So basically the entire first season of The Owl House was scrapped, wasn't it. It was supposed to come out around the same time as Amphibia, right? Were the rumors true?
So basically the entire first season of The Owl House was scrapped, wasn't it...
Other urls found in this thread:
Can you niggers stop.
>The virgin Wacom vs. The chad Huion
The man who made that tweet is based
Need to hug it out, Dana
The rumors came after the delay, but what the fuck is going on behind the scenes?
About Sabrina getting in trouble for pushing for canon /ll/? I legitimately believe so: the fact that she bragged about being the one responsible for Star Butterfly being turned on by the thought of a muscular adult woman beating her up makes it clear that she's into that sort of thing.
>Show is suppose to be done and to be released in 2020
>Needing animator out of nowhere
That ain't good
Now I'm REALLY believing the rumors that the show was trying to push /ll/ and Disney stopped it
the ducktales reboot often has in-house and/or freelance animator animate some of the scenes (the pilot had a shit ton of people do so, including Dana herself), so it's probably that
oh boy that ain't good, might mean that show is getting delayed
So the /ll/ shit was true..sigh..
They're asking for western animators on a production that's supposed to farm this out to Korea. Or, all the boarders got fired. That's a QA thing isn't it?
like here's this from the ducktales pilot
So they're animating in-house?
I was messing around with CSP animation when i saw this in my tl
My time has come
and here I grabbed from a random episode, showing it wasn't just a special pilot thing
Dana herself confirmed she personally animated one of the shots seen in the trailer
Which one can take a punch better? Asking for a friend.
This literally means nothing. In-house animators are used all the time for various random stuff. They could be animating the intro or something. Studio Yotta animated Amphibia's intro, so basically just a bunch of freelancers.
It wasn't a rumor when several people who were boarding it were let go around September of last year and they hired new boarders.
Isn't this show supposed to come out in Winter or Spring of 2020? Isn't it bad that she's suddenly asking for new animators out of the blue? I guess I don't know how cartoons are made these days.
a bulk of the animation is outsourced (in ducktales case, to the Fillipino studios Toon City and Snipple), but yeah, there's some in-house/freelance animation in each episode
took another screenshot of the credits, this time for the latest episode
Reminder that Sabrina is not head director (that would be Tyler Chen), and she is not a writer, and this show appears to be script driven
>She-ra was announced almost a year after either
>already about to wrap up it's second season
Guess we know who the true winner is am I right bros? Because that's how it works right?
>The legacy of star vs is having the most autistic fanbase who refuse to admit their show was bad.
So, in a sense, everything is fine?
If the way the different studios on Amphibia look is any indication, the stiff animation we saw for most of the Trailer was Rough Draft's stuff, and that SMIP episodes will look nicer and livelier (who knows about Sugarcube)
someone tell a newfag what /II/ is pls
Lesbian Loli (as opposed to /ss/, straight shota), someone last year tried to spin a rumor about behind the scenes drama because the show's managed to hit an intersection of Gravity Falls fans being Weird about Dana and Star Vs fans being Weird about Sabrina
Lesbian Loli.
I think most Star fans freely admit that the show took a nasty turn during season 3. The fans that remained, that stuck around and liked being shat on, are a vocal minority that other fanbases play up.
I find it weird that so many animation studios hire through twitter. What’s the point of having applications on their websites at all?
For specific projects it's faster and maybe cheaper.
Formalities? Convenient way to attain the necessary information?
>varying skill levels
>all desperate for employment
I'm glad these kids had the time and money to pursue their passion.
Still, I can't help but think there's something rotten in the state of Owl House.
Why does she need to Tweet for an animator? Can't she just get Disney to bring in someone who fits her requirements?
I think she had an entire team and she managed to get the entire team fired
Usually in cases like this, they're looking for people to animate reference for the outsource studio; things like walk cycles, effects or characters in special poses.
how is that even possible?
You'd think they'd hold like, a more professional job search than a fucking tweet
Why did her torso and booby get so big in that last shot
THAT... is a good question woah wtf
For a 13 year old, Anne is fucking stacked
Overseas animators probably didn't bother keeping her on model and just directly translated the storyboards.
Poor volume control. It's so jarring, someone should have caught it.
Not the first time people hire through online. Considering how big her follower count is makes sense to ask quickly on a major platform for talent that has been hiding or hasn't been discovered yet.
She seems to be asking for one person though. I'd understand if it was a whole new crew but one new animator seems like a simple request.
>So basically the entire first season of The Owl House was scrapped, wasn't it. It was supposed to come out around the same time as Amphibia, right? Were the rumors true?
>I-if I say the n-word in this anonymous online message board, maybe they'll see me as one of their own
Isn't this basically one of the most sure fire ways to break in, anyway?
I hope so, I'm sick of retail.
I believe so, plenty of people have been scouted online because of the work they put up. You got to get their attention somehow. Hell, I believe Dana herself was found because of the work she put up.
Don't know your work, but I'm pulling for you, user.
but amphibia animators DO partially conform to the models
this disgusting lesbian can go take a hike
ill pull for them too
Can’t confirm this as I don’t work at Disney but another upcoming Yea Forums show is being delayed for this exact reason. A lot of studios are really unhappy with animation they’ve been getting back from overseas lately...
This is definitely the reason. If you watch the show her boobs are constantly changing size from basically flat, to disproportionately large, to weirdly pointy sometimes. It's pretty annoying and distracting.
>the fact that she bragged about being the one responsible for Star Butterfly being turned on by the thought of a muscular adult woman beating her up makes it clear that she's into that sort of thing.
The zoomer Korean worker ants need to fucking shape up. Their papa would have gotten shit done before dying in his sleep from exhaustion with little pay.
>being triggered by the word "nigger" on Yea Forums
Do you goes not realize how long it takes for a show to air? She's wanted cause maybe they finished production on the first season
>Do you goes not realize how long it takes for a show to air?
Production can finish in a year nowadays.
I am not cool with both her and Alex... Just like two politics clown. I suggest them to take part in the 2020 election. ;)
Take your autism elsewhere
Get the fuck out of here, nigger
You don't belong here, and you're not normal.
I see Zeddy tries to get that job. I hope she gets it, her work is great.
Setting aside all the rumors and internet celeb drama, for a Disney production to openly seek help online is surprising. It's a company that takes secrecy seriously, keeps close oversight over productions, and have massive manpower at their disposal. This is an exceptional situation.
It's because this is 2D animation. It's a a dying industry and it's really hard to find talented people who can do it.
>Overseas animators probably didn't bother keeping her on model and just directly translated the storyboards.
If this is the case then I don't blame the overseas animators. It's the storyboarders' fault for not making their own work as polished as possible when they know it's practically being used as layout/keys.
Go clean the lantrine Pvt. Redwood.
Much appreciated.
>Saying "the n-word" when absolutely no one will persecute you here for saying nigger
The "n-word" to begin with is insane. No other slur is allowed to be boiled down that like. People have only made it the most powerful word in the English language by pushing for such self-censorship.
Unless the show is going to be air in one giant bomb like with Billy Dilley or what Amphibia is doing, it's not unusual for a show to still be in production by the time the first season is airing. So even if the show premieres 2020, they could stiil be working on the last half of the season while the show takes it's time over the coming months to air. And then it'll go on break, allowing the crew to finish production, then resume an air schedule.
That's traditionally what happens with a show whose first season can take a whole year to air. I don't know if Owl House is going to be air-bombed or weekly air.
