
>yfw plot

Amphibia S01E16 - Family Fishing Trip; Bizarre Bazaar

>Sprig wants to spend time with Hop Pop on their family fishing trip, but Hop Pop's friend Sylvia gets in the way.

>Anne's music box goes missing at the mysterious and exclusive Bizarre Bazaar.

MEGA link (temp):

Zippyshare link:

I've seen some anons mention they get choppy playback sometimes. I would suggest switching or updating your chosen media player if this is a persistent problem (seems to afflict VLC users mostly in the past). Can vouch for MPC.

Attached: Amphibia - S01E16 - Family Fishing Trip; Bizarre Bazaar.mp4_snapshot_11.41_[2019.07.10_21.36.47].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:!qa5BjKLY!-8avaSRZKJTY1Hur8jSQFw

Thanks bruh

You're a beautiful man mega user

Attached: Kitty, you are my greatest ally.jpg (602x452, 66K)

thanks you mega user

Thanks user

>get home from work
>browse Yea Forums
>no mega up yet
>a single tear is shed
>literally just posted
Thanks user

How was work, user?

Based and f-annepilled

Attached: based and f-annepilled.png (1280x720, 470K)

Thank you user, people on Discord are inpatient

thanks mega user

Attached: bumpkin frogs.jpg (570x720, 199K)

Thanks man.

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Did we get any Anne feet?


Mind if I post this here?

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Thanks so much.

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>"It looks like Hop Pop is "fishing" for something else"

Why is Anne so fucking lewd, holy shit

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thanks simon

Is Sprig going to be a pedophile?

Here's your bump meganon

What the fuck is wrong with Sprig, he was actually trying to kill Sylvia from this

Attached: wtf.png (1280x720, 632K)

>that ending
God fucking dammit Hop Pop

>only 4/7 episodes left
W-what will we do?

Attached: treacherysprig.png (1280x720, 426K)

The episodes this week just kept getting better and better.

mods kick our asses and we get /trash/ed

that's always the tradition

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>Sprig was attempting to kill Sylvia
>He only changed his mind after Hop Pop said that she knew he wanted Fishing time with him


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remember, sprig uses love as a damn weapon

>I'll do ANYTHING!

What were you expecting?

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>Only one more week of episodes left till hiatus
>Given that they just bumrushed through the entire first season, its probably gonna be another year before new episodes come back


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>baby sprig
i was no prepared for this


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Shit, but I’m alive so I can’t complain


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The horned toad and cannibal inn episode was really good, too bad it was soo short.
But Anne spots a pokemon in the second half at least.
>Can an art friend have her toss a pokeball at it?

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So we got one last week of new episodes, correct?

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I want art of this right fucking now!

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>Stink bugs

Fuckin' stink bugs.

Calling it now, Anne is gonna find out Hop Pop hid the music box and the feel so betrayed she abandons the Planters and potentially the whole town.
If she ever falls back into Sasha's grasp, it's gonna be because of that.

Reminder that tomorrow is a Maddie episode!

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>Monday is Maddie episode
prepare your bodies; mine is ready

I would like to see her actually join in some of the adventures please?
>This is still a slight chuckle.

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You poor sweet summer child

About time, I still feel she was rushed in..

>Alright Sprig. Tongue him!
>Tongue him? But I hardly know him!

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This is the last one for the week, these only run Mon-Thurs because the corporate overlords at Disney assume you’re doing something over the weekend like some kind of normie; hers is on Monday

An episode where Sprig breaks her heart, despite the fact that she'd probably be a top-tier wife.


that reminds me
next week is the last week

The buns are burning!

The fact this is actually consistent with Sprig's characterization so far is both amazing and disturbing...

Im not ready for the hiatus

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anyone got the pic where maddie bakes tits and horsepussy buns

i know one of you maddie creeps has it

>air-date: July 15th
FUCK! This is the best show on Yea Forums right now and I want more, but the more episodes we burn through the longer the inevitable hiatus

>Anne's mom is voiced by someone named On Braly
Matt did you get your mom or sister on your cartoon

>right fucking now!

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Too short? Aren’t they all the same length


Based Sprig has no time for old ass roastie thots

>Anne's a first generation immigrant


I'm just gonna wait.

Lol, I laughed too


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thats a good point of view

do korean people love crabs a lot or what

oi good work!

My crab lust will not be silenced!

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If it’s his mom I’m gonna cry

>she’s waaaay too old for me
So sprig is either really young or a pedophile. Yikes


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Sprig is out there respecting women! He ain't got time for no thots!

>Anne forces Sprig to tongue a man he doesn't know
Anne needs to quit taking pages from Sasha's book when it comes to friends

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The hiatus will be a tough wait indeed.

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I thought he was just planning to ditch her on the island without realizing it's a giant enemy crab?

>Me in the middle

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>giant crab tries to eat her
>her gut reaction is to eat it first
She's adapting

i mean she's a frog and a good swimmer so that plan would've failed inevitably

Hop Pop broke the father-son code. Sons before hons.

>Wow! Not my boyfriend!
>Yeah, she's waaay to old for me
>Wait, what?...
What did they mean by this? Is Sprig kinda attracted to Anne at this point?

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why is maddie wearing a trash bag with a cord

So for the first time, someone referred to Anne and sprig as a couple..... where’s this going?

checked and i think he had a thing for her until he realized his crush on ivy

Sprig was just looking for a nice way to let Anne down. Remember the first time they met, Sprig called Anne ugly three times.


There is really something off about Sprig.

Actually, why is both of Hop Pop's grandkids so unhinged?

>Just one more week till the hiatus freezes us all.

Possible goodbye, Yea Forums

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sprig is 8 and anne is 18

Even worse.
he was tonguing his grandfather

runs in the family

Damn nobody wanted to go after it
> a custom-made boat with open holding wells on the deck to keep the lobsters alive during transport.

