Wait was this shot actually in the big hero six cartoon?

Wait was this shot actually in the big hero six cartoon?

Attached: 9457875E-8764-4B9E-B7D9-073F966FEC07.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

i am zee proud papa

No, the dress is edited to be skimpier.

Of course not

Yes user, in no way have these images been tampered with.

Attached: 1561338808241.jpg (1920x1080, 423K)

>she's dressed that way
>guy is nearly halfway out the fucking door

Attached: 1561862608022.jpg (256x287, 17K)

who is that slut in the slut dress?

Big Hero 6 the series is for fapping

Your mother

the asian lesbo with the fat ass is the hottest one. Did they do a beach episode with her yet?

I don't think so ye, hopefully soon
The show does have a ton of ass fanservice though and they even confirmed it's intentional

>and they even confirmed it's intentional


Attached: 141.png (352x656, 217K)

I miss this show. I miss leakanon. I can't believe we're waiting until September. We didn't get a trailer for it like Ducktales did, either.


Wonder if Disney's cracking down on him. I bet he's already seen half of season 3.

No this is the original you gullible faggot.

Attached: bring on the hate.jpg (1920x1080, 776K)

I think in that episode it was actually someone else pretending to be him, logically he would still be dating her.

Man I love Gogo's big Korean booty.

Attached: 76c.jpg (672x434, 23K)

I like how the Amura lady is a parody of that sociopath who scammed investors about blood tests.

Now we're talking

Can I get that picture in its full glory?

where are the rest of the episodes?
christ I hate bomb formats.

Now you're just being retarded for no reason.

I don't have a picture but I have this.

Attached: knives.webm (1920x1080, 1.17M)

MMMMmmmmm, yeah baby!!! *hoot!!* WHOA MAMA!!! *stomps foot repeatedly* Me likey~ *sticks both index fingers in mouth and whistles* ARROOOGAA AROOOOGAAA!! *heart visibly pounds out of chest* Awoooooooooo *pants like a wolf*

really, user


Attached: Gogo suit07.jpg (1920x1080, 192K)

Attached: Gogo suit03.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

Attached: Gogo veloci-shot03.jpg (1920x1080, 187K)

Out of the way, best girl coming through
risky click

Attached: Megan.png (1363x693, 1024K)

More Gogo in motion.

Attached: Gogo.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)

how can Karmi even compete?

By becoming a monster girl.


Attached: 1414621086336.png (420x243, 136K)

Only our leaker knows for sure if Karmi's new assets can seduce our shota.

>t. Honey Lemon

Trina is LITERALLYthe logical choice

That's hot. That's hot.

Attached: there_goes_my_hero.gif (450x252, 1.21M)


No, this is clearly the original.

Attached: notices_bulge.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

Attached: 1557436288768.png (462x536, 231K)

to be fair I'd drug and kidnap hiro too if I could

But user... that's not Karmi.

oh no no no no

Trina shaved her head, has a giant robot body, and went full evil. She's damaged goods.

Attached: karmi.jpg (1902x1684, 361K)

You say that like ANY of those are bad things

>When she basically creams herself under him after he saves her from being crushed by that light pole

>risky click
it's not the fart edit.

Based Fred
Which episode is this?

Prey Date

She's out of control, man.

>tfw no lethally thirsty brown girl lusting after your alter ego

I still would ngl

Attached: The absolute unit.png (690x545, 644K)

Imagine her pinning you down and mocking you as she ruts your pelvis into dust with the ramshackle mecha pussy bolted onto her massive machine bulk

Who wouldn't
At least half the characters in the show would

At least one actually succeeds

simply impossible. between real steel Trina and superior chocolate waifu Meg, Karmi has naught

Attached: megan side.png (1113x729, 851K)

OH SHITTTT :DDDD #gottem #swag #yolo

...That's a skimpy dress?


When is it coming back again


Attached: Gogo animated butt.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

This. Just looks like a nice party dress to me

So did they give Gogo a fat ass to help her with keeping balance?

The best thing about Karmi is that Hiro can toy around with her as much as he likes in Capt. QT form.

Imagine. Making out with her and she has absolutely no idea it's you. Next day she's mean to you at school and all you can do is grin smugly because you've seen that mole on the inside of her thighs and nothing she can say to you can top that.

For someone so smart, she's incredibly thickheaded to not see it's Hiro since all he has on his face is like an inch of glass or whatever.

Willful blindness. She knows Captain Cutie is an absolutely ludicrous name and can’t not see the glaring similarities, but still she has just enough ambiguity to force herself to not see the Hiro behind the helmet visor

It's just a Clark Kent scenario. Captain Cutie acts differently to Hiro, talks slightly differently, wears tight clothes to Hiro's loose ones, and his helmet helps hide his facial shape. They look SIMILAR, but they obviously aren't the SAME.

