>The West makes better CGI animation than the Japane-
The West makes better CGI animation than the Japane-
Other urls found in this thread:
Shit that looks cool
Who cares?
*blocks your path*
jigen and goemon are a bit too...handsome looking in this. they look like keanus relatives
But Japanese still did the best job in 2D anime. I doubt the scene like this can done precisely by CGI.
I don't know if this even is in Yea Forums's realm
Also, it's not that impressive tb hfam
Fujiko looks like Aunt Cass.
better example
Jigen looks horrible
If only they could do it with any consistency.
The animation actually look pretty good
That looks so fucking ugly lmao.
I'm actually looking forward to it now. I hope it gets a dubbed theater release here in the states. It won't be as popular as Boku no Hero, but I want more animation in theaters that is not fucking Disney, Sony or Dream Works.
Funimation will probably do a limited release.
It looks great but something about the movement in traditional anime to CGI doesn't translate well.
Pfft. They were lucky inbringling best animators for that season. Season 2 looks shit.
It's uncanny valley as hell but it's got sort of a tin-tin vibe that I kinda wanna see. Besides I will always fucking love Lupiin. (hope it gets dubbed tho).
Seconded. We need a breath of fresh air.
I hope the soundtrack is as cool as the music they used in the trailer's. Don't disappoint me, land of Godzilla.
>better example
not by a fucking long shot jesus christ
She got even cuter
Of all the fucking scenes from that show, THAT'S what you chose? Not the Diamond fight?
J.C. Staff is notorious anime studios ruining the original manga. Season 1 has great visual because lots of veterans from the anime industry were involved in the production with passions.
>japan finally makes above average CG features after 30+ years of fucking around and producing garbage """CG anime""" shit
>this is supposed to be a threat to america, the country that perfected CG animation like 25 years ago and is still producing the movies that rake in billions
Whatever, weebs.
>red jacket
General movie-going audience does not want to spend time reading on the big screen user. Its time you accept this simple truth.
>Whatever, weebs.
Who gives a fuck about more Cars 7, Toy Story 5, Starwars and more Marvel shit?
Is that anime ReBoot? It looks like shit
reminder that Toy Story 4 lost to an old Ghibli movie
He looks incredibly like Jim Carry in 3D.
fuckin' A, that looks good. This and Dragon Quest, god bless the japanese.
>There are people who prefer shitty CGI over superior hand drawing
Maximus shit tasteius
Zenigata and Jigen look really off to me.
Looks fucking gorgeous
for the live action adaption:
lupin = jim carrey
jigen and goemon = both keanu reeves
zenigata = bruce campbell
Fujiko = Daisy Ridley
Goemon isn't sad enough to be Reeves.
There are and they out number people like us by few million to one.Guess which one gets to vote with their wallet?
>CGI fujiko still has jiggle physics
even better example
Was that knight made of strawberry pie
I was kind of KIND of hyped for a moment, hoping that this was some sort of release based on Metal Slug but the fact that it isn't is also okay by me. Fuck it.
I remember years ago on a comics fan site I was on someone said Jason Lee as Lupin and Bruce as Zenegata
Why is retard Casca so funny?
Lol Yea Forums absolutely btfo.
lmao at these Yea Forumscucks awkwardly underrating this just because it's Japanese.
Thing is, Japan is fucking good at both 2d and 3d. Mega corps like Disney, Pixar aside, what country/company can make this level 3d animation.
That looks like shit compared to op.
>Dragon Quest
any other CG kino? I'd say HTTYD if it weren't for the 3rd flopping
>the West making anything better than the East ever
Gave me a good chuckle.
>doesnt like richard epcar jigen
Japan makes better comics and cartoons than the west
Given the sheer amount of CG talent in the video game industry in Japan it's a bit shocking that CG in the Japanese film industry is as shit as it is.
Does the Videogame industry just suck up all of the talent in japan?
Japs need to push production costs down and they can't pay their slave labor less than they're already making. So they want to develop their CG capabilities so they can do more background and effects work in the computer and only have to worry about character animation. Look at the recent Broly movie for an example of this, then laugh at how the computer effects look like they're from the fucking '90s.
Anyway, if you want to pump a lot of money into developing tech, a feature film is the best way to do it.
>not using the snail slide scene as an example
holy shit user you jobbed so hard
Fuck, that's absolutely stunning.
In what universe does making 4x its budget count as a flop?
I meant critically/general reception more than cash, my bad on retarded wording
>disrespecting the 90's
mcgrill your face off, freak
>lmao at these Yea Forumscucks awkwardly underrating this just because it's Japanese.
A lot of people. Not that your autistic weeb mentality will allow you to think beyond that.
CG Lum when
Is this a remake or something new entirely?
this bothers me on a primal level
This anime is so ugly, I don't care what anyone says. It's only good in comparison to other anime. 2D would have been way better if they had the budget for it.
I loved the show and would watch a season 2, don't get me wrong. But people overrate the animation a lot.
oh look it's the girl from all the future funk videos on youtube
This is way worse
Why this board is becoming Yea Forums day by day, this suck.
this is ugly
can you name 5 good comics in the past year?
Can you bring your post back to Yea Forums? If there is no food thread coming out from /ck/ that doesn't mean you should post about /fit/ in there
You asked a question dont bite my head off because you didn't like the answer
>Fujiko = Daisy Ridley
Fujiko is a sexy busty redhair so no boy slag
here is what we need
Because your question is unrelated, this is Yea Forums not Yea Forums even if the board is dead that doesn't mean you should post about Yea Forums in here. Also there is lackadaisy which people no longer talk about that comic.
i think Chris Pratt fits more Lupin
Stay in there.