>I think she had an entire team and she managed to get the entire team fired
how do you know this
It’s not really efficient to do that, though. At the rate boarders have to draw and get redo drafts, it’s only logical that they’d prioritize being recognizable over being on-model.
It's very efficient to do that because the production gets to skip an entire step which means saving on money. It's just not good practice to do that.
The reason they ditched layout artists which we used to have in the 90's was because of money costs.
>it’s only logical that they’d prioritize being recognizable over being on-model
But it's work that needs to be done in order to ensure a good product. Not doing it well simply means passing that work down to someone else, which in this case is likely someone who isn't paid enough to care, or isn't given enough creative authority to make decisions. We can't expect overseas animators to read our minds, especially at these korean studios who are doing a dozen different projects concurrently.
Either do more polished work here, or authorize someone overseas to make changes and pay them for doing this extra work, or hire better storyboarders. It has to be one of those options, or simply not caring about the quality of the final product.
>This is definitely the reason. If you watch the show her boobs are constantly changing size from basically flat, to disproportionately large, to weirdly pointy sometimes.
I need more examples
>It has to be one of those options, or simply not caring about the quality of the final product.
Guess which option a business would clearly chose and has evidently chosen.
Cheap and easy way to contact folks
This is me, but I would not call myself a star vs fan.
So people will stop contacting them asking for work and instead just funnel portfolios into a trash bin.
>I guess I don't know how cartoons are made these days The Thread.
>she bragged about being the one responsible for Star Butterfly being turned on by the thought of a muscular adult woman beating her up makes it clear that she's into that sort of thing
Doesn't this bother anyone else??
Why are storyboarders given so much power over the show's writing to the point they can drastically change a character's personality for a few episodes and then fuck off and go work on something else after the damage is done?
Good job dickhead, you ruined the show's consistency just so you can inject your gross fetish or political agenda.
Something similar happened to SU and it fucking pisses me off.
>I think
Jsyk redwood never cared about that
anyone have it?
I was really active on Yea Forums back when redwood was a mod and I would regularly witness him ban people for saying nigger. This was when he trippfagged but kept his mod privledges a secret, which caused a huge shitstorm once it was leaked and people found out along with other weirdos and sociopaths like Troid and Duanemoody.
Fuck Huion. Go Wacom or XP-Pen (if you want a cheaper screentablet)
Was it this one?
I'm surprised no one has pointed this out on twitter yet.
I'm one of those two sociopaths. He didn't care about that shit.
I'm impressed that Stuart is too embarrassed to put his Zuke comics on his webcomic archive.
>He didn't care about that shit.
There's posts in the archives that prove your actually wrong, but whatever. you probably scrubbed those like the ones you did on /u/ anyway.
Redwood also apparently HATED pornography like some kind of celibate Nun and started a crusade where Yea Forums literally went from nsfw to sfw over night. The guy was probably a huge horndog secretly.
…I don't remember ever posting on /u/. I *might* have posted in one thread about Ladykiller in a Bind.
>mainly hazbin hotel animators posting their reels
That's pretty funny vizziepop's staff are ready to jump ship off her project at any given moment like that.
Because any time anybody does it, they get called a hater or a gamergator or some shit. You're rocking their boat and twitter hives don't like that.
It's like she just aged 7 years instantly.
don't have any images, but she posted screenshots of the scene on her tumblr blog saying all proud and cheeky "I put that in because that's me! That's totally me!"
Does anyone have pics???
Shut up nigger
Is there a place where I can find more of these? I remember one where she raped Rebecca with a "C'mon, didn't you see what she was wearing?"
>Location in the LA is preferable but not required
Calling Bullshit on that, when do they ever hire people out of Cali
I got this from the archives. Haven't a clue where the rest could be.
you weren't kidding, there's a lot of em in there. I don't follow hazbin hotel at all, are people not getting paid fairly or something?
these dana threads are just an excuse to indirectly ask for more dana porn and I would like to see more too
I love this type of edit. Implicitly extremely lewd and yet SFW.
Utter moron. A single animator can’t do the job of 40 board artists, character layout artists, prop designers, BG painters, sheet toners, etc. Plus The fastest way to find great undiscovered talent nowadays is to find it directly online. Only Yea Forums could turn a normal “we’re hiring!” tweet into “Did Dana use chemtrails to gas her entire team? Did her team run off the edge of the flat earth?”
>They hit some chem trails as they were falling of the edge, mam, they were long dead before the impact.
Very clear. I just don't like it when the most poorly paid individuals in this entire process are blamed for decisions made at the top. People tend to focus on outsourcing or the Cal Arts meme, instead of the broken production workflow that define this generation of cartoons.
Dana must think she is John K or something where only she has the right vision and nobody can work with her because they are all unsatisfactory to her. Meanwhile, the people under her know full well she is a JAG talent-wise who only got fastlaned to her position because she was willing to peg The Manlet a few times.
It's HGS, is it?
>Animator wanted.
Yea Forums will write a resume letter one word at a time:
as much as i hate wacom as a company, huion is a fucking piece of shit
Whats in house?
Can someone fill me in on the rumors and what the fuck /ll/ is and how it connects to Owl House?
/ll/ is Loli Lesbian.
In house means that the studio who draws the outlines and storyboards is also the same one that animated the show. Not outsourced.
They pushed it back to give Amphibia time to catch on. Owl House was massively trending on social media while Amphibia was barely getting any upvotes, so they decided to push Owl House back to reduce the risk of Amphibia getting eclipsed by it.
They are basically the same show
Lesbian Loli, opposite of Straight Shota. Eda x Luz shipping/porn.
When it was announced that The Owl House was going to be delayed, a bunch of rumors started to pop up trying to explain why.
>Alex Hirsch had to come in and rewrite half the scripts
>Dana and Cotugno wrote the show to end with Eda and Luz being an item and Disney told them to no
>Dana fired her entire crew and hired new people
>Dana sent 80 job tests to the Animation Guild
The /ll/ was a prominent rumor because people have a hate boner for Sabrina. Storyboarding the Episode where Marco and Jackie break up, (indirectly) admitting to having lewd thoughts about underaged characters, etc. And people concluded that because she's involved, /ll/ is guaranteed (despite the fact in her current position, she doesn't have a lot of say in the direction of the show)
that's it!
>(indirectly) admitting to having lewd thoughts about underaged characters
Please tell me more
What's even to hype about Owl House? We barely know anything about it.
I probably should have researched first. Not lewd, but attracted to underaged characters.
>When it was announced that The Owl House was going to be delayed
My recollection was that the rumors of the delay came first, which Dana personally refuted on twitter, twice: first time was when it slipped late 2018/early 2019, then again when it slipped late 2019.
>despite the fact in her current position, she doesn't have a lot of say in the direction of the show
This is the part of the rumor I don't place much faith in, simply because it may never be confirmed. But people interpreted Sabrina's sudden dip in enthusiasm for the show, as well as the removal of Owl House from many of the initial staff's Twitter description, as lending credence to the rumored drama.
It's not an unreasonable read of the situation, although drama is a normal part of any group effort, and Yea Forums likes to sensationalize. But this open call for animators so late in the production cycle, plus the delays, points to a production with management problems at the very least.
I was just trying to draw attention back to her show, my bad
I just hope the show ends up being good.
It is not going to be as long as it is on Disney.
Give me drama
Yeah, I have nothing against the show. If it turns out to be good, hopefully people will forget the drama around it, real or pretend. But the trailer that came out a month or two ago was somewhat underwhelming, and gave off the impression that it was still early in the production process. I can't help but think that the tepid reception it got is partly behind this call for animators. Either they're behind, or realized they needed to up their game.
