I'll start us off
Greatest Momemts in comic history
Other urls found in this thread:
>is incinerated after this
>no real burial
>nothing but bones and ash
hot, max made him his bitch
Nice edit faggot, everyone knows Ted killed himself.
delet this
The entire plot of Maxwell Lord being a secret bad guy who wanted to defame meta-humans while being the backer of the JLI was stolen from the X-Factor/X-Men Cameron Hodge storyline, at least Max didn’t become a crazy cyborg for what I know.
Bold of DC to tackle such a heavy concept as depression and suicide. I was sad to see Blue Beetle go but his death did leave a lasting impact on me and made me more keenly aware of my own mental health issues and suicidal tendencies and seeing his friends devastated after the fact, especially Booster Gold, made me realize how suicide wasn't the answer.
It was originally going to be Mr. Jupiter, the benefactor of the original Teen Titans. They would reveal he was actually Omen's dad and went mad with grief after her death so now he blames the entire superhero community for letting her die. Didio and the rest of editorial thought there wasn't enough of a shock factor to his identity and most readers would go "who?" so they changed him to Max Lord.
>Didio and the rest of editorial
Is Didio genuinely behind EVERY bad idea at DC?
Bugs the hell out of me...Max came back, Ted didn't. Yeah, yeah, the 07 Booster Gold run kinda hinted that Ted came back from the dead too but we'll never know.
Ted equals dead. It’s a very simple equation user.
Didio has been in charge for a good while and this idea concerned an event comic that would affect the entire line so it's kind of a given he was involved. That's like being surprised Quesada had a hand in Civil War. It's like, no shit.
Unironically yes.
Every bad decision DC's made in the last wo decades can be traced back to Didio in some way. Maybe not Didio alone, but he's always a common factor ever since he gained his clout.
Remember, no writer is responsible for their works. It's all Didio's fault.
Based Water Spock
That time Icemaiden was painfully flayed alive
>nothing personel
This is different since event comics are 100% overseen and practically written by editorial since they have to veto all the shit that happens in it. That doesn't make writers blameless and if you choose to put your name on this shit that's on you, people who blindly blame Didio for everything are dipshits for sure, but editors do have a hand on Big Two titles, this is a well known and documented phenomenon.
so this is an ironic thread, or what's going on here?
What in the flying fuck?
What kind of sick asshole would do this?
I know I would. Just look at those adorable suffering metas. It's like the took a cock up the ass.
More so than anything else, Big Two superhero comics have proven themselves to be an interesting social experiment on what happens when a shared universe is given to different people throughout the years, some choose to build and many others to tear down.
hot, he literally ate her out
Based Robot
Ah..back in the day when Doom is a bad guy and not a "good" guy with extreme methods
I mean, there's also the other problem, when you let one autist control a universe for too long.
Here's a personal favorite of mine. What I love about comics these days is how they allow these genius authors to convey their monumental, unbridled literary prowess with complete and total class. These are high-brow stories for smart and mature adults.
>Civilization diplomacy
>in which Doom's eyeballs are replaced with tiny gun turrets
This is an edit, right?
That's for smart and mature adults? I thought that's for hack to get a cheap buck.
Yes villains rape. They are bad people. I never understood why people have a problem with a villain raping. Way more villains should be like Purple Man unless they lack a dick like Ultron. Sexual needs are a thing.
nice 911, rapist
Yeah, but that's just basic artistic hackery. The Big Two are interesting because you have people who want to add to their universes and people who think certain things are dumb and don't deserve to exist, and many times those two camps share a lot of members, and you see that phenomenon happen in the span of many generations.
Goddamnit, that fucking face on Light.
>I just had the *best* idea!
To think villains shouldn’t rape make you a rapist because you’re saying that rape isn’t something evil and immoral.
It's weird to see a moment like that happen in a flashback set in a time period where these superhero comics were sold almost exclusively to children.
Rape is based.
It just seems retarded on his part considering there ARE members of the justice league who believe in lethal force.
You're not just guaranteed to get off with a "well, going to prison", you could easily get killed by wonderwoman or get put into a body cast for a year because "that's not killing" by one of the others.
The hack idea of Wonder Woman being okay with killing wasn't a thing in the Satellite era (she wasn't a member of this line-up in the Post-Crisis canon either anyway)
fuck yeah!
Not sure why you replied to me, friendo
yeah, but it's still real good
meant for
Oh yeah that scene was fetishized. Jessica Jones handled rape well because they never actually showed the rape itself but the consequences of it. My point is though the act of raping from a villain with no boundaries shouldn’t be out of the question.
