Fuck. I really want to hate this man but he's just so.... based

Fuck. I really want to hate this man but he's just so.... based

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I really want to hate the guy who raped 14 year old girls but he's based

Weren't they in their late teens and consented

No and no.

>>courting an adult younger then some arbitrary number means rape

Jesus Yea Forumsmblr

I sit around my parent's house all day and do nothing too, am I based?

>statutory rape isn't rape
>grooming teenaged girls who barely had their first period to have sex with you isn't rape

brb calling fbi

I can't hate any artist that draws cute girls.

Even if Kricfalusi turned out to be a Trump deranged antifa and started beating up women wearing maga hats I think I'd still like the guy just for his art.

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>>statutory rape isn't rape
that's right, they're different.
it's statutory rape.
just like attempted murder is different from murder.

I mean legally speaking it does

John K. should move to Japan and start a new studio there. Nips literally don’t care about any sex allegations.

Some modern bullshit feminist made up to keep the sexual market place in their favor by comparing healthy sexual interests to wanting to fuck kids. beside if K wasn't there then she would just be whoring her self out at school.

I remember renting Adult Party Cartoon from Netflix (pre blockbuster death era) and I popped a boner at Stimpy's Pregnant

Coercing and threats don't count as consent

He was pregnant with shit


What are you, a fed?

Give the horny fantasies a rest. John K. is a clean man. Who has no genitals


>consensual sex between an adult male and a young adult female retroactively becomes rape if she decides decades later to pretend she regrets it in exchange for #metoo bux
Yea Forumsmblr, please.

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This intrigues me

I feel the exact opposite of that.

Yes, because kids can't regret their decision. Either you're too blitzed on your own fumes to realize that teens especially are hormonal and dumb and will make bad choices or a pedo.

Children don't have the ability to consent

Who's talking about children? The matter under discussion is young adults.

how can a human who can give birth to another human be considered a child? What kind of unnatural bullshit is that?

Rape is rape, my man

This man is an incredibly talented piece of shit. I'm gonna be inspired by the same way Bob Camp and Katie Rice were.

Why can't you just separate the art from the artist? Might as well say you can't hate serial killers who make outsider art.

>will make bad choices
And they will suffer from those choices like all should. Do not mourn her or him. They both deserve shit.

Yeah, grabbing a woman against her will and forcing her under the threat of violence to have sex with you is rape. Convincing her to is not.

Looking at all those unsuccessful people wandering the earth, neither do adults.

The girls he fucked at the time are legal in most countries. Stop being lawcucks

>Working for a cold race

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You dont seem to understand. One of those is kinda hot, both are illegal.

Rule of thumb, if someone is of a historically marriageable age, they're not a child. Sorry, Yea Forumsmblr.


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So your saying 9 year olds are fair game? Mohammed I need to know buddy.

Which one is hot?

there are cases of girls less than 10 years old carrying children, but that doesn't make them adults. just because they can doesn't mean they should. peak fertility is in the mid twenties, so maybe we should consider that adult.

For a boomer, he sure did adapt to the internet and new things fast

Obviously by 'historically marriageble' I meant in the vast majority of human history, not in one primitive, backwards deathcult.

Convincing a woman to have sex with you is not illegal unless you were convincing her illegally (say, using blackmail or a gun).

Weren't those cases cause of strange conditions? I looked up the youngest pregnancy and the girl had some disorder that basically gave her puberty at I think 6.

yes, but even ignoring strange conditions, girls are capable of becoming pregnant and giving birth at an incredibly young age. my point was that it's not a good metric for measuring their adulthood.

Is the episode where Ren becomes a hikki a John K episode or no? I really like that one

>#metoo bux
Who exactly has seen significant financial gain from accusing someone during the last two years?

They were early teens when it started and, lol, no. They got coerced and threatened.

You can enjoy media made by someone even if you don't agree with their views or actions.

I don't think you know what that word means

So this is Ren and Stimpy, huh? youtu.be/EIqlPcHeheU Glad I "missed out" on this as a kid

The law of the land says young adult is off-limits.

This is not open for debate.

He groomed teenage girls, minors for fucks sake, girls that could easily have been his own daughters, into sexual relationships. If you don't think this is disgusting and wrong, then there is something fucking wrong with you!

She was 15 and he was in his forties if i recall correctly.

Remember, mods only deal with dipshits like OP if they recieve more than 10 reports

>' I meant in the vast majority of human history, not in one primitive, backwards deathcult.
That would generally be at the beginning of menstruation; which tends to a be a long way off the point of being an adult.

you are mentally ill.

>Yea Forumsmblr
So surprised the AXE-stinking neckbeards that throw this term around are actually hoping to fuck kids. You hate to see it.

I like his work, except cans without labels

He is a bad man and I don't like him

Blame a combination of modern nutrition, childhood obesity, and even single moms/stepdads honestly.

