Phasma thread

Phasma thread

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How about you go fuck yourself.

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How bout no.

Only the strongest shall prevail.

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Judging from yesterday's storytime, someone here is a fan of hers despite her being utterly worthless in the films and her appearances in other media showing that she's a wretch who only made it as far as she did by betraying and sacrificing her comrades.

>betray everyone all the time
>get sent home to the trash
>get killed
>never accomplish anything
Great job.

films don't count

whatcha gonna do about it?

>half of points made were from comics
Bitch only appears in like 3 pieces of media and you can't even keep them straight?

I don't have to do anything. She's already a joke who got wrecked by a janitor before she died.

I guess it's your fault for disliking her and not mine.

Wait, she actually died? Already? Holy shit, what a wasted character.

Yeah I agree, they should've been given more stuff to do instead of treating her like shit like they did with Han Solo.

The comics did her justice, you guys actually expect shit eater to make her good at all in a shit starwars movie? You tell me.

holy fuck these losers expect rian Johnson to competently do a cool character justice, that shit's fucking sad.

>Gets killed
>Implying she won't be back

Working with sanitation and as a janitor sounds similar on paper but it's two different things

Wanna know other wasted characters in the movies?
All of them are.

>half of posts quoted were talking about the shit comics
She still wont matter.

You don't read comics, you just came here to be mad and sound like everyone else.
The comics were fucking great.

I bet you can't name me one issue and say exactly what's wrong with it.

I didn't expect anything cool to happen with her after TFA.

me neither, until I read some stuff about her, then I got instantly hooked.

>You don't read comics
You looked at a direct fucking comic panel and went straight to Rian Johnson, you utter half wit.
The whole run was a waste of time.
She betrays her cause, murders her comrades and ultimately achieves nothing. Just like everyone else in the first order.
The comic, and the character as a whole, bring nothing new or interesting to the table outside of a shiny set of armor.

She achieved way more than Rey did.

That is not an achievement.

Why did they waste Gwen Christie


hi lady-action-figure
how does it feel to be the most useless thing in your movie and the third most useless in the sequel?

the films are garbage why do you care?
The comics are better.

>All that hype for a wet fart

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>Force Pulls you

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comics are a dying medium
why do you care?

then why are you here?

Used her because she and GoT were popular at the time
Wasted her because J.J. is a hack writer

Who gives a shit? Her screentime is about 1 minute and gets disposed off like literal trash. The same again in TLJ. Fuck nuwars.

Apparently you gave enough crap to talk about her on this thread.

No I just want SW shit off this board.

Tough titty said the kitty, fuck off.


Yes. Yes, that is what we talk about here.

FUCK anakin

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I really don't get it, why was it so hard to make her kind of cool when you try to push her as cool? You'd think they'll try too hard to do that, but they weren't trying at all, is this part of expectations subversion I don't get it? Why couldn't she have kicked Finn's ass and capture Rey in Force Awakens when Finn got his ass kicked and Rey got captured? That would've established her as a one of the guys who get the job done like Bobba Fett AND then dumping her into trash would be more funny, because not only she goes away in the worst way possible, it matches with how ridiculously Bobba went away.

I don't fucking get it, I really don't, you'd think Kennedy with her agenda wouldn't have let Jar Jar and Rian Johnson to do anything unless they make Phasma cool, instead she let them not create a single cool female character.

Reminder that

>her suit reflects blasters and is extremely heat resistant
>regular first order armour is heat resistant which includes the joints
>her cape is blaster resistant (as blaster bolts are plasma, its also heat resistant)
>she is extremely good at climbing
>she has a grappling hook
>her age of resistance comic character bio page makes no mention of her "death", despite every "age of" comic bio page mentioning the characters death if the comic is about a character who died

Shes alive

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>Pulls again

star wars sucks

She still needs a buff though

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It would be more merciful for her to be dead. She's not an intimidating villain at all anymore.

define intimidating

What would they need to do to fix that shitty staff of hers anyway?

Being 6ft 3in and im a manlet?

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that dude looks like a rapist

Honestly all she needs is to be unstaggerable when using it, perhaps some damage resistance too

Thats Kit Harrington


Reminder that we're 2 out of 3 movies into this trilogy and this guy remains the most competent and threatening villain we've seen.