I don't like praising Bendis but I'll admit he did acknowledge in the narrative that his Purple Man stuff wasn't the norm in the era those flashbacks took place and it was more of a look at the darker implications that slipped through the cracks. Identity Crisis sort of did this but it was more in a condescending "you didn't think those dumb kids comics told you the WHOLE story, did you?" kind of way, which oddly sounds like a thing Bendis would do.
>tfw you will never rape a qt 16 year old farm girl, kill her father, gangbang her sister, gangbang her mother, and use her impaled corpse as a message to a cripple, a mad dog, and a delicious brown tomboy
feels bad man
Max literally was a cyborg before this, but Didio told Johns to shut up and that everyone had forgotten about that
Deadpool before deadpool existed?
Too chill
You know how JLA Classified had a bunch of veteran writers and artists doing random story arcs that took place in bits of old continuity?
JSA Classified was supposed to be like that. Except, the talent ran out something like 12 issues in, and the rest of the series was filled with terrible stories like the one above. The guy who wrote that has pretty much only written a few other random issues.
No one cared about the original Icemaiden (her most prominent story in a decade had been that she was bisexual and was trying to do fuck-therapy with Fire), so that skinning stuck.
Didn’t Bendis write Jessica Jones watching Purple Man be abusive and not actually doing anything to her? I was talking about the TV Show where she actually got raped.
Oh, I thought you meant the comic since that was the point of my post you replied to, that having Dr. Light rape someone in a flashback set in a time where comics were still mostly for kids was very odd.
Wasn’t really though? There were already a lot of mature comics dealing with mature themes but yes Identity Crisis is just terrible overall. Also the worst part for me wasn’t even that part but that goddam Deathstroke fight.
Why doesn’t he bite off her breasts first?
Was it vaginal or anal?
For some reason I really like the posses here.
porque no los dos?
By the way, I want to make it clear that I’m against showing of rape because some sick fuck will fetishizes it but I’m all for dealing with more mature themes.
because we're talking about gay sex here.
I see this every what's the context?
I don’t know how iconic this is but I think it always stays with me because of how gruesome the art is.
Ted Kord committing suicide
This issue was fantastic at least. A great, great tribute to Ted
whats this from
Is that quote from somewhere else?
is this a real comic? what issue is it?
Rape is much harder to justify to oneself and others then stealing money and even killing someone out of revenge/gain.
How come death ceases to exist on a conceptual level but the speed force doesn't?
Wasn't there a silver age Superman story where he had an evil twin that did this exact thing?
>gangbang her sister, gangbang her mother,
The strange part, to me, is how this is in the background and, depending on the scan, isn't too clear to make out, but was apparently necessary.
>thinking about this stuff
why not?
can't let choice ass and pussy go to waste
Only the most retarded villains do thing for a "just" cause
Who was in the wrong here?
farm girl for aiding traitors
Not sure. Terry Pratchet said something similar in Discworld's Carpe Jugulam, but that might have come after the silver surfer issue.
This should happen more often. Scott doesn't deserve happiness he's going to be written like a fucking fag.
It's not the greatest but reading this in the Avengers No Road Home #10 storytime got me into reading comics as a hobby. I thought this was badass. I couldn't find a scan online so I took a picture of it on my phone.
>don't show rape because someone will fetishize it!
People are going to do that whether you display it or not.
Damn what did Scott do to you? He kill your dog or something?
The least you can do is not give them the tools and facilitate their fetish. Hence, rape in comic books is cheap by design. See Alan Moore.
what's this from?
Honestly I think the problem is less that Rape is used than the fact that it's historically been used as a cheap shock gimmick.
If you do use it it should be like Invincible did it, lasting effects, trauma, consequences not only for the victim but for the Rapist themselves as their actions reverberate through the storyline.'
If it's just one and done for the issue then all you did was put in a sex scene and tell us that the villain was a bad guy.
It's like the Goblin slayer rape scenes vs the Beserk ones. In the Goblin slayer novel it was suitably horrific, but in the manga and the anime it was just used for shock value and then basically discarded. Rape came up again of course, but only as a sort of prod to remind the viewer that "hey these guys rape as well as murder" which the initial scene should have already established.
In Berserk not only is Guts rape as a child used as a reason for his severe distrust of people in general and as a reason for the fact that Casca and Griffith were immense factors in his life for crossing those barriers he put up as a consequence of that earlier trauma, the betrayal of the Hawks and Casca's rape by Griffith has fueled Gut's mad rampage across multiple kingdoms and continents.