It was only a teaser
But still
Didn't that character always identify as a girl and only dressed as a boy for "anime reasons"
I applied. Why not.
No, this is good. Maybe they will be forced to actually invest in quality animation, maybe even some local studios. This cheapo Korean stuff has been a norm for far too long. I want an arms race that will give us good animation again.
Oh, the tales I wish I could tell.
God, it just feels so much like Gravity Falls. If you told me this was the teaser to Alex's next show, I'd believe you.
Why is homogenization in the animation industry on the rise? When Alex went on to make Gravity Falls, it wasn't just a clone of Fish Hooks. When Pen Ward went to pitch Adventure Time, it wasn't exactly identical to Misadventures of Flapjack.
Yet, all the alumni of shows like Gravity Falls or Regular Show are just making clones of the show they previously worked on. Why?
If somehow you get hired, try to see if you could hide an little shout out to us.
>an little shout out
Shut up.
Sabrina bitched at some rule34 artist for making a porn comic about Marco and Star, but then later on boarded an episode where she gave Star a crush on a clearly adult woman because "Star is me."
>an episode where she gave Star a crush on a clearly adult woman
What episode is this? And how did it get past him?
Because anne is a titty monster.
Shut up nigger
She only pretended to be a boy because she needed to stay in a
boys only" club in order to pay them back for a vase she broke.
God, this is so irritating. From the first few images I saw, I thought it would have some depth! But no, it just looks like fucking Gravity Falls. is right, what is with all this goddamn homogeneity? I hope it it gets better. I hope so so much.
well, it's not like they take the time to properly form them anymore either. Gone are the days when you could learn at the feet of masters.
Neverzone was a fucking mistake. Having adventures off-screen and major characters change design and personality after crossing a portal is so fucking bad for a story.
Puberty apparently hits like a fucking train in Amphibia.
who is this Dynamite Headdy looking mother fucker?
Dana Terrace. Human meme and /ll/ enthusiast.
Is Disney really so lacking in 2D animators, Dana can't just ask someone around for a list of demo reels already sent in and go through them?
Do these studios even save people's portfolios for future reference? I thought it was common practice for them to do that.
They wish oversea animators would give them milkers
Git gud
Everything about this is wrong. Dana is far more talented than manlet Hirsch, she can actually draw. There's no evidence she fired anybody, Yea Forums just has a weird hard on for her, probably due to /pol/ shit and every single one of these "rumors" started right here because people were bored waiting for content
Absolutely none of the "rumors" have been confirmed, its all just fanfiction by us because we're horny and bored
Why did like half of the people posting demo reels work on hazbin?
Do we even have a release date on that? Honestly have the feeling they want out and are looking for a solid job after how long we've been waiting for that episode.
God, I can't fucking keep track of who's who in all this drama when people hide behind anime or cartoon avatars and I don't have faces to recognize. Can someone give me a quick rundown?
A pitch bible was leaked on Yea Forums a few weeks ago and confirmed a lot of what people were guessing, moron.
The patreon doesn't make much and vizie takes a large cut, so the animators are more or less working for free.
>animating someone else's shit for free.
I would never do such a thing.
gotta get that work experience bro gotta pad out that resume so it looks extra thick extra tight just gotta get my foot in the door my dude
>it's a Yea Forums has no idea how animation production works episode
I thought only Yea Forums had those episodes. I guess I was wrong.
There are a few freelancers at DTVA who work remotely
Easier to stir up drama when the general public don't understand anything. Especially during modern internet when its encouraged to put your work online.
What’s HGS
High Guardian Spice. Some pseudo anime series that's in production by some shitty anime page.
The savior of Western animation. They're finally making a show filled with waifus, but weebs are mad about it because they can't feel superior anymore.
>Sprig's face
I wonder there still no frog face meme with sprig's editions.
She sniffed the last batch already.
He was a lolicon, you know.
>Mabel barely hit puberty, but the rest of you have no excuse
Post porn
>anime page
cruncyroll is objektively awful
Because the bigwigs at Disney obviously want a GF successor, and the show directors need to comply their request to get their shows approved
That thread was incredible
Is this real?
>her torso just grows
>Easier to stir up drama when the general public don't understand anything
That explains /vp/'s current state
The show is already in POST PRODUCTION and season 2 hasn't been announced yet. This isn't normal, you dumb faggots
The sad part about the /ll/ rumor is that if the showrunners actually got a whiff of it they might try to stick Luz and Eda with boys to further quash those rumors.
This is what the leaker uploaded.
Good, yuri is for faggots.
>says the pedophile tripfag
>no magical powers
Reminds me of that Yea Forums D&D greentext: Brian the “wizard”.
>high school girl
Yeah, whatevs.
>git gud
>for an unreliable as fuck hardware that constantly stops working
>current year
More like The Mouse will force the showrunners to stick Luz and Eda with boys if anything.
Here I come!
Hoes Get Split, a magical girl anime where they're constantly getting dicked down
>current year Disney
>pushing hetero
Ofcourse he was.
I've noticed the people that are have an autistic hatred for pedods turn out to be closet pesos in the end.
If you stare too long on the abyss and what not
Frog show is superior animal show
Owl show sucks
No it wasn’t, there was just that single page about Luz, which didn’t confirm a single one of /cos/ conspiracies about Sabrina Cotugno or Dana eating babies or whatever. It also looks hugely out of date with an old design. It has nothing to do with /cos/ invented fanfics about office drama
>Do we even have a release date on that?
No. But there'll be endless scene teasers posted for the next 15 years by which time the theme song will be a remix of Old Town Road.
>conspiracies about Sabrina Cotugno or Dana eating babies
It's usually Sabrina who's eating the babies. Something about a homeopathic remedy for moles.
It’s incredibly normal you absolute casual. You don’t know shit about the TV industry do you? MOST TV SHOWS ON MOST CHANNELS FOR MOST OF HISTORY don’t greenlight S2 until after S1 airs. Gravity Falls didn’t announce Greenlight until most of S1 was already out. Do you have a brain hemorrhage or do you just get off pretending to know stuff about an industry you haven’t worked a single day in
Aren't you posting in a cartoon thread on /u/?
>MOST TV SHOWS ON MOST CHANNELS FOR MOST OF HISTORY don’t greenlight S2 until after S1 airs
This has never been true for animation due to the prolonged production schedule and continuous production being preferred in order to avoid layoffs. They sometimes wait to announce a greenlight but it doesn't mean they weren't already working on it, Big City Greens and Amphibia both had S2 announced before they aired a single episode. That being said I wouldn't expect an announcement for TOH's S2 until the month before it airs (like those shows) but a second season is almost 100% guaranteed on modern Disney unless the execs can already tell during production that it's a flop, like Billy Dilley.
Oh that situation, to be fair for them they have actual evidence of fuck ups and lies being spread by GF. This one so far there's nothing drama worthy to talk about till the show actually has some episodes out and crew opinions.
Yeah I agree here, plenty of times there are shows that have another season greenlit. Even Nick did it with current TMNT because they know it'll get a decent chunk of fans that buy merch for the show.
Just doesn't feel worth getting alarmed over someone requesting for one new animator.
>Frog show is superior animal show
>First episode starts in media res, doesn't waste time on origin flashback
>second episode only touches on origin briefly and advances characterization
>good animation, writing music and voicework
>appealing to kids without adult jokes
I'm actually looking forward to being angered by the second season getting a shitty B tier Korean studio, the third season's shipping infesting the story, OOC everywhere, a poochie character who's stolen the spotlight and at least one VA being fired for a random tweet. Thank you Nefcy, you taught me how to really watch a show.