>Prior to this time, lobster was considered a poverty food or as a food for indentured servants or lower members of society in Maine, Massachusetts, and the Canadian Maritimes. Some servants specified in employment agreements that they would not eat lobster more than twice per week,however there is limited evidence for this.Lobster was also commonly served in prisons, much to the displeasure of inmates. American lobster was initially deemed worthy only of being used as fertilizer or fish bait, and until well into the 20th century, it was not viewed as more than a low-priced canned staple food

>He actually tongued his grandfather.


I really liked this blue shell beetle.

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Anne's mom confirmed first generation immigrant.

ivy has a hot mom, i'd like to get to know that mom.

Not everyone is a xenophile, /tg/.

Isn't he 10 and Anne is 13?

And Anne confirmed a lazy millenial.

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Maddie is a poorfag just like us.

>wearing two different socks

Requesting a penis shadow edit.

Why aren't her socks matching

are you that stupid?

what a slob

those things are terribly unbalanced

Kinda interesting how Anne quickly shut down that boyfriend shit.

Anne doesn't look 30.

>Amphibia writers crushing another group

Requesting you eat shit. Thanks in advance.

>And Anne confirmed a lazy millenial.
The younger millenial right now is 22

Her house looks weird. Like, it doesn't look like an American house to me.

Maybe in frog years

He's 10.

More like a zoomer.

These threads haven't been nearly as cancerous as Star Vs. As long as you fuckers keep it in your pants and don't spam these threads it should be fine.

Was not expecting a Mario Kart reference at all, but gave me a good laugh.

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But that's how it starts

misha's been eating shit for the past 6 years user

your welcome

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10 and above is TOO OLD for Sprig.

We finally got frogs and other amphibians taller than Anne.
Were those salamanders? The one-armed lady was cool.

Of course, wouldn't want Sasha to find out she had feelings for a boy.

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Nibba, Sprig's a fucking kid

It's probably the basement.

Had to stop the episode I was laughing so hard

>delivering for a shitposting pedo attention-whore
you are no true f-anne

Ah, so Anne is a rare female basement dweller.

Isn't Anne 13?

oh no, Anne is craving for meat, soon no frog will be safe

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>it doesn't look like an American house to me
Get out more. Please, get out more.

But he's true Brophibian

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This just makes me believe that HP simply found Sprig and Polly more.

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Any Edit of this would be welcomed.

>shadow on the grass


Spring heart wasnt always filled with darkness

Welp, no stopping the inevitable.

Makes me realize that Anne would probably be born in 2006, if we consider the events taking place in the show to be around our time. Fuck she's not even older than the Xbox 360.

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This show is fucking great, I'm continuously impressed by it.

i would like to watch anne eat crab

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A true *Amphibro, you mean, my man.

No user, she's just an immigrant, Anne is the first generation American of the family.

>see's food that isn't bugs
>instantly loses all composer and starts salivating
What'd you think Anne would give for a steak at this point? Anything?

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>havent seen anything like me thou
>no, not exactly like you
yeap, Marcy is with the lizards

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what does it mean

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i was expecting something more like this...

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>all these people wanting Anne to eat crab
Is this some obscure fetish?

I think that frog is supposed to be Wally. It's missing an eye just like him.

>Getting fucked out of survivalist Marci

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that its old ass shild and it lost a stone, not everything is foreshadowing.

>frog only has one eye
Is Wally actually the chosen one?

Holy fuck this episode

It's like I was watching a different show

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That's what I get for phoneposting

I'm on the fence on whether I want this show to have a story and heavy lore instead of frog misadventures and learning life lessons.

I think it was just you who tought that would happen

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Holly shit i didn't notice that.

>this was foreshadowing the twist

hopefully we get both

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for me, yes it is a fetish

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I'm ok with a blend of both as long as they don't go full adventure time

three words


>she WAAY too old for me
I know Sprig has dark side but someone really should tell the cops

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It kind of caught on. There's at least one other person who thought of that.

where the HELL did anne get eggs from

He''s actually the villain. I'll go as far to say he's pulling a Tobi with his weird personality and is really an Aizen being a mastermind.

>/mlp/ general
you have to go back

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Where didn't she get eggs from?

we've seen plenty of birds on this show
also bugs lay eggs too

the store

Everybody hide your tadpoles!

Are those reddit tabs I can see under the overlay

So does Bizarre Bazaar confirm that the episodes are being aired out of order. I know Disney loves to do that for some reason.

>Those tabs

Attached: Yep, this is going into my cringe collection.png (548x251, 169K)

Huh? How does it confirm anything

I'm surprised they were able to use the word "degenerate" in a kids' cartoon.

>wally's left eye is missing
>statue frog's right eye is missing
it's obviously his brother

That's quite the power level you have there

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Or each episode segment is a different timeline.

Might be the colors. The creators have talked about making the human world in Amphibia purposefully bland and lame

Star used it as well, it's not really an innappropiate word to say.

>the little somersault it does just before dive-bombing

i love this show

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Wally does have deep perception

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>Anne's only 2 years older than Persona 4

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There are insects on the farm that seem to be the equivalent to chickens (they cluck, have beaks, etc.)

Maybe they revisited the archive to get a better chance to read without Sprig distracting them with his sperging.

>well, that didn't feel balanced

>Earlier episode clearly shows that Anne is used to eating bugs
>Bizarre Bazaar has Anne grossed out by eating bugs
Do the writers even watch the show?

>Akira motorcycle ref

add Amphibia to the list

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The very beginning of the episode is them talking about how the archives was a waste of time which was six episodes ago.

Doesn't work even if you say the canibal episode was part of the journey home there are still more then two episodes inbetween where they are back in Wartwood

I was joking about burning the house, they may actually do it
some bugs are more gross than others

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>Maybe they revisited the archive to get a better chance to read without Sprig distracting them with his sperging.
Thats the best canon explanation but I don't like it when you have to use "maybes" and "Ifs"

they can go to a place more than once, is already a stablished location


>Anne likes beetle jerky and pillbug pancakes
Kinda different from eating live, wriggling bugs. Just a bit.