And now I've realized I just wrote a damn dissertation about rape scenes in comics at ass o'clock in the morning thanks to you assholes.
Is this Moon Knight if he were written in to Family Guy?
Is that a vagina
"Dear Diary: Jackpot!"
farm girl has a nice ass
I imagine Titania is saying YES! like M. Bison.
>He threatens a bunch of diplomats, thinking he has presidents and actual ministers trapped in there.
Oh how innocent comics used to be.
Not kidding I would read a comic where drunken Moon Knight would be on a quest to get his money back from an asshole Dracula.
Mad Max is already doing comic crossovers?
I stand by it.
Stand by this being a product of the time and it bringing the worst event in Marvel Comics?
What issue?
You can't blame Civil War for One More Day. One More Day happened because ya boi Joey Q had a mental breakdown because Spider-Man had too much character development. All Civil War did was make some of the best mainstream comics of the 2000s.
In the chapter before this, he's having an orgy with tons of bitches. He died way too soon if you ask me.
How did Beetle come back from this?
You’re saying he was a huge faggot?
Nah, he fucked a lot of bitches but didn't Donovan Guts when he ambushed the Hawks.
Casca almost got tongued/dicked
I’m not sure what you’re getting at here
Doctor Manhattan/Bendis Tampering
>All Civil War did was make some of the best mainstream comics of the 2000s
>capeshitters actually believe this
What the fuck is up with those boots?
Prove me wrong, then.
I like when marvel writers plagiarize Morrison too user.
Millar's good comics can be counted on one hand and Civil War was definitely not one of them.
Worse. They actually think they should dictate how the movies are made.
No God King Doom ?
Only if you're a massive Doomfag, Secret Wars was pretty shitty.
The funniest part about Secret Wars is when you realize that the Shield is literally just the Wall from GoT but there's Ultron on the other side in addition to the zombies and the goddamn Thing's in there for some fucking reason
Is this an Overwatch reference?
does this image give anyone else a chub
Yeah it was pretty dark to see Ted commit suicide.
Imagine any giant buff woman stating "This is Delicious!"
I don't get why you guys are talking about Ted's suicide when OP's pic is just Wonder Woman holding a sword.
Can someone explain the meme?
Fuck off scourge was great.
Flash, Volume 2, issue 141
In Brightest Day: Justice League: Generation Lost (which is a good book despite the ungainly title), Max Lord brainwashed the world into forgetting he ever existed and that Ted Kord committed suicide.
Crazy how JMS' shitty pre-New 52 Wonder Woman run actually made the ending of JL:GL better.
He's a bit of a dick
Invincible was such a trash comic, the only reason you can't say it was dragged out too long was because Walking Dead was dragged out so much longer.
Holy shit that writing
How would he rip the leg off if she isnt held in place by something?
Tyler is such a nerd
I wish I could believe this was deliberate.
When you go big with these stories where the fuck do you go with it? Do you just go the DBZ route and just keep going up and just make up bigger shit till just becomes all really dumb?
Nah, it's good
>some choose to build and many others to tear down
So Marvel and DC are basically boomer minecraft?
The only worthwhile part from that bag of dicks mini.
Why is there a woman's bare ass more than prominently on display?
Has Ares come back yet?
Yeah that's a little gratuitous. I mean, I get this is a hospital, and the problem is her back so it makes sense that she'd be topless I guess, but was there some rule against giving the poor gal some pants? I get the straps even, she's in a lot of pain and potentially a harm to herself and others in her current state, but for goodness sake get the lady some drawers!
Shearing force. It's doable, but she'd essentially become a blood fountain after that. She'd go into shock before she could make that face. Then die.
Scott Beatty is the writer.
The villain is a woman who was the original donor of the first replacement body of the Utra-Humanite. One of his henchmen saved her by putting her brain into the body of an overdose victim, and eventually into the body of her own daughter. She kept 'upgrading' it out of vanity.
Gruesome story.
Pretty good, eh?
It was from 'Countdown'(To Infinite Crisis).
Ted Kord (the Blue Beetle) had discovered a conspiracy, but none of his superhero friends believed him or even took him seriously. So he went at it alone.
In the end he discovered that A) the conspiracy involved Checkmate, which is basically SHIELD for DC and B) the guy behind it was Maxwell Lord, one of his oldest friends and allies (and former manager of the JLA with his own telepathic powers), who revealed he planned to get rid of all superheroes since he believed they were a negative influence on humanity. He asked Ted to join and he said 'No', so Max shot him. In a sense, this was the end of an era for DC and the beginning of another, darker one.
