>Courage the cowardly dog
>Courage the cowardly dog
A cow-ard is some one who cowers easily.
To cower is to shake, crouch, or tremble in fear, something that Courage does frequently.
To say that someone is cowardly, or that they're a coward is not necessarily reflective of a person lacing in courage or the inability to overcome their own fear. It just means that they get scared easily and/or respond negatively to being scared.
You can still do courageous things while being a coward.
who woudn't be a coward if your house was subject to monsters all the time ?
Most people would be, but Courage is just a coward in general. He's equally scared of things he should know are harmless, like Eustace scaring him with a mask, as he is of actual life-threatening danger
Well yeah, but if you constantly have to face fucked up shit like that, don't you think that's going to mess with your nerves a bit?
Courage, the word, is not the absence of fear but instead being able to overcome it. Courage, the dog, does this all the time.
Which is actually ingenious if you think about it.
Pretty much every episode starts with Courage being scared shitless by a new monster, then the middle is him being a coward and hiding or trying avoid the situation, or even trying to get his owners to do something. But then he actually starts searching for a solution and solves the problem himself!
Hey, Yea Forums. Do you think Scooby Doo is more cowardly than Courage?
Yeah, because Courage actively works to fix the problem while Scooby kind of fumbles into it.
This word holds no meaning to you
Being constantly startled seemed like a pretty natural reaction to all the horrific shit that went on around him. All things considered he had some solid emotional fortitude, honestly.
Eustache and Muriel sure aren't.
you have no grounds to place yourself any higher than him.
I always thought it was supposed to be ironic but makes a good point.
They are kinda senile, pretty obviously
Latin America
>Coraje, el Perro Cobarde
>Agallas, el Perro Cobarde
Muriel is definitely senile.
But I feel like Eustace just doesn't give a shit about anything. Remember "Return the Slab", for example? He was never afraid of that... thing (until the very last moment atleast),he just wanted to sell the slab or something, didn't even care that his house was being destroyed.
holy fuck i just noticed the point of his name
The things he does for love.
How come there is no SCP styled FanWork for Courage?
Every damn episode you see something that would fit perfectly on that site.
And if not Courage himself, then his PC is definitely a Thaumiel class.
SCP editors are too autistic for John R. Dilworth.
I just want to know who the fuck is going to get the door
"Coraje" isn't a word that's used all that much in normal conversation; in Spain people use "valor". Coraje sounds, to us, a little antiquated and more reminiscent of being pissed off than of being brave. "Agallas" is the Spanish equivalent of "guts", and it is also a funnier sounding word, which fits for a cartoon like Courage. I could have honestly gone for Courage without changing the name that much, but "Agallas" has its logic both in connotation and well as denotation.
The more you know.
>I said it twice, and I will say it again, the stuff on those images still shouldn't happen to a dog!
What is yer offer?
>Coraje sounds, to us, a little antiquated
You spaniards always talk like you're stuck in the 20th century anyways.
And Latinos sound like they're stuck in the 19th century. "Pollera"? That's how we called skirts 200 years ago.
There's nothing wrong with each of us express ourselves, though; I enjoy how rich our language is.
I enjoy dubs from both regions. No matter how lobezno or perrón.
I don't watch many Latino dubs because I'm biased in favor of Castilian ones, but I won't be getting into a pointless argument about dubs like some of our mutual compatriots tend to do.
Hey Yea Forums
What’s your offer?