What's up with the American Dad threads lately? Is it just one guy who keeps spamming it...

What's up with the American Dad threads lately? Is it just one guy who keeps spamming it, or does Yea Forums actually like this piece of MacFarlane garbage now?

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Yea Forums and Yea Forums liked it for a long time. Are you someone who left the board or got banned in the 00s and recently came back?

No idea. AD peaked in the early to mid 2010s when FG’s quality became attention grabbers or garbage depending on the episode.

People have Nostalgia for the fox seasons after the TBS seasons have been disappointing

I've been a Yea Forums regular since 2015. I've only seen a flood in American Dad love threads in the past few months

This isn't and never has been MacFarlane's show. His name is on there and he voices characters, but he has nothing to do with the writing process whatsoever which makes it funnier than all of his other shit by default.

Yea Forums likes it, but someone IS spamming threads

The new season has been pretty solid. Rabbit Ears might be one of their best episodes ever.

Hope they keep making threads

American Dad is actually good bro. I used to think it was just the same Family Guy trash reheated over again too until I ended up dorming with a guy who watched it.

It's better than Family Guy and The Sneedsons

Attached: Dad!.png (894x736, 341K)

I'm here. And temporarily drunk

And yet here you are, starting a thread. You are contributing to the madness.

>His name is on there and he voices characters, but he has nothing to do with the writing process whatsoever
Just like Modern (aka bad) Family Guy yet people always blame that on him. Funny that

I'm officially declaring this cartoon dead on account of Roger flossing

Are you someone who just opposes MacFarlane for no reason?

Granted The Orville started off like getting donkey punched in the ass for an hour, but I hear it gets better.

American Dad has always been popular on this board. But the daily threads are new they usually popped up once a week.

That being said we are currently in the middle of a season so it makes sense that more threads are being made.

I'd argue that American Dad is the best of "Seth's shows". Been rewatching the show for the last few days and it's really good.


Attached: Sonic Beware! This is an American-Dad thread.jpg (2592x1944, 752K)

there was some pretty good episodes this season

yea what the hell people are discussing a cartoon on here???????

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