I hate to be that guy but it was Japan, with Spirits Within, who set the real standard for CGI motion pictures.
>made by the same coompany doing a movie of my favorite dq title
>now doing one with my favorite mongolion moving picture
Thank lord jesus i will not fap for a week for this
fucking awesome
pixars style is ugly and using the same style for ever movie is lazy
>2d would have been way better
Oh yeah the luster of those gems would have been comunicated waaaaaaay better in 2d rather than 3d toootally.
Why are there more Yea Forums threads? because Yea Forums is starved for quality comics and cartoons.
Does it break the rule? Yes. Do people care? Not enough.
Where were you when Japan killed Pixar? youtube.com
>>this is supposed to be a threat to america
Americans don't really make those movies.
disgusting, they can't translate Lupin style into CGI, this is as bad as that astroboy movie. if this is japan's full power then I'm not surprised at all.
>Spirits Within, who set the real standard for CGI motion pictures.
You must be fucking retarded, if any film set a standard for CG in film it was Jurassic Park. Even at it's release Spirits within was panned for it's creepy looking characters.
Pixar was dead when Disney bought them
this is offensively bad.
there's no weight to any action.
every movement is weirdly floaty.
her running animation is completely unchanged after losing arms and a leg-- with anime skidding with zero adjustment for balance.
the character design looks like Code Lyoko pulled through a noodle bender.
delet this.
delet your hard drive.
delet your ISP.
Am I supposed to be mad or something? This looks fuckin great.
Now if only Lupin was in anyway interesting. Doesn't matter anyway. Onlh the top of the jap movies have good CGI. Even then I can assure you that it would mostly look glossy and plastic.
Literally everyone in the world
Looks like The Goon, and that was a trailer concept made back in 2010.
The West wins again.
If this was made by an amerimutt studio Yea Forums would absolutely and desperately praise it. Hilariously patriotic and "coservative" board.
>technology and animation is good
>but the art style is ass and the writing is non-existent
>also costs a gorillion dollars
>east vs west thread
welp i haven't seen this in a while
Yea Forums hates anything Japanese literally
I know right. At least let us southeast asians join too.
God weebs are so weird.
>Anime has been behind the west for years.
>fianlly becomes 10 years behind the rest of the wold instead 20
>Anime has been behind the west for years
What the actual fuck? Anime has always been superior to western shit, and continues to be.
I'm sorry you have poor taste
Jiggle physics, my man.
You have to go back to r*ddit
Your post smells like an absolute casual
CGI is trash
Yea Forums fags must go
I’m not usually the one to fall easily to fanservice but god bless those sweater puppies
You've always liked anime more than western things. That's fine. But the west has moved past the drab techniques anime uses to hide their lack of actual animating talents eons ago and even the average CGI netflix show has better CG than that Lupin trailer. Japan is creative in execution (except when it comes to new ideas. They can only have one of those every 3-5 years then the rest are just copies with different flavor of faservice girl), I'll give them that. But when it comes to quality the west shits all over them like it's world war 2.
Most of the best western TV animation was done in Japan, you idiot.
I feel like th eonly reason this works is, aside from the animation being a lot less janky than usual for 3d anime, the artstyle for this series already lends itself to transitioning better to 3D. The non-euclidian, ayy-lmao nature of generic anime will never look right in 3D unless they make some major changes to the style into something more cartoony/realistic.
You mean Korea
Korea is the new place to go for cheap mass-produced animation. Japan is where the best parts of stuff like TAS were animated.
You've watched Batman: The Animated Series, right?
That's it?
>Japan is better at 2D anim-
The execution is whats matters the most. That's why every animation in the west has the same style of direction with very few visual narration and just well animated shit on screen.
Someone on Twitter had the nerve to complain about that
giga cutie
Just a note dude, they also did a shit ton of Beyond and the movie. It was pretty common for western studios to bring in specific Japanese animators for certain scenes at that point.
Really though, anyone trying to claim that western or Japanese animation is uniformly better than the other is retarded. Japan certainly has more quality TV shows, but animation comes down to individual talent.
>Japan certainly has more quality TV shows
>throws hissy fits over black Ariel
>can't wait to whitewash Lupin
>whitewash Lupin
He's already French.
Lupin is half-japanese (in anime that make you have a foreigner body)
I can probably list every actual good American TV animation on two hands. Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, Gravity Falls, BTAS, Justice League, early Simpsons, pre-reboot Futurama, ATLA...?
This doesn't have anything to do with intrinsic differences in talent, by the way. Japan just has a way, way bigger animation industry, and the medium is in far more demand. Only relatively recently has there really been a push by American studios to start producing quality stories rather than cheap dross for very young children.
Lupin is as French as Obama is white.
Fujiko is one of the hotest female characters in animation. I must remind them.
Watching the trailer a second time, the style is actually growing on me quite a bit. I went through the same thing with the Peanuts movie (which I also ended up really liking).
I was gonna fight you on the writing point but then i remembered how godawful 3 was
I think it's very faithful to the original artstyle, it kind of reminded me of Hotel Transylvania with the overexagerated facial expressions, they made them translate really well to 3D. I hope it reaches the west soon, it looks very interesting.
So, half?
It’s good to see Japan finally adopting good CG animation that’s at a decent frame rate
Maybe if I watch it multiple times I'll get used to Lupin's smirk.
For now it creeps me right the fuck out.
Fucking Japan does the same exact thing with moe show set in high school with powers number 8,000,000
>only competent and interesting antagonist in the trilogy
>solid conclusion to story and character arcs
Not in anime. Every mixed japanese something always has the features of their foreign parent.
