I have a pearl plush that i got from gamestop that recently my dad discovered i sleep with, so now he goes into my room to steal “pearlie-pearl” and mocks me in a high pitch voice while making her talk at me. Its really embarrassing.
Yea Forumsnfessions thread
Other urls found in this thread:
you deserve it for being enough of a faggot to watch that shit show
>not locking your doors
why do people do this?
Godamnit, user.
I have a massive cough fetish and since there's no art for it, I secretly draw Yea Forums girls coughing to cope
>I have a massive cough fetish and since there's no art for it, I secretly draw Yea Forums girls coughing to cope
Post some examples, im curious
How did you find out you had this fetish and why?
Here ya go
How does he know her name?
Details? What about the cough? Is it the cough itself or the indication that whoever is coughing is vulnerable/sick?
He recognized her from TV
It was sort of a fetish I've had since I was really young. I used to constantly rewind scenes in cartoons of characters coughing and just be fascinated to the point of jerking off to it.
I feel like it's a mix of the sound and the vulnerability. The sickness and vulnerability of girls comes off as cute to me even if I know they feel like shit
>I used to constantly rewind scenes in cartoons of characters coughing and just be fascinated to the point of jerking off to it.
>Watches it
Well that's not too bad, does he notice any other cartoons you watch or plushies you own or is it just for this Pearl plush?
Any favorite scenes or characters?
I'm the guy who makes the weekly Vocaroo threads. I was on vacation last week so I couldn't post shit.
Stop trying to act cool Zoomer.
Well I watched a lot of Pokemon growing up so any scene where Team Rocket just gassed out the main cast with smoke screen was what peeked my interest.
Also the smoke dragon episode of the colorful horse show is a favorite of mine
Do you still have the Ancap Mr. House one? I lost it when I got a new pc and returned my laptop to factory settings.
>Ancap Mr. House
Excuse me? Like Mr. House of New Vegas?
Yes, sometime ago I requested a voice over on an ancap meme featuring House. It was hilarious, well made, and I would like to drag it out of the ether.
Sorry dude. I don't have what you're looking for.
I'm assuming that you also lost the image?
Nope, still got it.
Not all doors have locks
I'll use it for Friday's thread
4 years ago I got a commission made of a girl from a rape hentai in pajamas laying down looking at me holding my hand saying "Promise that you'll never leave, please?" Because I want to protect her and feel she deserves a better existence. and EVERY night since Getting it I look at it for a moment before going to bed and whisper "I promise"
Sweet, thanks :) (forgive the normie smile I just think that it ties the thank you together)
post it
I'm hungry but I'm to lazy to make something and don't want to spend money to buy something
post it please
This has to be the most sad one yet in more ways than one
I loved Spongebob so much that I made him the ultimate hero and I had him fight Satan and duel Seto Kaiba, in that order. I had him marry Mind they mermaid and have kids, one of which was conjoined twins based off a TLC special I watched at the time and the other just grew up too quickly to a teen. I also made a comic of Spongebob teaming up with Jack Skelington to defeat Lock Shock and Barrel because why not?
I got a lot more Spongebob stories I used to tell myself as a kid but I don't feel like telling all of them.
Guess her name And I do it
Well why didn't you use King Crimson to save her?
give me a hint what kind of rape? or maybe an artist
theres lots of rape doujins
First letter or like amount of syllables? One hint plz.
user you got cucked by an anime character
I recently had to call in sick to work because I was up until 4 in the morning reading gay fan fiction on my phone
What the
Is it only for 2d girls? Or could a classmate cough in class and you'd pop a boner?
I'm just going to act like you in the commission is King Crimson
Ever since DreamWorks got the rights to make a "Cleopatra in Space" show, I intended to save the images of the Webcomic and storytime them here. I saved half the images and keep neglecting to get the rest.
The boss has to hide his identity
This is your life now, unless you take initiative and change your life. It is time to assert your dominance. Rape your father. Or fuck your mother. Either you force dominance or show that only the alpha male gets to mate.
Look man you can't save the rape anime girl and hide your identity, you have to pick one!
Both 2D and 3D.. Some scenarios are more likely to get me horny (coughs from smoke and dust actually turn me on more) but people irl having colds can still turn me on. On one hand, a crush in class having a cold felt really great to me but on the other hand a family member having a cold was a nightmare
I think that's honestly better than silent disappointing shame, at least he has a sense of humor about it.
When I code I put I put little pictures of my Yea Forums daughteru inside the IDE window making various faces in reaction to my code
Honestly sounds like a good motivator to continue in life.
Wish I could say the same for myself.
Oh, you're that guy. I have seen you on some of the waifu threads.
I need his hand edited to King Crimson
Got another scene if you wanna REALLY go deep into the King crimson shtick
This made me laugh harder then it had any right to
Wait, Is king crimson saving the elf from the rapist
or is king crimson holding the saved elfs hand
In order to save her from the rapist the boss had to expose his identity, so now she has to be erased
Bossu! Don't do it!
