even close to my favorite characters from DC. I hate Dr Manhatan like characters because they're almost always boring.
no you were saying one personality between goku and vegeta is more dominant than the other what I am saying both fusions make 2 different personalites
My post:
>user, you are a 50/50 combination of your mother and father, and so are your siblings. Are you genetically identical to your siblings?
Other user's reply:
Yes. But what separates me from that sibling is PERSONALITY.
Your Reply to other user:
>exactly which means you mother or father isnt the dominant personality of you, its your personality thats the dominant one.
Face it, you're retarded.
By far, Dragon Ball. Power level and escalation logic are always getting broken there.
>Except, that "child" doesn't share minds and memories with both mother and father at the same time. Which means the concept is bullshit and should end up like #
>concept of fusion
its just an example of fusing to make a new person
You're getting me mixed up with someone else. My only argument was that its possible for Gogeta and Vegito to have different personalities despite both being 50/50 mixes of Goku and Vegeta.
Hello, doubleposter. We can see the IP count too.
>Other user's reply:
>Yes. But what separates me from that sibling is PERSONALITY.
>Your Reply to other user:
>>exactly which means you mother or father isnt the dominant personality of you, its your personality thats the dominant one.
>Face it, you're retarded.
I am not that user that posted about siblings! I am the one saying that the fusion made a completely new person. Goddamn dragonball tards are the fucking worst they love to argue like retards.
You have 50% of your mother's genes, and 50% of your father's genes.
You only share on average, 50% of your DNA with your siblings. This is fact, its not in question. You're just a fucking retard, and Yea Forums has a collective iq that barely breaks double digits.
They originally had. But since Toriyama is a shit author he ruined it.
>being 50/50 mixes of Goku and Vegeta.
but they arent 50/50
by saying 50/50 you are saying half of a goku with half of a vegeta. You have 2 wholes of people here, they fuse and they make a single new more powerful person.
I replied to the first guy that replied to me affirming that he thought he is a clone of his siblings, then replied to the second guy that thought the same thing. Are you autistic?
wait what? no you have all of your mothers genes and all of your fathers genes the fusion just makes a disappointment
Again, I'm talking purely about personality here.
You fucking moron. My argument was that Gogeta has Goku's personality and Vegito has Vegeta's personality dominating the fusions.
Vegito and Gogeta aren't the same person, despite being the same makeup.
You can consider them identical twins, but their personalities are run by Goku or Vegeta. Not having "being" their own "being".
That's bullshit. Google some proof.
But you can still share organs between siblings without the body rejecting it. I wonder why?
are you one of those retarded posters who keeps rping in db threads?
No, clones wasnt mentioned by anyone but you. You keep thinking in some messed up way that what I mean is that the personaloties would be the same, they arent they are still 2 different personalities. Ok think of fusion dance as one way to fuck and have a kid and the earings another way to fuck an have a kid. You still get 2 kids with 2 different personalities with influence from the parent personalities.
Its the same fucking concept you inept retard.
>You fucking moron. My argument was that Gogeta has Goku's personality and Vegito has Vegeta's personality dominating the fusions.
>Vegito and Gogeta aren't the same person, despite being the same makeup.
and you are wrong. The fusion between the 2 fighters makes a new personality, not a blank one but one that has the influence of memories from the previous characters, the only way the fusions of gogeta and vegito are different is because of how the fusion was done.
Does that mean Goku and Vegeta fucked each other with the potara earrings and had Vegito as their newborn son? That's gay dude.
This board is seriously embarrassing.
>The coefficient of relationship is a measure of the degree of consanguinity (or biological relationship) between two individuals
>Identical twins; clones 100%
>Parent–offspring[2] 50%
>Full siblings 50%
Going to apologize for being wrong?
Headcannon. Proof?
i wouldnt talk with the hate love making these two do
How do you 'magnify' two personalites together? it objectively makes no sense. Fusion obviously doesn't magnify everything, just power, other aspects are obviously just combined.
there it is, the calling card of the Yea Forumsutistic retard who thinks what is in front of him is head canon. Even in gt goku says that their fusion wasnt his fault its just how they are when fused.
Wrong about what? I was right. You now derailed an entire thread and argued with the wrong user thinking it was me the entire time.
I didnt say magnify I said fusion. There is no magnifying, YOU DONT MAGNIFY WITH NUCLEAR FUSION DO YOU?! This is where the concept of fusion comes from.
Poorly, Superman can punch and tank energy beams Gogeta relies heavily on energy attacks, unless he's using a special fuck you move it's not gonna matter much his spirit purifier ball thingy also only hurts evil beings. Superman has never died to an energy attack he's only ever been beaten to death.
Superman also tends to absorb energy, it's like his thing, he can't turn it off so there's a chance the god-ki interacts with him in a weird way making him stronger.
However if Gogeta knows the god of destruction technique which I think Goku does know then yeah it's over unless Superman pulls out some plot armor.
Anyway what's gonna happen is they're gonna end up in an eating contest and be great friends and Superman is gonna say something to Vegeta like "I have a moody friend just like you back home" and then everyone laughs.
>Can't provide proof
>Uses GT like it's canon
Lmao. Please continue.
Isn't SS4 and Gogeta in the new series?
Hell isn't Broly canon now too?
If you're the same user that claimed you were a clone of your sibling because you could get transplants from them, you WERE wrong. I apologize for derailing the thread, but I made an anology between siblings and different fusion beings without realizing this board was so dumb it didn't know the most basic human biology.
did you bring up GT in the first place? post us your screen cap for us then
The official American manga uses the word chi, they're interchangeable for the purposes of DBZ.
sorry screen cap this one
SS4, no.
Gogeta, yes.
The new Broly is basically a different character compared to the old one, he doesn't hate Goku, has a different backstory, and rather than wear power limiters he just had a shock collar.
>Thinks Movie Gogeta is the same as OG
>Thinks Broly is the same as OG
Woah, Yea Forums I thought we were better than that.
>user, thinks GT is canon when Toriyama rejected that idea.
>You think I referenced GT
Yea Forums needs IDs because the doubleposting and shitposting replies are too much.
they mean the same thing
we call it same fagging
>multiple episodes
>I apologize
waiting on user to finish photoshoping out his
Fusion Reborn Gogeta
Broly Gogeta
GT Gogeta
Heroes Gogeta
Also, don't post a pic of your mother online.
you brought gt up.
i am starting to think that the user who keeps being retarded is the one who RPs in dragonball threads and is that HxHfag who keeps getting in fights with others when a new series starts its own anime
no, samefag. You are aware comment chains get hijacked right? Lurk more, newfag.
What does any of this have to do with Superman vs Gogeta?
prove it
I knew it, you are the Hxh Fag jimbo arent you.
Congratulations, you are a schizo.
Oh no. You found my secret alternative Yea Forums gold account. Nobody here, but us chickens.
why did it take you so long? photoshop take 5 minutes to load?
i dont give a fuck jimbo but when i asked you to for a screen shot you didnt show then you make a cropped image with (you) shopped out. I even called it
You caught me red-handed. I did 9/11, I made Trump win, and I am jimbo the poster. Please RP with me in my HunterXHunter thread!!
Sorry, wrong user. This board has tons of traffic from 200,000+ unique posters. I'm not the guy you're dreaming of, faggot.
What would a fusion of Superman and Shazam be like?
>Super Shazam?
good to know you can admit defeat.
Just like how your mom bowed down to my cock while you a fetus.
great english esl.
Not long. It would only take a few minutes, half an hour at most before You are now imagining Superman violently making out and manhandling Gogeta before pounding his saiyan ass while both are covered in sweat. and THAT is how this retarded argument should always go. Now go outside and do something with your life.
>Asks how Goku's absolute strongest from would fair against Base Superman
Sorry, but if we are going with Goku's peak, then you need to use Superman's peak and Superman 1,000,000 could turn him into confetti with just a look.
It's time to stop.
I would rather see how Op fared against an agonizing, inoperable brain tumor for shitting out yet another Yea Forums versus thread.