That could’ve been a thing 15 years ago, now all those actors are too old for the characters
Jesus fucking christ this is some tortured logic.
I'm getting a lot of Tintin vibes where a lot of the animation and features are done in that sort of photoreal style, but the characters are caricatured in an attempt to push it towards the style of the source material. Which worked very well for characters like Haddock or Thompson and Thomson, and not so much for Tintin. Don't know if that'll work very well for an anime. I need to see more before I make up my mind.
I agree. But there's also been a demand for other shit than that in Japan for far longer than there has been in the west. And Japan just produces more animation in general.
This, at the end of the day the west steals from the east just as much as the east steals from the west.
japs are part of the white race
Well most of them are fetishized waifus or husbandos
Is Japan shitting on this CGI Lupin III movie like they did for Dragon Quest? I think both movies look great, we need more CGI projects from other countries.
It still looks pretty gerenic, tho. Like illumination tier with less cartoony characters.
This one is better and how to train your dragon is not the best example out there.
I won't deny that's looks fucking awsome, but one punch man is a rare example. Most japs save animation effort for the important scenes, as a result 95% percent of the show is unwatcheable and 5% is actually good. In the case of One Punch man, the other 95% is more passable because it was making joke of common tropes in other jap toons and the story was non serious, so you could watch the rest without paying a lot of attention. That's something you really can say of most other nip cartoons.
It's a really fun show, at least S1, haven't watched S2 yet.
>haven't watched S2 yet
Do yourself a favor - don't
Wow, these look so bad. Could you guys please remind me why that show is so praised because its CGI?
How do I into Lupin? inb4 read the manga
>magical girl transformation sequence
it's all a big sailor moon reference anyway
possibly power rangers, not sure if super sentai still has em
The main reason I can't stand japanese animation is because they don't animate mouth properly. I know It because they want to save money for the important scenes, but still I find uncanny characters opening and closing the mouth, like they were chewing gum and word comming out of their mouth.
Do these CGI films at least would do the mouth right?
I just google it and started watching the first animation that crossed on my result. It's kinda good.
They do the best they could with the resources they had, and it's still ONE's writing with Murata's artwork as a base.
Season 1 was only so great because the director was friends with all the best animators in the industry and they decided to make it a passion project.
The English Lupin cast is kino.
Also, I don't want to read a movie.
Dude, that looks awful. If that's the best S2 can do, then I don't even want to imagine the worst of it.
To be honest, I only watch dubbed anime because I can't stand japanese voice acting. It's just so cringey for my ears.
You don't know what Yea Forums would do because Yea Forums isn't one person retard
The only anime that should be watched in dub are sailor moon and danganronpa
Lupine movies have always looked good
>sailor moon and danganronpa
Why specifically those?
It doesn't look bad at all, but is this really the trend now? Are we just goonna get big 'premieres' of everything being 3DCG until CG is the norm everywhere? This is getting out of hand.
Aren't you forgetting something?
Because they're better than the original
I dont get what's being compared that would make it any better or worse than the usual westen cgi movie. Is it because it's a Lupin movie that it's suppose to be special?
this is the worst example you could have given us
This. THIS RIGHT HERE. This is what happens when you put effort into CGI.
The third movie may be weak in the wtiting department, but the animation still is quite impressive. Besides Lupin movie will follow its formula it usually does so it's not like your gonna get something mindblowingly deep there either.
Fuck I thought I was the only one who thought about Tintin watching the trailer
This, we all know the west have always been better than the East at everything. That's why the west conquers the east and not the other way aorund.
Traditional animation is a dying industry - there's not enough people interested in learning traditional techniques, and too few masters left to teach them.
It's the same shit that happened with classical painting techniques - people were drawn towards modernist movements and there were fewer and fewer classically trained painters left to pass on their knowledge and techniques. The illustrators of the 20th century were among the last prominent classically trained artists, and you could probably list the few that remain today on a single sheet of paper.
r u me
If a live action movie was made in the 90's Jim would have been perfect.
This makes me sad
And the crazier part is that porn artist are the only ones trying to keep up
Lupin part 2
I'm not really digging Lupin's 15 year old beard stubble, but all in all everything is gorgeous. Can't wait.
Traditional animation is constantly outsourced to Indians, etc. why would that change? They definitely aren't professionals, yet they produce good results.
How could you possibly think this looks good?
I didn´t see this ep of reboot
Also everything else if you don't have a really solid grasp on the Japanese language.
Can't wait for Lupin vs Tintin
It's because every CG thing that's come out of Japan before this looks like shit.
They often do normal frame rates for semi-realistic CG like this,. It's the cel-shaded stuff they tend to make look all choppy to be more "authentic" to 2D animation.
Come on dude, Reboot never looked that bad.
If its live-action:
Lupin - John Cho
Zenigata - JK Simmons
If its an english dub/western animation, then John Mulaney as Lupin
Didn't they also make a Saint Seiya movie?
Imagine the porn with the ripped models
reminds me of the tintin movie but that super action feel suts lupin better
I can't stop laughing
>ripped models
It's a movie, retard.
>Dubs scare you because of your inferiority
Back to
Or on reading.
The only one that works is Jigen, probably because you can't see his face.
voice actors aren't the same as actor actors you pancake
Since you subhuman Yea Forumsutists refuse to stay in your quarantine zone, I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine by utilizing scorched earth self moderation tactics.