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But Sprig broke the lens that gives you access to the place.

I feel like there's a difference between eating them cooked and eating them live.

does this really matter or affect anything

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just showing appreciation, didn't attribute merit to no one.
you wanna tussle?

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Or the more likely explanation is the Lore is fucked, they don't care, and we should abandoned this time bomb before it becomes another Star Vs

there is a huge hole going straight down there

I just assumed that Bizarre Bazaar takes place directly after the Archives episode. You don't have to assume that every episode takes place in a linear timeline, especially when the show's been episodic for the most part.

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>Calling it now,
>Anne is gonna find out Hop Pop hid the music box
>feel so betrayed she abandons the Planters and potentially the whole town.
>If she ever falls back into Sasha's grasp, it's gonna be because of that.

Yeah. I can even see the whole scene playing out Sasha reminding her she belongs with her 'real' friends.

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Bugs are still bugs, you might get used to it, but you never truly get used to it, if you know what I mean.

The thing about nitpicking is that most people don't do it just for the sake of complaining, it can genuinely break someone's immersion to see episodes contradict each other. This kind of autism is an unfortunate burden to bear but that's how it is.

I see. I think it’s fairly clear they went back, Anne did NOT take the music box with her in Trip to the Archives yet she had it now.

Yeah, when the hacks can't even keep small basic stuff consistent how a we to trust they can actually build up on lore.

he says that, but he''ll be coming for Hop Pops woman, luckily Hopadiah also has a dark side

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Immigrants are the first generation. Second generation are the children of immigrants.

Maybe they lose the farm for some reason or another (Hop Pop sometimes mentions having money problems), which would give Hop Pop and family a convenient excuse to be able to travel more freely around the island in search of some means to pay off a debt or something.

They can use a ladder/rope to climb up and down the hole.

There’s beetle jerky and pancakes.

And then there’s your boba hatching into baby spiders. Come on, user.

as if anne not liking bugs will destroy the show's plot as we know it

holy shit hop pop is the coolest

>I see you ate chocolate coated grasshoppers
>haha I guess you must love biting into a sack of live centipedes

Nobody agrees on whether "first generation" means the immigrants themselves or their children who were born domestically

For a term so prevalent you'd think there'd be a consensus on what it actually means but no

reeee Marcy when

Glad someone else noticed it too.

The reaction faces and lines in this show are absolutely stellar.

>Did it ever get dangerous, Hop Pop?

season 2 at the earliest. season 1 will end with sasha and anne's reunion and maybe they'll tease her story in there somewhere but thats a hard maybe

Semantics aside, it's implied Anne's parents emigrated to America, where Anne was born and raised.

I don't really like it either but I assume whenever it's important it's usually obvious through context.

Depends on whether you're American or from the commonwealth.

That doesn't make sense though, first generation implies being born in the country.

Anne exists to suffer

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and we love her for it.

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Yeah, maybe in America, where you consider immigrants as outsiders. Elsewhere, if you settle within a new country, you are the first generation.

so the lizards are nomads and cult, I hope Marcy doesnt drink the Kool aid. Also, this is how she gonna hear Wallys Anne song

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When you see your crush

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I think those are salamanders, not lizards.

I'm Canadian and anytime I've heard someone refer to themselves as a first generation Canadian it meant they were born in country to immigrant parents.

>Salamanders are synonymous with cults.
It's going to be interesting to see how the, presumably, laid-back Marcy is warped by an occult life-style.

Maybe newts?

>what?... yeah sure, I'll bleed the frog

They turn into kermit the frog at those angles.

>I'm not an American, I'm an Canadian!
Do you know how little of a difference that makes?

>they're coming

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is this the tallest frog we seen? not counting the hulk frog

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>the bazaar comes once a year
seems a bit retarded

The Salamanders sell exotic goods and they've only got a limited supply and they can't over-saturate the market. So, they've got to keep moving. Basically, they shift merchandise in a circular motion, on the island, and turn up a profit in doing so.

We're definitely gonna see that lizard lady again. The hint-drop aside, she has way too interesting a design for a one-off appearance.

You're the one saying it's an exclusively American thing

Yeah, America. Not the USA.

it's moving, but since it's secret it's likely people only know 1 spot at best.

Why would you start counting groups of people at 0?
They are immigrants, they are a generation, they are first generation immigrants.
I'm Canadian and 1st generation immigrant is used to refer to the ones who immigrated.

I hope Marcy is living wirh them and wearing a frog skin as a disguise

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pretty good episodes. really liked the atmosphere of the bizarre bazaar. Interested in seeing Anne's reaction to the music box being missing.

sounds like a great way to avoid paying taxes

The episode when sprig finds out he isn't a planter will crunch me

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>Why would you start counting groups of people at 0?
Just doesn't make much sense to refer to someone born outside of a country as a generation of that country.

whose got the link to the official amphibia OC RP discord

is weird how Polly is the least dangerous of the Plantars

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Well, why not? If they live and work in that country, then they're a generation of that country.
It's worth adding that, one of the reasons why nobody refers to the 4th generation as 4th generation immigrants, is that, usually, they won't know or have met the first generation and will only have second-hand information on their ancestral homeland.

>eggs exist
>anne is the first person in history to make an ommoleete
try again you nerds

I mean, it's Yea Forums and this board has been considered among the worst for almost a decade now but have SOME dignity for yourself.

I dont think he'd care, they accepted Anne and it's not like there hasnt been a precedent in the family for adoption

How so?

he just found two abandoned babies? if that was the case Sprig would know

That's what she wants you to think.

Anne confirmed to love

She have the dirty mind of a teenager

What did you say punk?

>the porn music that played over this
Christ, at this point they're intentionally trying to mess with the censors just to see how much they can get away with.

Drawfriend here, anyone got any requests that ain't about Anne's feet?

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interesting that the jewels of the antique shop's item seems to also be grayed/missing.

black widow symbol, interesting.

