Is China really the reason they're removing everything memorable about the cartoon?

Is China really the reason they're removing everything memorable about the cartoon?

Seems weird how they recycle nearly everything about the cartoons for the live action versions but this one seems to be headed in another direction

Attached: file.png (500x743, 785K)

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I hear the Chinese audiences (!=the government departments overseeing it) were kinda sad Mushu isn't there.

Also, didn't China already have their own serious live action take on the figure? How is Disney thinking this is a great idea for getting easy bags of Yuans aside from being a remake of an adaptation that was underwhelming there in the first place?

Attached: mulanpos-final.jpg (1228x1768, 249K)

I guess Disney is really afraid of the movie being banned. China has them by the balls and they know it

What year is it?

Why don't they just make an appealing movie for the non china territories

People will pay to see it because its Disney, simple as that. They dont need any better reason.

Why did they remove Shang ?

Why would Mulan be banned ?

I get that they'd remove the ghosts, but why the songs, mushu and shang ?

Someone in the other thread said the nuchina government doesn't like being reminded of anything pre-revolution. They've tried hard to destroy any old religions, customs, and mythology. As for Shang and Mushu and all that, someone else was theorizing that Disney might not actually own the script for the original movie and it's caught in some weird copyright limbo, so they have to make a movie that is based on the fairy tale rather than the Disney movie, while at the same time not breaking any Chinese censorship laws.

China doesn't like musicals. That's it. No conspiracy, just focus testing.

>first female warrior
But thats wrong
>didn't China already have their own serious live action take on the figure
They have several all some of which follow the original ballad, some i felt was copying disney but only in the love department angle.
>nuchina government doesn't like being reminded of anything pre-revolution.
Thats a half truth otherwise would never have been made.

Simple, 1998 Mulan bombed. China at that time thought it was offensive, especially Mushu. However, China made several Mulan movies and they were all like what was shown in the trailer. Generic Asian fighting flicks. These movies made a ton of money however, so Disney wanted some of them and tried to appeal to China as inoffensive as possible so that they'll watch their movie this time

Because the Chinese demographic is so fucking huge compared to non-china ones, so they'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they didn't play ball. This has been an increasing trend in movies as of late, raking in massive amounts of money by pandering to them

They shook things up a little when they tried riding the Wicked wave when they made Maleficent as well. They’ll do whatever they thinks will make the most money.


>raking in massive amounts of money by pandering to them

Except it's not massive amounts. The profit split in China is 75-25 in favor of the theaters. For the domestic share Disney can get 60% or more. So a movie that earns 500 million domestically is equivalent of a movie that earns 1 billion in China. So it's not about the Chinese audience.

They're thinking in the future when yuans will be much more valuable than dollars.

Irony is sex and violence is what sells in real chinese market but Disney is too big to make films that would go under the radard of chinese governments censorship.

The top selling liquor on the planet is Baijiu, a clear spirit derived from sorghum.
It's sales beat worldwide sales for Whiskey, Vodka, Gin, Rum and Tequila combined.
Does that mean that the worlds Liquor Companies (I think theres like three) should stop what they are doing and only produce Baijiu?
No, because
A: China already has internal suppliers and tons of moonshiners
And B: Baijiu tastes like shit and you would be hard pressed to find any westerners who would go for it.

For some reason this line of thinking has escaped Hollywood. Probably because they miss their old Soviet connections and figure the People's Republic is the same thing.

Hahaha no

Mushu being removed is unironically a huge improvement.

Mushu is just the worst example of a "wacky" catchphrase spouting sidekick in every 90's Disney movie imaginable.

Steam (and in the future Amazon) are using foreign currency because everyone knows that the dollar will be dedtroyed by hyperinflation in the next decades. China has the advantage to have just one big market, language and law, that's why is easy to sell shit to them than to Europe/LatAm/Southeast Asia.

>China doesn't like musicals

But they love Opera.

Awkwafina would have been perfect for a Nu-shu.

Isn't the CCP against depiction of some supernatural stuff?
I know that's the reason they ban any Skeleton

>one big market, language and law

None of that is true. China is a fragmented market with competing provincial and municipal jurisdictions and regulatory agencies that have their own laws and regulations. The same deal with languages. Each of these provinces have their own languages and identities that decades of rule by Communists have not able to paper over.

Maybe, but is not the bureucratic nightmare of the EU or the different countries of a big chunk of the world, even in LatAm you need to adapt to lots of different laws even when most of them share the same languange.

I've read somewhere that it has to do with copyrights and some former Disney dude who owns the rights for some characters and songs. He left Disney at some point to work for Dreamworks iirc. Disney is pretending to know what they're doing by sticking to the more accurate version of the ballad/legend.

That art is retarded. The whole point of holding the sword that way was to hide her eye and face.

Who was China’s first female warrior then? I’m not really well-versed in Chinese mythology