Note to the mods, my behavior is widely practiced by these invasive vermin that you favor for some inexplicable reason. Therefore, in your eyes, my actions are absolutely infallible and my demand must be met as soon as possible.
fucking trollhunters looks better than that.
what your shitposting is going to accomplish is only making my dick and my porn folder bigger, as well as getting you a ban
>shitposting so bad it killed all posting for 10 minutes
watch the movie Castle of Cagliostro
then watch Parts IV and V
then Part I
then the movie Fuma Clan
then the rest but ignore the fujiko series, pretend it doesn't exist
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I just got chills. WHEN DOES THIS MOVIE COME OUT? It looks cool
myhero academia CGI is coming? That should be a huge hit. I wish they did a Naruto one or DBZ
He does this all the time
He gets banned
The thread stays up
Truly pathetic
Can I help you?
...Why did you post that? That couldn't have been the gif you meant to post.
>It's uncanny valley as hell
Only the more serious men look this way to me. Lupin and the girls look great, very expressive and cartoony.
Would you look at that? Mods did their job.
And Barneyfag was nowhere to be seen.
Really activates those almonds.
it doesnt remove the fact that This Starfire is LITERALLY Alien Misato
why is lupin so consistently quality?
Only if Spielberg does the second movie, which is impossible
This but unironically
Why not start at the start?
just watch them all in order
you have the time
you wont do anything else
just have your dick out and ready for the woman called fujiko mine
dont get attached to the girl of the season
oh and the movies are like 99% standalone. you wont miss anything special by not watching them now
Why don't they just rotoscope cg?
Dear Japan,
Please stop using 3D animation.
Your friend,
>Use CGI all the time for video games and cutscenes
>no one gives a shit
>use the same kinds of assets to make a really LONG cutscene AKA a movie
>gets shit on for it
i hate these 60fps things
completely butcher the whole effort of timing
I absolutely cannot wait for Japan to make CGI films that absolutely BTFO Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks. Without pandering to retarded children and making something for audiences that want more than safe pop song filled celebrity voice acting showcases.
Nice. American mega corps are too much into photorealism garbage nowadays.
3D should be cartoony like this.
I love Lupin, but 3d loses all of the style of the 2d animation.
what an abomination
Full of yes
It’s funny you think that
No one will ever deny Berserk's CG being bad, but it doesn't represent Japanese CGI at all. Right now a lot of the talent is in games but with movies like Lupin, and DQ you'll see it become more widespread.
So you just want something that panders more towards you specifically instead of a general audience, because even if they did make a fully 'adult' movie, it wouldn't really "btfo" of any of those companies.
Why can't you people just be happy something different is being made without having to make everything a fucking competition. I'd recommend Love, Death & Robots, if you haven't seen it already, enjoy shorts and want some cgi targeted towards a more 'adult' audience.
>American mega corps are too much into photorealism garbage nowadays.
No, not really. Disney movies are heavily stylized, Pixar movies are heavily stylized, Dreamworks movies are heavily stylized, Illumination movies are heavily stylized etc. etc. etc.
3D is still cartoon though. Disney using photo realism for a few of their films doesn't change that.
I did and I liked it quite a lot. I still want kiddieshit to take a break. It's far to restrictive of animation's potential and western animated films have become far too stagnated.
Is this earth 3 thread?
For television CGI this is quite good, completely shits on RWBY that's for sure.
Europeans don't consider the French white.
This. Africa begins at the Alps.
Lupin Arsene the III is half japanese half french.
Daisuke Jigen might be half japanese as well considering he is American, though nothing really points to that besides being a part of the Italian mobster.
the rest of the crew is definitely Japanese though.
Hey, as long as she's remembered everything's alright.
Watch the anime. All 40+ years.
Watch Promare when it comes out.
I feel Trigger's effective use of shortcuts and high speed action only works well in 2D.
This guy is retarded.
Watch part I & II
>you can pick from any episode, doesn't matter as neither of them are connected and are there own contained story.
then A woman called Fujiko Mine, Grave Stone of Jigen Daisuke, Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa, Part IV, and Part V.
you can watch any of the movies in whichever order you want though.
the 2012 TMNT was tv CGI and looked better, rwby is not a good indicator for tv quality
I like how not a single weeb ITT could manage to get a argument off the ground. As if hey suddenly forgot that ALL CGI cartoons are heavily stylized.
They've been quality CG movies longer than this, people just rarely hear about them.
They don't have any slave labor.
>This anime is so ugly
It's not.
>Anime has been behind the west for years.
Other way around.
Isekai is a meme.
>except when it comes to new ideas. They can only have one of those every 3-5 years then the rest are just copies with different flavor of faservice girl
Anime has significantly more genres and premises than American animation, even more than American live action television. It's full of new ideas all the time.
>But when it comes to quality the west shits all over them like it's world war 2.
You're delusional.
"Moe show set in high school" can mean almost anything.
American animation has taken far more from Japanese animation than the other way around.
>one punch man is a rare example
There's nothing rare about it, it's just very popular and most people only watch the most popular anime.
>Most japs save animation effort for the important scenes, as a result 95% percent of the show is unwatcheable and 5% is actually good
Berkserk is a meme perpetuated by people who don't watch anime.
Yes, reading a movie, because that's what the director intended you to do instead of focussing on the visuals.
Ah, TMS Fag! Of course you'd be in this thread!
There are series labelled parts 1-5. It's not that difficult.
You have no idea who that is, or you are intentionally accusing me of being him in the hopes of derailing the thread because you have no arguments against anything I said.
Then why are you talking exactly like him?
I'm not, and you'd know that if you actually knew who he is. Assuming of course that you aren't just intentionally making a false accusation to destroy the thread.
So are they movies or tv series?