Marvel has never recovered from this moment.
Jack Chick, whose last name was cockney rhyming slang...
Why? Because Spiderman rejected the uniform?
I love that Morrison fanboys think he has a monopoly on those ideas, like he's not a thieving hack already
"Nice taste in TVs, man"
The Butlering really does it for me. It's cheap and pulpy, but such a good moment.
I agree that it's realistic that villains would be prone to rape, but there's still something about using it in a storyline that it almost always ends up feeling cheap and tacky.
Assuming supervillains work on the same demographics and principles as regular criminals, sex offenders (of all kinds) would make up around 15% of the total supervillain population. They'd also account for 1/3rd of all supervillain on supervillain murders.
Supervillain rapists feel cheap and tacky because not only would they logically face backlash from other supervillains, there are enough powerhouse female villains to make their continued survivable questionable.
I want to see more villain vs villain stuff
>no ones posted it
Yeah if being rapey is one of that villain's main characteristics it works better I think. Jessica Jones did it well and I think even the scene in Watchmen works. But when you have a villain who's normally on about world domination or trying to kill everyone, showing them raping just feels like the writer is trying to be edgy and that's why it feels tacky.
This too.
Hardy has forever ruined Bane for me. I can't read any dialogue by him and not have my head make him sound like a weirdo French waiter.
I can't believe you fuckers haven't posted something of watchmen yet
I can't believe Steve Jobs died of ligma.
Now now, Tom King
The speed force exists on a deeper level than death does in the DCU. Death is only universal while the Speedforce is multiversal and exists at the very core of existence.
>Death is only universal
>the Speedforce is multiversal
Somebody hasn't read the Marvel vs DC crossover.
The last page of Ennis' slavers arc of punisher max for me. Dont have a picture but that story f'd me up.
Shame, i always hear his TAS voice in my head.
Different Multiverses
It was written by Ewing. A person who is known for taking ideas from Morrison's DC work such as for his Ultimates run.
Marvel multiverses > DC Multiverses
Yes, we need realism in these stories about a billionaire dressed as a bat fighting an evil clown, a space alien fighting a smart dude and a blind guy beating the shit out of crime.
So he's too good of a guy to be with?
This is the kind of woman who marries a man that beats her. All the while thinking it's a good thing
>reminder that Ant-man was right to slap that abusive bitch
who's Steve Jobs?
invincible never failed to make me smile
Why can’t they just both be good?
I first heard Bane form Arkham, so I hear a strong Spanish accent.
really, how did he think he would walk away from this a winner?
>wears a toupée that obvious
Genetics is a bitch, huh?
Sometimes people just want to be themselves, not part of a relationship but it doesn't mean they don't still enjoy some romance. You never felt that way. Anyways she's being kind to him and not leading him on when she knows she's not feeling the same way he is.
robot a good boi he din du nuffin
not sure what’s happening here
>Way more villains should be like Purple Man
Pathetic laughable jokes? I'm sure lots of villains already are that.
Wonder Woman's most memorable moment.
holding a giant jar filled with supermans sperm.
Get ready
Looks like Batman's dad planned his wive's death. For some reason.
wasn't even his real father, just some crazy guy who later gets burried alive by joker
I laughed
Fuck Red Hulk
Back when King could write.
Guys a treasure
[Frankmode activated]
could someone edit this so wondie is biting her lip?
Last panel Looks like Kira
This and the issue where Hal catches up to Lightray to save the Allfather are the most hype Green Lantern issues ever.
Got to say, as questionable as the quality of the event was over all, both of those scenes actually disturbed me and brought a little gravity to what being a super hero could mean on any given day when you aren't Superman. The latter was especially unpleasant.
fuck off didio
>Wesker: The Early Years
Keep defending bad writing tranny.
>Bob Kane Art Museum
It's like pottery
Whatever gets you fucked in your ass I guess.
>it's just a bunch of clown paintings made by uncredited artists
Man this is bad reading it now. We liketo bitch but actually have it so good in a lpt of ways these days.
It’s really not that bad
Ohh I wasn't implying the writing was good. how did you know I was a transsexualvelociraptor...?
The story it's telling is compelling, but the way it's written is pretty clumsy and bad. Erase Spiderman from history and then bring it out exactly as written now and it would be a laughing stock even if the art was contemporary.
