Garfield was the best.
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Is that what Chads look like nowadays?
Is spiderman supposed to be a chad?
That's what manlet nerds consider to be a chad.
look at the top of his head
Garfield looks like someone stretched out a midgit
>Best Peter Parker
>Best Spiderman
Peter Parker isn't a Chad. He's a nerdy nerdy nerd, and that's why Holland is the best.
>Giant faggot
He not even a nerd he's just a shy normal fag
>andrew garfield
>asked girls out
>awkward as fuck
>hot skater
>peak twink
Garfield was the worst Peter but nobody spilled spaghetti better than Tobey. Holland is a good middle ground and gets Peter and Spider-Man down.
faggots like you is why we'll never get Romita-era Peter except in the 90s cartoon
>Garfield was the worst Peter
Garfield was a great Peter and a great Spider-man in ASM2 (he was awful in the first one)
He's the only Peter that feels true to comics, with his sense of humor and presence, but the story of that movie was a mess.
Didn't Toby Peter go full chad though? Like, to a comical extent reflecting the Virgin vs. Chad comics?
Nothing was great in ASM2.
>Best overall portrayal
>No hyphen
>HS era
>Constantly ditching social interaction with peers in favor of things like the radiation exhibit
>Smarter than anyone in his class
>Has no real friends
Yeah ok
Only one Peter/Spider-Man
AMS2 is still my favorite spiderman movie. The only movie that made me actually care about the characters besides harry osborn. Think he was the only one i hated
The Holland movies are written by cheap fanfiction writers who only know how to write high school AUs
He was a good Spider-Man because he was great trash talking but he was a horrible Peter. Even after getting powers Peter had to act like a nerd and not raise any suspicion. Garfield's Peter was a skater, obviously attractive, called out Flash before he got powers, was flirting with Gwen before he got powers, straight up lied to Gwen's dead father about staying away from her, and had to watch youtube videos and learn from Gwen how magnets work. He was miscast and the writing did him no favors.
>AMS2 is still my favorite spiderman movie. The only movie that made me actually care about the characters besides harry osborn.
I don't believe you.
Tell me you actually care for Holland's spiderman or his supporting cast at all please. I'll listen.
Spider-man is only like 5'9" canonly.
They're all shit.
Cartoon portrayals > movie portrayals.
There was this dude back in October that came here saying he was gonna try to audition to play Peter Parker/Spider-Man in SUMC, posted pic related and hasn't been heard from since. You guys think he got the job? He looks like he'd be a great Peter Parker. Here's the thread?
Toby: good peter parker. Terrible spider-man.
Garfield: average peter, great spider-man.
Holland: below average peter parker, average spider-man
what is SUMC?
>He's the only Peter that feels true to comics
>The faculty at midtown high were also fond of the clean-cut, hard working honor student
meanwhile in Webb-verse
>Parker, you want to keep that skateboard? Keep it off the ground.
He didn't get the job, I don't think there's really a job to get in the "SUMC". Sony is unlikely to need a Peter Parker in their spin-off universe. He does look like a Peter Parker though.
SONY's Universe of Marvel Characters (What Venom and the upcoming Morbius Film are set in and what SONY will reboot Spider-Man in if they stop their deal with Marvel Studios.).
Holland is the best Peter, no one even comes close to him.
Garfields head looks like a watermelon
>AMS2 is still my favorite spiderman movie
I usually don't accuse people of bait, but my god dude.
Have you even fucking read a comic? Peter sure as hell wouldn't choose to go on a school field trip over saving the world unlike this retard who was practically forced into a corner by Fury.
No, seriously, what's with all these people saying Holland acts like a good Peter, I literally cannot see it at all. He's not angsty enough to be Dtiko and he's too dweeby to be Romita. Name one run where Peter ever acted like this.
what did I fucking said about ASM1?
There was not a single fish bowl joke in this movie.
I liked Garfield.
I just realized that the Christmas episode of Neo Yokio ripped off ASM2
Besides Tobey era Aunt May and JJJ, has any supporting cast really been absolutely irreplaceable?
Raimi MJ, Harry
Webb: Gwen
you know Garfield is 5'10" right?
Webb: Flash Thompson
>S-smoll knives!
Yeah, no, fuck off, Garfield was an all around mistake. And even if you want to make an argument that he was better in ASM 2, he really wasn't, he could've stopped Paul Giammati like 5 times while he was quipping, but he didn't because director knew Spider-man jokes around, except he didn't really get it and just left it there to appease pesky people who care and was far more interested in shooting more of Ema Stone's and Andrew Garfield's uncomfortable home video where Peter makes random noises while being busy NOT having Queens accent.
I mean, you are talking about a guy who sold his marriage to Mephisto to save 90 years old granny.
You... watched that garbage?
Best Overall was Spiderverse Peter
Reminder that Toby aged the best out of the three and looks like a chad. Truly men age like fine wine
It actually is:
>have you read a comic
I did, you sure as heck didn't.
But nice try, shitposting pretender.
90s cartoon and Spec Spidey cartoon
No way that's right. It's like the one with kojima being 5'7 and Todd being 5'8
Not true fag
>Garfield's Peter was a skater
Which means nothing, especially with the implication he was shit at it before the spider bite gave him super-coordination.
>obviously attractive
So are Maguire and Holland.
>called out Flash before he got powers
So did comics Peter.
>was flirting with Gwen before he got powers
>straight up lied to Gwen's dead father about staying away from her
He didn't lie, he was struggling to keep the promise.
>and had to watch youtube videos and learn from Gwen how magnets work.
That was lazy exposition, I agree, but honestly it doesn't matter all that much.
The absolute state of incels
How can you be a nerd in a gifted school? It only works in regular public schools
Jesus Christ you Raimifags are getting so obnoxious. I love the original movies but if you think Tobey was at all a good Peter Parker or Spider-Man and not a hack who was carried by a strong supporting cast and Raimi's filmmaking, you're a fucking casual who has never actually read Spider-Man comics.
>Name one run where Peter ever acted like this.
Ultimate Spider-Man The cartoon
>while being busy NOT having Queens accent.
Fuck right off, none of the Spider-Man actors bothered with the accent.
Seriously, this thing has been homaged to hell and back.
Holland does it all the time.
>He didn't have good-natured banter with his teachers in high school
The absolute state.
What's with all the retards who pretend that they read Ultimate? Fuck off.
It is right. Raimi used camera tricks to make Tobey appear taller.
>in a gifted school
I thought you were referring to 616 due to the page that was posted, my bad. You're right, none of the traits except for ditching his friends sometimes (but not as much as he even should) is true about the MCU.
Bubniak is the best
The virgin> the fag>the underage fag
I was referring to live action portrayals there, probably should have specified
Character assassination.
Nigger, the reasons here are completely fucking different. No More was about how no one appreciated what he did. In Far From Home he just didn't want to because he was on vacation.
He didn't either.
Granted, but if you say the same thing about Holland than you're doubly retarded..
user, Spider-man is a manlet in the comics
Compared to the other two he’s a maga chad
He's also balding and looks like Roger Federer nowadays.
I could definitely see garfield as a spider man with black cat more than both of the others