Famicom no one cares about your autism anime is the most unoriginal garbage in existence
They hate anything asian, yet many if not all their cartoons are animated by Koreans or Chinese.
You either don't know who he is or you're trying to change the topic. You can't prove that I have autism.
>anime is the most unoriginal garbage in existence
It's more original than American animation and live action television and if it's garbage then logically everything has to be garbage.
>Would you look at that? Mods did their job.
The mods have NOT done their job. This shitty Off Topic thread is still here. Reporting as much as possible because anime does NOT belong on this board.
But can they do this?
>not Duel Masters and Ghost Stories
Can they do 24 fps hand-drawn animation? Yes, they can.
It's just Disney faces by Japan: The Movie.
This fucking bear.
A round of applause for Japan's 3D animation.
You are intentionally cherry picking all the meme failures of 3D animation, and ignoring that there is a significant difference between a feature film costing hundreds of millions and 3D effects made for an otherwise hand-drawn television series.
Anime just does not look good in 3D. And that intro did that video no favors. Jesus Christ Japan, just stick with 2D.
You might have been right like ten years ago. Now Western television just churns out lifeless continuations of cg movies with better quality than this. And it's all the same. Anime is just historically bad at right now and they've been trying and failing for years now.
There's a time stamp in the URL to skip the intro, which was made by the uploader and is not part of the series. Making Kotobuki in 2D would have been impossible, and the quality of the aerial scenes is very high.
You're obviously just pushing a nationalist agenda.
Jesus, this makes me loath how low-energy Pixar and other animation studios are in the west.
>You are intentionally cherry picking
Good to hear the argument that every Yea Forums brigader breaking Yea Forums rules uses but actually do themselves
How am I from Yea Forums, and how am I brigading and breaking rules for posting in this thread? Why are you trying to change the topic?
Not even. The West in general has a better grasp on 3D animation compared to Japan. And Yea Forums regularly has threads mocking this. Where do you think I got these from? And watching enough anime has had me actively avoiding shows that feature 3D animation. That handholding anime is nausea inducing. Only the most blind and delusional people overlook that stuff.
If you want my honest opinion it's just that there was never an insistence on better understanding the medium. For all the flack that America gets for turning its back on 2D animation it manages to at least make 3D bearable in pushing it for all these years. Look at Toy Story. The first movie was considered a cinematic marvel and now there are shows shit out on CN and Disney with better quality than that. Even the first Incredibles movie has aged like milk compared to what is considered mediocre by today's standards.
I think Japan can eventually get better at it but their best stuff is in the movies and even then its sparse because it doesn't always work out.
>The West in general has a better grasp on 3D animation compared to Japan.
Only technologically.
>Where do you think I got these from?
They're all memes.
>A single piece of exceptionally good animation comes out of Japan like Violet Evergarden
looks straight out of Disney shit, had to pick my jaw off the floor.
Pretty much. Japan is playing catch up and fags want to give them a cookie for it.
There's well-animated shows released all the time. VEG isn't exceptional.
Playing catch-up with what? They currently have the best animation industry.
Jurassic Park is not an animated film.
Wow can you be any more delusional? Go back to Yea Forums. Actually don't, they'll just laugh at you over there as well. Even they know Japanese 3D is shit. I don't know what you're trying to prove because nobody's buying it.
I'm not delusional and I didn't come from Yea Forums. I also didn't make this thread.
>Actually don't, they'll just laugh at you over there as well.
That's because they don't watch anime and don't like anime.
>Even they know Japanese 3D is shit.
The quality of 3D in anime varies and is created under different circumstances and for different purposes than Pixar.
Read my text user. Anime isn't good at 3D. I'm sorry. It's the truth. You'll get an incredibly animated sequence here or there but for the most part its bad. And that's anime in general, one really good scene surrounded by a bunch of bland ones. Sometimes even really bad scenes. I just overlook it but I don't pretend it's not a thing. I just find it weird they put so much effort into close ups of food getting cut and eaten. Should've used that much effort on something else.
This is insulting.
The quality of 3D in anime varies and is created under different circumstances and for different purposes than Pixar.
>And that's anime in general, one really good scene surrounded by a bunch of bland ones.
Which is somehow much worse than American animation having nothing but bland animation.
>Sometimes even really bad scenes.
Unheard of in any other form of media.
How long are you going to keep crying about this?
I hate to break it to you buddy but you're are quite literally the only one defending any of this.
Something isn't true because a lot of dumb people erroneously think it is.
You're a fag
Until we get a good quality Berserk anime.
>Now Western television just churns out lifeless continuations of cg movies with better quality than this
can you post some examples
the last Doraemon movie looked great as well, i really wish we got more stylized artstyle in western's mainstream CGI
It's 2005 calling.
>outsourced Korean cgi is Japanese says the shills
Do you have a source for this, or is this just more of the usual bullshit?
Chris Pratt is too fat.
The Lupin cast has also canonically been getting older for a while now. The Simpsons effect is in place a little bit but it seems like in every special or at least a few times each show they say something about how they're "all getting too old for this". Jigen has been in the game long enough that he has flings with the daughters of women he had flings with. Lupin's been going after treasures that he failed to snatch when he was just out of high school since Cagliostrio. The gang seems to retire and get out of retirement all the time. I always imagined Lupin and the gang being a bit older than they let on, especially Jigen.
any other good Japanese CGI movies? this and dragon quest looks pretty good
>I don't know about them, so they must not exist
they were always handsome to me
>polygone pictures
>the only studio that actually bothers with cgi
>netflix now funds all of their works.