Anne wearing a cute princess dress :)

anne eating crab legs and butter is dripping all over face

Anne Kamen Rider Mantis

Maybe it's held in different places in the world and only arrives in the valley once a year?

Monster tiddy Anne

sasha's feet

Polly wearing Sprig's hat and Sprig wearing Polly's bow. Polly is happy about it while Sprig is pouting.

This plox

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>broke the lens
They have this guy to fix it.

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Maddie blushing

How long till Anne finds a frog she likes and settles down?

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Anne like this?

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>Farrah Fawcett Hair
That's surprisingly classy considering everything else in the image.

Just one and one request only


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>only a year-long hiatus
I'm not as optimistic as you are. Disney tends to take their sweet ass time releasing shit, even with shows released weekly. PZPTH got its last 14 episodes aired almost whole two years after the previous season ended.

disney stream platform arrives this year, so they'll just silence dump the show there at realize to fill it.

Sasha and Percy dressed as Yzma and Kronk

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HP says the Bazaar is for degenerates when he apparently used to regularly attend the event. I like how they keep mentioning his colorful past from before he became a responsible senior.
Sometimes they make the designs extra detailed when they know they won't have to animate them very often.

Anne wielding Polly like a flail, while Polly wields her own flail at the same time.

Thanks for uploading so fast user. Though about the choppiness, it's not the media player. If you frame-by-frame through there are a lot of times where there are repeat frames followed by skipped frames. I'm obviously in no position to complain, and I'm not, but possibly something worth looking at (if it's capture settings or whatever).

OP's rips are good for the moment, when you want to dive in and chat about the episode in thread. The 1080 rips are the ones you want to download and use for rewatching though.

Attached: shoulder shuffle.webm (854x480, 820K)

Not the same drawfag, but I gotchu covered.

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can someone make a webm of sprigs demented face?

>everybody knows daffodils are my favorite flower
>heheh they funny
I don't know why but that got me into stitches. God bless Bill Farmer.

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Anne and Sascha lying in bed. Flustered, satisfied Anne curling up to Sascha, smiling, cool, her arms behind her head.
Anne: "Where did you learn those moves!?"
Sascha: "Cheerleading, would you believe it"

And now in full color

Attached: anne.png (800x800, 217K)

Anne with a ponytail. yea or nay?

Attached: lazy girl.jpg (1920x1080, 390K)

Not a fan of the ponytail, but a bun looks fucking great on her. Check


What if Anne opened the box in her school? Would that mean all the students and staff get transported to Amphibia? That would be a fun scenario

Attached: sprig snaps.webm (712x400, 79K)

Why does Anne have winter clothing in her backpack?

Her sleeping outfit? Sure, why not, she might have been going to a sleepover. A swimsuit? Sure, I can believe that, they might have a pool or whatever. But a full winter suit? Come on now.

Attached: Anne_23.jpg (377x343, 48K)

cartoon logic, or she and her gang were planing to run away

Attached: dimes.jpg (840x948, 252K)

She bought the winter stuff. The town does have a tailor.

For you, user.

Attached: maddie.png (926x1421, 961K)

Cute but she won't think he's so cool come Monday when he rips her heart out and spits on it!

Attached: 3f8402a59ac702d09aa6020f45e26fc2064e1cb7.jpg (2304x2055, 230K)


Attached: complicated salamander.png (931x720, 354K)

Attached: snacking sprig.webm (792x480, 185K)

Holy shit Sprig running back to pull the ladder up a second time while singing had me rolling. I love how selfish and somewhat deranged the characters can act sometimes without ever becoming unlikable. It's all just portrayed realistically and their flaws never overshadow the positive traits.

Attached: mfw.png (420x420, 380K)

Thanks dude, it looks awesome af. Do you have any social media to follow you?

She layed them

>Not in the mouth!!
What did Anne mean by this??

M-Maddie is only for cute. Cute!
I should not be feeling these feelings.
Stop it.

Attached: a gift for sprig.png (1280x1280, 1.47M)

Maddie and Sprig make a cute couple but I kinda want to see Maddie get warts from a toad and enjoy it

What's his endgame?

Attached: Amphibia.S01E16.Family.Fishing.Trip.Bizarre.Bazaar.1080p.WEBRip.AAC.2.0.x264-SRS.mkv_snapshot_22.01_ (1920x1080, 140K)

He wants to protect his family.

Why the fuck do they do that? Do they not understand the point of SEASONS? The hiatus is supposed to happen between seasons.
It's really irresponsible to start a season when it's nowhere close to being finished, production-wise. If your season has, say, 26 episodes, then the finale should be finished within the next 6 months. It's simple math.

Post cute.

Attached: cute sprig.gif (400x200, 263K)

The bugs Anne ate were dead, prepared, and cooked.
The bugs at the Bazaar were alive and wriggling.
Hell, the little tea pearls were eggs that hatched little baby bugs.

Mods are assholes.

Anne is going eat Sprig nom nom nom

it's bait for the streaming service later this year

Is there a mega folder with all the episodes so far this season?!qa5BjKLY!-8avaSRZKJTY1Hur8jSQFw

Attached: sneaky salamander.png (388x374, 148K)

Thanks goy

Everyone's got at least a little darkness in them, I love it.

That is one foxy grandpa.

Attached: Silver Fox.png (735x878, 583K)

Sprig is gonna kill you

"Low quality posting" seems like wafer thin reasoning, and I've never seen any sort of general thread get off-topic any more than very infrequently. Usually, during hiatus, its mostly content creators leading the way, though this board's staff has never exactly been friendly toward those types despite them being the only reason this board ever got popular.

Post lewd frogs

Attached: maddie drool.jpg (1280x1280, 254K)


Attached: Tadpole.png (540x349, 147K)

I'd rather post lewd Anne's.