It's great English, ESL. And I already left your shitty argument at . Congrats, you're a terminal schizo now.
is that canon to the main series?
if you left why do you keep replying with a photoshopped image?
Is Blue Gogeta canon to the main series?
this is a good reason, its also interesting how goku and such have far more difficulty against people with even slightly esoteric abilities cause they cant just retard strength through it, like quite a few jojo characters would theoritically kill goku just cause a lot of the abilities just simply dont care about durability or your strength
I'm reading the thread like anybody else. The fact that you fall for shitposts entertain me.
And I don't think you know how to verify photoshopped images to know that that's an enlarged screenshot. Count the pixels if you're that autistic. I'm posting in several tabs next to this one.
>see this shopped image? well its not shopped!
yeah ok
>yeah ok
Finally, you agree. Good boy.
go back to Yea Forums jimbo.
Yes. Rebirth did a lot of weird things, but also a lot of things that made it so they could mix the spices, as it were.
wasnt that part written for its own book. Its like saying Renew your vows is canon to the main series.
The real question tho is, would Super Tamaran Blue beat Gogeta Blue?
did a tammerian ever get a red ring?
Starfire is near supergirl-tier already. It's gonna quick if she's bloodthirsty or has vengeful emotions.
Ki comes from the body though, why wouldn't work?
Is Superman the Madara Uchiha of comics?
>However if Gogeta knows the god of destruction technique which I think Goku does know then yeah it's over unless Superman pulls out some plot armor.
Didnt golden frieza resist and nullify that technique?
Yeah, twice. And Goku tanked it for a good few minutes, albeit barely, in just his base form. The actual strength of GoD's tends to vary and Frieza only took on hakai energy from arguably the weakest GoD and one who was mere seconds into existence as one, so a hakai from one of the upper tier universes is probably still unstoppable
Krypto easily beats him
At least in Z Vegito's cockiness was an attempt to force Buu into absorbing him so he could save everyone still inside Buu, can't say much for how he acted in Super though.
since you can easily kill goku with bullets and lazers I guess supes has it in the bag
also goku: has died like 5 times
supes: has never died, in fact he's pretty much immortal.
But can he beat the kkk?
Pretty well against most versions, the more modern the better.
In DC, your fucking bog-standard rabbi off the street can asspull the Ten fucking Sephirot like it's goddamn nothing. In DC, cosmic demonic abominations are essentially an everyday occurrence, and have specialized teams to deal with them whenever they pop up.
Dragonball just can't compare.
>The Speed Force only works in the DC universe
Stop your bullshit. They would all die if they ever have to face someone like Buu. Your bog-standard rabbi can't even handle a planet being destroyed.
Toyed with Zamasu long enough for the fusion to run out mid-fight, though to be fair no one knew that using SSJB would burn through their hour in a matter of minutes
Guys you are missing the point, how functional mentally would a Superman/Batman fusion be?
There's some truth to this in the logic within Dragon Ball. I can't think of a good case of Goku doing it himself, but during the Tournament power Jiren was able to bust out of Hit's time abilities, simply because he was stronger despite strength having nothing to do with it. At first I thought maybe Jiren was simply able to outlast the drain in Ki Hit was using by restraining him, but as I recall the (official) subs starting going on and on about Jiren being 'stronger than time', whatever that means.
DC absolutely. Zeno is at the top of DB as of now and he's just a deity who can destroy universes but is limited by his intellect. There's stuff in DC that would squash him or exploit him without going all out.
Didn't he job recently?
Isn't Goku vulnerable to standard beam weapons when his guard is down? Couldn't anyone capable of exploiting that beat him easily? A telepath of example.
>They would all die if they ever have to face someone like Buu.
You mean something like Parasite?
The infinity stones aren’t the same thing as ki, that’s a false equalivence fallacy
>people actually think Superman is limitless
>when the new gods exist
He still takes it though, sliver age feats are OP
He kills all versions with ease.
>Another anime thread featuring MHA, Naruto or DBZ
better question what arc of db does goku surpass superman?
somebody should make a uchiha madara pasta variation of superman
>but is there any character that could defeat superman and I'm not talking about etc etc
How many power ups and fusions does Goku need? Is this going to be a thing until he finally gets a win, regardless of how he got the power?
>be Superman
>stand for truth, justice, and the American way
>nobody cares and only ever thinks of you as a power scale
I think they were implying that even trapping him in frozen time realative to everyone else doesn't work since he can just brute force his way out of it. For all we know Jiren experienced centuries in that time prison as he slowly but surely moved his body to break free
They work on a specific reality.
Kryptonians don't exist in Marvel. And thus Kryptonians shouldn't be capable of harnessing the power of the sun and becoming a god. But Superman still did so. Now stop being retarded.
desu I feel their personalities actually clash less than Goku and Vegeta do so maybe it wouldn't be too bad?
Outside of the stupid shit that is Endgame, the Infinity Gems only work in their native reality. Take them out of their reality and into another, they will stop working. Same applies to timelines since timelines are still just an alternate reality. Honestly fuck Endgame.
No they wouldn't. DC and Marvel humans have a limit to how powerful they can become physically unenhanced. Karate Kid would be the limit for DC and Shang-chi would be the limit for Marvel. Dragonball humans have far greater potential that both DC and Marvel humans. Same way how Earth-1 Kryptonians are just humans without solar radiation while Earth 2 Kryptonians were still superhuman without solar radiation pre-Crisis.
He literally got no feats. Its like thinking Sentry is actually capable of stalemating Galactus just because Sentry's creator claimed Sentry did. Superman Prime is all hype and no substances.
Gogeta easily punched through reality several times. Superman honestly doesn't stand a chance. Doesn't even need to go Gogeta to defeat Superman. SSG Goku would had been more than sufficient.
Superman broke out of Hypertime and out of Mr Mxyzptlk’s Infinite Planet
Jiren also canonly flew from 1 end to the universe to the nice in mere minutes prior to ToP. Wasn't even fully power when he did it. Also causally punched through a planet when subduing a Kaiju.
If you make Mr. Mxyz believe something, it will happen regardless of whether Mr. Mxyz intended for it to happen or not. Hence how he got trapped in Superboy-Prime's underground rape dungeon and wasn't able to escape. Superboy-Prime raped Mr. Mxyz so severely that the mere though of escape was impossible for him.
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Post-Crisis Superman. I'm not talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman either. Hell, I'm not even talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman with his mental blocks unlocked with the Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo Kryptonian martial arts, equipped with a GL ring, a perfect Jimmy Olsen, control of Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex/Batman DNA implanted in him giving him 24th lvl intellect. I’m also not talking about blue sundipped instant lobotomy enraged Post-Crisis Superman, with the White Lantern Ring and his original silver age powers and a Helmet of Fate on his head, host to Parallax and wielding a Sword of Superman because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Jimmy Olsen (that can use Silver Age Powers), control of both Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex and Batman’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, access to the Green, sundipped Krypto guarding him and nine mini black holes floating behind him, entered Prime One Million Mode, casting galaxy wide Superhypnosis to everybody with Super mindcontrol to steal their powers. I'm talking about blue sundipped for 10^10^100 octillion years Prime One Million Pre-Crisis Rebirth Cosmic Armor Thought Robot Strange Visitor Superman with the White Lantern Ring, Helmet of Fate, Silver Age superpowers, Batman/Lex DNA, retcon punch, Miracle Machine and host to all emotional entities, access to all the Elemental Realms, three swords style w/ Sword of Supermans, casting Skyfather Jimmy Olsen as his servant, trained under Muhammad Ali, absorbed all 5D imps, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Mandrakk and obtaining the Demiurgic power, control over the speedforce with Endless concepts implanted in him and having rewritten the Book of Destiny while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan, and fused with SuperNicCage while having mastered 127 martial arts.
It's 'fare', not 'fair' you retarded mouthbreather.
Could Whis beat Superman?
Not even Superman Prime from DC 1 Million would be capable of defeating Whis.
Yep, to Dr.Bluedick. DC hyping up Manhattan was a mistake! Many characters would shit all over him in the DCU.
Lucifer not giving a fuck and out for blood. YHVH, Aleph from SMT2, Steven(pic related), and the Axiom.