Also FWIW Hiro's asian and I have a hard time recognizing my asian friends if they get a haircut, let alone in full superhero costume.

But it's just a bit of glass. I mean sure, it's tinted a bit in the show compared to the movie where it was completely transparent, but still.

I'm pretty sure that's the joke, she's insanely smart but can't figure out something easy like Hiro's superhero identity when they look the exact same
Hell, it seems no one for whatever reason really knows

Really is weird they even bothered with the secret identity angle when there weren't any other villains back in the movie, at least none that were mentioned in its duration. While vigilantism isn't exactly something you can just pull off and then expect to walk away from without reprimand, if Hiro was really focused on hiding everyone's identities, you think he would have given them more concealing helmets/masks like Fred.

Attached: Big Hero 6.jpg (1061x536, 178K)

Attached: CommandoHoney.png (984x1040, 526K)

>But it's just a bit of glass.

Attached: Mild mannered reporter.jpg (337x444, 81K)

Superman at least all kinds of excuses if you really think about it. He slouches and hides his full height, and some people even suggest maybe he's doing something to manipulate peoples' minds. Hiro doesn't have that excuse, especially since none of the heroes have hero-names.

Wonder what kind of panties she wears

Attached: Honey bounce.png (1500x701, 296K)

Attached: 1557987792856.jpg (400x558, 43K)

Honestly I would think Honey would be into more normal, girly panties than anything frilly/sexy. Gogo of course probably can't wear anything but thongs because of her huge ass

Attached: Gogo's new look.gif (450x444, 54K)

Why would she wear anything?

She's not that freaky to go commando.

Why does she have access to Honey's underwear?

It's purely for wholesome comfort reasons.

Girls trade clothing all the time
And they live together, so they've probably done the taco smash a few times.

Attached: Gogo and Honey bikinis.png (750x1053, 1.02M)

They live together.
There was even an episode where Honey was going to move back into the dorms, but Gogo wanted her to stay.

Attached: Gogo's Apartment.png (1188x668, 1.56M)

You'd be surprised at how oblivious people can be. Especially when it comes to how they view others under a certain lens.
She would go through so much denial during a reveal until the realization sets in.

Nobody goes without underwear unless they're bold and freaky

Does that happen to her in the upcoming episodes? I haven't seen this show in a year.

Attached: Cass Gogo butt.png (1008x1554, 350K)

Hogarth Hughes' mom.

You sure about that?

Given the way she acts, yea. Gogo seems more like the one who would do stuff without a care in the world or to get a rise out of the guys.

Attached: Hiro answers the call.png (1516x4000, 3.93M)

I like this one

Attached: 1540240855835.png (724x1000, 371K)

Anybody have the higher-resolution version of this?

>tfw no large-assed Korean gf

Attached: 1307316260256.jpg (694x448, 97K)

Attached: Gogo ass shake.gif (720x540, 230K)

One of the pics leakey posted was that of Monster Karmi's back, months before the monster episodes were officially confirmed.

How does he manage to not get constant boners given everyone he associates with

Attached: 1.3.jpg (210x240, 16K)

Who says he isn't getting boners?

Attached: Gogo good question.png (600x600, 115K)

is anyone doing the BH6 models from KH?

Attached: gogo.png (838x1080, 673K)

Last I heard there was still no rip of it, though it shouldn't be too long I'd imagine. Wonder if Square will eventually port KH3 and the rest of the games to PC, a lot of Jap companies seem to be realizing the market potential.

Attached: Honey Go butt.png (741x1322, 319K)

Attached: Gogo ass grab.png (1167x1400, 222K)

Attached: desoluz - BlXBgEfhggl_BlXBIxuh6dR.jpg (1080x1276, 225K)

>he obviously wanted to complain
>but didn't when an animator paid attention to him

Says the retard with no argument

Attached: Gogo bend.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

Attached: Gogo vs robot.jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

Attached: Gogo chair02.jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

Attached: Gogo suit06.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

Attached: Gogo suit14.jpg (1920x1080, 76K)

Attached: Gogo suit15.jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

Ooh, that is just begging for an edit with one of the guys (or Honey) placing their head between her thighs

Attached: Aunt Cass cute.png (1280x720, 882K)

Attached: Aunt Cass ass.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

Attached: Honey bend.png (1280x1774, 1.18M)

But unironically

That's probably one of the saving graces of animation programs like flash and toonboom--the edits. Making edits are so easy, and if you're good enough at it, you could even actually mistake it for the actual real thing.

I love her so fucking much



user you know actual glasses and a helmet are completely different things

why not post the original, jackass

Attached: 150908736969.png (1280x720, 743K)

Its the little things.

Attached: xUP4Rg8-PR8U5iGILolfRTNKTVwmftMbYymorya38zM.jpg (599x653, 71K)