Attached: tibby monster.jpg (1280x720, 86K)


I'm glad Maddiefags are getting btfo with her lack of importance, with her only getting one focus episode

Maddie is endgame. Ivy just wants to be friends with Sprig. She'll reject him

Attached: 1561235039653.jpg (3390x4096, 610K)

maddie's on her way to become sprig half sister, no romance possible in that part of the pond mate

Attached: 1562738940738.gif (640x489, 1.98M)

ivy not maddie fuck

Then do it.

Ha, you fucked that up. Maddie's lucky if anons can remember to use her name right, let alone getting screentime in the show.

Attached: Soup's on.png (288x288, 5K)


>scratching post 'cus she has a cat
Nice touch.

>mismatched socks
She was always meant to have unbalanced footwear.
She just went from slightly different socks to missing a shoe entirely.

Anne wearing this outfit.

Attached: BrendaSongDress.jpg (612x458, 71K)

HP better have a good reason to bury the box. He does tend to be right about things and whenever he asks anything of Anne she does the opposite.

thx user

I think the fact that it's called the calamity box, and definitively has magic, is enough of a reason to want that shit buried in the deepest hole he can find.

Nice, Thank you

Sasha being jelous of Annie's breastsize

Agreed. Shit is probably giving off radiation like Chernobyl

Attached: 1562779388285.webm (1068x600, 191K)

if it's like pandora's box it's not dangerous once opened, though

I think Matt likes older women.

Attached: spicy broads.jpg (1896x3221, 1.05M)

Attached: polly-roll.webm (500x700, 383K)

I thought the Plantars were supposed to be poor. How do they have that big-ass boat?

Reminder not to encourage snitches or shitposting pedos, or shitposting pedo snitches.

Probably rented it

>I know I come off as silly and oblivious, but I have the same urges as anyone else.
>These primal animal cravings have persisted long after your grandmother's passing, and to this day I yearn for the next opportunity to take pleasure in the carnal union of flesh.
>Your Hop Pop doesn't just mate, Sprig. Your Hop Pop FUCKS.

It's a big-ass piece a crap like their house. Couldn't even take a shot from moderately sized giant crab claw.

no offense, since i don't know where you are in your skill level, but that's probably the most devianart shit i've seen in a while
right down to the unnecessary placing of the character's name on the bottom

It's the same logic as Anne's magic backpack of convenience.

I think the guy wants to improve the drawing
but if he should just leave it blank

I can kinda see Sprig as Mugen but who's the best fit for Jin?

>dark skin
>yellow spots
Pretty sure she's supposed to be a spotted salamander.

i read "Ivy and Maddie fuck"

Attached: 1562489851927.png (1000x1000, 268K)


Attached: D_II3eQUEAAwYy0.jpg (1200x1200, 131K)

>that animation swap

hope this wasn't because they're scraping for cash, don't die on me yet goddamit

Attached: the house.webm (1280x720, 2.31M)

Could be an old heirloom. Plantar family used to be pretty big and a lot of their possessions can still be found in that house of theirs.

There's nothing inherently inappropriate about the word "degenerate", Mrs. Croaker called Jonah "pervert" after he opened his coat to show off his weapons which carries way more of a direct sexual connotation

that's what happens when background turns into foreground

True, I do get the impression from the show that the family being poor is a relatively recent development, so they could have old stuff from before then. A sort of genteel poverty situation.

Based and seconding

I want to see more "Sprig the Sociopath" episodes

some of that just might be due to my rig, it's got a few years on it already.

I did also tweak some settings during the course of this Amphibia bomb: originally for the first and second week's episodes OBS Studio was set to record @ 30fps but I noticed dropped frames and some jerkiness so I changed it to 24fps to better match the original stream's output (23.976fps). Guess it's still not perfect.

But like that one user says, these aren't going to be encodes you keep: you watch them once, delete and then wait for the webrips if you prefer quality.

Attached: D-DnoamUYAAC18M.png (794x1200, 521K)

This seems like it's leading up something like the first season of Gravity Falls, where Hop-Pop keeping secrets from Anne is going to cause her not to trust him.

>that's what happens when background turns into foreground
It doesn't turn into "foreground", user, that is still "background". The reason still background objects and moving objects look different from each other is because as the objects in the background don't need to interact with anything they don't need to draw multiple frames of animation for it so they can add details to it.
The house looks different because they swap the still image of it with the animation which has multiple frames, and in order to save time and perhaps money on the animation it doesn't have as many details as the "background" image you think of, most noticeably shading.

that's what all women do when you assume a man they're not attracted to is their boyfriend

While they do have a tailor, the clothing looks decidedly human. Her jacket even has a zipper.

>yare yare daze

yeah,, we've already seen that jacket so that's a nothing burger

the hat was new, though... kinda want to see Anne drawn as a South Park character now.

first season finale*

wrong choice of words but pretty sure that user meant exactly what you're describing: the background shifted to animation to show it's collapse.

What I don't understand is why you think it has anything to do with animation budget?

Attached: D_Fz1UZXUAE5vva.png (900x640, 198K)

Sasha done Dakimakura style. The sexier the better!

I wasn't the one that was talking about them scraping for cash in the first post, that just depends on how the animators are paid. I don't know how Disney's paying theirs but personally I assume money doesn't have anything to do with it, only just to save time.

fuck off back to /trash/

Looks like Simon likes this show.

The Inn episode was darker that usual, just the implication that a bunch of frogs got eaten there is more fucked up that the bones laying around in other episodes. Also that fucked up thing Polly saw. Why was she seeing human ghost though?

Attached: cristo.png (1241x681, 513K)

it was pretty dark when you see all the other snails and one of them had a just married sign on it

This world is truly the darkest disney show

Wait what?

Poor Wally's gonna end up in a sex dungeon just like Sasha

Attached: ninja.png (1280x720, 551K)

in that one episode where anne joins the toad gang and turns on them to defend the town, how come she only got bruises when she got hit with a club that had spikes? is she like superhuman

cartoon club

Attached: who wander through the darkness.png (667x498, 414K)

I get that reference

Attached: drunk sprig.png (1280x720, 589K)

mark my words, anne's gonna murder wally by the end of this

Unironically yes.