The gems are always belonging to their specific universe even in just marvel
That's a nice little reference, but it isn't the Flash using the speedforce.
Have any of you seen those "Every version of Goku vs every version of Superman" videos? What do you think of them? Are they any accurate at all? Most of my knowledge on this subject is on the canon version of Goku, and a little bit of current Superman. I don't know as much about all the side versions and their feats and abilities.
>Ki doesn't exist in the DC-verse
Pic. Related casual.
Technically magic and ki are both manipulations of spiritual energy making Shazam the closest Goku analogue
He said Dragon Ball's ki. Can DC's ki allow people to fly, shoot energy attacks that can destroy the planet, break dimensions, fuse with other people and withstand even reality warping? Of course not.
Could Batman beat Mr. Satan in a fight?
Pretty much nothing short of full Thought Robot bullshit would even make Steven get out of his chair.
Buu isn't even Umbrax tier. Fuck, he's not even Mr Mind tier.
Gogeta rapes Superman much like he raped Janemba and Broly
Some madman will actually make a movie about this one day and it will be shit.
>High 3-A at best
>Not really quantifiable
>Who hasn't
Infinity Gauntlets only work in their home universe.
Of course. Because Buu is stronger. Buu not only have limitless stamina, he can also absorb anything, have magic and is also physically immortal.
That’s not much to DC.
Composite Superman lost.
god bless you sir
Yes. The only accuracte thing is when Goku win the battle against Supes.
>High 3-A
>still lose sales-wise against Batman
Keep seething Batfag
>Win against Supes in the only thing that matter
> seething..
It's a tier list from a website called the Vs Battle wiki. It's really dumb and nonsensical.
Which one is the dumber one between below?
The one who make it
The one who enforce its usage
The one who use it
The one who think it is dumb and nonsensical
The one who uses bad grammar.
Like you?
>posts in a who would win thread
>B-Batman has more sales! T-take that!!
Is that Superman Requiem?!
Superman's peak is Strange Visitor or Thought Robot
In most Wuxia genres, martial artists are capable of doing all those things and more.
your mom will never be Dedede
why even live?
I know right. An immortal being that is already immensely powerful physically with limitless regeneration/stamina, and the capability to absorb others and acquiring their powers, knowledge and skills is totally nothing to brag about.
Is this bait? Nothing in Yea Forums can beat Superman.
The infinity gems are not the MCU infinity stones.
Nothing says the stones can't work outside the MCU
Is this bait? Even /ck/ can beat Superman. Bake him red sun radiation or kryptonite brownies and Superman is dead.
There is no such thing as infinite planets. Mr. Mxyz is powerful but he ain't that powerful. He is DC's Galactus. A classic jobber people tend to wank off as all-powerful.
NahSuperman blinks and ends /ck/
Except that’s fucking wrong because Kong Kenan realised in New Super-Man that Supes’ powers function like chinese chi, and DBZ’s “ki” is basically a pastiche of chinese chi. You might as well say DC’s “sunlight” doesn’t exist in Dragonball because Lucifer didn’t make the stars there.
Mind you, I don’t think he’d win or that the fight would go on for long before they became friends. The real question we should be asking is how would MUI Goku do against Darkseid (Emanations and true essence) because Darkseid is someone who could actually bring out the fighter in Goku if he doesn’t OMEGA him on sight.
How many multiverses has Buu destroyed again? Because Supes clocked out a cosmic being who was about to remake the whole of DC’s recently.
>All those universe plus level feats that DBZ tards screech about not counting for some reason
If you really have to ignore feats for your guy to win did you really win at all?
I can't wait for him to punch out Dr Manhattan and see how they cope with it
So...Superdoomsday, whose means of power acquisition actually scales with how powerful he’s believed to be? Because Superman fought him off by sheer persistence when the thing had a 5D imp setting up his battle for him.
Man forget Dr. Blue Dick, never forget how the first Crisis ended with Superman beating the shit out of the Anti-Monitor, the ruler of the ANTIMATTER UNIVERSE. I actually hate that whole story. I think it’s absurd and ridiculous how little justification, IN A TIME BEFORE RETROACTIVE META WANK was established to be canon, is made for why a big strong flying man can beat up a cosmic being that controls fucking antimatter. It’s still far and beyond anything I’ve seen that proves Goku can deal with hakai energy, although it does help the Anti-Monitor keeps using antimatter as a pewpew laser and a power source for absorbing infinite universes’ energy instead of, you know, just annihilating regular matter on contact which would be more useful for the battle at hand.
I have the same problem with how there has never been a satisfactory answer to me for why Darkseid doesn’t just Omega Sanction Supes. All I’m saying is if we were to go by feats, Superman has somehow, against all logic, fought off things he had no business standing a chance against.
>Brainlet answer
Post-Crisis Pre-Rebirth is the same as Rebirth. He was only Superbro briefly.
>Reads comics answer
They're all the same via the metaverse.
To be fair, comics Marvel has a history of treating alternate timelines as the same as alternate universes. This isn't the way it works for all settings though. In DC for instance, timelines are different from vibration universes and hypertime is this weird thing where you not only have alternate timelines of universes but alternate timelines of multiverses via the metaverse.
Robot is ABSOLUTE CASUAL in the same tier as
>The Superman from that Elseworld where he's Darkseid's son and Milkmanman are more powerful than Strange Visitor and Prime.
>Xenoverse Goku being more powerful than Strange Visitor
Robot doesn't read comics, just wikipedia.
>vs battle wiki
Yes actually. In several respects. DC 1 Million is still the canon Ultimate End.
>Vs battles wiki
>Aka ignore superman's feats, the website
This is what happens when you let DBZtards run a website
superdoomsday needs earth to even change into superdoomsday. but he still cant do magic. Buu is made from the negative emotions of the universe or something retarded like that. None the less buu is magic.
no the accuracy was way off.
No. People that think the golden Superman from Electric Warriors is Prime are retarded. There's hundreds of centuries of powerleveling that separate the two Supermen. It's worse than thinking Saiyan Saga Goku is the same as present Goku.
It's worse. It's ran by 40K fags that think Chaos Gods beat everyone and run the site like a hugbox where 40kfags triggered by all the "How does X fare in 40k?" threads on /tg/ run to in order to get their dick sucked and feel validated.
That was one of the rejected justice league scripts, way before the Tobey Spiderman films. The league basically get warped to earth for real and none of their powers worked because “real world”.
so in the end batman uses money to win?
Now that my good sirs is fucking META.
Pre-Crisis touched anti-matter a few times at the worse it ever did to him was stun him for a few seconds.
He also tanked the big-bang.
Pre-Crisis Superman was a beast. If you didn't have one of his specific weaknesses he was going to fuck you. It's only fairly recently that Superman is getting back to that level of power.
They'll deal with it like they dealt with Superman punching out Forger. They'll ignore and downplay it like lawyers.
Have you seen their DC articles? shit like Lex Luthor and Raven are listed as "unknown"
They also think small horse show is solar system level, as strong as they think superman is
When will they just adapt a Gardner Fox script with some character moments sprinkled in?
>No. People that think the golden Superman from Electric Warriors is Prime are retarded. There's hundreds of centuries of powerleveling that separate the two Supermen. It's worse than thinking Saiyan Saga Goku is the same as present Goku.
He's got a point.
Imagine thinking the inconsistency that is Synder's Superman is the norm. Definitely not a superfag.
Gogeta look at me.
d-doesn't count
S-solar system level at best
VS battle wiki is the CNN of who would win fights and anime light novels their Democrat party.
Electric Warriors doesn't even take place in LOSH time.
Golden Superman has literally hundreds of centuries worth of sun-dipping and farming out his power to 5D imps separating his Electric Warrior version from Prime.
just you wait supes. Goku will unlock super omni oni product endorsement saiyan. Where in the end Goku gives it up because its no fun.
>Zoom out of page
>See the giant rainbow explosion with bits of reality is several times larger than the Earth
How strong was that punch?
