What would your dream TMNT show be like?

As the title says, what would your ideal teenage mutant ninja turtles show be like?

Art style/animation? Villains? Characterization? Arcs or plots?

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This style right here, where the story starts as a ninja revenge tale, and then spills into the scifi aspect. Focus on brotherhood, and family.
Do the Mirage run 1-10 with the one shots, ending with Leo and headed to Northampton. Have them rebuild and get into some nature based adventures, then issue 11. Then return to New York to kill of the Shredder.

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Rise is already the perfect TMNT. funny, action packed, the turtles are not palette swaps, April isn't a useless character and it blends magic with sci-fi.

back on topic, I would like to see another CGI TMNT show with extremely stylized character designs and in black & white or maybe a continuation of the Team-Up shorts, they were pure bliss and unfettered campiness.

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>Rise is already the perfect TMNT.
hey shill. .1 cent has been deposited into your account

Does it have to be said?

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90s style western animation that apes Japan: I'm talking like B:TAS type stuff or Big O.

Raph is an angry anti-hero, Leo is a Cyclops style leader, Mikey's the party boy, Donnie is a nerdy shut in, you know normal: I want characterization like in the Batman vs. TMNT for the turtles.

Splinter is hamato yoshi, and Shredder is oroko saki. Give us the same stuff as the 2012 series where they were adopted brothers and characterization of both in a similar manner.

Bring in krang as a secondary villain who is in a strange relationship with Shredder where the two will work with each other 50% of the time and will try and backstab each other, with Krang being gearing up to virtually genocide the planet in an invasion as the overaching bigger threat, but Shredder being more personal in his vendetta and sabotaging Krang's efforts due to this.

April is an adult and looks like her 80s version.

I like the idea of a colorful action show lightly based off the '80s show/film in characterization and setting, but played more seriously akin to say, '03 or IDW. The four are a bit older than usual, jumpsuit reporter april a bit older than them, Nighttime NYC based off of peak '80s but with anachronistic technology and a vague timeframe, and more serialized episodes.

So basically every shitty idea guy 'that show i liked but more appealing to adults and with a bigger budget" idea ever.

I've already had it.

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not him and neither a """"shill"""" but literally the only bad thing about rise is the writing

Its kind if sad seeing people react like this when someone stated they like the current show.

>Only the writing
that's....that's a pretty large component of what makes a series a series user.

Rise actually already covers a lot of bases when it comes to what I'd probably do with a TMNT show. At least in the vibrant styling, the upbeat tone, and the action focus.

I'd want to inject a bit of '80s and a bit of IDW into it, mostly.
>Make the turtles older, give them something closer to their usual characterizations, make April closer to the '80s characterization, but less of a designated damsel, more of an everywoman
>Keep Shredder a human crime boss, but hold him back, villains after shredder are rarely satisfying compared to him, he should be a force of nature in-person and a genuine threat, maybe the final baddie
>Style NYC after the nighttime '80s setting like in the live action film, cranking it up to be more colorful and vibrant like Rise
>Serialize it a bit more, don't shy away from fun filler but don't make it ALL filler save for a few plot episodes

Off of the top of my head.

I would love a series that would would be a little more serious than the last two shows.

I also would like it if they played around with classic story arcs.

I want a darker TMNT that explores how fucked up a group of teenage boys growing up with zero contact with the surface world for sixteen years would be.

Set in the late 80s

A more twisted take on Master Splinter. As a stern, controlling, revenge driven master, deeply traditional and who plays favorites with the turtles - only creating them in the first place to kill the the crime lord who destroyed his original clan in Japan, aka the Shredder (who is established in this canon to be afraid of Kappa). Slightly fucked up in the head from accidentally mutating himself into a rat with the secret society Utrom supplied Mutagen.

It would start the series with Master Splinter only recently having mutated himself, within the past few years, and in turn (since having been forced to hide his mutant form from the humans and become a recluse) only relatively recently started to view the turtles as anything more than monsters/weapons, and perhaps perversely surrogate sons. Giving them clothes, books, art, better food.

This Splinter is still very strict and traditional, so the turtles have never had pizza, watched tv or played video games, yet. Only once they start going on missions to the surface world do they get tempted with these amazing things they've been denied.

I would probably also give the turtles limited regeneration powers. So if they get stabbed or fall off a building they are going to get fucked up, but they'll heal in a few days. But any massive damage will still kill them.

Slightly younger 80s style April, still getting her journalism degree when she accidentally discovers the turtles in the middle of a mugging when they intervene, like the first live action movie. Except terrified of being outed she is kidnapped and held captive by Splinter/the turtles until they start to trust her.

Also the secret society of Utroms actually helped Splinter make eight baby turtles, Splinter got four, they kept the rest. Slash, Venus, Tokka and Kirby

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I want Raph to be the Alpha

I fucking hate you all. Poisoned by Cowabunga Pizza Turtles, you will never know the purity of Mirage. You'll never understand how amazingly cool and 80s it was.

Way to ignore the first post ya ding-dong.

I was the first post. Every post after it was stupid.

I was pretty happy with how the 2000's series turned out. Got weaker as it went on. But these things happen.

Cry more Andrew NDB.