>Yea Forums wouldnt touch it now that it has netflix on it
he said good movies.
oh shit they even got boob jiggle
im in
saus on the top one
That's called efficient direction, I don't need the characters making weird faces or moving around like ADHD children with thousands of sugar on a dialogue scene.
They aren't the only ones who make CG, and you are making a ridiculous, contrived roundabout argument that you are also trying to project into the past (this movie came out ten years ago).
*with ADHD and tons of sugar in their blood
both this one and the dq film are going down as the first good cgi anime and it will only get better from there
>you don't know who that is
>you're being off-topic
It's no use, Famicom. Everyone here knows your tells.
season 2 makes me sad bakagaijin.
God I hope Toonami picks up 3d Beserk one day. The general will be in shambles.
when we try to declare who "wins" at animation, we all lose.
>le strong female trope
Fujiko Mine with a flat ass
>Zenigata - JK Simmons
im glad someone else noticed how keanu-esque jigen and goemon looked in that trailer
you brand new to the lupin series?
Hey, autismo!
>That's because they don't watch anime and don't like anime.
So, have you just admited they make fun of you on Yea Forums?
West makes good photorealistic CGI. RDR2 and The Lion King are probably the best examples of this. Sadly I don't like photorealism and think it lacks creativity.
I do like the Japanese "pseudo anime" CGI though. I think there's even a specific name for this method. It was used in Spider-verse as well.
Like this: youtube.com
>Does the Videogame industry just suck up all of the talent in japan?
Yes. Just like in the West. It's because in the videogame industry you actually get paid, while in animation industry you get the scraps.
>It's another 'Japanese 3D animation goes overboard with the camera blitzing all over the place' flick
Japanese don't know how to act, are barely able to write good characters because of this barrier and whenever action scenes are thought up they're immediately over baked with the camera ruining it.
The OP trailer has good character designs and they hit the mark pretty good on the rendering and cinematography but dolly zoom into a camera attached to a balloon deflating just spoils the latter half of the trailer.
Lupid looks like a fucking monkey and Pops doesn't look right at all. Also the animation just doesn't do it, it's the little details, the hair mostly, the fabric.
Pops is just off, and Lupin in 3d is creepy.
That's some excellent taste right there
The "series" people are referring to are the television shows, with part 1 starting in 1971 and the most recent, part 5, airing just last year. A Woman Called Fujiko Mine is also a tv series, but it's mostly about Fujiko, with the other characters sometimes appearing here and there.
There are also feature films and television specials, the latter of which are like longer episodes with bigger budgets. You can watch these in any order you want as they're standalones, even the crossover with Detective Conan.
You can read the manga if you want but you absolutely don't need to. The manga is its own thing, and the anime is not a straight adaptation of the manga at all.
thanks for posting this, didn't know about it and I'll probably watch it when it comes out.
Enjoy your photorealism garbage
"Uncanny Valley". No one ever uses this term correctly. Uncanny valley means as close to looking like real life as possible, but there's still something off about it.
Custom Metal Slug Funko Pops I made.
what about this live action? is it good?
i dont get what you are up to. asian 3d animators and modelers were always tip top notch on the 3d edge. blarking they are worse than "ze west" is a fucking jew tactic to start a flame war.
You either don't know who he is or you're trying to change the topic.
How is Yea Forums going to make fun of an anonymous user who barely posts there? Sounds like you're projecting.
Next question
>Next question
are you white?
The future belongs to china
China's culture is too restrictive.
I don't know, them's 'aint no photo realistic lions.
If it belongs to China, you can hardly call it a future.
What makes this look so damn good? Is it the lighting engine? The camerawork? The models and animations don't look that special, but the whole package does.
It's not a method, user, it's a way to render the shapes to it would look like it was hand drawn. It's called cell shading.
Its pretty bad, its directed by the same guy who did the cutscenes for Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and its got all the problems that people complained about those cutscenes
>The models and animations don't look that special
The models don't look like the typical Pixar bland-face with googly eyes. It's 100% the models that make this look good.
i'm turk, so yes
Cel shading is just a meme, it never looks like its hand drawn except Guilty Gear Xrd.
>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum
First time I've been to this board, I guess the claims of this board being a reddit invested shithole was right
who said that?
People seriously believe Yea Forums is a weaboo safe space?
Reminder Yea Forums was only created to contain western cancer and is in fact not a natural part of Yea Forums.
It's a site made for weaboos yes. Moot was a weeb who wanted to discuss anime with other americans so he copypasted the code of a japanese anime forum
Im glad Japan is finally starting to make decent looking CGI movies but they still need many years to catch up to the west
>lupin = jim carrey
>jigen and goemon = both keanu reeves
>zenigata = bruce campbell
What year do you think it is, user?
Is hilarious especially because everything Japan has done pales in comparison to Avatar
I never watched Avatar, I can't stand that they can't even pronounce their own characters names right.
According to crazed, desperate nationalists who think all anime is battle shounen. And then there's the fact that Avatar was only possible because of a Korean studio that specializes in assisting Japanese studios.
tits are great but the ass make you do that weird face
japanese animators like sticks
the artists of the games like thicc girls
This is the best visual orgasm I had in years...THANKS OP.
Call me when they CGI Jewelpets
Precure's endings have great 2D-style CG.
Dude,of all the available ways to make a fool of yourself...
Nah, he is "too conventionally handsome" for that, Jim Carrey is perfect. He has a nice face that more or less looks like the character, and can deform it at will
That was pretty good. I think that's one of the, if not the, best CG anime model I've seen. It actually looked somewhat 2D drawn. My only big problem there was that the models didn't blend too well with the textures and style of the hangar or planes.