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in the vast majority of human history, menstruation began much later than it did now. when food is scarce, women don't menstruate at all since their bodies recognize that there's not enough extra resources to start growing a second set of bones and organs inside itself.
its only in modern times where there's such a massive excess of food readily available in the decades since the industrial revolution that its more common for girls to start menstruating early in their teens rather than near the end. and if you don't have a surgeon on-hand to perform a cesarean if need be, a young teenager who does end up pregnant is overwhelmingly likely to die in childbirth along with the kid as most of the time their pelvis can't dilate enough and their contractions aren't strong enough.

you seem to be mistaking a marriage being arranged several years in advance with a marriage being carried out and consumated immediately

Why burgers are so dumb?
Yes and yes
>Coercing and threats
Which didn't happened
Watch Can without labels, John is hack

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>Creeping on teenagers
>Healthy sexual interest

Retarded and incelpilled

John should switch to lewds and make a patreon. His cute girls still look good and he’d definitely find kinship in the dark corners of the internet.

Having a period doesnt mean the female body is ready for a pregnancy.

The womb is still developing for years after the first period

12 year olds can give birth, they are children.
There, I hope that's an eye opener for you.

Man single handedly killed funny cartoons and drawing sexy cartoon girls. So the next time you see another show about a diverse set of kids at summer camp that play indoors with their imaginations, you can thank this guy for creeping on young girls.

This reads like John trying to take credit for something he had no part in, again.

it's rightwinger projection, greedy people assume everyone else is greedy

>if you don’t hand over your money and your country you are greedy


>Man single handedly killed funny cartoons and drawing sexy cartoon girls

>I want low taxes!
>Hey, why is public infrastructure crumbling?

Both statutory rape and rape involve penetration.
Attempted Murder doesn't involve the death of the victim. Murder involves the death of the victim.

Drop the false equivalency, pedofag.

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>metoo bucks
>from a man who's been excommunicated from the animation industry and hasn't found actual industry work in decades

rightwingers i swear

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>What kind of unnatural bullshit is that?
How braindead are you? They might be able to give birth, but their bodies aren't developed enough to handle the delivery of a baby, which is why many babies from teen moms are stillborn or cause the mother harm or death in some way, especially if they're on the younger side of the spectrum.

Please, consider suicide before you hurt a kid.

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>AXE-stinking neckbeards
They're yours.

Katie Rice. She got a pity-job on the Animaniacs reboot out of this.

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So anyone who makes an accusation should end up homeless, because if they make any career advancement whatsoever it simply must be because of #metoo?

>pity job
Okay let's just forget about her entire career in the industry
and this pilot

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That's incorrect.

Can we just spam these threads with RaS quotes?

Fuck off fed

>all those are extra freelance jobs

John K threads are rapidly surpassing Sneed and Waifu threads in terms of cancerousness, so sure.

No account son of a bus driver.

>then there is something fucking wrong with you!
How did an exclamationfag find Yea Forums

o nooooo some leftist trying to metoo a million of poster with "THIS IS YOU" accusations....

>dark corners of the internet
You mean furaffinity

Attempted murder can still involve someone getting near death injuries. I know this wasn't what you meant but this post makes it sound like rape is worse than murder

>made an awful cartoon that was rushed and had animation and voices flying everywhere
>"its good because it offends sjw's and besides its better than anything modern"
You guys are the same as sjw's. You'll eat shit as long as its shit that hurts your extreme opposite. Pathetic.

Dude, everyone that loves Ren and Stimpy were kids when they originally watched it. It's literally all boogers and slapstick jokes and kids eat that shit up. Stop being a schizo

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>"its good because it offends sjw's and besides its better than anything modern"
Very few people here sincerely believe this. You fell for obvious bait.

They place the age of adulthood at 18 so as to help prevent many young people from sending their life off rails from becoming a productive adult.

Historically, someone became an adult at the start of puberty, usually after a coming of age ritual, however in the modern day it requires much more effort to become a successful adult, unlike in the past where people hunted and gathered or focused on a single trade, often passed down to them by their parents, hence many last names.

These are the facts, Cuck

I know people shit on his Works post-Ren&Stimpy, but he made some great CN shorts after that


Fuck. I really want to hate this man but i'm just so..... incel

>Our pals the Japs
jesus christ lmao

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John K is like George Lucas in that they're both geniuses but they need a team to keep them under control, otherwise they go off the rails.

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literally a one trick pony that got lucky

this is the only post that matters itt

March 29th, 2018:
>Katie Rice comes out to Buzzfeed with her allegations against John K
April 24th, 2018:
>Less than a month later, Katie Rice gets her first major non-freelance role on a cartoon as director on the Animaniacs reboot
Yep, pure coincidence.

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Say, are you a libertarian, by any chance?

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Except at the point the director of an animated show gets announced, they've been already working on it for a year or so.

Remember when he posted here that one time

Who cares? Gotta peddle that right-wing outrage culture.

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Eeeeh, Lucas got lucky from the friends he kept. I'd argue John K had more to do with what made Ren and Stimpy good than George did Star Wars

[citation needed]

You're right, business decisions with millions on the line are made on the fly, nothing is planned.

George Lucas never fucked any underage girls.

>it's a "Yea Forums knows nothing about how cartoons are made" episode