I thought yurifags were mostly female though.
The majority of shows have their seasons greenlit before S1 airs and this has become standard practice because networks ANTICIPATE that if a show is going to take off, they want most of the crew to already still be on-staff instead of waiting 5 - 8 months where they have moved on. Two seasons is almost guaranteed for a series creator unless you are making a mini-series or unless the network has so little faith in your production (Such as the case with Billy Dilley).
Just because networks do not ANNOUNCE that a S2 is coming out before S1 airs does NOT mean the deal is not already happening.
Call me gay but i hate shadow cock edits for some fucking reason since half the time it has some unfortunate implications.
Are y'all black people Or pasty add white bois who want n word privileges
This is literally my fetish.
I've had nothing but good experiences.
Luz is just pure sex appeal, frog girl can't compete. It's almost a miracle such a fappable character is allowed in year 2019.
In terms of character design, I agree that Luz is sexier which is why she got a lot more porn and attention than Anne did when they were first announced. But Anne proved to have a loveable personality, so hopefully Luz will be able to match Anne's charisma as well. For all we know, Luz could turn out to be totally annoying and unlikable, but hopefully that won't be the case.
>it has some unfortunate implications.
Shut up nigger
>So many pointy ears
Place your bets, does she:
>A) Fly side-saddle like a lady.
>B) Stick that broom between her legs, put it into high gear, and ride that vibrating shaft measuring speed in orgasms per hour all the way to her friends in Niederbayern.
>Shadow Cock
>Unfortunate implications
One single episode of a cartoon averagely takes 9 months to make. If they start production after the whole season has aired, the hiatus would be much longer. If ratings were bad the company could just cancel it mid production.
name me other Yea Forums or Yea Forums shows that the creator actively looking for animators on twitter
If anything it was meant to represent her leaning back against the wall and pushing her chest out as a result
This got me thinking. Dana's post not only welcomed amateurs to apply, but also those outside of California/USA. Is this not against employment agreements Disney may have with animation unions/guilds on the west coast? Maybe a current animator in California can weigh in.
Either way, I think this is likely a sign of not only internal production issues, but also a budget crunch as a result of the delays/rumored scrapping of previous work. Dana may be hoping to get some cheap labor to stay under budget.
Nice, looks like it is from the first 5 minutes of episode 1
lol how did Dana hire so many complete amateurs that tests keep getting put out (even after she publicly scolded the one artist who drew those alt outfits/props and the rejected theme composer), did none of these people even sign an NDA
Jesus fuck that smug attitude.... If she didn't have that STD I'd love to put her in a mating press hatefuck. Why do I love smug woman so much co
and honestly nowadays cancelling a cartoon mid production is really rare. Like the few times this decade I can think of are Robotomy and Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
Even when disney shut down marvel animation they were like "you guys are shutting down once you finish the current seasons of your shows", rather than immediately pulling the plug
>Like the few times this decade I can think of are Robotomy and Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
Netflix cancelled Super Drags after 5 episodes. Technically, it didn't even reach half a season.
I had thought Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty suffered the same indignity, but to my great surprise it's still airing on Nicktoons.
There is literally nothing special about being a bisexual.
>Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
I have this sneaking suspicion that Pete Browngarten threatened CN with a lawsuit if they didn't greenlight the show they were contractually bound to produce but CN kept putting off (Uncle Grandpa), and they agreed to move the production staff to UG which meant canceling SMFA.
>lol how did Dana hire so many complete amateurs that tests keep getting put out
You're in a thread where she's making public announcements on Twitter for employees. How do you think?
>Basically a major scene in the first episode leaked
That was actually made by an user on Yea Forums called paintfag, he'd normally be found in the MHA threads but he's since left us for other places or threads as far as I know
>Character encounters strange new world
>Meets their new best friend from this strange new world
>Protagonist almost dies
>New best friend apathetically saves them as if they're not about to die
Jesus Christ, do robots write these cartoon pilots? I bet when Luz wakes up, Eda will be freaking out that she's a human and say comical things you would about a pet like, "She's so cute, I'm going to keep her. Uh, you are house trained, right?"
I think he means most shadow cock pictures are with men about to rape women and maybe doesn't get off at the idea of rape. Just guessing, I have no idea.
Alex's problem was over-reaching the extent of his involvement in his show
Dana's problem is just managing anything to go correctly
The NDAs said we’re not supposed to publicly post testing material anywhere until the first episode aired
what anime is that
Ouran Highschool Host Club
>A single animator can’t do the job of 40 board artists, character layout artists, prop designers, BG painters, sheet toners, etc.
Actually, yes they can. Git gud, fag.
>It also looks hugely out of date with an old design.
Pitch Bibles are made before the final designs for a cartoon are set you dumbfuck
I'm so glad. It's time for someone speak up for the pedophiles and ephebophiles, and we can finally have our own pride day.
Maybe Epstein and the revelation that child-love is normal among our elites will finally force them to stop oppressing child lovers.
Was it really delayed? I know they were announced at the same time. Maybe they just put Amphibia out first as a Star Vs replacement, since it premiered right after Star ended
That's kind of autistic. It's a joke edit of a drawing. It's like two layers of it not being real.
I don't understand
When someone asked Dana why there wasn't a preview of The Owl House opening at that year's comiccon, even though Amphibia had one, Dana explained that they weren't far along enough in production to have made an opening. So I am guessing even through they were announced at the same time, Amphibia had work started on it sooner.
It was really delayed. It was initially announced back in February 2018.
The expectation was that the show would debut before Amphibia, because art and details had already been coming out before that.
Then it was delayed to fall of 2019. When further delays were rumored, Dana posted pic related.
Now we're looking at an unknown time frame in 2020, and they're still looking for "animators".
>Tried to push a social agenda before its time
>Storyboarders tried too hard to push a social agenda before its time and got fired by studio heads
>Story has no merch potential and needs to be rewritten
>Every other cartoon is stealing all its ideas.
These are the only reasons it can be delayed.
Based big dick rick
>Every other cartoon is stealing all its ideas.
Yeah, well, when everyone keeps leaking all the fucking tests. I can't think of any other show with an NDA in recent years with this many leaks.
Those are all possible, but I think the more plausible and mundane explanation is that the team makeup favored youth and enthusiasm, rather than wisdom. Aged, experienced crew could navigate the impasses that are unpredictable, yet dependably arise in productions. Amphibia for example had a lot of recognizable names in the credits, and that show launched as smoothly as butter.
Dana seems to be doing the same thing Rebecca Sugar did: Looking for talent online because that's how they got their big break. Getting lucky and recognized from their art blog. Almost like a "paying it forward" kind of attitude.
The problem is they were rare exceptions in a very lousy method of scouring for reliable talent.
Alex Hirsch’s dommy mommy and a known insomniac.
Agreed. I don't fault her for it, but that's the kind pitfall she's risking, and I think she fell into it.
Also, if there's even a smidgen of truth to the rumor-mongering on Yea Forums about the personalities of the people involved, then they are probably the kind of people who don't take direction well from their seniors because they take everything as a personal slight, and connect every personal slight to some kind of greater injustice.
And I wish I could explain.
Guess the old witch is a leg woman.
>Alex's problem was over-reaching the extent of his involvement in his show
I see nothing wrong with pouring your essence into your show to make it 80% yours.