Barely damaged a planet. Pathetic. Even a loser like Hulk managed to destroy a planet twice the size of Earth. Even Thor managed to destroy a local planet and crack it's residential moon just by punching something really hard. At the speed in which Superman was flying, he should had at least destroyed the planet.
so Supes wins cuz Goku dies from old age?
The Forger literally hammers out universes on an anvil called the Crisis Anvil (I know, I know, its stupid).
That anvil blew up when Superman punched forger. Those bits of reality are pieces of the anvil.
So it's a pretty powerful punch.
Superman could legit pull that on Goku if he wanted. He could just wait for old age to kill him.
One, Buu ABSORBED the evil elements of mankind, he isn’t made of them and from what little lore there is it seems presented as them just making him violent not empowering him. Two, if THAT’S the criteria you’re running with then may I present the Seven Deadly Sins?
Oh look, they’re actually omnipresent instead of being just a blob that absorbed stuff somewhere. And they’re so irrelevant that unlike the Green Lantern villain Volthoom they can’t even carry their own event without help from-
-oh! Oh, look at that, a RANDOM SORCERESS is the catalyst and symbiote of universal evil manifestations!
And oh boy, I haven’t even gotten into the Dark Multiverse and it’s evil batmen that can put legitimate multiversal cosmic entities in chains have I? Nor have I, in the opposite direction, brought up Decreator the shadow of God. Another villain so insignificant to the Justice League they never even noticed the Doom Patrol “solved” him in like 2 issues.
I can only image where superman is in a crowd of people wanting to fight him, like he is giving auto graphs, only to have Goku jumping out scream Superma Fight me! Fight Me!
Honestly, how would Goku even handle Superman dragging him into the sun? Like the discrepancy of power between their energy blasts and what their bodies can take always irked me about Dragonball. If tossing him into the sun was an effective way of dealing with Broly, what keeps Superman just dragging Goku by the nub of his tail into good old mother Sol?
Consistency is a weakness in superhuman battles, and we both know it.
Even if you significantly downplay the durability of Forger and his anvil it's retarded to say it's just planetary.
Look at the page. The giant rainbow explosion with bits of cosmic anvil is at the VERY least several times larger than Earth. How much larger we can't really say because we don't see where all its ends are.
It makes sense when you take into account everyone manipulates ki, so they don't absorb all the force of a ki blast they block as they're also manipulating it to stop and disperse.
>One, Buu ABSORBED the evil elements of mankind, he isn’t made of them and from what little lore there is it seems presented as them just making him violent not empowering him. Two, if THAT’S the criteria you’re running with then may I present the Seven Deadly Sins?
I thought that Bibidi wasnt the one that created buu, I wasnt the user earlier tho, I just lurked a bit to get the gist.
7 deadly sins are not 1 person tho.
Sure if you ignore that hack, Toyotaro.
And yet, the way New God emanations/avatars work means Darkseid IS still capable of blitzing that guy and putting him in a chokehold. Christ, more comic writers should’ve shown Darkseid winning battles by clapping really hard and bursting half the universe. Well, there was that one time one of his emanations time warped another out of his own timeline and he was so important to it the timeline got fucking hakai’d, and that other time THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DEATH OF THE NEW GODS where another mere avatar built a machine to invade the Source by torturing it. Literally makes the font of all creation and divinity cry out for help. And then he died doing it, so he rez’d himself by viscerally RIPPING himself from Orion’s form when he went in too.
Seriously forget Superman, if you want to talk about people who would claw Goku to shreds the Lord of Apokalips has got this on lock.
Yes bibidi didn't create buu he just found them
>just making him violent not empowering him
Completely wrong
well here is my 2 cents for my reply.
Broly when shot into the sun he was being over powered, thats non canon movie, new broly and goku can fight in lava with the constant ki pushing it away from them.
See people keep thinking that goku is like superman in that goku should be bullet proof. But he isnt, Ki allows people to do super human things, and needs to be controled when fighting. While he isnt fighting, the guard is down and so is his ki.
where supes he is the opposite a guard is always up and he absorbs the super human energies aka the sun in his case, and empowers himself. Ki in dragonball is your own energy, your own inner Sun, is being pushed out.
I was talking about super buu and kid buu
I long ago lost track whether the manga or anime was canon, but I remember in the anime it’s never indicated Buu was created rather than just naturally being there.
>Jiren controls his ki to somehow compress force that should logically be universe-threatening into blows that don’t even rip through space-time like Anilaza (seriously why does nobody talk about the DBS villain who can actually hit so hard he rips holes in space-time when neither MUI Goku nor Jiren ever does)
>”Good ki control!”
>Superman compresses sufficient force to destroy an entire potential multiverse and knock flat a being that created the being that almost hauled the entire regular multiverse into a black abyss and in turn created the abominations that yeeted both the League and another multiversal cosmic being
No but seriously, I cannot get over what a boring schmuck Jiren is compared to Zamasu. At least Zamasu fucking tore open a portal into wherever like a 40K daemon.
By the way, for anyone wondering about True Darkseid versus Goku, lemme give y’all a hint: Rmember Goku didn’t even bothering trying to fight Infintie Zamasu, and he had Trunks and Vegeta with him at the time.
No, I am saying the discrepancy is in the opposite direction. These guys can throw energy blasts that can destroy mountains, but their bodies can’t withstand that amount of destruction and they can’t punch mountains. In RPG terms it seems like they have high damage stats, but shitty health and armor while Superman has high everything.
Avatarseid was capable of LOL NOPE-ing Infinity Man back in the Kirby comics and Kirby described Infinity Man as having total control over reality and beyond.
Avatarseid would do to Goku's universe what he did to Nu Earth-2.
>Completely wrong
Cite it. Seriously, I’m interested to know what the wiki’s missing.
Also are you just going to pretend all the other examples of villains I listed that dwarf Buu while being insignificant in DC’s main storyline don’t exist and try to evade by bickering over minutiae or...?
And this is why the Omega Effect would end Goku easily. To be fair, it should reasonably have ended Superman easily endless times in the past before which will never not bother me.
Fuck man I don’t even remember what the fuck Infinity Man’s powers are even supposed to be. I thought it was matter manipulation. But then he can shoot something called an Infinity Beam too? Look I get he’s supposed to be the proto-Captain Planet, Kirby’s metaphor for the power of YOUTH protecting it from the power of DESPOTISM or whatever, but god damn if he’s so inconsistent I’m not actually sure how impressive besting him is supposed to be.
Unless we want to pull from Death of the New Gods, where he oneshot Orion and held his own against Mr. Miracle amped with the Anti-Life Equation as part of the Source’s keikaku. And I want to trust we have enough dignity to not pull from Death of the New Gods.
But yeah, Earth-2 is a fucking insane victory lap for Avatarseid. I still think it’s almost as bullshit as DotM that Parademons could overrun the Red, Green and Grey, destabilise the fire that forges souls, drive HEAVEN into retreat (okay fair, Superman wrestled an archangel that one time they invaded the prime universe but still) and generally actually did a thing other than job.
I'm not talking about the empowering him part im talking about making him violent that's what wrong
Also, just a thought: Stayne. Remember when Takion was a thing, and Highfather turned a random guy into the avatar of the Source, and he got all golden and reality warpy? Ha, kinda like the New God version of Super Saiyan.
Darkseid just conjured a dark lady counterpart to him with his Omega powers.
I swear, I’m going to give myself a stroke from the number of times and ways Darkseid realistically (and yes, COMICS) should’ve been able to yeet Superman regardless of >muh durability over and over again.
well goku got taken down by a laser beam from alien tech. I mean we are talking about tanking shit supes can handle it, but where I am at is that goku can perform a similar technique that almost killed an immortal. How I see it super man is the shield while goku is a spear.
Cool. Then going back to the point, I trust we’re in agreement now that Buu is insignificant to the DC cosmic horror community as a whole.
Dbz kai plus some of the filler from the original anime is canon
The manga is also canon
I think that’s a fair comparison honestly. I just find it really damn weird people who really, really want comics to beat anime keep pushing Superman against Goku when if they pushed Darkseid against Goku instead you could just keep. Citing. Actual panels that show the numerous ways he can bypass powerlevels without throwing a punch.
