Remind me again how the characters becoming humans is supposed to be a bad thing?
The Amazing World of Gumball
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because then that would mean they have to focus on the substance of what's happening rather than the surface level wackiness of the abstract characters
I want to fuck Penny's black ass.
Surface level wackiness is literally the appeal of gumball though? What other cartoon can you get your mc to give another boy a BJ in the bathroom?
yeah that's the point, that's why it's bad
better set of redesigns
link to the episode?
>Snu-snu detected
Maybe it just doesn't appeal to you? I know the "catering" term gets thrown around a bunch. But you gotta accept that some times things aren't catering to your tastes, and aren't actually objectively bad; unlike Problem Solvers. That shit is objectively bad.
Because only a handful of them looked somewhat appealing.
>But you gotta accept that some times things aren't catering to your tastes, and aren't actually objectively bad;
Taste has nothing to do with it. If something is done well, everyone can either enjoy or accept it.
The difference between competent writing and formulaic hackery separates objective onlookers and die-hard fans in this case.
>unlike Problem Solvers. That shit is objectively bad.
Sure, but you don't even know why. Disliking without understanding is barbaric.
An actual decent male design
I think that's all of them
>not black
>no Jamie
It'd actually be neat if CN made a new cartoon with the art style of the human Gumball characters.
subtle racism
when was this?
How ?
>Characters become human
>The Wattersons (except Richard) aren't black
Whats the point?
footfags are the worst
stop shilling your generic art, weeb.
i wanna fuck tina, and teri
but mostly Tina
Why do Sarah and Penny look the same? Oh. Maybe this is why they made Penny black. The writers clearly luke Sarah better, so she got the main design.
Same reason there's no Carrie.
>posts cringy "bUt WhAt If It WaS aNiMe" art by cuck mike inel
Nigga he's one of those fucks that pisses me off because he perpetuates that stupid ass stereotype that all anime look and are directed the same with stupid ass emo shit drama. How tf is that better than the official human designs when they at least have a unique style? Inel is such a horrible artist
That's not even mike inel's art
generic tumblr, style, fuck off
Last episode
is his music worth giving a listen??
>Vaguely brown with ugly burn/bruise looking pigmentations all over the skin
>Huge thick eyebrows and dolled up makeup on everyone without distinction
>Everyone looks way too aged, intense rough
This pic is endlessly frustrating to me
Is that supposed to be Darwin? I thought he was black
I was actually okay with this pic until I saw Richard.
Under no fucking circumstances is he supposed to be fit or attractive. None.
I think being on Yea Forums does that to you, this is objectively fine.
I don't see lack of effort, they're proportionate and I'm sure if I saw this guys work out of a lineup of other picture that aren't related to Gumball. And still pick it out, I'd hardly call it generic. Since when is being derivative like any other artist, with different tastes in all forms of media, generic?
Darwin was a dog too
dude, that's not Tumblr style
this is
What point?
>Can't even recognize Mik Inel's art
character who is supposed to be a video game geek is coded as asian
this isn't a lynching but its like if they made a sporty character black
again not really offensive, but its "typical"
horse shoe
Like how the boombox is black?
however, Tobias being a ginger is actually surprising
oh dear
You ruined it
and is a good thing.
I can fucking hear it.
>character has a small nose
>long nose
>character literally has no nose
>like that's a plot point later
I don't understand tumblr artstyles. I used to think it was on purpose.
You know, considered in modern cartoons you always get villains doing fucked up shit and then being immediately forgiven, it's refreshing to see Rob getting sweet disproportionate ignorant justice.
So he WAS black!
You're overthinking user.
I have an asian friend who is into video games
Does that make him racist against himself ?
Not Before she Gets Fucked by Gumball's Kute Kat Klub
it is unnatural and it needs to die. not to mention, it was the final episode, this will be what it's remembered for.
I love this picture. I don't understand the hate it gets. All the girls look sexy as fuck.
Looks asian to me.
She looks like that character from Bojack Horseman whose name I can’t remember and don’t care to look up.
Now show her human eyes.
>final episode
But it ended on a cliffhanger. There should be another episode.
Wasn't Darwin a pet goldfish that grew legs?
Wouldn't he still be a goldfish?
Because you (and most people) miss the point of that scene
I can never remember if Leslie is supposed to be a boy or a girl, and now I'm even more confused.
Assigning an official race to anthromorphic characters triggers tumblr
We never got to see any of the flatchested adult women turned into their human versions, so now we'll never know if they're actually flat or if it's just a design thing
That's cute and scary at the same time.
It triggers Yea Forums and /trash/. Tumblr is always turning animals characters into minorities.
Anais is blonde while her parents are Brunete. What the hell?
I'm almost certain that the dragonball pic there was a parody/joke of the whole 'tumblr artstyle' thing.
I don't think becoming human was the issue. Rob made a few key mistakes in his plan to humanize everyone and get the humans out to the other world.
1. He disguised himself as a card-carrying villan with a blatent streak of irrational racism.
2. He never told anybody his real, logical reason for making everyone human before the plan had already failed.
3. He did neither of those things before forcing everyone to become human (seemingly against their wills).
On a completely different topic though, Nicolas Cantu (the current/potentially last Gumball and, under the nickname Junky Janker, a meme lord) just got a lead roles in a youth centric Walking Dead spin-off along with two others (pic related).
Uncanny valley for one thing
It's not uncommon for hail color to change as you age.
I was blonde as a kid but dark brown as an adult.
Looks like Gumball have a raging clue
Doggo Darwin was cute.
Oh, sweet, a volume of Animorphs I missed!
those aren't humanizations, those are (generic) anime-izations.
I dont see how you couldve thought Tobias was in any form black? he always struck me as some goofy white kid trying to be hip and cool, who appears sporty, but is 100% a poser.
Exactly, a guy who tries to look alpha but is a beta.
humans in non human cartoons look hideous
They adopted a black kid and Gumball saw him as a pet
Looks about right
Reread their post user
Also, recessive genes exist
Its pretty gay
>Its pretty gay
this show just is not good. People need to stop trying to make gumball a thing. It will not be remembered or even spoken about on /co 2 years from now.
You say that about every show and look what happens.
That's some kind of joke, right? Those are awful.
What about this Nicole
Who was the best looking humanized character?
Sarah G. Lato.
Did they show Teri?
Did Mike inel choose this scene just because it has traps?
>White girl
is human Susie a downie?
>white Darwin
I know Richard's supposed to be fat, but is he supposed to be "will die in the next week" fat?
>size difference tina
>teri's hips
>sporty blacks don't exist
>asians into vidya don't exist
Yea Forumsmblr retardation at it's finest
>at it's finest
>correcting people's spelling
have sex
I would only fuck the gator chick.
shit tier artist self promoting their work no doubt
>considered in modern cartoons you always get villains doing fucked up shit and then being immediately forgiven.
It's okay, user. You can say Steven Universe.
Holy shit that joke.
Man these designs are awful, and not just cause I can't jerk off to them.
Thank goodness there's fanartists out there.
These weren't supposed to be what they would really look like as people user. It's what they would look like as the "picture perfect" family.
Why is a picture perfect family so ugly?
But fair point that I haven't watched Gumball in like 3 years so totally missed that.
Honestly I didn't think they were that ugly. I think its just the animators making fun of those people you see in commercials for Cracker barrel and shit.
Not that user but pretty much all the human designs in Gumball were ugly. Actually, most post-Season 2 designs were bad. Only decent ones I can think of are Claire, Yuki and her husband.
Sensible chuckle outta me.
I guess that's fair
>Trap Darwin
interesting picture
I've got some stuff in the works
This one's my favorite