You saw the problem. He burnt himself out by the time the option to renew for a season 2 came around and then started to half-ass it because he was just so tired and wanted to get the show over and done with. Hell, he wanted to quit after the season 1 cliffhanger.
The tweet has not been taken down so I doubt it, if anything she would logically ask Disney themselves if its okay to ask on twitter in the first place. They'll have to go through the interview process anyways.
Another overly ambitious project going down the gutter before it even begins. Looks like the staff is mostly full of idea people or people who overestimate their talent.
Yeah if anything they have good intentions, but there's a reason why we have situations where we have these sorts of leaks being spread around or crazy outbursts from people in the industry.
There's a lot of young people out there who don't know better or lack the understanding of why NDA's exist. There are a lot of crazy artists out there, and I wouldn't be surprised if thats the reason so many of these people sending their emails are animators for vivziepop: they want out from whatever mess they have worked with.
Alex's problem was being a self-admitted procrastinating hacklet of a show runner who combined doing things at the last minute with inability to delegate to create the volatile concoction of stress to meet deadlines that sucked the joy of life out of him faster than his gnome magic could replace by converting it from cheap liqueur.
i bought a huion and my art and my wallet have been accomplishing great things
>i can't fix my own equipment
>i can't troubleshoot software
and you're calling others retard?
Has Dana seen these?
Who knows.
>disgusting lesbian
>luz gets roofied
Is Owl House over before it even begins?
I truly think they’re getting back shit work from overseas. They’re looking for additional in house animators to salvage what they can rather than scrapping everything they have and risking budget & falling further behind schedule. This happens all the time and I know for a fact that one of the studios they’re using has caused a delay for another show.
You know nothing about the animation industry so you?
Their fault for using Steven Universe's shittiest studio in the first place.
Alex’s problem was that he was a workaholic who worked all the time! But he was also a lazy hack procrastinator who never worked! He ended the show early on his terms and turned down Disney’s money to stay true to his vision- what a sell out! He wrote the whole show himself but also he’s a drunk who’s never written anything! He’s 3 feet tall, despite photos where he’s not!!
You guys can never make up your mind about your fake memes about this guy. If you wanna know what Hirsch’s show was like behind the scenes, watch the 2 hour documentary with the entire crew talking about the show instead of listening to these contradictory memes
>implying a Disney produced documentary won’t be biased
>forming an actual opinion instead of relying on stale memes with nothing backing them
Get a load of this guy
That guy was low-key awful. Hopefully gookmoot got rid of him.
No, just shelved to avoid over shadowing the DuckTales Reboot, this points to season 2 of Owl House being done by Toon City & Snipple in The Philippines as Korea is now too expensive.
But this does hint at season 2.
No, TV animation is supposed to be shitty, trying to make things look half assed will get you moved over to feature animation, this is not the 90s any more.
Which studio and show?
I'm sure these things happened
>I truly think they’re getting back shit work from overseas
I don't doubt this, and the teaser trailer was generally underwhelming. But, and I've maintained this position elsewhere, the responsibility ultimately rests on the shoulders of the production staff in the US, not the Koreans or whomever they outsourced to. They cannot be expected to do the work they weren't paid to do.
Storyboarders here can't keep shipping off sloppy work and expect overseas magic to solve all of the problems, or divine when they should be on-model and when they should follow off-model boards because it's "intentional" and "the personality of the boarder should shine through". It's how we end up with stuff like SU and OKKO.
Pay more, empower the overseas director to make creative changes, or do better work here. This is especially important if they want a hand-drawn feel.
I don't know about Redwood too much, other than he used his mod powers to "settle scores" with people that hated him during his tripfag days.
Duanemoody, going by those leaked irc logs a few years back, had this massive stick up his ass against Disney shows like Gravity Falls and did everything he could to ruin them, including outright permasaging them. Look up his name on desuarchive a few people were banned for posting excerpts of his irc autism.
You’re 100% right, a lot of the blame falls on those higher in the production chain but you’ll never hear them admit it.
>That guy was low-key awful. Hopefully gookmoot got rid of him.
moot got rid of him as a janitor long before he sold the site. He'll probably never leave Yea Forums, though.
Season 1 was Rough Draft, Sugercube and SMIP, season which just started production will be Toon City & Snipple due to being "Cheep Toon Boom studios in The Philippines.".
>n word privilege
Go back to normalfaggotland and stay there
>Duanemoody, going by those leaked irc logs a few years back, had this massive stick up his ass against Disney shows like Gravity Falls and did everything he could to ruin them, including outright permasaging them. Look up his name on desuarchive a few people were banned for posting excerpts of his irc autism.
I was (and still am) a huge fan of the show, I did however prune /gfg/ of Pinecest and "Dipper's nipples" trash. FYI janitors don't have the ability to autosage threads, they have to beg mods for that in IRC and mods were so frequently nonresponsive that it wasn't worth the effort at the time. The only thing I used to purge on sight was /hsg/ and I got static from Redwood for doing it. I don't even remember what the other Disney shows were at the time.
>dipper’s nipples
Do I even want to know?
>ywn send in your demo reel to personally get assassinated by Dana
Why go on?
This is what /gfg/ tended to devolve into, putting into perspective.
You and the other janitors/mods that lorded over this place during 2011-2015 managed to sink user-staff relations to lows that they've only slightly recovered from. You can sit here and act like you were a moral crusader against pinecest and other boogeymen but I was there and remember it being a lot worse. Fanartists, myself included, had to walk on eggshells and friends of mine were banned for completely bogus reasons. My own research showed it was Redwood, but you and that Irish faggot acted as good little cuck white guilted minions to that retarded and incompetent nigger.
They are trannies.
Did something happen to Rough Draft in recent years? I've been watching Futurama again recently and that show STILL looks good, and even early SU Rough Draft episodes are pretty decent.
In order for cartoons to be profitable enough to be made in America you'd need them to actually appeal to kids as a demographic instead of the relatively small 20/30 something subgroup that eats sugarflake cereal while taking a bongrip and watching "Reboot of late 80s/early 90s cartoon #12324". And that would mean no more using cartoons as soapboxes for hack writers who refuse to keep their opinions to themselves, which would immediately disqualify a huge number of creators from the industry. And until someone is willing to tell le stronk 35 year old dog mommy that no, her retarded blogshit isn't welcome in a show about a kid and a creek or a boy and his pet gem people, that will never happen.
And even then they'd have to be made somewhere like Louisiana because states like California keep passing absolutely retarded wage laws that disincline businesses with close profit margins from setting up there
You can see her riding a broom into the sunset with her cougar girlfriend in the teaser
They got worse and worse once digital coloring starting to come to the studio, the cel era of Rough Draft was great but once digital coloring came in the only got worse and worse til the point that they were replaced with JM Animation (now Studio Mir) with Avatar as "best studio in South Korea" back in 2005, now of days outside of Simpsons (and still Akom is doing the "good" episodes now of days) and SpongeBob because of strong American layouts/key animation Rough Draft has gone down the crapper and is no longer the studio it once was back in the 90s.
Once people caught on to what you were doing, the various fandoms started shitposting in each other's threads because they knew they could goad you. It was one of the darkest times on Yea Forums.
>You can sit here and act like you were a moral crusader
Hey hey hey I curated most of the porn I deleted from the site and saved it to a fileshare I posted after I was let go. But it was my actual job (inb4 takes very seriously) to prune smut from a blue board and you saw the autism that other user posted.