Like shit, I haven’t even talked about the Anti-LIfe Equation on the off-chance someone is going to posit Goku should be able to get outside help.
Hakai doesn't work on people with true immortality and gods/angels
Not weak gods like the kais but gods of destruction and eternal dragons
Can we at least agree that whoever wins, Gohan loses from irrelevance?
He beat kefla in the manga
what do you mean true immortals? it was working on zamsu, the problem with being immortal is that you stay that way forever. Thats why the GoD can destroy anything. They keep him mortal of death but not age or what not. That move can destroy nearly anything because it uses the antithesis of destruction. Like Flash being speed.
This nigga actually really reminds me of Buu. He’s also part of a whole race created by ex-Guardians of Oa, his daughter showed up in Morrison’s recent GL run.
>beating kefla
>an achievement
Fat cat’s universe is going to be irrelevant fodder like everyone else Goku surpassed before getting a rock solid fan following. There’s a reason why Frieza matched SSG by thinking angry thoughts but nobody in the show even considers bringing Cell in. And of course, never forget 17 lasted longer than Gohan and wounded Jiren before either Freezy Pop or Goku by his intense training regiment of...park ranging.
In time, we’ll look back and remember the quaint and naive olden days when beating Whis was considered an achievement. Here’s the cold, hard truth of Dragonball: If you didn’t stand against the last person Goku fights in the series or Goku himself, you aren’t relevant and you never will be.
...unless your name is Android 17, I guess.
It worked on fused zamasu who wasn't truly immortal because zamasu with immortality fused with zamasu without immortality
That's why he didn't truly unfuse after the time limit was reached
in the manga and the show he multiplies the only way to stop him was literally erasing him and the universe
Gohan’s such a loser I’d bet on Black Canary if they fought. Bitch can’t even catch rings or avoid getting Spopovitch’d
yeah, the fucker had to use a hostage. But what that dude posted earlier the tech would have failed anyways.
Could’ve wrecked Gohan without a hostage anyway
Fused zamasu isn't immortal though that's why his fusion was unstable and messed up
getting fired could wreck gohan
later in the manga he starts multiplying again. the fusion just started making more of him because of the immortality intact. You dont get half immortality, either have one or the other. Not even fusion can delude the immortality.
At my last count so can:
A praying mantis crawling on his leg
Logs being dropped on his head
Eating the wrong fruit
Being given a firearm and alcohol at a party with his wife
Furries that can also shoot poison
Purple Bugs Bunny
And counting GT, his own soon-to-be son in law who in the manga now has god ki while Gohan wants to “improve as a human” with his (((ultimate))) (((((potential)))))) he only got because he keeps letting old men literally touch him inside
FUcking kek, Puar and Korin could probably wreck Gohan if they really tried.
>Goku, get away from that alien, he’s too powerful for you!
Looks like Roshi’s gonna have to bail his student out
easy now lets not turn this into a larping session here
That was after they defused
they didnt defuse.
Infinite Zamasu is immortal unlike Darkseid. Didn't matter what you did to him, he would recover from it. The only possible method of killing him was erasing him. The timeline was already lost since Zamasu and Black already killed all the mortal lives in FU7.
Just look at current Justice League. They had Darksied fleeing on a spaceship with a group of Earth supervillains. Only to be killed when his spaceship was destroyed.
Toyotaro ain't canon.
>Didn’t matter what you did to him
Kind of a fallacy when summoning Death on skis wasn’t an option for anyone in Dragonball, isn’t it? Or getting the help of a Monitor. Or utilising a hyperdimensional god-bullet since that’s what Radion is per FC. Which turns into arguing about what matches with Zeno, which is dumb when we both know old man Toriyama hasn’t thought out Zeno much.
>They had Darkseid fleeing
Okay, this is dumb as all get out and I know it. But since the Multiversity map is still canon, that means so is Guidebook’s assertion that we haven’t actually seen Darkseid in Nu52. We’ve just seen one emanation, maybe 4 if you consider Earth-2’s one to be a separate ‘seid and counting the 2 in the bad ends of DCeased and Last Knight on Earth.
nope not falling for this one some one else can have you
Also. Kind of want to point out Darkseid DID eventually recover, just like all the slain gods of New Genesis and his own court. He’s technically still in the process of recovering, it’s just not a thing DC’s probably gonna touch on for a long time until they need to remember a new cosmic villain.
Super anime > Super manga.
you forget the part where he turns into a monstrosity? he was still immortal.
Umbrax is literally a living evil galaxy that, with a single attack, output more power than a Mother Box could process, and directly required White Light intervention to beat. Mr Mind at his final evolutionary point, eats universes.
Fuck off with your pathetic Buu wank.
Yeah he was immortal after he defused but before that he was mortal
Buu would just absorb Final Form Mr. Mind and transform into Buu (Final Form Mr. Mind).
he was immortal the entire time. thats why he fused into that monster.
I find it funny I listed so many other examples here and a bonus here and it shut him up so badly all he can do is bicker over minutiae. Dragonball ain’t shit, even angels can go down from a monkey bite if the monkey catches them off guard. And sooner or later, everyone’s off guard in Dragonball.
Bitch, Buu couldn’t even maintain enough focus to sustain his Super form. Why the FUCK would you think he could stand a chance against something that straight up eats entire timelines no fuss? Wait, let me guess-
Admit it, you don’t have a logical argument for why your fat fuck that mentally broke fighting Goku of all people can hit outside hi weight division.
Why didn't buu just rape vegito
Bitch please. Mr. Mind ain't shit. Even a failure like Booster Gold managed to outsmart and defeat him.
Too busy snacking on Gohan’s deliciously dummy thicc booty. Why provoke the strong when you can trample the weak?
he kinda did, he went inside vegito and vegito spewed him out.... thats rape right?
>Bitch, Buu couldn’t even maintain enough focus to sustain his Super form.
You obviously didn't watch/read dragonball
Booster exists to protect the timestream from collapsure. He's only a 'failure' because NONE of his achievements can ever be known to anyone save himself. That's not a point against Mr Mind, who is STILL greater than Buu by several orders of magnitude.
...Super Buu was melted by Vegeta taking out Fat Buu. Super Buu was outsmarted by VEGETA. Is that really the argument you want to run with when a cosmic insect is hoovering up an entire universe at once, where people with better magic than anything DB will ever have didn’t do shit about it?
Wrong. I watched it enough to know it wouldn’t stand a chance in DC.
It really is telling nobody even bothers to contest the idea that Darkseid would end Goku.
If you watched it you would know he didn't revert back to kid buu because he "lost" "focus"
Explain what relevance that has to do with Buu standing a chance here, instead of prevaricating in a desperate attempt to forestall the inevitable conclusion that yes: Majin Buu is insignificant in DC.
Look, Darkseid would probably trick Goku into throwing him senzu beans just to hurt the obligatory Dragonball bystander crew. There’s losing a battle and then there’s just plain being mean.
Seriously, from now on when people ask who wins if Goku fights Superman, there is an actual answer: Darkseid IS the winner
Better magic how? In Dragonball, magic capable of resurrecting a single individual to resurrecting an entire multiverse exist. Magic capable of casually erasing universes exist.
Goku's feats are just as ludicrous: also punching through realities, making the universe shake with his power, moving through stopped time, his body reacting to attacks his mind doesn't know are happening yet
I never said he would stand a chance I'm just saying you obviously haven't watched dragonball
Darkseid is a bigger loser than everyone on Yea Forums.
How so? Goku's God Ki is generated by his own body. Why would being in another universe affect that?