Attached: Blue-Eyes Angry Thai Girl.png (1280x720, 583K)

user, they broke her arm. Did you wqnt blood or something?

That same toad got hit even worse a moment before that, a hammer to the foot. She continued the fight like nothing happened. Looks like partial cartoon physics.

not sorry

Attached: and you have not seen 4chan yet.png (1280x2200, 1.05M)

>but also very hor...

>is make me
You should be sorry, though. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're ESL?

I can't believe Anne is fucking dead.

Attached: wasted.jpg (540x912, 100K)

read the filename

Attached: That better.png (1280x2200, 1.05M)

Why are Daffodils so funny, Yea Forums?

They're just so daffy.

Sprig's melodramatic song really got me.

Learn English before you make captions like this.

Attached: SEA Anne Cosplay.png (471x720, 252K)

I kind of want to play Yume Nikki again.
But I won't.

It's hard when you only read and do not listen
Could you tell me what she says please?

Are you stupid, too? Google translate and autocorrect don't exist to you?

are you actually retarded or something?

>asking for grammar/spelling help on Yea Forums

you're barking up the wrong tree, son

Just replace "is make" with "makes" and also watch and listen to more stuff in English so you get the hang of it, that's how I learned.


A more correct sentence would be "This place is making me very scared" or "This place makes me scared"

Fooly on you, anons. I helped him.

Attached: smug.png (546x526, 419K)

I forgot it
give me 5 minutes

Attached: okey okey.png (1280x1024, 1.78M)

>woooow this is a globalist empire, obey my standard or DIE
ahhh the good old open minded californian left mentality

shitty bait is shitty

Sure, user. Helps if you're fucking stupid, so if you're already online, and you won't even go looking for the tools to help you with shit like this, well, that would make you clinically stupid, even.

i thought it was good

This bait, I feel lacks cohesion, like shit was clumsily grafted to a post

Attached: 150991218286.png (1280x720, 937K)

lol Why do they tell on themselves so hard by being so specific? Such a strong projection of their anger.

Friendly reminder that Sprig tried to outright murder someone

Attached: 12341233.png (1280x720, 748K)

Don't pay him any attention. That's the GFtard. He lurks Amphibia threads for days just seething, waiting for something to cry about. He attacks drawfags because his complaints about the show get ignored or torn apart

where did he leave it

>ESL brainlet butthurt people are shitting on him
It wasn't even that hype of a "joke". Amazing.

He needs to get on Anne's level. She's got a body count of at least 4

Attached: giddy from killing spree.png (551x645, 293K)

thanks for the heads up, i wont in the future

>Come on Hop Pop, Sylvia won’t find out...

The laugh of a gleeful killer.

Come on, he just wanted to leave her on her luck on some rock, I don't think he expected the rock to be a giant crab monster.

I thought it was higher.

It's not murder if they tried to kill you first

I am not the first and I will not be the last
besides i just does this for fun, I do not think anyone keeps this or something
it's even funny for the filename of the original pic
so is this place
but remember what Wander said
I do not think so
I think he just wanted to leave her behind

Attached: That better.png (1280x2200, 1.05M)

Same laugh she had when she was up all night reading the Bessie manual. So if you hear Anne laughing like that don't feel safe.

Friendly reminder that Sprig condemned a freak of nature to an eternity trapped in a mad scientist's basement.

Why do you post like that? Do they post like that in your country?

Someone needs to edit Polly out of this picture. Hop Pop is reading the Frog Sutra

Attached: can't stop the pop.png (1280x720, 748K)

If anything, all Sprig did was tease it with a different state of living not-in-a-cage, then put it right back to living like it was living for who knows how many years.

Anne would be a great step-grandma

good ol' dandelion head

No, she wouldn't.

I do not know, I swear, but I'll try to change, I guess, anyway. I will leave this here for someone more creative than I can make good use

Attached: wasd.png (1280x2200, 841K)

i'm amazed they still didn't make the "wow you're really part of our family, like a real amphibi-anne "

lurk more

>I will leave
Please, do. You're embarrassing yourself further.

That’s what they told Usain Bolt

>I don't think he expected the rock to be a giant crab monster.
Since turtles are not really amphibians, do you think they're also relegated to fauna in this world?

Attached: turts.jpg (1390x756, 421K)


I wonder how things would've gone if Anne had ended up in Toad Tower while Sasha ended up in Wartwood.

Attached: thonks.png (512x451, 193K)

Wtf her tits expand.

Much worse for Anne

Attached: INT 2.jpg (236x257, 26K)

Becomes a submissive breeding machine

That was already contemplated in previous threads, chump. Try to keep up.

Attached: eggy.jpg (548x550, 16K)

>be humble farmer in land ruled by larger species
>one day your grandson befriends a huge ayyylmao
>ayyylmao pulls a nuke out of it's backpack
>"So yeah, this brought me here when we switched it on, can we wave it in front of the noses of your ruling class?"

It's gonna be heartbreaking when she finds out, but I hope they let Hop Pop make his case.

"Anne... you've seen our world. Death is just part of life here.
I'm lucky to have lived this long...Sprig and Polly's parents weren't so lucky.
Seein' to it that the next generation has a chance... that's about the best we can do.
That box of yours... that could end all of it. No more polliwogs, no more Wartwood... no more valley.
I'm... I'm sorry."

Attached: acceptDestiny.gif (300x225, 1.07M)

Dang it, I just joined these threads yesterday, I'm not up to speed on everything that's been discussed so far.
Sucks to be late.

>He doesn't want to talk about Anne being bred like a pig

Attached: cute anne.png (639x720, 565K)

>Anne will never be bread

Inconsistent key frames.
Outsourced Koreans only care about directly translating between keys and nothing else.
It's not their job to worry about if the keys look consistent.

She's not worthy enough.