>friends of mine were banned for completely bogus reasons
It was halfway through my tenure before moot said to the group in IRC "uh yeah you don't actually have to ban request every infraction, we'd prefer it if you just deleted the pics and save the BRs for serious things." As far as bogus reasons is concerned, by 2014 we had to choose from a dropdown list of rules for BRs.
>My own research showed it was Redwood, but you and that Irish faggot
There were only two Yea Forums janitors, Redwood and myself. No idea who you're calling Irish.
Everything's an imitation of an imitation of an imitation.
That makes a lot of sense.
> But it was my actual job (inb4 takes very seriously) to prune smut from a blue board and you saw the autism that other user posted.
That sort of autism was commonplace on this site. Tame even, by most boards standards. I have no idea why your bosses suddenly decided this place needed to be more like Toonzone or GameFAGS.
>As far as bogus reasons is concerned, by 2014 we had to choose from a dropdown list of rules for BRs.
One of Redwood's favorites for his metagrudges was ban evasion. Couldn't be proven or disproven. Couldn't be appealed. Permanent.
>No idea who you're calling Irish.
His name was cuckullain or some shit. Must've been after you were fired.
Yea, Avatar changed the way Korean animation was viewed.
Huh, I never knew. I thought it was just like fujoshi's.
Rough Draft was always competent but never great, because they were started for the sole purpose of doing outsource work. It's not a group of artists doing what they really wanted to do. Their strength was their output had no personality, which was seen as an asset by prime time cartoon writers for unfathomable reasons. Psychologically, they are every bit the sweatshop depicted in that Banksy Simpsons intro.
>Their strength was their output had no personality.
Which is why John K & Genndy love them.
That Banksy Simpsons intro was from a Akom episode by the way, and Nelson Shin ripped it apart in more ways then one when it came out.
>Nelson Shin ripped it apart in more ways then one when it came out
And that's how we know it was true. Hit too close to home for him to laugh it off.
the owl house girl is shown with some chest it seems unlike the other two
Thank god SMIP is working on the SU movie then.
The thing is Akom was founded by Nelson Shin to improve the lives of Korean animators much like how Greg Vanzo founded Rough Draft and if you see what the inside of these buildings look like they look nothing like what The Banksy Simpsons couch gag resembles.
Closest thing I could find. I dunno if they're alternating with RD like the series but I know I've read something else citing their input on the movie.
Sure, which is why I was careful to say they were like a sweatshop "psychologically." It is pure labor for them. It's someone else's product.
I'm sure Banksy didn't mean for his bit to be taken literally either.
I see then, PC culture really messes you up.
Oh here we go, proper confirmation
>ban evasion
Yeah I rarely used that for exactly that reason. Only mods can tell if even them.
Sounds vaguely familiar, he was probably one of the other jannies who got drafted to replace me.
is it true she is a pedophile
No, but this man is.
We don't even know her voice yet
You can't also put the blame on the storyboarders because their job in a pipeline was NOT meant to be a layout artist. They were suppose to get things done fast just so the story can be viewed in a cutting room. Putting the responsibility on a board artist is equally unfair. Tie downs and layouts were literally not their job, but now they're forced to do it with no pay increase because of shitty higher ups who figured it was a "middle man".
Shout Factory made it, Disney had no hand. There's some swearing in the commentaries and detailing of battles with standards and practices too, which would never had made it in if the Mouse had released the set themselves
Harvey Beaks hired most of its staff from Tumblr and that production went fine (on the studio side of things, the way the network decided to treat it is a different matter) but that had CH Greenblatt at the helm who had more than adequate experience to reign them in.
Hirsch also had trouble with time management on GF (a big problem was that he had never written a script before, ever) but Rob Renzetti basically took over all of the production management duties and got the show on track.
It seems like TOH is really missing that one person high up who actually knows what they're doing
Harvey Beaks also wasn't lore or story heavy but SU was and I believe Dana said that Owl House will be.
A lot of people early on hired for Adventure Time and Regular Show were also people whose only experience were making webcomics and those were good, so I guess as long as you don't try to hire newbies to help make your grand scheme narrative story come true, your production should go fine.
To be fair, most of SU's sloppy boards come from Rough Draft. You rarely see an SMIP animated episode that comes with Connie Balloon Head Quality or something similar, so I don't think it's as cut and dry as "boarder bad, studio good."
Except for you Lamar, get your shit together
Owl House is script driven, so the boarders already have the story pretty much written for them.
Word is they're going to premiere the intro/theme song at the DuckTales panel at SDCC next week.
I wonder if we'll only have a camrip for months as was the case for Amphibia
>I dont remeber
Then you arent Droid, since thats what got him in deep shit when he was a janitor.
He's probably a mod on rHeddit now.
This was before you even knew this place existed, zoomer.
You're referring to cuckolddaine.
He too had a weird grudge against several co fandoms and would engage in the same behavior as redwood and duannemoody.
So when does filming begin on GOTG3, James?
Forget about Dana, how the fuck is Disney so goddamn lenient with these people while they keep leaking tests and parts of the pitch bible and all that? Used to be that even the most inconsequential of leaks would get you fired and sued by the Mouse, and now we have Dana, the fucking showrunner, publicly joking about breaking NDAs on stream. What happened?
That would at least be a good time to show anything
Publicly joking and then actually doing it, mind you. And she put it as a goal on their charity stream which means she didn't even discuss it with Disney beforehand or she wouldn't have to joke about getting in trouble the next day.
Meanwhile, some guy posts an early BCG screenshot on Reddit and loses his entire career and Disney refused to pay him.
>the three following panels aren't filled with nasty sex SFX and/or degenerate banter
Apply yourself.
>surely this documentary that was approved and made by Disney Incorporated will have all of the dirt on them!
Hirsch wasn't a workaholic. Like I said, he was a procrastinating moron who left everything to the last minute and then had to go trough huge workloads, impacted by his inability to delegate and having to micromanage everything, he burned himself out like the dumb unprofessional hack he was. And fucking no-one ever said he turned down Disney to stay true to his vision, you dumb fuck. It's that he burned himself out and/or was seduced by Fox to make an adult-oriented show. I don't know who told you he's never written anything and he's most certainly a manlet.
So she's your average shaftslut broomjockey?
What kind of city have spikes randomly sitting around?
>"Wanna /ll/?"
Now this is some bullshit. Of course OH hasn't aired yet, but still.
Dabbed by the ghoulies
FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKK! The dream is dead Luz/b/ros. Annechads... won
>You can't also put the blame on the storyboarders because their job in a pipeline was NOT meant to be a layout artist.
I'm not blaming only storyboarders, I'm blaming the entire production pipeline from the Western end. I don't care who does the work, it just has to be done before things get sent to the animators. Fair or not, the current system is heavily dependent on the storyboarders being able to draw fast and draw well. So if they aren't willing to pay for layout artists here or give creative control to people over there, then the only option is to hire better storyboard artists.
Or accept that shows produced this way will keep looking the way they do. I'm okay with that, just don't blame the animators.
>To be fair, most of SU's sloppy boards come from Rough Draft
The problem here is that the SU crew explained the bad episodes as them wanting the personality of the storyboarders to shine through. In other words, those episodes are supposed to look that way according to them. They've taken full responsibility for it.
I agree with you about Rough Draft. As I've said earlier, they're a pure outsource studio with no creative direction of any sort. But this is known. Which means the production side here knows they'll only get back something as good as they give.
It's not like the SU crew would throw one of the biggest Korean animation studios used for outsourcing under the bus anyway. Rough Draft Korea could literally be producing absolutely shit work (and by all accounts, are and have, same as their US counterpart) but nobody who's sane would call them out for it since it's a small industry and who knows how many bridges you might burn taking feuds like that public? It just isn't worth it.