It was made for kids
I don't think that I've ever been for hyped for a story arc than for this final arc of Batman & Robin (and I'm pretty sure I'll never be again)
lmao yeah sure bud.
Frank is really frank, frank
more hyped, fuck
back when Aaron was great
Lame. Superman saves a goth kid with a hug. All of Superman's suicide scenes suck and are pandered blatant pathos garbage
That's part of my point.
Why would uncle Ben be robbing his own house?
He had to destroy the box with his fucked up porn and the plan went wrong
>There's nothing here worth saving
Good luck there happened to be an armed burglar in there at the same time, or aunt May might never have learned of his evil.
is this loss?
That part of the story is actually a recap of the previous issue. It was meant to be short and choppy.
Ain’t pronouns a kick?
Poor Supes is about to get bulter'd.
So you chose to post one of the worst written versions of one of the greatest moments?
No. It’s actual the first official telling of the story in Spider-Man’s first own title.
Just because you personally find it to be terribly written doesn’t mean everyone needs to cater to that.
classic meyer
Legit laughed out loud at the last two panels. Holy shit.
How is it the first official telling if it's a recap of the previous issue?
Because (as I literally just said) it happens in Spider-Man’s first solo title.
I disliked Aaron's Punisher coming off the heels of Ennis but it had some nice scenes.
>Sexual needs
That's not why rape happens, and the fact that you think that way makes you sound like a fucking rapist yourself, please die
This alongside Plastic Man were the two greatest things about Injustice.
Because it skewed everything from that time on out.
Iron Man became a dick. Forever.
Captain America became a blinkered fool. Forever.
It led to 'One more day".
Dark and edgy became the norm.
And, like Crisis on Infinite Earths, it became the event to beat, as it were.
Like DC has pre- and post-Crisis, Marvel is pre- and post-Civil War.
Except maybe for the X-Men.
>be themselves
Uh if you cant be yourself in a relationship then you don't know what a decent relationship is. Stop dating abusers user and you won't have that problem. Idiot.
I hate that I know what you meant.
He'll always sound Hispanic to me. Hardy was different enough.
Also: I wonder what his real name was. I mean his mother didn't name him 'Bane'.
For that matter, Santa Prisca is a spanish-speaking island, is it not? So why isn't his name 'Perdicion'?
>So he's too good of a guy to be with?
Well he certainly worked on THAT!
>TFW the Invisible Woman is responsible for the existence of the Maker and she never got any shit for it
He didn't say the DC ones were bad, just that the Marvel ones are better.
Which is objectively true for this simple reason.
Doctor Hurt, who is actually Thomas Wayne - not Bruce's father, but the Thomas Wayne from the mid-18th century, who is however in fact their ancestor - participated in a ritual to summon and control the demon, Barbathos. The ritual went astray when another participant, Thomas Jefferson (don't ask) had second thoughts and interrupted things, after which the participants fled the scene and the human sacrifice was locked in a cellar where she eventually died. Thomas Wayne, however, was possessed by what they had managed to summon - not a demon, but an anti-life weapon created by Darkseid to destroy Batman, sent from the future to the past. (Of course you could argue that since Darkseid's Omega Power stems from the Omega Pit, he probably gets it from the Dark Multiverse, so it is Barbathos after all). Thomas Wayne was rendered immortal and ended up in the present, still carrying out the mission to destroy Batman in the guise of dr.Simon Hurt. He was ultimately defeated, but part of his plan was to disgrace Thomas Wayne (Bruce's father) by making it look like he had secretly been a debauched adultering scumbag.
Did a manlet stole your wife?
So much nicer than the 616 version.
Who hurt you?
In a sense.
He didn't do anything wrong.
Serves her right!
Please stop.
Loss and the Hypercrisis are two separate things.
It's because they have nukes and it benefits the USA for them to be there.
I'm okay with Ted's death because of Generation Lost and that Blue Beetle arc. And damn, that's the best arc of Jaime's original solo series.
Pretty sure it's because Isreal lobbyists have infested the US government
Israel fought a war with Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq and it lasted 6 days.
It's because every other nation it a pit of sand that only know how to fight with AKs in pick-up trucks.
Who hurt you?
This is all rather subjective.
If you hate the way Marvel has done things, there is no way I can change your mind. However, I would like to hear more about why you hate it anyway.
I think Iron Man just has very strong convictions like most people. What makes you say that about him?
>Slade grabbing them tiddies in th last panel
>I think Iron Man just has very strong convictions like most people. What makes you say that about him?
His characterization has been negatively skewed ever since 'Civil War', but especially since the Matt Fraction era.