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what is with this franchise and giving us awesome looking characters who then proceed to do nothing and die unceremoniously? Bona Fett, General Grievous and now Captain Phasma. It's like they purposely give us these characters to lure you in to reading or watching extra material where they actually get the requisite amount of expansion.

the point of phasma is to be fucked by the garbage monster and to like it and to keep coming back

>armor fetish
>big strong soldier woman fetish
>Gwen Christie boner on top of that
she should have been best character but instead I've been given a big chrome kick to the balls twice in a row
what the shit are you talking about

You know how to make her cool? Make her force user.

It will be a cool reveal, and it will explain her evil attitude.

Now they hype up Sith Troopers

And people never learn.

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buzz off lame bitch

So they dropped the ball with Snoke and the Knights of Ren so hard that they've resorted to bringing back the Sith?

They can't top that scene.

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They're just red stormtroopers, who gives a shit

>Try to force a Boba Fett
>Get upstaged by a literal who soldier that yells "Traitor"

you're a pleb if you assume we're talking about the movie version

Oh fuck off, Phasma is a forced character and will always be forced regardless of the shitty EU they created to replace the other shitty EU. She sucks get over it faggot.


You're not even thinking about it, you just say she's bad.

Wanna talk about forced? Worry about your post, that shit's forced.

>retarded shiny target costume
>if shes not blinding the other troops with reflections shes giving her position away

Because she's a basic bitch design that amounts to silver stormtrooper with a cape. She was designed by committee to look cool just to get people to like her, they advertised the shit out of her before the film's release despite her small role because Disney wanted to force in their own version of Boba Fett without just letting it happen naturally with another background character. And when it turned out that no one gave a shit about Phasma they ran damage control to push her as this amazing badass is the EU. But no amount of back story can save a character who has no charisma or presence. Phasma is a textbook definition of a "poochie" character forced onto everybody but failing miserably at captivating anyone but the savagely brand loyal.

Wouldn't a reflective outfit offer additional protection against laser fire?

Blasters aren't lasers.
Also no, it wouldn't.

Whats with star wars making evil guys with really cool designs that turn out to be jobbers? Boba, Grevious and now Phasma.

if a laser from a blaster was able to bounce off something reflective like that it would just be a flash light

the only way her armor would make a little sense was if they retconned it so whoever made that silver shiny naboo ship in e1 also made her armor and it was some super rare tough material or someshit, maybe its force resistant idunno but at least it would have purpose

Also Maul(originally) and Dooku.

Having ever won an onscreen fight.

>OP makes a thread for his waifu
>turns into roast of his waifu

I’m not saying this is THE most pathetic thread I’ve seen on Yea Forums all year, but I am saying I can’t think of one more pathetic that wasn’t a Homestuck general.

Stay mad, pilot

How the fuck is Dooku a jobber?

Cartoons my negro

How is she being roasted?

It's hilarious that the biggest hype out of Star Wars 7 post screening was a fucking meme. Ironically Phasma was geared to be the new "Boba Fett" or the always masked cool character. Then we got this guy.

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>is the only good thing about NuWars
>is good because she's a badass tough chick who don't take no shit, like Jolyne Kujo or Oscar Francois de Jarjayes
>gets drawn like a fanservice thot with those hips and the expanded breastplate

I swear to god, zoomers were a goddamn mistake.

I'm actually laughing at the GoT x Battlefront jokes I barely understand.

The amount of Phasma/Rey fanfic out there is crazy

I mean maybe
Like, weaker lasers, such as the flashlights from Warhammer 40000.

Brienne and Captain Phasma are both played by Gwendoline Christie

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If they don’t count, what the fuck does? They ARE THE MAIN SOURCE!

>yfw you don't mind the poochieness of a character because you don't pay attention to the advertising

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Yeah I get that, it's the card buff mechanics that I'm not familiar with. Helps that the Night King looks like Maul.

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Are their any good gutpunch stories?

