You know if Disney was the distributer of Spider-Man Far from Home, this would've never made it to the final version of the Film
You know if Disney was the distributer of Spider-Man Far from Home...
Sony and Fox are more lax on more violent imagery.
This scene was for the wonderful people who swore up and down that Tony wasn't going to be his Uncle Ben
uncle ben is in the mcu just tony is taking all his spotlight
It's the most comic like scene of all. Nothing better than digging corpses from dead characters to parade them around in pointless tie ins for events
anyone has a decent link to stream the movie ?
it's terrible on 9movies
That's what I meant to convey. That he was taking on his role rather than literally being his uncle
Since when was Disney super strict over things that weren't Disney princesses?
That's not really any more grisly than what Disney put out in Curse of the Black Pearl.
yeah, but hey it is still spider-man in the mcu.
OP is being retarded
All they needed was to show Uncle Bens grace next to Tony’s and everyone would shut up about Uncle Iron Man ruining MCU Spidey
Mysterio probably wouldn't know the significance of Uncle Ben. But he would know about Tony, whom he was already obsessed with.
Then have him discuss uncle Ben with Mysterio. Give them more bonding scenes to make giving him the glasses less retarded.
Seriously disturbing how they’ve never even said the name Ben in any of the movies. I can understand why Peter has such a close bond to Tony bc he’s basically a stand in father figure after bens passing, but to not even bring him up disservices his backstory
>Yo Peter, I know you're struggling with this whole "Will I be the next Iron man" thing but let's talk about your father, who I assume is dead or something
>"I never really knew him"
>"Eh, can't say I remember much"
I mean if he already knows Peter's identity it wouldn't be hard for him to find a newspaper record.
Heck if happened and Peter confided in him then it would make the scene pack triple the punch.
No, it's more like everyone already knows about uncle ben. Just give it a rest about it.
Except he's absent enough in the MCU for Watts to hint that he might not even be dead.
Mysterio's aim is to get Edith, so of course, all of his talk must focus on him, bringing up Ben would be a distraction. Also, Tony's death is recent so of course it's still a fresh wound that will open up more easily.
No its not. Beck didn't know who Ben Parker was so he could not make a illusion of him. There is a reference to Ben in Peter's suitcase which belonged to ben which we see in the film. Ben stills exists.
But Disney/Marvel Studios made this movie it's just Sony that distributes them
>everyone already knows about uncle ben
you would be surprised
Thats the problem. Beck should have known.
No, Marvel Studios & Columbia Pictures made it..
Holy shit! Marvel Zombies!
It would literally take just two sentances between them.
It didn't happen because the writers chose for it not to happen.
How have people not keyed in on the fact yet that Uncle Ben is going to be a thing that happens in the MIDDLE Holland's Spiderman arc, not the start?
There is literally no indication that MCU Aunt May has ever been married. But she is dating. I suspect that they are going to reveal that MCU Happy's first name is really Benjamin, and he gets killed off dramatically.
Next movie, after this JJJ reveal, would actually be a really good time to do it. Have Peter get really fed up with being painted as the villain and try to retire because he is sick of shouldering the burden and getting nothing but crap for it. Happy tries to push him back into being a Hero (giving him the 'With great power comes great responsibility' speech, with added weight to it because Happy actually has been dealing with superhero shit from the sidelines for over a decade so he is talking about that specifically, rather than comics-ben who kind of just says it with no lead up or context) and ends up being in the wrong place at the wrong time and Peter's inaction indirectly gets Happy killed. This galvanizes Peter to take up the mantle out of conviction (read: guilt) rather than just being a superhero because he thinks its cool.
This would mark the point in his story where Peter becomes a hero of his own standing, no longer being a living shadow of Tony Stark (as symbolized by Peter losing Happy, who is the last holdover of the Iron Man cast, cutting that connection and onscreen presence of Iron Man in Peter's movies).
You must have missed every Pirates of the Caribbean movie then
No way, he said in Civil War that May has had it rough and that after what happened he became Spider-Man
Good. We need the violence to be at least in the level it was in the 90s.
Sure, but that's vague enough that it could refer to anything. May having to get a new job would be enough for that level of remark.
>Miles takes the role of Spiderman
>Peter takes the role of Iron Man
Plus they don't care as much as Disney does about pandering to the Chinese market, so they can actually show skeletons.
That was before the desire for chinkbux
>May having to get a new job would be enough for that level of remark.
that's disingenuous
>I suspect that they are going to reveal that MCU Happy's first name is really Benjamin, and he gets killed off dramatically
please stop your fanfic is hurting me
The truth hurts.
the luggage that peter takes to europe has the initials "BRP." of course the next time they mention it, it's to remind the audience that the luggage was blown up