Scourge was based as fuck. Shame he never got to come back because of the Penders shit. Would have loved to see a Super Sonic/Super Scourge fight at some point seeing them just wreck shit
And because of this cunt millions died. Lmao
>got knotted and bounced
dirty bitch
Oh fuck, I remember that shitshow, "Oh he did something to her womb that means it will fucking explode if we attempt an abortion" What kind of fucking writing is that? It's like the writer (Or their editor) realised the clear and easy solution to the problem and quickly hashed out some bullshit for why it's still a problem.
The won because they had the vast technological advantage from having US arms, the biggest advantage being the US provided anti-air missile system. It wasn't that the other didn't know how to fight a modern war, they just didn't have the equipment to do so.
That isn't necessarily bad. Comic characters shouldn't be picturesque people. That's for Greek poetry.
You just know she still shlicks to this.
It's the Evangelicals. One of the milestones for the return of Jesus was the return of the Jews to the holy land. Some in the church would literally eat a baby if they thought it would bring Jesus back faster.
>What kind of fucking writing is that?
The kind that has nothing but the deepest, most spiteful contempt for the reader.
What's the context for this?
Pure genius. Nothing will ever top this
He just proposed.
There might be more iconic moments from this series, but this was the one that started them all.
can't believe this hasn't been posted yet
gold, more comics today should do this.
My vote goes to this one
This hit too close to home
whos Steve Jobs?
The writing in this book is fucking terrible. This sequence is the only part I love from CW. I can just feels the blows from the shield.
Even if it never made a goddamn lick of sense.
I got right near the end and never saw how everything turned out. But that that could be me and any comic these last few years.
I mean, vision took his armor offline? Lol
How did she pull the heart through though. I thought she could only phase her self.
A tank that's offline doesn't stop being bulletproof. One armor before this one he was struck with a lance by a mounted knight while his armor was offlne, too, and it did him no harm.
Believe me, I know, but Giffen did breakdowns for the first few issues and was involved in the overall plotting. So Winick's just a hack-for-hire here.
I dont read GL much. What's going on here?
Hal Jordan is about to become a New God by merging his Green Lantern Ring (most powerful weapon in the universe) with Darkseid’s Mother Box (Basically if God made an iPhone)
>watch closely
is he breaking the 4th wall? I thought She-Hulk was the first 4th breaker on Marvel
stunning and brave
How did Namor escape the reputation Aquaman had gotten. Was it because of a lack of appearances in media outside of comics?
Family Guy made fun of him, and even then an embarrassing reputation is better than no reputation
Aquaman jokes were a thing before family guy
Blame the super friends for everyone shitting on him
because there's absolutely nothing wrong with it whatsoever
Why is DC cosmology feels higher on powerlevel scale compared to Marvel cosmology?
What did he and Batman see?
They ought to see how they are just a comicbook character.
By the way, when is King’s Batman 75 dropping? I want to be there for the shitshow.
Remind me again who that guy is?
What’s this from?
you wound me
aarons punisher was great, fuck the people who got mad because the ending was different, objectively it was a pretty great twist.
but yeah, it did have some great scenes, it was better than those continuations by the other writers.
DC canon is that Death stops existing when there's nothing left to die. Following that logic, Speed Force won't stop until the heat death of the universe, when all particles stop, so it's going to last longer than Death.
That's all beside the point, though, because Flash is distinct from the Speed Force. He won't magically vanish if the Speed Force does.
On a related subject, this is the equivalent of Wile E. running off the edge of a cliff. Death should have realized the issue with chasing the last living thing into the future; if Flash has the lead when the last thing dies, the Flash's next footfall is leaving Death behind in an instant with no life.
yeah we get it already TASM #1 was a great moment in comic history but there's no need to post the first issue panel by panel
okay, i see aerith and most of the RE crew
>someone managing to kill Barry
unbelievable, hes the only COMPETENT S.T.A.R.S.
>were going into a mansion where the last team didn't make it back out
>bring a pistol
>repeat for every game
>hey barry your daughters been found on an island
>comes with an actual AR and shotgun
Based Bazza.
isn't this a ripoff of that Junji Ito manga?
Is it intentional that the 4th World is missing?
Are there more of these?
Well you're still posting a badly written recap in what's supposed to a greatest thread...
Ok, color me interested, source?