It’s tiresome watching you childishly try to change the topic every time you know you’re going to lose the argument. I could point out the dragon has a one year limit. I could point out the embarrassment of a multiverse in DB only had 18 at it’s peak, whereas DC’s ranged from 52 to infinite over the ages and that’s only counting the “positive matter” universes. I could point out literal who wizards have bound the multiversal aspects of Dream and Death to their will, aspects which Dragonball doesn’t even have. I could point out Tim Hunter created literally more universes than Dragonball ever had without even trying to. I could point out it was recently retconned that Dr. Fate and the Lords of Order made themselves gods by torturing the secrets out of the goddess Hecate, and nearly erased the entire God Sphere. I could remind you Circe nearly recreated the multiverse in her image in War of the Gods. I could remind you Zatanna once revived the entire multiverse WITHOUT needing a big dragon, though she did need a big tree it was absorbed into Prayala at the time. I could remind you you’re reaching for top tier practitioners we’ve never even seen seriously fight while I’m talking magic users who are not, in fact, angels.
I’d rather not, because at this point it’s just embarrassing to explain how badly DC shits on Dragonball.
That said, I’m not ashamed to admit it’s been years since my last watch.
And yes, assuming basic compatibility it shouldn’t for what it’s worth.
Oh no, Darkseid the God of Evil and once upon a time potential multiversal destroyer got mugged! Someone please call Supeman so that he can assist Darkseid the victim!
Well then, so are Superman and Goku. But Gohan is and always will be the biggest loser of us all.
Cop confirmed stronger than Goku
Didn’t Goku and Vegeta both get taken down by a galactic patrolman with a space gun in the manga recently?
DC is full of really tough galactic patrolmen.
Just saying.
So according to your logic, a multiverse with a significant amount of universes inside it is vastly superior to a multiverse with an insignificant amount of universes inside it? Glad to know Marvel > DC.
Just like how a primitive bounty hunting cowboy is stronger than Superman.
M8 I never claimed to know enough about Marvel to do a breakdown, you’re cowarding out to ridiculous lengths to avoid being told how insignificant your favourite pink blob is in DC.
Well yeah, unlike cops they don’t even take prisoners
Lanterns are killed off like red shirts the moment a single bad guy appears.
Isn't new 52 Superman dead or some shit? Anyway, Dragonball characters are more consistent than Superman. Superman's high end feats are usually a one-time thing only for plot induced stupidity, he's usually just planet level in terms of attack potency.
>significant amount of universes
The DC universe isn’t actually crippled by being temporarily finite. And besides, they’ve already squeezed around the 52 Earths thing with the Dark Multiverse which has an indeterminable number of realities real enough to have shit break out and kill everything in the positive matter universes. PLUS, there’s the 6th Dimension where the World Forger can just make a whole new multiverse if the present one displeases him. Beyond even that, the Source regulates things of the same species as him whose job is to create multiverses for it.
So: Either DC now has /multiple/ multiverses, or Snyder is going to have the audacity to claim the Source, divine creative force of DC, controls multiple works of fiction.
Yeah, it’s like a culling season where the rank and file are slowly whittled down until Hal and Sinestro are left to shit out a powerup.
>DC is full of really tough galactic patrolmen.
is there a nuetral multiverse?
Nope. There’s positive, antimatter and dark. And the dark matter one wasn’t even supposed to exist, technically. To make things weirder there’s things like the Bleed, God Sphere and Monitor Sphere which surround/are between the positive matter multiverse but are technically also outside it. Not one of other anons but to my knowledge, Marvel only has one “metaphor-space” where people like Galactus can duke it out with people like Master Order.
You can't really count the Dark Multiverse. Its far too unstable and tend to collapse onto itself and then cease to exist. An indeterminable number of universes are created but an equal indeterminable number of universe are erased.
There's also the Bleed and Hypertime, with the former containing infinite multiverses inside of it, and the latter being an archive of literally everything ever.
DC is stupid huge.
And whatever Dimension X is. You can’t tell me Xeen Arrow’s made of normal matter, although honestly Dimension X being a subset of the Bleed and neighbours to the Imps would make a lot of sense.
If the Dragon Ball multiverse was another universe in the DC multiverse, how would it change both Dragon Ball and DC in general?
Ki isn't a universal force, it's a natural force of biology, retard.
Would be absolutely broken, completely invincible, supe's only real weakness is magic and shazam is the embodiment of the strongest magical force in the DC main universe.
It's star level at least.
And the only things that are listed as "unknown" are his lifting strength in suits
DC is stealth enormous.
Normies see "52 universes" and think that's it, but its not.
Hypertime is infinite, and it functions at both the micro level (alternate timelines like the one with the older Young Justice team which "Savior" Tim came from, alternate universes like the ones where Cyborg's Batman squad come from during Metal and the ones Superman traveled through during his Hypertime adventure in Action 1K (which included film serial Superman and Super Friends Superman) to the macro (entirely different multiverses including the pre-crisis multiverse which was not only saved during Convergence but exists through the metaverse).
And you got the sphere of the gods. The 5th and 6th dimensions. Limbo, Monitor Sphere, Dark multiverse, Dimension X, etc, etc.
To put things into perspective, Marvel --just-- has a hypertime equivalent for their multiverse.
DC is weird because things like size and quantity simply start working at a certain point up the cosmic later.
The Dark Multiverse is infinite. Universes are constantly being made and constantly being destroyed by Barby.
But it's also a corner of Dream's library.
A corner.
And each universe has its own version of Dream. And each of those dreams has a library with the Dark Multiverse in it.
So the infinite dark multiverse is inside the finite 52 vibrational multiverse at least 52 times over.
Well this post is full of ignorance.
It was never just 52 because writers kept using universes that weren't actually listed. Now it REALLY isn't just 52 because the world forge is lit post-Metal and new worlds are rising so it's officially unknown how many worlds are in the orrery.
And then there is, of course, hypertime.
Marvel does have the Far Shore, on which all the ex-multiverses chill and to where they brought the First Firmament in his own chains. But that’s still only like...6-7 multiverses, total, that we know of. It has the White Hot Room and the House of Ideas, but both are really underexplored other than being vague “fonts of creation” and the latter literally just appeared this year in No Road Home. And Owen Reece has his own private attic, but it’s private. So I guess that leave the Wild White Spaces where the Beyonders (and Beyond Corp, and I like to think the Infinites who are actually nice guys once you get to know them, and maybe Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, and technically the writers since Gwenpoole saw all the comics sprawled out there) hold court. Maybe Will Kaplan stepped outside there too, when he was tapping the power of the Demiurge he was destined to become? The point being, Marvel’s main claims to fame in the super-existence department (The Far Shore and the Wild White Spaces) are still characterised as being outside the Marvel multiverse /proper/ in the sense that Monitor-Mind is.
That isn’t the saddest truth about Marvel’s multiverse, though.
This is.
Hell Seven Soldiers was technically a multiversal series, because the Nebula Man turned out to be a crippled young universe. He then died to Frankenstein. Seriously, I know they were created by and then yeeted by literally the authors incarnate but does it ever bother anyone else what pathetic jobbers the Sheeda are for the threat they’re supposed to represent? I mean they showed up in the Dark Multiverse-very telling-in Sideways, and HE the untrained dimensional hopper helped the Seven Soldiers thwart them again.
>TOOA isn't omnipotent
Damn. Even Marvel knows its underpowered next to DC.
Yeah, apparently a simple glitch in the cosmic cycle of life and death that manifests as either Death thrallzoning you OR Being Adam Warlock plus a simple bootstrap paradox is sufficient to grab these multiversal regulator doohickies, start siphoning cosmic abstracts into yourself like a big slurpee and thus plunge everything into enough chaos TOAA gets scared. The real kicker is this implies TOAA was also in danger during the Beyonders’ attack, since Ultimates 2 established the cosmic hierarchy had been destabilised as a result.
>TOOA isn't omnipotent
Damn. Even Marvel knows its underpowered next to DC.
The only thing that affected Buu was the energy of the Spirit Bomb which is just pure good unlike Umbrax.
Let's talk about the real battle at hand. Buu vs darkseid.
No one in DC is strong enough to overcome an alien farmboy. It seemingly doesn't matter how many layers of silly meta-cosmic nonsense they pile on.
No, fuck that shit! Lets talk about Superman hanging out with old man Goku.
Toriyama said Gogeta was toying with Broly and not trying which makes sense because Broly isn’t as strong as Jiren yet and Gogeta is stronger than UI
Gogeta is far weaker than ultra instinct & jiren, might as well compare UI goku & jiren to supes instead
>hey guys can goku beat superman now?
