ITT:Stories/events you want to see happen to character

ITT:Stories/events you want to see happen to character

For example I want to see Kamala question believing in islam after fall in love and have boyfriend but has to break up with because it's Haram and having to witness her gay Muslim friend get her/him ass beat by their family after they find out he/she's gay

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Dude, she barely believes in Islam as it is. She only follows enough of it to appease her parents and nothing more. I don't think she'll care about any of that at all.

Yeah but alot of parents disown their kids if they abandon islam so it could still work

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That pic looks like she's internally screaming.

Her parents are total wusses. The worst they give Kamala is a scolding.

I want her to have to deal with Islamic terrorists, and encounter a revenge-seeking Islamophobic vigilante. I mean, if you're fighting a guy in knightly armor who calls himself 'Crusader', and his backstory is "My gay husband was killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting", that's a complicated question.

If your family was killed by Islamic fundies, can you be blamed for wanting to pay them back?

Kamala becoming jealous after being compared to another young yet more skilled hero, even though the other one feels wrong for this. The hero could be Riri/America/Moon girl ya know


I forgot to write "to certain character"

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And then she goes to Carol for advice and she tells her "Just run up to them when they aren't looking and just break their fucking legs"

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Kamala needs the "Daredevil's treatment"

>Give her an Spider-Man villain to be her archnemesis
>She should be written by a right-wing nutjob

Force her to take off her stupid fucking costume.

Wait I didn't mean in a nude way I meant in a "wear normal clothes" way I swear to God

The only Right Wing Nutjob I'd trust to write her is Dixon. Or maybe Mike Baron.

Is rather see Kamala get knocked up by a white boyfriend and moving in with him after she renounces her faith when her family kicks her out


>ywn date Kamala
>ywn tell her brother to fuck off with his racist crap
>ywn open your door late at night, to see a crying Kamala
>ywn listen to her, as she tells you her family disowned her
>ywn see her question her faith
>ywn go to a deli and help her order the freshest, more amazing bacon
>ywn watch her mouth slightly water at the smell as you cook it in the oven, the right way
>ywn let her stay with you for the night, but it turns into weeks, months, and even years
>ywn propose with a big silver cross necklace, instead of a standard ring
>ywn see her brother at the wedding, and secretly know why no one else from her family showed up
>ywn let Kamala serve porkchops at the wedding

Fucking hate this fucking ugly brown cunt made by a white Muslim larper

Don't necrobump a garbage thread

I wonder, does Kamala have her labia and clit, or was she circumcised as a kid?

Unlikely, since she's American

Her brother was the one who dropped islam believes for pussy

You think that stops them? They go back to their home countries "on vacation" to get their kids done.

not quite
But fuck, if Bruno just have to convert to Islam to be with Kamala, he should say it at least

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Tfw when an Muslim Indian gf and I couldn't make this dream come true so we had break it off

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>internally creaming

Kamala and Tina Belcher editing each other's friendfic

Had a Muslim Indian gf*

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but why?
explain to me not to fail in my attempt

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Female circumcision isn't practiced in Pakistan outside of a couple small groups.

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Normal clothes have lots of possibilities.

>Kamala wore a pleated knee length skirt that could be pulled up at the back without being evident in the front, and panties that had been stretched by a minor transformation, snug enough to stay on her pert ass, but loose enough to be easily pulled aside when the time came. I suggested she go without them, but she refused, scared of flashing people if there was a good breeze.

>The chairs were perfect, one on its last legs to give her a solid excuse for sitting in my lap, the other padded with a high back that would hide the bobbing of her shoulders, and a bucket seat that would prevent any side eye.

>As planned, she switched to my lap 5 minutes before the fireworks, to give us time to get settled before the show began. The first order of business was removing the vibrator I had been fiddling with the remote for during the last 2 hours, then wiggling my sweats down enough to free myself and slide it home. There we sat in the park, surrounded by friends, family, and a thousand strangers, ready for our show. She pulsed and squeezed as we waited, wanting to keep me hard though I didn't need the help. The far greater concern was resisting the urge to thrust into her and burst before the first rocket had its shot.

She was super nerdy and liked anime and hockey she was a knights fan and I chose to be a shark fan because the logo looked cool.We had alot in common surprisly and we loved each other's sense of humor and she taught me a fuck ton about hockey. We were together for about a year turns out I was her first bf and she never mentioned me to her parents and she never mentioned to me that she was Muslim and I never thought she was because she always ate Wendy's or other super greasy food and never wore her hijab when we went out together.Then one day she calls me crying that her parents found she was dating me because they checked her phone and she forgot to delete our messages.And then after that shit was fucked because I think they broke her phone and deleted her social media because I couldn't contact her anywhere.Then I started drinking alot and became a depressed Puerto Rican and fell for the modelo meme

F for respect to your dead chance at love.

ho-holy crap
you know, I did not expect this
shit, between being a kamala fan (and therefore I had to do many things that exposed me to Bruno's suffering) and this
I can say it stronger than ever

Bros it's fucking ridiculous how long that bullshit ass religion managed to survive

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>Implying you don't see this shit with every religion
Stop being naive, user.

