It stands for hope

It stands for hope

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You know someone put that there on purpose

As funny as that is that's a pretty cool painting considering it looks like he's holding the fountain.

Good thing they warned about extreme caution...

I swear this is the skate rink in my town

why is the dude on roller skates?

it's a roller rink

why is he wearing khaki pants?

He likes to let loose on the rink after work.

>drinking from the Super cum fountain
>not joining Batman in the boys room

If I was thirsty I'd have no shame sucking that super cock.


if that was a Marvel Character, Disney would've sued them.

Who designs this shit?

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Somebody with a sense of humor.

Actually, it stands for Suck.

DC Cockmics

I don't get why venues like this have somewhere you can buy water bottles right next to water fountains that are free

Super Succ

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On my world it means sneed

is your World Yea Forums?

This is why DC is based

I live in the city this roller rink is in and I'll never forgive myself for not visiting before they changed the mural

Because some people are poor, user

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he might be on a date, look at that shirt, that's a shiny shirt, you don't go to work in a shiny shirt like that you go to work in an ironed but otherwise plain looking shirt.

Superman does the popcorn trick with water fountains.

>What I do isn't very nice.
What he does is tricking children into molesting him.

where are superman's legs

while he is on roller skates
you cant make this up

This is me. I had to draw this.

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Fucking based my lad

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He doesn't really need them anymore. Not since he fell off that horse.

But why Mister Terrific?

>not having a roller skating twink worship your thick veiny daddy cock

Super's Duper and Grouper (formerly Hope)

>not having business casual quarterly review meetings at the local roller rink

>Black Mask in his off hours - Birds of Prey (2020)

Underrated as fuck

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