Kinda worried that 1/3 of Amphibia pictures are without Anne.
Anne isn't the only character in the show and a lot of people are finding Sasha to be hot.
>The white girl gets more pictures the main, Thai character.
How shallow.
You do realize there are other races out there user, or have you not left the house in years.
What other races?
That's nothing to worry about. It's the other cute girl. You have to worry when trends like in the Ricardo and Mortimer fandom develop: 50% of the porn is gay grandpacest.
what is /ll/ again?
Who are you trying to fool, newfag? Lesbian loli, usually used for older woman and a younger girl, although technically, same as /ss/, also applies to two young partners.
I'm skeptical, but if you're not bullshitting then good; Fillipino studios are better/more lively than korean studios (while Toon City's work on Star vs was a clear downgrade from Mercury's, they were better than Rough Draft and Sugarcube's stuff from later seasons)
Keep forcing it
Pitch bibles get shopped around and leak all the time.
It’s all about how high up you are. A Showrunner can get away with it, a background artist not so much. Do you have more details about the BCG incident?
>(not for production)
pls commit not living if u think this is for the show
Yeah board tests aren’t usually for actual scenes
Sabrina really is a smug piece of shit. But then again she has had a reasonable amount of control over tv series starting at a fairly young age for her position. So it's not like it came from nowhere.
>in the same behavior as redwood and duannemoody
nigga I let /tangled/ (the movie, not the show), /frz/ AND /lps/ AND /shezow/ happen, the only thing I regularly nuked on sight was the shitty sinfest I HATE WOMEN LOL threads.
winny the poo tien ann men massacre free tibet
please stop, Luke
Go away, Alex.
there's not enough people there to animate more than a few seconds of anything per month
social media makes you look "fun" and bypass any talent check.
It doesn't help that for all her shitty attitude and entitled bullshit, she's actually talented. Maybe not head and shoulders above anyone else, but she isn't a hack technically.
Becoming a boarder on a major disney show at 22, being successful and then moving on to your own show at 25 does stroke the ego a bit.
I never promised you that Bikini Cowboy series Luke, you were drunk and wouldn't shut up about it.
twitter is yes-man fantasyland, you obey, you "contribute", you suck cocks bravely. "OR ELSE".
It's pretty bad in animation since people openly blacklist you for a twitter faux pas, and you can count for the memory of your followers to keep the list on check forever.
>”who are you gonna believe? Everyone who worked on the show, or me, a random guy on Yea Forums with no sources or evidence?”
Go home Luke
>it was ok for adventure time, SU and ok ko
>but now the same price and same results aren't enough
>clearly it's the animator's fault and not us abandoning details storyboard and art bible to cut corners!.
What? Sabrina doesn’t have her own show.
This is based on nothing
you lost yourself in your bubble faster than /sug/ ever did
>implying co knows more about a show than its employees
Not him and I don't know about the show drama but the claim that Alex isn't a manlet is preposterous. Anyone who has met him at a con can tell you otherwise. He isn't TURBOMANLET status like Matt Braly but he is definitely height deficient.
yes. She never believe to not be a woman at any moment. The problem is bas translation interpreted by idiots.
Lol are you really going to pretend that a Disney documentary is fair and balanced? After they flipped their shit over Sweatbox & DOSD? I get it you like Alex Hirsch, that’s fine but taking any Disney produced doc as the ultimate truth is peak shill autism
>that line spacing
it's always the same people
that's a little boy you fudge packing homo pedo rapist
What is?
Nope! This is a little boy!
It's not your show any more, Dana
It can be as light as following someone they do not like too. Or failing to unfollow someone that goes bad quickly enough
Ok. I'll bite. Prove it.
How can anyone prove it when no one is ever officially told they are blacklisted themselves? They just do not get hired anymore. How is a third party supposed to go find out the actual irrefutable proof to satisfy random user on Yea Forums?
The loads and loads of tweets from May of 2018 with boarders and animators threatening blacklisting of anyone who says the first negative word about thundercats was not enough for you?
Alex is still not going to hire you
So nothing?
Got it.
Summerfag, got it
that's there secret user it is nothing, and it's nothing covered in ez pz fanboy sauce.
You want people to go dig through year old tweets just for you?
Still nothing? You could at least made a fake screencap or something.
Sure, why not.
How about you go to twitter, go look up thundercats roar and go reading
You know where it is, who said it, and when it happened....but somehow can't seem to bother grabbing the very thing to back up your claims.
Almost as if, everything you said might be....bullshit?
How about you do it for me, faggot.
You made the claim
You said you know who did it
now go get it
I'm waiting
We're waiting
how about that proof
if your talking about that edited screen cap where an user removed the context of them calling a boarder a worthless cunt to get a reaction, and then screen capped a section of it for outrage fags like yourself i will beat you to death for still believing that.
Talking shit about a reboot won't get you blacklisted.
Making art where you date a character on a show you work on will get you blacklisted.
And possibly committed.
you got a source, you just refuse to read it.
Think user was referring to the backlash about Thundercats Road thing where a bunch of smug boarders like Corey Barnes and Niko Coleo were making really non-subtle hunts about how students complaining will find themselves blacklisted
And you have......absolutely fucking nothing. SHOW it or you are just bullshitting
I see
These were actually subliminal calls for action to hunt potential animators for sport.
I can see why this is problematic.
>pics or it didn't happen
>it's a "I'm a phone poster I can't google it's the same as you not proving me wrong" episode
if you act like an unhinged fuck of a human being with any account attached to your real name or work history.
i know facebook normalized putting every bit of fucking detail for anyone too see along with your real name, but if you expect companies to not do a history check now a days i really don't know what too tell you.
so what will be the excuse? "it doesn't count", "it's shooped" "it was a joke you don't understand" or simply "have sex, incel nazi"?
>some litterals who with no connection to the industry
Sure retard
>it's an edited screen shot directly referencing this
post the context user
Luke and EZ are working overtime tonight!
So this is not a boarder or showrunner of any kind. Just some literal who mouthing off trying to look scary.
I believe I asked for PROOF of some kind. Which you did not deliver
I'm sure you here insults on a daily basis.
And rightfully so.
citation needed
Well...nevermind. LARPing summerfag
hold up i actually still have the context pic of outrage fags autistic screeching, it'll take a bit as i have it saved to an old external.
Sure you do
>Let me shop a pic real quick, give me a few minutes
Just think
When the Owl House actually comes out, it will get much worse than this
and I got a bingo! You proved why you didn't deserved more than links to begin with, you are fanatically refusing reality at this point. Nothing count, nothing matter, only the sacred feelings of the "superior authority" you defend on social media.
This is just sad
that you refuse the proof you asked? yeah, it's terrible, you never grew up and expect the respect of an adult. It's gonna bring the whole industry down sooner or later. No wonder you cling to "superior authorities" to fix your mess.
>You proved why you do not deserve the thing I made up!
Yeeaaa, that must be it. Surely it's not because you have no fucking way to back up a single claim and you are doing this instead of admitting you made it all up.
No, I mean your life. It's really sad. The only way I could think of improving it is for you to kill yourself.
but i do
sure bud just like your fellow outrage warriors just did.
kill yourself keyboard warrior
>another nobody
Wow, you really showed me, user!
>so obsessed with his precious mob mentality that he can't connect the dots
go over the 3 images slowly.