I can imagine it user
I can

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i know user
just look God's Not Dead
but fuck
at least most of the christian-catholic religion is not so violent (although I think that in USA not so much)

Other religions don't have your family threaten to disown you and encourage killings gays and non believers

I'm not even sure if the Evangelical Christians or Mormon Christians in America should be considered Christian because of how different and fanatic they are.

that's what I'm talking about

? Yes they do, Islam lifted all of those things directly off of Christianity. Mormons disown their extra sons all the time so they wouldn't compete with the older men for the women. Or have you truly never heard of the "Lost Boys"? They literally just drop these teenage boys off in the middle of the highway, tell them that they're being abandoned because they fucked up with God, and drive away.

what is happening in this world?

Should have stayed with the Greek Gods

"Happening"? This has always happened. I can't even truly blame religion because in the end it's just an excuse to engage in these behaviors, it's just one of the many ways to conveniently ingrain it into the culture so you can get away with it.

K, user I'll make this simple and not jokey at all. The things that muslim countries do now Christian countries did hundreds of years ago. We did witch burnings and gay executions accusing each other of heresy and all of that shit. But we stopped, seriously, find a headline of a gay being executed by the state for being gay in a Western country, you won't find it.

Muslim countries are essentially just like the West, except they're trapped in the past. They never progressed beyond doing fucked up things to gays and women for being gays and women because they are essentially an unchecked cult run amok.

And you pretending that it just "happens everywhere" is a pretty fucking terrible thing to do because unlike in San Francisco or Omaha or Lisbon people are suffering horribly, and you want to ignore them so you can sound enlightened and egalitarian, even though it makes you either utterly retarded or heartless.

Jesus Christ that shit sounds horrifying

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>K, user I'll make this simple and not jokey at all. The things that muslim countries do now Christian countries did hundreds of years ago.
Barely a hundred, user, not "hundreds". Maybe not even that long. It's just wishful thinking to pretend it's all "in the past".

Would be more interesting if her villain was a Muslim terrorist

Most Christians in the US are protestant
But if you really want to go down that rabbit hole check out the Muslim child rape gangs in Europe

You wanna say the same thing to Christianity or Judaism also?

Compare the two between Muslim and Christianity I highly doubt that

>in the oven

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You really dont know a lot about Islam do you
Just look up Bacha Bazi


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In Afganistan. Not Europe. And hey haven't been active since the US invasion and have been focusing on more drug productions


Shit forgot the pic

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...Was boning the Tsar's wife probably?

What has it been, like a decade since some abortionist got shot by a Christian? It seems like every night there's bombings, riots, massacres, acid attacks, etc., motivated by Islam.

But user Christian's are just as bad
Like remember that one time years ago. That thing done by 1 person. Its equal to what the muslims are doings

damn bro F to you

Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who led an expedition which led to the downfall and destruction of the Incan empire

nah, the Inca (the ruler) was an imbecile tyrant, the people were looking for someone to help them rebel

Kamala becoming Tony Stark’s Sugar Baby

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What an ugly face

portraying Islam in any kind of negative way, no matter how minor, will never happen

Prime fetish material

Do pakis do that? I thought that was a north african thing.

No u


How would that even work?

Parents kick her out and she's down on her luck and he promises to get her a meeting with carol


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>Kamala getting comfort cuddles

>Knights fan
Even as a Caps fan my condolences. Regardless time for a crusade

And then some foot massages

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What is this?

I hope to repeat 2016 election

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>Kamala meeting Trump then developing a crush after he condescendingly pats her on the head

Well least we know you aren't from Mormon country.

Really though, Islam is pretty fucked up and as is their countries are far more unsafe. But you're sleep at the wheel if you don't think a sizeable chunk of the country doesn't want to turn the US into a christian theocracy version of Iran.

10x better than actual Iran tho

And then she dyes her hair blonde

>Kamala trying to pass herself as a republican for Daddy Trump’s attention

>Kamala sitting on Daddy Stark’s lap

I want to see Kamala drop Islam for paganism. Y'know, so she can worship Thor. Sexually.

t. mormon or evangelical

>happen to character
You mean this one specifically, or just any character?