Just goes to show Rey is a self-insert for female audiences

I don’t know what that means

>The Loud House
That explains your love of characters without any substance

Crackshipping shouldn't surprise me, though I imagine PhasRey pales in comparison to Reylo

Phasma is shit. Give me Kir Kanos

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Phasma has an ability in BF2 where she buffs herself that gives her 200 armour

She has a card where that armour hp takes 50% less damage

Anakins retribution ability at the time the meme was made was fucking broken and did 400 damage, and if phasma had the ability active and the card on, anakins retribution did jack shit to her, bar disabling the ability

Like chicks being punched in the gut/uterus for sexual pleasure.
I'd love to see Phasma doing that to Rey.

A character is what you make out of it.

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She's this "badass" that surrenders when a blaster is put to her back despite her armour being blaster reflective.

I heard fans weren't all that pleased with what they did with her in the final season either, but given how said final season went anyway that's not saying much.

Oh I thought it meant like an emotional gut punch...can’t think of any like that off the top of my head but I’m sure they exist
The most common “kink” I’ve seen for the pairing is sex pollen

Well sure. Reylo is #1 by a factor of 1000. The rest of us read any scraps we can find.

>Phasma figuratively had the high ground

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Wonder how popular FinnRey shipping is.

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>sex pollen
Do you mean aphrodisiac mind control stuff?

Probably a close second. Or third, really. Pinn is probably more likely.

Oh totally.

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First half of the Phasma book is great
Second half of the Phasma book is dumb

Tumblr doesn't ship black men because they don't find them attractive

>And people never learn.
Everyone but shills are shitting on them

He chickened out of his fight with Yoda and then was killed by Anakin 5 minutes into the next movie.

Willing to bet they'll subvert expectations and actually have them hit the protagonists, or at least injure them enough to show that they're a threat.

I won't lie though. I did find it pretty refreshing to see a good ol' fashioned bromance taking place.

One of the best bromances I've seen in the past decade however took place between Claw and Wizard in the "Superior Carnage" tie-in.

Really? I thought Finn was a interesting dynamic.

Why are you ignoring the entirety of the Clone Wars?

Yep exactly

>implying anybody actually watched Clone Wars

Tell me more

but how do you know they’re not inserting as Phasma?

Because women are usually submissive and attracted to those who dominate their surroundings

I think it's interesting how the comic book writers are leaning into her being a worthless coward. Yesterday's issue of her getting all of her men killed just to further her own career and legacy just helped cement it.

Damn waste but at least it's consistent.

It’s understandable if they love the Empire and want to execute Rey personally

E-examples needed

Kanos being canon would be amazing.

Not a coward, just a self-serving pragmatist who puts nothing above her own survival.

You mean the series that came 3 years after the fact?

>I only care about the films and nothing but the films
Why are you on Yea Forums?

>3 year gap
>3 years of wartime

Some things in the second half of the book are glaringly inconsistent with what is set in the first half of the book

I wouldnt like to work for her but I wouldnt call her worthless or a coward. She was on the front lines leading the charge the first day and she did successfully take out those dudes on the second day.

>It's all fun and games in CS until you see Anakin coming around the corner

Well yeah I’m vaguely aware of her background in the novel but I was hoping you’d elaborate for us who hadn’t read

Boba and Grievous had great and successful pushes, especially Grievous. What the hell did Phasma have up to this point? Interviews with her actor and "chrome-colored LIMITED EDITION Stormtrooper" action figures?

Why did they make her so incompetent and useless over an extended appearance, in current year?

Shouldn't they have been trying to make a badass woman antagonist just like how Rey takes over everything as the protagonist, to the point major characters are killed literally because "They are not important to her story"?

Grievous got to be cool in the cartoon but what did Boba ever do?

Make it as fast as the BX vibroblade

They tried to force a 'Boba Fett' but then went out of their way to make her worthless, but this random grunt manages it naturally.

Studio heads can't control the memeforce.

They wanted the GoT fanbase

Meanwhile everyone else is just "shes a fucking amazing actress, stop wasting her and the character"

Gwendoline does voice Phasma in BF2 and the resistance TV show, which is alright

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He got a LOT of stuff ex post facto, because the marketing gremlins of ye olde Lucasarts knew how to push a trend as far as it can go. Boba is the primary cause of all the Mandowank you see in the EU and fandom.

