Daria, what do you mean by saying the F.B.I. is looking for me?

>Daria, what do you mean by saying the F.B.I. is looking for me?

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Of course they are Brittany, you made that video of you having sex with your little brother.

Brittany gradually became my favorite character in Daria. I love how she's such a subversion of the 80s stereotype of the mean cheerleader.

>Oh that? We were just playing house! All siblings do that!

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Even Kevin was really nice as the jock. But they really doubled down on them being idiots.

>The handful of times Brittany shows she's actually probably Jane-tier intelligent but just has no interest at all in proper education.

I think the point was the show thar Daria wasn't always in the right. She was a cynical person, but sometimes, the world isn't always cynical.

Brittany/Daria is actually one of my crackships. I know it's stupid, but I still like it. I actually love it more than Daria/Jane.

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Your crackship would fit well in Yea Forums's watamote threads.

Brittany was the real free spirit, not those two miserable sacks of shit.

Brittany was a genuinely kind person and also showed moments of genuine intelligence and morality beneath her ditzy exterior at times. She was an amazingly deep and well written character, especially considering the stereotype she easily could have become.

Brittany was a cheerleader hippie.

hippies are angry drug warped hypocrites who spout platitudes and expect the world to change for them just because.

Does Daria wash her vag? Whenever I imagine sex with her my mind always pictures her having poor feminine hygiene.

Just like the Morgendorffers? They are boomers after all.

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hippies are a social movement created by the CIA and FBI designed to discredit and pacify the anti-War movement that was protesting against the Vietnam war.

I imagine her vag is hairy and she never shaves. It is probably clean but smells bad anyways, due to the bitterness of her soul and disposition.

Brittany's vag smells like flowers and cotton candy even after cheerleader practice.


Expecting the pedo slav posting in this thread in any moment.

She eventually by the end of the series kinda moves on from Kevin, who's pretty much just holding her back and not appreciating her. It also comes out that they both cheated on eachother like, a lot.

Brittany is a nice girl though, always imagined her going on to maybe be a really nice mom that sometimes works part time jobs for fun.

>no beach episode

That scene at the start of the movie doesn't count.

Isn't that the damndest thing? All these years later after consuming so much media. I feel kind of robbed that Daria. A feminist cartoon for teen girls did not have a fanserving beach episode!

is hot

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Is also going to be co-starring in the reboot.

I actually liked jodie a lot. If the old cast of writers was still wrting the reboit I would have been interested in a daria and jodie series because they did have an interesting dynamic.

>for teen girls
Ha ha ha ha, no