>ok but how about now?
>but what about now?
Let me correct you.
Just admit that Goku can beat Superman
Goku is faster than time.
1. No he isn't
2. Even Jon has overcome a timestop.
It's been years DBZfags. It's time to give up.
Retard logic
You can kill Goku without his ki and you can kill Superman when exposed to kryptonite
No because Yea Forums goes full NLF with Superman. Goku would, mid fight, catch up with Superman and eventually beat him otherwise
t. batfag
It's not NLF when you have the feats to back it up.
Batfag look at me.
>Gogeta Blue is weaker than UI Goku
He can't be that much weaker if at all. I'm not sure about the speed difference but i'd assume he's a bit slower.
And it's been years that we are forced to accept all comic feats but no not DB. Remember comicfags. You're the one making things like it is now.
The difference is when someone says Superman can push infinity they have several feats to pick from to demonstrate this fact.
When someone says Goku can move faster than time they only have Hit and his ability which can explicitly be overcome by greater ki.
It's been years. Give it a rest, you fuckers are worse than Benfags.
No Jiren is explicitly stated to be more powerful than time and Goku scales to him
>Goku vs Superman
>He's more powerful than time!
In context they're talking about Hit's timestop. Which is ki based and defeated by ki.
Seth its time to stop.
How many infinity level feats does Supes need before DBZfags accept it?
He was toying with Broly and his infinite scaling ass
solo's DC
He one-shot El Hermano de Monitor and is teased to one-shot super-Dr. Manhattan and they still think Goku can take him.
They're NEVER going to accept Goku can't.
To be fair both the Muggers were Hypervesral++
Oh please. You guys won't even accept that Goku is faster than light and you expect me to believe that comicfags would accept that Goku is faster than time even if they fucking say it on screen?
Where were they fighting when reality broke?
>Faster than light
He is, but not by much.
Antarctica or some shit
The facts don't lie
>using vs battle wiki
Not an argument
Pick one
VS battle wiki is a joke compared to Death Battle.
They think Monstro from Pinocchio moves faster than light. They think Simon Belmont can whip universes in half.
They are insane.
>a fucking wiki
The absolute state of weebs
Solar system level small horses is all you need to know
Ben said Goku vs Superman would be different now if they remake it
Edo Tensei Rinnegan Superman
lmao Goku barely makes craters in his Super fights, keep downplaying to cover up your butthurt faggotass
He commented in a blog post written before Rebirth that he regretted mixing in New Earth feats with Superbro and that it would "be different" if they did it today.
But of course given what happened in Rebirth, the argument was rendered utterly moot.
And then hypertime happened. And Infinity Planet. And Dr. Manhattan. And Forger...
There's a reason Ben has shut up about it sense and the reason is that current Superman would crush current Goku like a bug especially with Swan's team at the helm of research.
Swan wouldn't even let Hal lose to MUH ALIEN X. No way in hell would he give Goku a win over Superman.
VSBW is literally completely and utterly insane. They have no means of classifying what are effectively the two genuinely strongest universes they have on there (SCP shit and DC), so they either list half of all their feats as "Unknown" or they downgrade and downgrade, whilst giving shit like the Chaos Gods and Simon Belmont multiverse breaking power.
They are literally the WORST 'source' you could use for anything.
>Goku vs Superman III announced
>Weebs on the edge of their seats waiting for the fight
>Fight is teased to be ten minutes long.
>Fight is one minute of Superman doing the Forger punch and telling Goku to look at his as he fries his brain through his eyes and nine minutes of Swan looking smug as he rattles off Superman feats, dabs, and drinks from a cup marked "weeb tears."
I don't even like SCP and I think the way they undersell them is bullshit.
This is comic books. Whether something is impossible is irrelevant
How would the Gentry fuck the Dragon Ball universe up?
It's already a zombie franchise that Toriyama would never touch if it wasn't for insane amounts of money.
Replace endless death and revival being the Oblivion Machine with endless powerups and fighting tournaments.
The Gentry turn the DBZ multiverse into endless fighting tournaments--and Goku is their corrupted champion acting like Shao Khan overseeing all the tournaments.
>and Goku is their corrupted champion acting like Shao Khan overseeing all the tournaments.
he would fight in every single one.
They take scaling too seriously for video game characters.
>Subwall level Simon beat dracula in the first game
>Dracula got some flashy animation in later game that looks like a creationist feat
>Lets scale Simon to that
>Simon is multiversal
>Goku vs Superman would be different now if they remake it
Yeah, Goku would die even faster in the remake.
Are they the Marvel equivalent of the Monitors?
>The background gets all starry when you fight Dracula and he throws big fireballs
Ben teased on having another one but dropped it like a hot potato once Rebirth came out.
Any prayer of Goku winning relied on having Superbro be the "main Superman." With Rebirth killing that and the metaverse in Doomsday Clock dancing on its grave Goku lost his one snowball's chance in Hell.
They actually flipped their shit once at the possibility of all their major SCP articles wither becoming High 1-B or 1-A and decided to go ahead and start downgrading literally ALL of them. Whilst they've seemingly never finished this, things like 3125 just got do it into being "Unknown" with little to no warning.
Even worse, I believed they synced this up with revisions to the Warhammer articles, wanking them even harder. So they literally just did it because something was starting to reach a point where it could oppose their monopoly over everything else.
>Chi or Xi does exist in DC Universe
Completely different. You're an idiot. Your dumbass probably thinks Naruto chakra is there too, and there's bankai and haki and shit too, DC characters just haven't discovered it. Miss me with that retard thinking
A man who fights gods vs a god who fights men
>the God wins
Blue Gogeta is stronger than Superman, he's probably the strongest single fighter DB has ever portrayed. His fight induced a level of devastation so bad it shattered the plane of existence he was on, and he never even reached his peak in that battle. Superman would need some serious solar supercharging to tangle with him.
Goku is pretty much a god now, there's only a handful of mortals that can tangle with him
God isn't just power level, goku is a simple creature, he lives to fight one way and get stronger, Supes was on a higher level from birth and has expanded beyond that with time, the difference in brains and mindsets alone tells you the winner.
I guess that depends on how you define it.
I doubt Buuhan would have just left out Vegito's junk when he was pumping everything else in his body up, but whether or not you define that as intentionally or side effect would be difficult. I'm sure Vegito had other things on his mind so I doubt he would care either way.
Nah, FUCK THAT! Lets talk about Superman teaching Kid Goku the ropes about being a superhero.
Fuck that! Let’s talk about the Super Sons hanging with Goten and Trunks.
Goten and Trunks would ask why Jon hangs around with a guy with a power level less than 100
goten is literal brain dead moron
trunks is a brat
neither damian or jon would want to be anywhere near then
Dbheroes vegito is stronger
Fuck that! Let's talk about Piccolo and Alfred talking about being the best adopted dads in fiction.
Could Jon and Goten fuse? They’re both half human.
Funnily enough, in Super Goten is probably the only sane member of his entire family. He's one of the best cases of maturity and development out of the cast. He and Jon could work well together (though there's a pretty major age gap).
Trunks remains a brat though.
So is Damian though. And Trunks doesn’t bring up dead cats.
Damian is a brat, but he's the kind of brat who's shaped a fuckton by his own shitty life experiences, and he doesn't let his shitty life stop him from being a hero. Trunks is just a brat born of the fact that he has too much power, and lords it over everyone else.
Damian and Trunks would argue about who got the most expensive stuff or the most advanced shit.
Goten would be too immature for Jon, but they would get along.
The Gentry already won in Dragonball a long time ago.
Not even. They're little metallic spheres.
>T-the only thing!
Desperate DBZfag forgetting about Bibidi's magic and trying to no limit fallacy the Spirit Bomb
DBH Vegito is a bitch jobber
>Good is a subset of willpower, the will to choose pure goodness
>A mere sample of the Ultraviolet Spectrum corrupted John Stewar, a Green Lantern and paragon of power, all on it's own
Retard, Umbrax is stronger than good and thus stronger than Buu.