It's actually Maddie, the goth froggo, who makes up the bulk of non-Anne Amphibia porn, not Sasha.
Hmm, yes. It is I who is obsessed here.
you sure are outrage culture drone #478901, you sure are.
Gee, I sure am.
You read me like a book, user.
Owls kill frogs.
Owl House is going to be the worst thing to hit Yea Forums next year.
Keep forcing it, Luke
the threads are going to be as bad as she- ra at this rate, makes me tempted to just watch the fucking show and wait for it too appear on /trash/.
>nobody's count, they just work in the industry they don't COUNT if I haven't met them personally and licked their transition scars OK
>No, I mean your life. It's really sad.
o noooo people actually back up their argument it's so sadddd they don't pray every hour to twitter false gods and corporate slavery o nooooooooooooooo I'm so sad to not be approved by a sub human bootlicker o my goooood
God is dead and we killed him
Don't be an assblasted fag, just put some effort into your shitposting and false narrative
Luz is hot and all, but the plot is basically LWA.
Homeschool with Crazy Old Aunt instead of Witch Academy, but yeah.
But from the teaser it look like Luz also goes to a magic school
Redpill me on the Luke thing. Ive heard something about "Alex cucked him with Dana!" But that just sounds like Yea Forums projecting its own fetishes and fantasies on animation "celebs"
To me it sounds like a bunch of people taking advantage of Dana's melodrama.
lose association to Yea Forums figuring out the "inside source" of a youtubers attempt at understanding what is wrong with the animation industry, when in reality it was just some edgy internet warrior who happens to be an encyclopedia dramatica admin with an idiot audience,you know the kind that use pepes as profile pictures and take /gfg/ shitposts as divine fact, but basically Yea Forums found a suspicious tweet by the dude who had no text but the joker doing that hospital scene, this lined up with him being the only person that had worked on all 3 shows, star vs the forces of evil, steven u, and gravity falls. as well as the youtubers own admission that there inside source had worked on all three shows, basically there is this one obsessed sperg stain of a human being copy pasting shit posts, saving them for years, and then giving them too youtubers so youtube kiddies who can't think for themselves can feel validated.
Fujos are where the fags are.
Am I a bad person for liking /ll/ of I’m actual born female and self insert as the little girl with only attraction to the MiLF?
>Don't be an assblasted fag
o the irony. you asked and got served, they cried it didn't count and started to fling shit at the people who educated you. At this point you should unironically consider suicide. Your parents didn't deserve that embarasment
I'm guilty of doing this too.
You have excellent taste and I'm glad to share a board with you. Also same.
You are a bad person for not posting your tits.
So, about the same reason for most males who like /ss/?
what is the best screen tablet for performance and value, asking for a friend (the friend is me)
Amphibia=gravity falls
Owl house=Steven universe
Can we all agree?
Amphibila = Billy Dilly's Subterranean Adventure
Owl House = Beetlejuice
Amphibia = Magic Knight Rayearth
Owl House = Little Witch Academia
Both y'alls wrong
Amphibia = Apocalypto
Owl House = Suspiria
Amphibia = Amphibia
The Owl House = The Owl House
Amphibia = Brown Girl
The Owl House = Brown Girl
So... if i know my math, then
Amphibia = The Owl House
Huions suck ass. Which is why I had to save money and buy a Wacom Cintiq.
He deleted his cautionary tale Reddit post explaining the incident a long time ago but he was a closed-captioner with a cushy job where he was making good money doing it from home. In the episode "Paint Misbehavin'" Cricket paints a picture of Trogdor from Homestar Runner and this guy was captioning it and thought it was amusing so he posted a screencap of it somewhere around 3-4 months before airdate. Disney caught wind, he tried to profusely apologize but it was too late, and now dude has to get a job working as a janitor 9 hours a day.
Yes! It's perfect deductive reasoning!
That was fucked up on Disney's part. It did no real harm, and let's face it, this show could use all the advertisement it could get.
>fix it
>breaks again anyway
i don't think you understand what "unreliable" means
>chink cheap shit
>worth fixing
>chink software
Reminder that storyboards for 90s shows were generally extremely rough because they had in-house layout and cleanup artists so the boarders could focus on writing jokes, while nowadays boarders essentially are doing 3 jobs in the same amount of time and for the same (relative) amount of pay as they got to do sketches back then.
They're not bad at their jobs just because they can't deliver absolute perfection within a very tight deadline.
>Hayden Myers
>”in the industry”
I worked at one of these overseas studios a while. I can only speak from the experience I had while I was there as a fresh grad. I can think of 2 possibilities:
1) When the studio sends out their test for the show they have their best staff work on it. This doesn't reflect the maybe 70% of new blood workforce they constantly have cycling out, because there is no financial retention for developing their skills with said studio. So yeah there's bound to be some disappointing shots going back their way.
2) A company can't make their mind up. There was one show I worked on that the animators treated like the plague. It had so many unpaid changes (animation not perfect, character designs constantly updated, animation style changed) everyone downright refused to work on it and it halted the production completely. I still don't know what happened to that product. That's another direction it could have gone through.
(I had to quit because I couldn't afford to live in the city anymore, I burned through all my savings hoping to 'make it')
On a side note: I would not be surprised if some of the leaks were made by some freshies at these 3rd party studios. You can worm you way into bringing some bible refs/scenes home to work on if it's crunch time.
Taylor C. works at CartoonNetwork.
You worked at SMIP? Or someplace else
Okay? Crop out the other nobody, then.
Maybe don't throw an autistic fit because a comment was included in a relevant picture.
Someplace else in the Philippines. I don't want to say the name because they'd probably figure out who I am and blacklist me for even bringing this stuff up.
Gotcha, say no more.
>two posts
>throwing an autistic fit
You’re a big fat baby.
Pointing it out at all as if that changed the point makes it autistic, yes. Telling the person to "crop it out next time" because it triggers you just to physically see it is also autistic.
The paintfag archives are down though
I don't envy them. But they gotta do what they gotta do. As I've said earlier, the ideal way going forward should be to pay for real directors at the animation studio and empower them to call the shots. That's how the Disney and WB cartoons did it in the 90s with the Japanese, that's how Studio Mir is doing it now.
They can't keep storyboarding these shows as if they're flash/rigged.
bless ya user
It depends on the production. Invader ZIM, Avatar, and Ed Edd n Eddy, for example had VERY tight storyboards.
It’s actually very typical for anime studios to look for new animators on social media. It’s because there’s not enough people on the industry considering how many titles come out every season and the episode is about to air. It’s sad but this is the state and future of 2D animation.
Sounds like something a big fat baby would say.
k, autismo.
Of course it varied based on the showrunner's desires for the show, if anything I seem to recall that Bryan Konietzko's boards for Zim were overly elaborate (often drawing a complete background, basically like finished comics panels) to the point of causing problems for the overseas studio.
And despite being relatively recent Regular Show had rough boards (sketches on sticky notes) and in-house cleanup/layout too, the animatics they sent to Korea were very elaborate and essentially fully finished (albeit uncolored) keyframes, and they didn't put that responsibility on the boarders.
Lots of different styles of production out there, but it's just gotten a lot more common on the whole to skip steps.
>Amphibia = Magic Knight Rayearth
When are the mechs coming in?
or should I say Giant Magical Armor?
>how dare people be coherent and know what they talk about
what a childish tantrum
>Has a tantrum
>Accuses others of having a tantrum
Imagine being this triggered by a comment included in a relevant-to-the-argument tweet.
Any fantasies about the milf breastfeeding you, asking for a friend