>Superman takes over the world, long story
>Supes is an asshole to his friends
>Batman makes a pill that gives whoever takes it Supes powers
>Supes finds out and raids the Batcave, beats the shit out of Batman
>Alfred takes the only Superman pill Batman made, beats the shit out of Superman
There's also a panel where Alfred kicks Superman so hard his shoe explodes
I’m not even saying that
I didn’t agree with you that it was badly written. That’s why I posted it. What I’m saying is given what they were going for, I think they achieved it well and did what they were tasked with doing.
yes, Junji Ito invented piles of dead people in creative ways
Remember when Batman was great?
who would win in a fight between Alfred and Muten Roshi?
Honestly? No.
Never Bruno
oh no no no no
The second Luther Strode book, the full name escapes me.
Agreed. Civil War was the worst thing to happen to modern Marvel.
There's also all 7 Dragon Balls.
I really wish they could do a sequel to this. Though what I wish the most is that they did a marvel dc crossover that was the reason Barry Allen came back to life. Since he was potentially shunted there after the events of the first crisis
I feel like Manhattan wouldn’t have done that if this new utopia wasn’t even going to make it to the new millennia
My main problem is that it went from the greatest Punisher run of all time to something that was just kind of good.
Thank you user just came back from reading the whole Luther Strode saga and what a ride it was
Kitchen Irish was shit.
Dear god Nemesis was one of those “so bad its good” comics.
Even when armed and trained by the US, Arabs have a history of doing poorly in modern combat. A big part of the Israeli victory was because their military cture wasn't a dysfunctional mess.
Not even Miracle can escape NTR
>I couldn't find a scan online
Oh sweet summer child.
woah! did silver surfer just killed cletus kasady?
What a waste of a 10/10 costume.
>There goes that...
nice edit
Those first six issues, in retrospect, are the kind of shitty fun I want to have in comics.
Red Hulk was the last good thing Jeph Loeb wrote.
If Superman kissed your girlfriend would you even be mad? It's Superman.
Spidey Super-Stories -- it;s a comic that was for new readers, thus it was turbo-simple. It's where the Thanos-copter comes from.
I can laugh at a lot of the awful shit in that series, but that was the only part that really irritated me.
And all of that from this single panel from 1963.
Imagine creating an entire Batman saga from a single silver age comic book panel.
>Since he was potentially shunted there after the events of the first crisis
What did Barry do to deserve to be sent to super hero Hell
>just keeps throwing her against the shatterproof window until it pops out
Fuck you this image gives me fucking nightmare fuel and partially gives me some fucked up arousal I hate this shit
Who cares, honestly. If you draw a woman getting hurt, someone will have their ryona fetish tickled. If you draw a lady getting huge and crushing someone, that's a paraphilia, too. Stop being so concerned about what people other than you will masturbate to.
Alan Moore's depictions of rape always paint the character as monstrous or inhuman, by the by. It comes up a lot because he likes to write monsters.
>I have absolutely no moral objections to rape being depicted in any popular media as long as an antagonist is doing it
Does it hurt to be this edgy? Is it even possible to feel pain, at this level of fedoratippage?
eating this much fat is unhealthy
he goes straight for the offal which is the most nutritious and healthy
why would it rip at the strongest point
see Dumb fuck thought he needed to get into Franks head to make him angry and sloppy.
It only made him angry.
ennis had the best artists on his max run
Bane's just a shittier, spiccier Croc anyway, user.
how do you think the skeleton works
Why do stretching characters keep a relative human shape. I would just be a rolling ball with all my vitals in the center
Who is this terrifying villain?
And how come we never saw it again?
>I killed millions
>but its okay crime is no more and drugs are legal!
>One Punch Man talking to an angry woman
Fuck off Didio.
Meh, the actual writing’s pretty awkward at first but it oozes with charm once you get into it. 60’s Marvel is pretty fun once you realize you’re supposed to make up the sound effects in your head, basically reading it like a book. They really did set trends by focusing on the superhero as a person, so Spider-Man, Captain America, and Doctor Strange all read and felt different beyond just their superpowers. We’re used to it now, but showing how Peter’s superhero identity messes with his social life or having The Thing bemoan his condition is pretty daring stuff.
Yeah, it's not like the kikes beat the crap out of every single arab to ever look at them funny despite being outnumbered eighty to one or anything.
Their cosmics rarely get pwned by ordinary people.
>Pipe guy's face in the second panel.
.....It never occurred to me before that it might be that kind of reference.
I pity you.
Go piss up a rope
I always consider Superman's greatest moments to be when he's acting kind to people. Saving suicide jumps, trying to get violent people to come quietly. He has the power to completely obliterate anyone in his path and his greatest power is just being a compassionate man.