Attached: breadling.png (516x518, 271K)

tits are pushed up when you raise your arms though. "100% on model from the original paperdoll" is a cancer that goes against basic anatomic reality

Calm down, Ian. Your shit-show is ending anyways.

He's not wrong.


hugging a frog probably feels pretty gross

apparently it's meant to be pretty painful for the frog too.

How do you guys know Marcy's name?

Anne says it at the end of the first episode?

Amphibian's have very, very sensitive skin and the natural oils in human skins is basically a severe irritant for them, which is why you're supposed to wash your hands before handling any pet frogs or salamanders and never handle them for longer than necessary.

>stop knowing your shit, THIS IS YOUUUUUUU

How many times she hugged someone?

Wait, which one is you?

Interesting thing to note
Amphibia is on the shows Disney Channel has been treating pretty well all thing considered, even among their LA shows

Attached: pugileP2W61wyka4go1_r1_1280.jpg (1280x1334, 636K)

>not talking about breeding each of the girls

Dude, stop being stupid.

Just accept your defeat IvyFags. Hop Pop and Sylvia will expand their relationship until it's at a marriage point. Then, while you guys keep shipping Sprig X Ivy like you degenerate Tomboy lovers do, you'll realize that it's disgusting because then, they'll technically be Cousins. COUSINS......

Why didn't I become a Madlad when I had the chance?!

Attached: 1469754229533.png (920x900, 46K)

But not genetic cousins, so it’s ok

Did I miss something?

Attached: thinking_233.png (160x160, 8K)

Sylvia is Ivy's grandma. If Hop Pop and Sylvia get married, then Sprig and Ivy will be cousins.

Americans don't know much about familly roles

Sylvia is Ivy's grandma, if she and Hop Pop got together Ivy and Sprig wpuld be cousin-in-laws

Not that anyone would really give a shit though

They're not even blood related so it doesn't matter.


Attached: 500px-Total_War_Warhammer_2_Lord_Mazdamundi.jpg (500x242, 19K)

How are you doing, Cletus?

They'd still be considered family members at that point and it'd still carry some bad vibes, even if they're not blood-related.

They literally expand multiple cup sizes.

The Plantars are such a bunch of shitty farmers that I'm sure Sprig wouldn't mind marrying his technically cousin.

how much wanna bet Hopop hiding the box will backfire ?

Attached: 747961e166c55a09ebead4a24e3af2323c5012a4.png (1063x829, 141K)

Yeah, if she ends up joining Sasha again it's gonna be because of Hop Pop burying the box

more like
>Hop Pop what the heck dude

extremely in-character, well done, I can hear it in her voice

So what could've been so calamitous about the box? Is it the reason of all the destruction and ruins? Did it start the war or gave an upper hand to an army that possessed it? There's too few pieces of the puzzle to tell just now, I guess.

moar like shit-character!
look at that linework

That's not mine

Probably some kind of apocalyptic legend about it or something.

Attached: cef71898457e53c11fb87da2f0ef964dfc9313d3.png (875x787, 112K)

my point stands nonetheless


Attached: 1189fd3cb54cf69f5ef25a5d568142dc447dd15f.png (1736x2576, 131K)

She's a retard for trusting that senile old con man anyway.

Attached: NoAnnesAllowed.png (868x627, 470K)

>Anne wakes up after being roofied

I hope we get some good comics to pass the hiatus



Attached: Capture.png (648x675, 652K)

Full ep list anyone?

Mods are shitheads that can't handle people liking what they don't like. That's been the case for ten fucking years.

Anne is silly

just read the SRT subtitles DELET THIS

>Family Fishing Trip
This episode brought back some bad memories in the worst way. Reminded me of the time when I was ~12 I was feeling like I wasn't connected to my father anymore, so I set up a day to hang out with him solo, along with my little sister, at a science museum aka common ground.

Then he brought along his 'female friend' with no warning, who was actually his girlfriend he was cheating on my stepmom with. After he cheated on my mom with a different woman.

The 'female friend' spent the whole trip ignoring me, knowing full well I hated her for being there, and sucking up/buying gifts for my little sister who adored her because she didn't know what she was. When he dies if that bitch shows up at his funeral I'll air his dirty laundry in front of everyone, I don't care.

Attached: yikes.png (350x350, 39K)

Yeah, bro. General threads are good, and not bad. Always and forever, bro.

wow that's hard
no, seriously

Thanks. All dads seem to fucking suck. If anything I'm glad it gave me two moms, who I like a whole fucking lot better than him.

When the alternative is opening the catalog and seeing 500 threads of "Steven Universe/Gumball/Star/whoever making one of those forced meme faces... separate threads for each waifu because the waifufags can't get along, etc".... yeah, containment threads really aren't that bad.

At least you didn't play with her erected penis while she slept this time

user, you haven't known a sucky dad until your dad trys to indoctrinate you all the way through your teens into his weird ancient aliens spiritualist "we were destined to save the world in its darkest hour" BS doomsday caller cult. I had to just disown him in the end never told the rest my family how he is really like it just never needed to be said.

Damn, and I thought my dad was shit for having chronic tantrums. But hey, life eats away at the weak minded, so I can't hate him as much as I use to.

Next week is our final week, Amphibros, before we are no more until a year or two.

although I do not share that last (there are dad and "dad")
you are in your right to get angry

I was wondering why Disney was just shitting out episodes a mile a minute

>she's way too old for me
What did Sprig mean by this?

Attached: 1552022685032.jpg (1242x980, 163K)

Sprig is 10
Anne is 13

>WAY too old
that hes coming for your tadpoles

Attached: Amphibia - S01E16 - Family Fishing Trip; Bizarre Bazaar.mp4_snapshot_21.15.505.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

setting up for the /ss/ swerve

I thought Anne was half Thai, so that means that her dad's an American.

you'll get a series of shorts and you'll like it

He means Anne is an old hag

I like that it's age that deters him, and not the whole 'unholy biped humanoid' thing.