>implying I didn't read Tag and Bink or that one ancient past thing about Jedis with Katanas
I must assure you, I am very well versed in the highly nuanced and complex extended universe

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>no abs, no toned muscles in general
No amount of trips can excuse this chink faggotry

>long hair too when we all know she has short hair

All she's good for is breeding

In the book some events are presented out of order, but when you look at them in the correct sequence you realise that the initial characterization of Phasma and the warriors of her tribe being very loyal to each other doesn't make any sense, since it was very clear that Phasma would betray anyone to secure her survival, and a huge fight in the end not only doesn't make any sense, it is atually made moot a few pages later

Stay dead, captain sparkle trooper.

lol she looks like she's jacking him off

god I wish that were me[/spolier]


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Pilot was too good for that gay faggot ass Sequel Era, too pure

I'm no star wars geek, what's the difference between this guy and a normal apple looking stormtrooper from the first order?

And how do they expect me to go see the new movie after they did my boy luke like that

TM-3465, please shut the fuck up

He's literally just red
Which could be kinda cool but earlier stormtroopers and even better clone troopers already did the color variation thing better with more subtle color patterns instead of a big solid blob of red

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The greatest tragedy in this trilogy, putting aside the quality itself, is that unlike the prequels it's so sterile memewise. Can't even make proper fun of it to the point of going full circle and getting endeared. There's TR-8R, and... I guess the scene of Kylo sperging out and the troopers NOPEing out of there.

sometimes I find use for Unkar Plutt yelling

No one fears the dead captain chrome dome.

To be fair, you're talking to people on a site that gets wrecked by janitors every day.

I remember Boba being pretty useless in the original trilogy too

Based TR-8R, never forget.

>Garbage thread.

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Films are the only things that count

She's not a cool character.

She has cool armor but is actually a useless dingus, like Jango and Boba before her.

>no no you just got to read this comic, book, and vn to think the character is good

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This isn't Yea Forums
Either talk about the SW comics/cartoon or get out

I only care about the films because they're the least garbage part of the franchise. Sadly.

I'm on Co for non-SW reasons. But eu retards are so fucking stupid you just have to step in to shit on their retard parade every once in a while.
Remind them that all their cool looking faves are actually dumb chumps who die stupidly, like Phasma, Grievous, Boba, and Jango.

wowzer yikeserooni
mckill yourself my dude

So you're just here to bait and shit on other peoples parades?

Sounds pretty pathetic ngl

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In a better written story, that would be an interesting character.

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What does stormtrooper armor even protect from


the environment

>239 stories of lesbian stormtrooper x jedi
This was always destined to be

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So will Phasma be redeemed?


Made an actual decent character?
Yes (potentially)

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I fucking dare you to post an excerpt of one

She is though.

"We got an actress from that popular show to be in the movie, you like her so you'll want to see how awesome she is in our film."

She then gets dunked on TWICE in what little screen time she is allowed

But even then, the character still has a decent fanbase who dont want to see them, and the actress wasted

Ah the Lasgun flashlight, a standard arm of the Imperial Guard.

Ah the Royal Guard the original red badass. They didn't do anything but stand there and look imposing. It's all the needed to do.

And now they try to get that coolness from Red Sith Troopers.

And it just doesn't work.

What's pathetic is thinking Star Wars's shitty tie-ins somehow elevate anything.

Exactly it's a stupid grab to the Royal Guard from RoTJ.

Personally, I like Gwendoline Christie, but Phasma really ain't worth it.

Self contained environmental protection. And the running has been since the old canon that they are "Blaster Proof" which nobody believed even the troopers themselves.

True but until he got thwacked into the pit he had presence. All he needed to do was stand there.

Rey is leaning on the wall of the pod, opposite Phasma and just—looking at her. They’d been talking, before, but it had trailed off into silence. Now she’s just staring at Phasma’s cheekbones and blue eyes. It’s creepy, Rey thinks, and can’t make herself look away.

“Kiss me,” Phasma says, suddenly. Completely out of the blue.