The loss of a good costume? Or the poorly-veiled racism?
It's even funnier if you realize Mark Millar is Scottish.
I understand, but why did you respond to that Spider-Man page? Does that affect you as well?
..You are either very young or had a very sheltered upbringing.
That is what makes him Superman: not that he has the power, but that it does not tempt him.
>How did Namor escape the reputation Aquaman had gotten.
Namor had a reputation as being an anti-hero and sometimes full-on villain since the Golden Age. Aquaman was always a silly friendly do-gooder until the 90s when DC tried to make him more like Namor and hate humanity.
It isn't just the lame powers that make Aquaman the butt of jokes, but that he has lame powers AND a lame personality. Namor never had that second problem.
Because you talk like you've been in acceptance therapy
That’s Aunt Mace.
Im certain we saw them again.
I'd be mad I'm not kissing him
It's a quote.
Isn't pure white the exact opposite of "an absence of color"? The sun's white light is all colors combined, the absence of color is darkness.
America is a retarded hero, I want her to go away.
that story actually made me sad.
He never was a good guy. He may have, in a certain sense, good intentions but his methods and personality get in the way of him actually being good.
It gave us this scene, so I'd say it was worth it.
Namor's powers never felt lame in any of his appearances. He doesn't talk to fish and felt more like tarzen of the seas.
AM on the other hand had all of his powers except fish glossed over even though they were used in super friends.
Eh probably end up being a lame version of super sonic vs. hyper knuckles since sonic would be attempting to demotivate scourge the entire time.
To be honest I was pretty pissed he just decided he wanted to a bad guy, Freddy Mercury should've been end game and that's it
I know right
>get cucked
>have a girlfriend so goddamn out of this world I'm cucked by fucking Superman
It's a weird feeling, I'm sure.
>when you realize
Wait, it took you more than one second to realize that? How was it not clear immediately?
Depends on if you're talking about RGB or CMYK.
fuckin hate this book was only into it for the violence. also petra is such a cunt. somehow this book depresses me near the end
Well Plastic Man does non-human shapes a lot.
How much prep time does Alfred get?
I don't know about that weebshit
Namor is a cultural nobody in comparison. How many kids do you think heard of Namor in each decade? How many do you think remember him?
YOU'RE shit.
>he raped that guy to death
The way this is written it looks like he was interrupted by Bane.
What was he gonna say?
"I am sure you will be fine" or something like that. Probably.
The entire thing is so fucking weird.
>America is a retarded hero, I want her to go away.
Don't you mean 'deported'?
>somehow this book depresses me
Hmmm. Really?
Its hard to believe this was before the incel, MGTOW shit took off. Reads just like a parady.
Which on is this?
I thought I read them all but I don't remember this.
Found him.
the moment mary marvels naughty nature awakened
I would think it's just Reed's ego keeping him relatively Reed-shaped.
saves his life when sue tries to blow his head up
Why doew rape take the form of forced sexual intercourse then?
Isn't she a child?
>The part after that where the book treats Tony as right after he did numerous terrible things for the entire book
So fucking stupid
It’s a Green Lantern thing. Look at Hal.
yes, and it's a nightmare sequence. Those are dream bubbles
Wait what does that panel has to do with demon summoning and Darkseid?
Why hasn't Barry killed Thawne is beyond me, he could at least steal all his speed like he did to that other guy.
Manhttan wasn't even gonna stick around. Why would he continue caring?
Oh God, I finally found Waldo!
Ligma balls
I thought that time with Juggernaut was a AU doppelganger
I don't read comics and my impression of Namor is basically NTRamor who loves to cuck Reed richards.
I thoroughly convinced the only reason Sue and Reed haven't been split up is because they were brought together under Kirby and Lee and breaking them up would be some sort of heresy
He made it bros, he made it.
What do you mean? He did kill him.
Snapped his neck on the anniversary of Thawne killing his first fiance.
Wonder Woman, the hypocrite, voted him out of the League.
This has no equal.
Who hurt you?
She is also putting the blame on him for not being superficial which can really fuck with someone
Nothing. It's just the nameless doctor Grant Morrison saw and thought "What if that guy was an actual character?"
I should add the experiment did some funky things with Batman's mind in the story.
They kept flip-flopping on that.
God doesn't exist. So... nobody hurt you.
>This has no equal.
Yeah, but - I mean, he was already dead. What was going to happen to him?
Wouldn't it taste like pork?
When was this?
Looks like one of the web comics that came after