Why were Peter and the Asian Chad so interested in her?

Why were Peter and the Asian Chad so interested in her?

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She's not attractive so it must be something besides that.


Female power fantasy

Tom Holland does have a case of The Gay.
So it makes sense that he wants his job to involve a hot man to makeout with.

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“She’s not like the other girls”

I don't really know because the whole point of the first movie is that she's frumpy and goes under the radar

Then for some reason they dress her up as a model and make every fucking character horny for her and make it look like she's popular

She's prettier than any white girl

Peter's likes her cause she's the designated love interest.
As for Brad, I don't get why he was even introduced. Felt like a pointless character.

I would have liked it if she was still sorta crusty looking

I want to fuck him

can we stop with the spiderman spam now
k thanks

Garfield's butt was more inviting imho

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Have you ever actually seen an american movie about teenagers before?

>Hey is does Spider-Man have like a big hunky romantic rival in the comics anywhere?
>Flash Thompson
>No! That guy's a pajeet with awful one liners.

Tom Holland's response to the gay question sounded like a PR response

I felt like Brad was to appeal to the asians so they'll be happy even if he was portrayed poorly

2 words: caramel pussy

This is why you shouldn't cast a faggot to play Spider-Man, because they cannot stop imposing their gayness on their character instead of playing what they're supposed to. It's embarrassing and unprofessional. Same thing with Andrew Garfield who was so cock thirsty he had already cut off a gay man from the herd for his next Spider-Man film.

>Asian Chad

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Because it is.

I was totally down with that look she had going on in homecoming. Very stripped down, I liked it.

He did the crossgender thing before Garfield, too.


Too bad it’s attached to such an awful face

Calm down. Holland just said something along like "yeah sure" and journalists just blew that shit up like always.

She’s not even caramel

She cute.

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The fuck is with all these OC brown characters in a fucking Spiderman movie?

yeah she is

because the producers think with zendaya the movie will not hit a billion and so they will have the full right$ back

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Disney knows what the people want to see and it isnt more white people

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that post looks super legit


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He just said "Yeah, sure". The media just made a lot of fuss about it.

>this is what liberals on Twitter actually believe


Make sense

Because black pussy is the best and taste like heaven.

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Imagine him and Ezra Miller having hot passionate buttsex. Hnng.

Tom Holland is very tiny, they should hire an actor with 5' 11
MCU miscast list is worse than DC

This MJ look like that?
So fuck off

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Sometimes you have to look beyond superficial things and see there's something more to a person.
She sucks like a shop-vac

What is it with superheros/capeshit and drawing in twinks?

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Already made 600M
A billion is guaranteed

I find her very atractive.
And she was funny.

why you jealous

IDK but I’m not complaining, Tom and Ezra are hot as fuck


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>Why were Peter and the Asian Chad so interested in her?
She cute

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Disney is trying way too hard to make her their poster girl. She's not particularly attractive but she fits some criteria so some luxury brand is using her as their "mascot" too. Right now Disney wants to look "woke" as well so they're using her as the WOC character to attract a younger audience, but they don't actually want to hire actual Black women for her roles because they're only pretending to be woke. She's mixed but she looks like a white girl with a tan so I'm sure that's why she has roles in other shows like Euphoria, other studios would rather not have real diversity in their shows while pretending they do.

Gee, user, I dunno...

sexy little faggot

>cosplaying as Toadette but not even shaving his disgusting chest

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She's not even prettier than Spiderman's love interests in the last movies.

have sex.

But those legs though

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You can't say I'm wrong.

>Trying way to hard to make her the poster girl.

Uh... they’re REALLY not. Peter has a love interest who isn’t a total moron, that’s about it.

Gross ass goblin.


Sorry, I was saying that Disney is trying too hard to make Zendaya their poster girl, not MJ the fictional character.

cuter than Gal Gadot

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You can’t honestly be this retarded lmao HOLY SHIIIIIIT

She's a hot little tsundere fucker.

She's cute irl but the movie made her a nerd.

Oh god that's even worse than I thought, he looks like he was shaving his chest and stopped halfway through it because he got lazy. Disgusting.

What a fucking cuck

Fair enough, but young women really love her so they probably have multi-millions in market research suggesting pushing her as a good business decision. From what I’ve seen in real life, media, and anything to do with women under let’s say 18; that appears very true

MCU threads are just another excuse to shove live-action into Yea Forums, aren't they?

Nice joke

"pretty" is an inherent criterion of white supremacy, so it can't be that.
I mean if you're saying that "MJ" is desirable because she's "pretty" you're really saying that she's furthering white supremacy.




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From a business perspective hiring her is a good idea because she's popular, that's true. But she can't act for shit imo. She tries too hard to seem sassy and cool in all of her roles and it's annoying. Her saying she often auditioned for "white girls" roles in her career because she wanted more representation for black girls and to be subversive pissed me off because if anything, she keeps getting hired because she's a white passing mixed girl who was insanely privileged enough to have her career handed to her at a young age and who's hired a lot because she looks like a white girl with a fake tan like Ariana Grande. I hate hypocritical rich kids like her and most of Hollyweird though so I'm biased, and I say that as someone who almost never get representation in international media and pop culture, except maybe Kingsman with Gazelle.

Neck down is good. I hate that kind of hair, sorry

He doesn’t shave his chest, it’s really not a lot of hair and looks cute imo

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What sucks is that because loz was basically mj in the first movie. They totally fucked the character going forward, but they knew this and didnt go full bird with "michelle" and named her mary jane watson. Just in case the character didnt work. They can trash her and replace her with the source material mary jane.

If that's how hairy he is on his chest imagine how hairy his ass is!

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That thing should be shot desu

Jungle fever, my dude. It's fucking strong

>Asian Chad
Which one? There were like, two and it confused the shit out of me as to which one was Flash.

shouldn't you be crying over Tony's death, Peter?


Kek. What were they expecting after Finding Dory?

Nah, xe is perfect and YOU should be shot

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Fuck off, gorillas are cool animals and far smarter than you 'people'

She reminds me of my step-cousin that literally everyone wants to bang