It is animation. Why the FUCK does the nationality matter? Grow. Up.
Probably because Japan, America and Europe all produce different kinds of animation.
>different kinds
What like animated animation
Do you really think they all make exactly the same kind of animation?
No there is clay animation, puppetry, cgi, in fact there is so much of it I can see how it needs different boards sure
Anime and Western animation are completely different and have different communities for a reason.
Yea Forums mods should ban these keywords "japan" anime" also all threads that start with anime images should be deleted.
Despite being fundamentally animated
Separating sections of the human race is disgusting, just kill them already
And fundamentally different, unless you think literally all animation is exactly the same.
Yes, by virtue of being a series of images that give the illusion of motion
Separate them by what you are really trying to say
So in your mind, there is literally no difference at all between watching Akira and Care Bears.
You think American food and Japanese food aren't both food?
Did anyone say Akira and Care Bears aren't both animation? If we're making a food analogy then there must be no difference between different kinds of foods, like no difference between steak and lettuce.
Yes, we were discussing separating animation as you would separate food. So it is like having a meat board and veggie board? Like we have a cgi board I think? But nationality, I don't think so
We were talking about Akira vs. Care Bears, not all anime vs. all Western animation.
Anime is completely different from Western animation. The anime industry is completely separate from Western industries. Anime fans have always naturally formed their own anime-only communities. Why should there not be separate boards?
The thread was discussing animation itself, stay on topic
Who gives a shit about the communities? Oh yeah, those communities are made of people who are currently thinking, so just tell them to wisen up
We aren't talking about what OP is talking about, we're talking about whether or not anime and Western animation should have their own separate boards. Stay on topic.
>Why should there not be separate boards?
Because it is all animation? The community obeys the website obviously
>Who gives a shit about the communities?
If you don't care about the argument then you can just stop posting.
What was supposed to be embarrassing about that post?
Did the community make /mlp/?
>Because it is all animation?
Completely different animation produced by completely different industries for completely different markets. Why should there not be separate boards?
Because the industry and the market do not matter, animation is animation
Go to the cooking board and tell them to separate by industry
das it mane
The west arr rook same
Not only cartoons but AAA trash games/shoddy hipster indies
>What was supposed to be embarrassing
The idea of disregarding OP
What does this have to do with anything?
You act like the people matter to what the website chooses to do
The website only does what is right
Completely different animation produced by completely different industries for completely different markets. You have no response to this.
What is supposed to be embarrassing about that?
What are you trying to say?
>Creepy Miku
The subject of animation itself should not be restricted by who makes it, you have no argument
>le ebin delet this meem
I just told you my argument and you have no response to it. You can't explain why these completely different, separate things shouldn't have separate communities.
You are dismissing yourself as a shitposter by saying OP does not matter to your discussion
Because these separate things are the same medium. You're ignoring logic.
Is this your first day on an imageboard or forum? Threads often go in different directions and don't strictly follow the original topic.
Unironically Kung Fu Panda
And why does that mean they must be combined into a single community, despite all the differences? You cannot explain.
she's meant to be japanese
get a japanese actress
>John Cho
Who the fuck is this guy
I keep hearing his name tossed around when talking about asian-american actors
is he even a good actor?
Because of shitposters.
You are a pansy
Separate puppetry!
Separate spot motion!
(((The plan)))
What are you talking about?
We aren't talking about separating by the specific animation medium.
Different company.
Marza, the people making this film also animated this: youtube.com
Why the fuck hasn't Sega gotten them to produce a full CGI sonic movie?
No, just by nationality
Yes, that's what we were talking about.
Despite that being the only logical action
Since when has this website cared about community? I severely doubt the majority of posters have the values of mods
she doesn't drink or have hatesex with an ex-boyfriend on a constant basis
>Despite that being the only logical action
Why would it be?
>Since when has this website cared about community? I severely doubt the majority of posters have the values of mods
How is this relevant?
Nationality has nothing to do with animation itself, so it should not be a factor you child. We live on a single planet, if you didn't know. It is round despite what you may have heard.
You act like things are the way they are because it is correct and not an outdated oversight, we are all members of the human race.
Anime is produced in Japan. Japan has a different culture and produces animation radically different from animation produced in the West. The anime industry is based in Japan and primarily markets to Japan.
>you child
I'm far older than you, and now that you have resorted to pulling the age card it means you've run out of arguments and have decided to concede defeat.
This is meaningless feel-good babble.
>why would it
>picking and choosing logic
This is my last post
You're thought process is that of a child
Clinging to the past for instance
You have conceded defeat.
And still Yea Forums keeps on trolling/co/ and revealing that they're a board full of self hating westerners. Seriously...
If you told me this was animated by Disney or DreamWorks I would Actually believe you.
Nobody is defeated, the facts remain
The fact you saw this as personal tell me you
I'm a. Tad annoyed but At least this looks promising
You have conceded defeat.
You are an anime fag that is so panicked over merging lol
You have conceded defeat.
Better yet, a Yea Forumsirgin that knows his board will be surpassed
You have conceded defeat.
>not making a point
>not being entertaining
You must actually be new
You have conceded defeat.
When will people stop replying to Famicon? He's in every single Yea Forums thread.
When will you either learn who famicom actually is or stop making false accusations against me in an effort to change the topic?
Since I'm not actually going to the meta board to realize this then I personally have sure, but if the idea of merging animation boards to compete with the video game board is a good enough idea then someone will pass it along
Stop replying to Famicon.
You have conceded defeat.
Anonymous, I...
So why do you even leave/a/ if you are so worried about it?