Attached: D_GwUF-XsAAF6Tw.jpg (1200x912, 238K)

At what age does one grow out of tadpoledom?

It's fine.
I like it better than Netflix's garbage "release everything in one day" model or the SU method of "let's wait 5 months for 3 episodes at a time"

Attached: 1529521701952.jpg (2560x2771, 719K)

Are they doing this for Sprig or for themselves?

Attached: 3183603 - Amphibia Ivy_Sundew Maddie_Flour Seab.png (1000x1000, 268K)

Gee Sprig! How come your Hop Pop lets you have two wives?

Sure, bro.

The fact that the age was the first thing he brought up implies he'd actually be cool with the whole "unholy bipedal mammalian creature" thing.
I mean let's face it, if were got sent to Amphibia we'd develop a taste for frog pussy real fast... Ah, who am I kidding, we already have

>I like that it's age that deters him, and not the whole 'unholy biped humanoid' thing.
Sprig confirmed to be into monster girls.

Anne's the only girl that both gets him and can handle his dark side

Honestly, there’s probably gonna be an episode when Anne turns into a frog, which will lead to....drama

That Newt the Plantars adopted was basically already an Amphibian Anne

>Hop Pop just staring at Sylvia explaining how much he's obsessed her with will always be so funny to me. I love that she has no idea either, she's just having a nice sit watching the water.

Attached: cut scene.jpg (961x1644, 343K)

I didn't know Goofy voiced Hop Pop.

They can lay their eggs, mix them together and then Sprig can fertilize both clutches at the same time.

Attached: storyboard had bab anne.jpg (969x545, 67K)

I'm betting two things:
1. When they go to dig up the box, it'll be gone
2. Marcy or her faction will have taken it.

Attached: beholdAnOrdinaryMotorist.jpg (680x762, 131K)

Think about it bros, how hot would it be to be the first person on your planet to fuck an inhuman interdimensional being (who also happens to be your adopted sister for extra fetish points)?
Sprig knows what's up.

>hoppop, sylvia, ms. croaker are all secret bad-asses who know how to fuck shit up
that makes sense for frogs who survived into old age in that hell world

>sprig was a huge dick to croaker in the bessie episode
>sprig messed up croakers house in the shell episode
>"why doesnt croaker like me??"
is sprig autistic

Attached: 65104430_123089505610956_2482018712740000047_n.jpg (480x480, 22K)

He's 10 years old. So perhaps yes.

No, just a sociopath.

Sprig the menace

where did sprig get the hat? dead father or mother perhaps?

>every time a cartoon character wears a hat idiots think this

Is Anne's mom a northern Thai?

>that one Gargoyles episode

Attached: aw yiss.png (132x92, 9K)

>portable 2D rpg adaptation never ever


Attached: D_NurpOWkAcj3QX.png (892x612, 32K)

Maybe he bought it, you turbo autist

is a legacy passed down the Planta blood line tsince the first of their name, it countains the soul of the nine tailed newt

Attached: Amphibia - S01E16 - Family Fishing Trip; Bizarre Bazaar.mp4_snapshot_01.23.349.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

he had it when he was a baby you ultra autist. babbies dont just go to the store and buy hats.

>amphibia mmo
>everyone dies or gets eaten almost right away when they leave town
i would play it

It's probably already a consensus, but it's pretty obvious HP knows more than he's letting on. May not know everything, but knows enough to believe that Anne carrying the box around and asking questions about it may lead to something not good for Anne. That's why he buries it will saying it's for her own good. Whether it'll backfire, it probably will, but not in a major way. When it does that may be when we get a little more lore info on either the box or HP or maybe even both.

so all the babies wearing hats must have inherited them

does Anne never wash her dirty clothes that she wears everyday

Maybe HOP POP bought it for him

anne wants to bathe and wash her clothes daily but hop pop wont allow it, soap is too expensive.

So is there gonna be a new thread or do we have to wait till Monday?

Guys, what's a "Sprig"?

A little frog boy fella.

Yea Forums etiquette says to wait until new episodes, otherwise the creeps and fetishists take over.

>Yea Forums etiquette
yeah, there's no such thing, threads will happen and creeps and fetishists will take over like in every other thread

That's why they tend to be banished to /trash/.

Someone will inevitably make a new thread, 3-4 days is a long time to the common Yea Forums degenerate. But it doesn't need to be immediately after this one dies unless there's stuff about this episode you guys still want to talk about...

... like what's up with that Valeriana lizard gypsy lady? WHAT DOES SHE KNOW?

Attached: valeriana.jpg (350x258, 22K)

All I need is some beefy Anne like we were talking last thread and my fetish requirements will be met.

Wait a second I thought Newts and Salamanders could grown their limbs back. What is the bazaar lady exactly?

imagine the smell


>Newts and Salamanders could grown their limbs back. What is the bazaar lady exactly?
eh, given how dangerous the world is,
losing a hand is probably a regular occurrence.
she might just be waiting for it to grow back.

Attached: considerTheHomering.jpg (569x428, 108K)

This thread had a good run. Hit post limit pretty quickly, too.

Attached: tumblr_012dfca022073ce0f734ae1d96b490e5_e0decdf1_640.jpg (612x816, 144K)

Such dirty tactics. And he is suppose to be the champion.

Attached: Blue Shell.png (1265x685, 446K)

Then Hop Pop bought it for him or something.
Not every single article of clothing a character wears needs some deep lore user, do you think Anne inherited her shoes from her dead aunt?

Attached: Lorefags in a nutshell.png (1318x699, 305K)

But she brought soap with her.
And she does bathe everyday.

Attached: bathtub anne.png (1280x720, 730K)

where can I watch that cut scene?

True champions play by their own rules to get to the top.

Don't mind those details, remember she somehow also has a gym outfit, a formal dress and some kind of traditional dress in her backpack as well, not to mention a cellphone with convenient content even though she isn't connected to the internet.

Attached: 1562555804150.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

ok WorldMister