The five-year-time gap from Endgame has to be the stupidest shit they ever did in the MCU.
The five-year-time gap from Endgame has to be the stupidest shit they ever did in the MCU
your parents having you was the stupidest shit they ever did in this reality.
It was pretty pointless huh
I'll take the plunge.
Why, OP, do you have these strongly held beliefs?
This would be a better comeback if OP was a bigger faggot. Surprisingly, he isn't one today.
I feel that it added more questions and hurt the story being told in the Spider-man films. Aunt May finding out Peter is Spider-man would have been a much bigger deal if the entire universe hadn't been snapped then blipped five years later. What did the five year gap do other than complicate things and make the world less believable?
>hurt the story being told in the Spider-man films
It was dead in the water before it even began. They made a huge mistake by just making white Miles and substituting his dynamic with Peter for this stupid dynamic with Tony.
Your existence and this thread is the stupidest thing ever to happen to this board.
Holy fucking shit!!!
You're thinking about it in a typical nerd Wikipedia fashion, though.
These movies are more focused on emotional journeys and giving their audience a fun ride.
The point of the time gap was to raise the stakes and to really sell the misery and drama the characters have gone through, and have the audience wallow in that for a bit.
The point was to create momentary drama. Not to worldbuild.
I'm glad they make a joke out of it in Far From Home - leaning into the absurdity of it was the right move.
Peter's relationship with Tony resembles the relation Ultimate Pete had with Ultimate Nick Fury. I don't know where you casuals are getting this HES JUTT IRON MAN JR.
Yeah.It really tests my suspension of disbelief. What about people who were about to die? The ones in car crashes. Suiciders? Or what about newborns? My baby was just born and it vanished, 5 years later it's back, what I am supposed to do?
Absolutely agree. The ethical and legal ramifications of people being gone for five years and suddenly reappearing are so mind-boggling and complicated that it would be impossible to approach it with real-world verisimilitude. I mean, in the U.S. alone we would need to make "Having Been or Having Not Been Turned To Dust For Five Years" a protected classification just so it would be illegal to discriminate on that basis on both the Federal and State levels. Trying to wade through that would do any movie a great disservice.
this gives me the Peter--
wait you mean a 5 year time gap during endgame?
>Far From Home could've just been why Spiderman mostly stays in New York.
They could've done something like during the Five Years he was gone crime has risen. Maybe do something like The Vulture becomes the new protector of New Yorm for the love of his family. Aunt May would make way more sense not surving the snap
why ruin the emotional journey by adding in dumb shit that doesn't make sense?
>These movies are more focused on emotional journeys and giving their audience a fun ride.
>The point of the time gap was to raise the stakes and to really sell the misery and drama the characters have gone through, and have the audience wallow in that for a bit.
>The point was to create momentary drama. Not to worldbuild.
wasnt the point of the 5 year gap was because scott was trapped in the quantum realm for 5 hours which equates to 5 years?
They didnt know time flowed differently in the quantum realm.
I love that time is progressing in the MCU. It makes more sense than world-ending events taking place every 2 or 3 days.
Like do you really think Insectman was busy plotting his revenge against his former pesticide company when half of all existence was wiped out? Hell no.
So you can make Excel spreadsheets about them and pretend you're an intellectual when discussing superhero movies on the internet.
Seriously, guys. I know nothing about motors, so you don't see me discussing engine coolants or whatever on japanese automobile image boards. Learn to interpret what movies are trying to do and judge them accordingly.
Not calling this a perfect film by any means, but Jesus Christ. For people who literally consume stories every day, you guys seem to know jack shit about actual storytelling.
I really don't see it as an issue, there.
Far from home is good, though.
They've gotta push their narrative no matter how stupid it makes them look.
>Ultimate Nick Fury.
Ultimate Fury was a fucking dick to Peter though.
Funny thing is , they even hid it from their TV division. It was a big Fuck you to Agents of shield which always somehow tries to connect to movies
I agree OP because you know they're going to forget about it really soon.
Saying that relationship Iron man and Iron man Jr relationship have anything to do with with Ult Fury and Peter is the same kind of intellectual fallacy as saying that Peter worships superheroes because he tried to join FF for money in ASM #1, you worthless braindead normies.
Assuming Mordo didn't get snapped, I'd assume he would keep removing wizards from the world.
>you guys seem to know jack shit about actual storytelling.
welcome to Yea Forums, especially to that one user who keep making far from home hate thread.
This is like his third thread in the same hour.
So AoS is decisively non-canon now, or did they rewrite the season before it aired? What's going on with it now?
It feels like both sides of this argument don't feel like actually engaging with what the other brings up. Yes, these movies are primarily about following characters the audience loves without sweating the small stuff or fine details of any event that happens. But shattering the status quo to this degree could probably use some addressing beyond glib asides. It's okay to not want to deal with questions and ideas that largely don't impact the emotional arc of the story you want to tell. But then maybe don't make those questions and ideas the foundation of your entire setting. Also there's no reason they have to treat this time gap in a realistic manner. They treat almost nothing else in the universe in realistic way. And it's not something that could ever happen so there's no duty to responsibly depict anything about it.
>I-i-it was in Bendis AU shit so that means it's a definitive character trait that should be adapted!
See again if you haven't already
it takes away from the actual storytelling by adding in dumb shit that ruins the story. There's no reason for the five year gap to exist. It didn't make Far From Home a better story and it leaves so many questions open about the world, just based on what they showed us in Infinity War/Endgame.