So, which ones applied to you Yea Forums?

So, which ones applied to you Yea Forums?

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Reminder not to reply to spamming chartfags.

Sailor Moon and Sakura

Xena was never cute and I watched more Angel than Buffy. Watched life action Sabrina too.

>>Kim's navel

God, do shows these days even have exposed navels, or have they be lost to this pc sjw infected clown world.

>openly be pissy about sister taking the tv to watch gay girly ass totally spies
>she drops it in one show
>I watch it until high school

God damn just dilate already you faggot

Exposed navels are simply out of fashion. No SJW conspiracy here.

They're going to come back as fashion rolls into early 2000s nostalgia soon.

Totally Spies, Kim Possible, W.I.T.C.H., Hi Hi Puffy Amy Yumi, and Teenage Robot.

fuck off witchfag

None, I liked them because the boys were cute

What's the show between Lizzie and Charmed?

I don’t even know any of these shows other than Totally Spies

Jenny, Sailor Moon, And Xena.

Teenage Robot, kinda
Totally Spies
Hihi puffy whatever it’s spelled

In hindsight, I should have tried Kim Possible. I did get around to Sailor Moon later, though

It's Avril Lavigne, a female pop-rock star that was absurdly popular in the 00s, to the point where if I was interacting with any of my female relatives, her CD would be played on the stereo or in the car.

Jenny , of course

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Was MLaaTR girly? Even if the protag was a girl it didn't feel that way at all.

>tenchi muyo is girly

Wait. what the fuck?! Its a goddamned self insert harem show

the only one of the cartoons shown which even gets the 'girly' label is Sailor Moon. And I mean, it's basically just a superhero show but with a powerup sequence that gives them nails and earrings and frillies.

That kid who thought Kim Possible was for girls was a retard.

Totally Spies is not a children's cartoon, it's Discount Fetish Warehouse.

I have no idea what you're talking about user

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let's please not turn this thread into a totally spies fetish thread.

(let's just go start one)

>Tenchi Muyo
I didn't realize being straight was girly

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I honestly liked Charmed, Sakura, Sabrina and Xena. I didn't get into Sailor Moon until much older but still loved it.

The rest I mostly recognize them because of porn.

Everything bar Xena, Avril, and Buffy.

Xena, Sailor Moon, Buffy. Only I ended up liking them for very different reasons.

I started watching Sailor Moon.

When I was in high school.

I started watching Sailor Moon.

During my first year of college


>Wanting to stick your dick in a girl
>Not girly

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Totally Spies, Sakura Card Captor and the live action Sabrina.

that image is just cope for closet faggots

I had a Sailro Moon collection

>Totally Spies
Those French people knew exactly what they were doing.

>Sailor Moon
Those Japanese people knew exactly what they were doing.

>Tenchi Muyo
Just because the lady characters were well-written doesn't mean it wasn't a harem show.

My Life as a Teenage Robot

I watched Kim Possible as well, but only because I thought it was really cool

Reminder that puffy yumi was a garbage show.

Kim Possible is the only one I realised was hot as a kid, I watched Totally Spies and Puffy Amiyumi but it never clicked.
Also Wizards of Waverly Place, Selena Gomez is great.

In all honesty I didn't like any of these except... Is that Britney Spears back when she was cute? Hell yeah, I was into that! Especially her outfit in "Lucky", shit song but I loved her in that one.

My mom liked Xena but I thought Xena was annoying and preferred watching Star Trek with her. My cousin liked Cardcapitivators and Sailor Moon, and while Sailor Moon was at least watchable (I like pokemon better though and that was on at the same time on a different channel, and if given the choice I always picked pokemon) but Cardcaptivators was really, really boring. My friends liked Buffy and Charmed but I thought the main characters were annoying there too.

I did listen to girly music and watch girly music videos though. Britney Spears, Shakira (and her music was actually good too!), Christina Aguilera, and there were some others but I can't remember their names. Back when I was a kid I used to imagine having a trampoline party with all of them.

Buffy, but I preferred Angel at the time. Having rewatched them recently I'm not sure why, Buffy is a far better show.

I watched bits and pieces of Xena but never got fully into it.

I also watched Winx Club but since when Xena was considered to be girly show?

>Buffy is a far better show.
No. Buffy is fucking awful. Hated it then, hate it now.
Angel is at least watchable.

buffy, charmed, xena, and melissa joan hart sabrina. i didn't have cable back in the day.

Out of all of those I only enjoyed Xena.
Also, where's Alias and La Femme Nikita? Also good shows.

I watched totally spies and hi puffy amiyumi, not because I thought they were cute, but because I thought their shows were good
although I think they are cute now

Teenage Robot for Jenny, Sailor Moon for those skirts and Totally Spies for skintight suits and fetishes.

>being a waifufag in elementary school

Nani? I didn't give a fuck about girls until I was 12-13, let alone enough to sit through shows I disliked just to gawk at them at an age where I didn't even fap yet.

Also I didn't know Buffy was a girl's show as a kid so that one.

Angel is 90% pointless monster of the week episodes, except when it's devolving into soap opera melodrama so dumb they later make fun of it themselves. Season 5 is the only actually good one.

Buffy has one or two dud seasons but on the whole is consistently good, has more satisfying arcs and a stronger cast of characters.

Totally Spies

I didn't watch any of those shows because I thought they were for faggots

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>is consistently good
More like consistently trash.
>has more satisfying arcs
No. Nothing about that shitty show is "satisfying".
>stronger cast of characters.
Buffy "characters" are all fucking garbage except Giles.

Totally Spies, Xena, Charmed, Witch, Sailor Moon, Horse Show


Considering how fanny packs are making a big comeback I wouldn't mind exposed navels.
I think it only becomes a weird situation if every chick in the school has one.


I mean, have you seen how most women have been wearing crop tops and high jeans? I'm sure it'll appear soon enough

>Wizards of Waverly Place

For that reason? None of them, really. I watched Kim Possible and the Sabrina cartoon but I didn't waifu either of their titular characters. My first waifu was pic related.

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