When will you either learn who famicom actually is or stop making false accusations against me in an effort to change the topic?
You have conceded defeat.
Certainly watching for her boobs.
Stop replying to Famicon.
Every person replying is defeated holy shit
When will you either learn who famicom actually is or stop making false accusations against me in an effort to change the topic?
You have conceded defeat.
You aren't going anywhere with this topic, you are just giving up
You have conceded defeat.
No bro, this is actual shitposting
You have conceded defeat.
Defeat on the issue of animation being a single topic, regardless of the jew attempts of separation for the sake of keeping their idea of god real?
You have conceded defeat.
I have not!
You have conceded defeat.
You don't tell me whT I have done
He's Harold from Harold and Kumar.
He's actually very underrated but pretty talented.
He was the main in Searching, played Sulu in the newest Star Trek films and also played Better Luck Tommorow and Columbus. Also he's gonna play Spike Spiegel in the live action Cowboy Bebop
You have conceded defeat.
I did not conceed defeat
Absolutely not. Why don't you want Yea Forums to be the second largest board? You scared it would happen?
You have conceded defeat.
You have conceded defeat.
>All that walltext
>Just to say "Buaah dont tell me dirty weeaboo"
Damn, Weebs are fucking unbearable. The worse part there's unironic autists who think just because Yea Forums started as a anime forum they have the right to shitpost and flood other chans with anime content.
Said that I don't mind with anime related content in Yea Forums, I don't like it, but I don't get salty either.
Do you know DCinside? It started as a camera and photography forum and today nobody fucking talk about the original subject anymore.
Now you have no argument. The video game industry isn't separated by boards is it?
>You have conceded defeat.
You have conceded defeat.
>Now you have no argument
The argument he had before didn't go anywhere.
Again, you are on a anime website, if you don't want to see anime, just go to reddit.
>anime website
>anime delegated to a small number of boards
I get the argument, but it's fallacious. Much like the boards themselves, inspiration doesn't change anything when the boards are separated by medium.
Dude, I don't mind with anime, I don't like anime threads on Yea Forums since it's off topic but I don't get salty either, I just try to have a decent discussion regarding the subject, and, to be honest I've got better anime discussion in Yea Forums than other specific anime forums.
You weeb looking for an excuse to put nip toon in everything are unbearable.
It was the idea that culture affected the content to such an extent that separation was necessary, but that would be saying that the topics portrayed were completely different every time. There is slight difference between lines and color, "artstyle" if you will, but subject matter ?
I still wondering why did they do a live action Senic instead just a CGI one? Or even better, why didn't made a live action movie with a regular CGI Sonic? That would look good.
>implying it's photo realism to not have your camera flung around wildly in every other shot and have it called 'good animation'
You could say the exact same to french toons and comics
>Different culture
>Different production
>The animation and comics industry primarily markets to France
But we don't have a french Yea Forums board, don't we? An animation forum regarding production localization would be awsome, It could have worked in the 90's since TV channels like MTV and locomotion at that time aired toons from all over the world, but today I just can't work, regarding quality, Japan produces a mass amount of cartoons in comparison with the rest of the world. Not only that, but the amount of weebs in today's internet is just massive. Because of that an animation and comics forum would be saturated with japanese content, not to mention how toxic most weebs are.
>Redditor hates fun
Who could've guessed?
That is because Blackfire inherited that part
Let's just post one thing here.
Hitomi Tanaka then.
Oh my.
Isn't she dead or something?
No when you actually know what makes something good or bad it does spoil the 'fun' of being a layman that enjoys the pretty pictures.
>Material I like ruined by adaption
Holy shit every fucking time. Now everytime I try to talk about this shit with my friends they go
>The one with the weird bear?
Not once, not even fucking Sony nor Illumination can do CGI THIS bad.
Nope, she retired from porn and went back, though she cant do uncensored porn.
We already knew
Christina Hendricks is a blonde that gingerfake redheads! I don't want her to live anymore
You can't top this
She is not a redhead you chucklefuck
>user gets mad that his knock off flick isn't adored by everyone
It only looks halfway decent because it's like a knock off of a Disney flick.
I hope when you watch the movie you can't stop thinking about the jerky camera that doesn't ever stop moving. Two people just talking in a room? Dolly, pan into an angled zoom.
>learning traditional techniques, and too few masters left to teach them.
Like what user ?
Anons, do you want to know defeat?
No,this suck ass fuck off back to a/ you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.
This looks Disney as fuck,praise be Disney for being a better studio that all the weeb crap.
>nips make better cg-
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Fuck off nigger back to pol/
This shit makes me so angry. For faggots like those animation is not taken seriously.
They DON'T make fun of him on Yea Forums, Yea Forums has actual moderators and his garbage threads are deleted on site. Yea Forums is not so lucky.
>his garbage threads are deleted on site
LOL, Source?
Fuck off back to R3ddit, you stupid niggerfaggot a/tard. You fucking weebs ruin this board with your stupid v/ console wars and crossboarding.
osamu tezuka's style is ugly and using the same style for every piece of media from a single country is lazy
Fuck off back to r/anime,you stupid niggerfaggot weeb poltard.
It's really weird that Yea Forums has watched more Lupin material than Yea Forums
Why are brits so autistic
Lupin is SUPPOSED to look like a Monkey you ignorant fuck. That's the whole visual motif of his character.
How to chain your dragon is the equivalent to the sonic fan base
Except reddit hates anime, you;re a much better fit for them
>TFW enjoying the new Baki series then get shown a bunch of 3D dolls fighting when we get to the actual fight scene
Honestly made me stop watching then and there.