She is really pretty, thats the weird anime elf one right?
Found it, she is Cloe from Kuroinu
Cute. As empath I also feel sad and want to rescue characters from bad universes.
>there's no art for it
>I secretly draw
You're part of your own problem.
I wrote a 20000 word homo-erotic self-insert fanfiction about fucking a genderbent character from "the Loud House".
The story itself was pretty damn cringy.
was this hentai made by Shindol
or was this Geiger Counter
Wait I think I recognize this elf
Does it have mating press? How much of it is actually sex
I'm pretty sure almost everyone has seen the videos at least once
That's actually really sweet.
yeah I just noticed
About 50/50 but it has a lot of schmalz.
No, there is sadly no mating press involved.
You disgust me, you don’t love him at all then
Next time he does it you should kick him in the dick then rape him in the mouth well shouting "YOU TAKE ME FUCK TOY I'LL MAKE YOU MY NEW ONE!"
Might as well
Back in 2015, I read a webcomic about an autistic cyborg living in a flooded world and it awakened my quadruple amputee fetish. I can't help it; I love helpless girls that have nothing beyond their shoulders and hips. I even clutch a regular-sized pillow when I go to sleep at night thinking it's my very own snuggie fuq nuggie. I have ideas for commissions because actually decent quad amputee art (or daruma according to /d/) is pretty sparse, but I'm worried it would somehow be traced back to me. I tried drawing my own living fleshlights to satiate my desire, but they never turn out how I want them to. Drawthread requests also came back fruitless. It fucking sucks having a niche fetish. I've had thoughts of telling my therapist about all this, but I can't find a reason to do so.
I remember randomly stumbling on some freaky amputee art with extremely bulky prosthetics. A whole pixiv account worth of that stuff. Some people have particularly picky dicks, huh?
>Questioning my love for Loni
>Snuggie fug nuggie
My career aspiration is to someday be able to come to Yea Forums and see a picture of my brother and I signing at a con with the thread header “I hate these two faggots so goddamn much”.
It is my ultimate fame goal.
I have too many sins to confess, so I will give you a tame tale.
The Animaniacs made me question my sexuality as a child, specifically Yakko. However, growing up in a rural area that frowned upon homosexuality I quickly backtracked on the mindset.
As an adult, I understand now why it made me question myself, it was an over exaggeration of both physical and characterization that simply pushed the right buttons.
It was the 90's equivolant to the 50's and 60's Looney Tunes "Why am I attracted to Bugs Bunny"
Oh, also I used to yank my pud to the Cartoon Ewoks before I memory holed it for being way too fucking furry.
Again, as an adult, I understand it, and while not on the same level of entry level shit like Animaniacs and Cartoon fucking Ewoks, I find that those sort of things not only attractive, but a literal fucking aphrodisiac that I've come to expect in media I choose to consume.
Yea Forums made me feel a thing for Pacifica and now I can't watch the show without feeling some special interest on her. It also woke me an old interest on blonde girls.
I recall watching Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog as a small child and getting very strong funny feelings about it to the point where I was so confused it was uncomfortable to me, and I decided I wasn't watching that show anymore. I'm eternally grateful to myself for making that decision, knowing if things had gone differently I could have been part of the Sonic autism that's so prominent now among nerds of my generation.
I thought the comics and the edgy cartoons like "satam" where the reason behind the fandom being like this. The classic show seems to be hilarious and like any other classic cartoon. Bonus point for being great youtube poop material cuz robotnik and his phrases.
To me it was rather that I was developing crushes on characters that I felt were unwarranted and inviting to irrational obsessive behavior with certain characters. It started out innocently enough because I thought Tails was a girl, but eventually I learned that he was not, and more than that he was an animal which blurs the perceptible gender lines from the get-go. Something like that could be anything, and that worried me quite a bit. If you lose track of your moral boundaries that young, there's no telling what sort of depraved shit you'll end up getting into as you get older and I feel as though I realized that even when I was just a kid.
Your dad sounds cool OP
Be glad he's only playfully making fun of you instead of ripping into you like I know someone of his caliber is capable of towards a faggot like yourself
Not scocking compared to that show's fanbase
He is the show's fanbase
I want to see Hilda cough
Fine. My art is shit I know
I immediately regret this decision
what the actual fuck
I never found Nickelodeon interesting as a kid
The only cartoons I watched as a kid were Rocko and Batman TAS
The only Nick shows I like are Rocko, Pre-movie Spongebob and My Life as a Teenage Robot
I prefer Cartoon Network over Nickelodeon and Disney Channel
I think Warner Bros. made the best cartoons
The only Disney series I like is Ratatouille and Winnie the Pooh
You tastes are, incredible childish