Rey knows she sounds stupid. But. She can’t have just heard that. Phasma doesn’t—

“Kiss me,” Phasma says again.

She sounds insistent, and Rey is just—she doesn’t know how to deal with this anymore.

So she leans down and kisses Phasma, straight on the mouth.

It’s a good kiss. Not that Rey’s been kissed enough times in her life to compare, but it’s a good kiss. Deep and smooth and there’s a bit of tongue, and oh. Phasma does something that sends sparks down Rey’s spine. She’s straining against her bindings to reach Rey, and that’s kind of hot, how much Phasma wants her.

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>and that’s kind of hot

He should have been Finns nemesis. He survived being shot by a Hero of the Rebellion, because he's not done yet.

Now he could have been their Boba Fett. Battle Scarred Armor, somehow he survived what has killed other troopers.

He gets ranked up to be an equal to Phasma but maintains his armor and presence carrying his riot baton.

Literally because she's as tall as Adam Driver, they had the Phasma suit made for him before deciding he wouldn't be a Stormtrooper commander. Then Kathleen Kennedy waltzed into the workshop one day and saw the armor lying around and commanded to put it into the movie. For brownie points, they cast a woman and Phasma got her lines from several other FO personnel.

And that is how not to make a character

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Sith Trooper the Porgs of Episode Nine

Ironically, Boba Fett's creation once again mirrors hers.
Boba Fett's armor started out as "Super Trooper" armor, being one of several.
George changed his mind and said to paint it in whatever colours the creators liked, and then decided the Super Trooper was now looking fit for a bounty hunter instead.

See, this is the first step to redemption

God I wish that were me

They can take a blaster hit. And their filters actually do work for most battlefield conditions.

They can't take two hits though.

Least that has more creative roots. Aside from the Life Day Cartoon

Wtf is that forehead dome. He looks like a fucking caveman stormtrooper.

Boba managed to track Han who at that point in the movie had evaded the Empire multiple times.
He doesn't do much, but he's framed as competent, something that just doesn't happen with Phasma.

Which one?

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Honestly, the whole “Boba did nothing” is a shitty meme by nu-Star Wars fans. He was the guy who tracked and captured the OT trio in ESB and he outsmarted Han outsmarting the Empire.

Guess he's supposed to look intimidating. Like with all the ridges on the armor.

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Rey would be the sub

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I can't wait to hug one

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don't make me fucking start actually liking this shit

Oh man

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Legit question and not trying to piss down one you guys, but did Rey and Phasma see each other, or even exist in the same scene?

Rey was monkeying around while this was happening in force awakens and it was my favorite part, Rey climbing was cool
I didn't notice when she was in last jedi

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I legitimately don't think so. And this saccharine shit is still better than what we actually got from her scenes

She is fit to be gobbled

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I want her to return with a really fucked up face since her helmet was split at one side. Eyepatch femdom is my fetish.

Nah, just needs to pull her cape over the hole and shes fine

I too, love eating at Kingslayerway and Brienne-of-Tarthino's

She's rubbing his sides like you would a pet dogs
I too, feel this need brother

It matters not from where the skulls come.

Seriously though. Her character is so off in every way, being some kind of murder cultist is the only logical explanation.

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If someone posts some phasma pinups, ill reward them with some (you)s

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>Northern first virgins

Holy shit how can frostmanlets even compete

The Virgin Bastards
The Chad Warriors

Why didn't he just shoot Finn?

>Implying anakin wasn’t the true here of ep 3

Because Stormtroopers have bad accuracy

Vendetta, he wanted more satisfying vengeance than just a blaster shot. Shame he let anger get the better of him

When a ritual challenge is made it must be answered. That is the way of the Stormtroopers. Finn not violating the Code in the way you described proved there was still traces of principles in him.
>then why is this not a thing in the other movies
They mostly do it in secret, not something the uninitiated should witness. But the case in the movie was so extreme they had to settle it right there and then.

What if he was retconned in to a cute girl?

To be fair we could say the same about boba fett and his fan base and I'm a fettfag

This. Not to mention he actually gets away with Han at the end, making him the technically the only villain who wins in ESB (Vader failed in his objective to capture Luke).

>not shipping Vader and Leia