Let's be honest, fusions have always been bitch jobbers.
Reminder that Whis, who is more powerful than Broly/Vegito/Goku/Buu, can be hurt by Blueku's bite.
Not Gogeta.
feels bad, man
Give it time, I have faith.
>forger punch isn't even planet level
>and he have to fly through a billion suns for that
>ultra instinct & jiren
Both are way too powerful for default Superman. UI Goku and Jiren were said to possess power greater than or rivaling that of God of Destructions. And your average God of Destruction is capable of killing a universe or two just by using their full power. Non-full power Jiren was capable of reaching from one end of the universe to another within a few minutes and is capable of destroying planets effortlessly with nothing but his fist.
>Goten would be too immature for Jon, but they would get along.
See . The only thing that Goten really is come Super is naive, and if that's a problem for Jon, he should probably take a look in the mirror. If anything, they'd probably bound over the both of them technically being farmboys.
Also, going by Super, Goten is a full on teenager, so he's actually OLDER than Jon believe it or not.
Why are dbz fags so obsessed?
>Hypertime, infinity planet, source wall, forger
Why do DBZfags ignore these things
Heard about all those but source wall, what’s that?
Yet another reason why the proper matchup is UI Goku and Jiren versus Darkseid, who threatens the entire Orrery of Worlds depicted here with more than 1% of his full power and has canonically laid waste to angels and souls alike in that one Constantine run’s end with 0.01% of said power, and even in Rock of Ages, his depowered son(‘s emanation) made a device called a Genesis Box that completely destroyed and recreated the universe free of his taint.
The wall containing the multiverse collapsed and released a fuck ton of energy on superman
>and has canonically
Should clarify Darkseid has DESTROYED a universe with his mere shit-tier grunts doing the heavy lifting and Apokalips’ mere presence corroding the souls of all humans, without even bothering with the Omega Effect
Didn't do much good for him when Batman critically wounded him with a bullet. Humans > Alien abominations.
He is probably referring to Synder's Justice League where the not-Celestial/Galactus were freed from the Source Wall and decided to start eating planets that they cultivated at the start of creation.
Well no shit, didn’t you see the power of Roshi Calvo up there?
Neither of them would be capable of defeating End-series Invincible. Viltrumites have the powers of a Kryptonian with the growth potential of a Saiyan. Best of both worlds and none of the weakness of either.
Can he shaken infinity or break out of it? Cause that’s what’s important
And what does that have anything to do with Superman? Or are you okay with faster than time Goku?
With exception to that loser Lex Luthor, most humans are capable of achieving universal feats under their own capabilities and without outside assistance.
Literally not even wrong. Humans were created to BODY an entire race of multiversal creators, Luthor is just being used as a sockpuppet to kickstart that process.
He’s saying those are all things Superman has been faster than, broken through or beaten down, with Hypertime in particular being an infinite nexus of timelines compared to the one timestop Goku broke through that was so shitty Jiren can walk through it. And Jiren can’t or won’t do the portal punch thing Anilaza does. Seriously, why does nobody talk about Anilaza more? He’s the one who straight up rips through space to make portals just to hit people harder, which could’ve saved Jobren’s ass a bunch of times.
He couldn’t get rid of Robot tho
Then you have no problem with Goku veing faster than time. I mean what's wrong with that. It's not like we constantly see Superman do any big feats anyway. So lets go for a compranise. You can take your forger punch or whatever but Goku is now faster than time. Agree? Agree.
Not them but I thought Goku was stronger than time, which is it?
Mark defeated Gentry and the Empty Hand. And is freed from the endless cycle of never ending recycled stories.
Whoa slow down there buddy, I literally have no problem with Goku being faster than time. I’m not one of the anons you replied to up there, and I’ve never disputed that. All I’m pointing out is that Superman is stronger than mega-ultra-meta-time, that’s all.
Nah, that’s Jiren.
He's more powerful than Hit, that's all it takes to beat timeskip.
There is nothing special about creating a portal and then putting your attacks through it.
>creating a portal
That’s the thing, he isn’t JUST creating a portal with a specific ability. He’s tearing through space-time with raw strength, something that loser Jiren never did even when breaking his limits. Fuck, with no explanation given at a stretch you could fanwank that’s what Gogeta and Broly did by accident when they fell into the trippy punch dimension in their movie fight
Superman isn’t. Time still affects him like everyone else. Superman ain’t immune to the effects of meta. If he was, he would had never been rebooted several times.
He’s not immune per se but he did managed to fight against retcons, in Superman Reborn, and the guy who did the retcon considers Superman killing him a possibility
You seriously referring to Tom King’s trash?!
I was thinking Manhattan, you know when Supes and Superbro fused together, altering history
The real question is would Superman and Goku be able to make Season 2 not trash.
Realistically, I feel like Superman could just tank any energy attack no matter how strong he made it. However, if Gogeta used the Dragon Punch technique he might just blast a physical hole through Superman's chest. If Doomsday could do it Gogeta could too. For Superman defeating Gogeta, there's no energy attack Superman could generate that Gogeta couldn't simply cancel/deflect/guard/ match. Superman would have to be faster. I don't doubt Superman is strong enough to kill Gogeta when his guard is down but he would have to overcome Gogeta's speed and fighting technique. Superman wouldn't have Ki or a high "power level" that Gogeta could sense and track apart from his heat vision since is his strength is 100% biology but perhaps not.
TLDR: Stalemate. There's nothing Gogeta could hit Superman with that Gogeta couldn't Tank. Superman couldn't overcome Gogeta's speed and technique.
He did though. Killed his physical body and placed his brain inside a jar. Forever trapped in an underground raped dungeon and be used my Immortal.
No shitty animu character you know can defeat Superman because he is an ideal.
He isn’t most of the time, he has to really try but that’s why people keep beating you over the head with hypertime. Besides, name a time Goku has time traveled with raw might. I’ll wait.
>Superman isn’t immune to meta
Ironically, he was retconned into being so in Milk Wars. Something about having a direct lineage to Ahl, God of Superheroes apparently.
>Dragonball characters are more consistent than Superman.
You can literally list all the times they destroyed a planet with one hand. And Super later expects you to believe these fuckers are Universal+. You wanna talk about consistency, start with that bullshit.
>Time still affects him like everyone else
You say that like Goku’s never ever been affected by time apart from when Hit used a specific technique on him. Meanwhile, when a guy tried to fight Superman by shunting him into different realities he created, this happened.
>dragonball characters are more consistent than Superman
Forget that, was a time when Baby Goku could take a bullet from Bulma easy P. Now Big Super Goku gets injured when Krillin throws a rock at his head with his guard down, and even with it up can be bitched by galactic patrolmen armed with guns.
Actually, maybe a better question is whether Goku’s ever punched DEATH in the face.
Oh for reference Mordru defeated the entire League with a mere astral projection, shrugged off a punch from pre-Crisis Superboy and bitched him with the counter, once was overpowering Doctor “Magic has rules because I decreed it should” Fate in a fight and with help from a buddy called Glorith split and shared the power of a being called the Infinite Man who embodies time as an endless cycles. Mordru is what Zatanna would be if she was allowed to be cool.
Mordru is a Lord of Chaos. Lords are absolute bullshit on the powers scale. Kismet is DC's version of Eternity and she counts as a Lord.
Doesn't Mordru also lack an origin and an end? I remember him just --appearing-- in JSA.
> Mordru also lack an origin and an end?
Yup. The bodies he commonly uses aren't even his. He either steals them from mortals or constructs them whole cloth. Seeing his true state is implied to be hazardous for mortal minds.
Kismet ain't multiversal like Eternity is. The Eternitys that exist within a universe are just his avatars.
To be fair multiverse level Eternity is a fairly recent addition to the lore.
No it isn't. Multiversal Eternity has been a thing even before Ewing's Ultimates.
>entities that can erase all of the God Sphere
>"not multiversal"
So you're just retarded then?
>Superman knows only limited martial arts/self-defense techniques
>Goku and Vegeta have spent their entire lives training and fighting
I wonder.
Kismet never did that you retard.
As a Lord, she'd likely be comparable however.