Batman vs Iron Man

Who ??

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Iron Man easily.

iron man

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I don't know anything about Iron Man. Do EMPs generally have an effect on his armor? Just wondering as an unabashed Batfag.

What is Batman's best technological feat? He seems to be only able to build generic armor out of asspull metal or something of such

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It should be Iron Man, right? But.. my gut just tells me Batman. So I'm going with Batman.

Stark “One Punch”es Batman, then laughs about it with Hal and Guy, until Booster and Ted join the fun.

Battle of the Billionaire Bachelors

I’d rather they compete on who can get more pussy than who would win in a fight

I think so

Iron Man would pretty much demolish Batman, especially when he goes into the whole "advanced technology is basically magic" end of the spectrum that you see in shit like Infinity War

Want to start off by saying that I Fucking hate Batman and think he is an overrated character.
That being said I’d put my money on Batman 9 times out of 10 in this match up. Just by looking at that suit Batman knows he’s out gunned, so he would try and lure Tony into close quarters by attacking his ego. Stark is the kind of arrogant asshat who isn’t going to level a city block for a man in a bat suit and would most like fall for the lure, hook line and sinker. In cqc it’s just a matter of picking Tony’s armor off of him but by bit. Batman is pretty familiar going up against guy in super advanced armor.

This is assuming that Batman would be able to work out Tony's ego right off the bat and that Tony wouldn't just fucking come down on him like an orbital laser and tear him apart in a matter of seconds.

Tony is like a 50 tonner or something ridiculous in even the most basic suit, he can trade blows with the big boys. The minute he puts his hands on bamham its over. Thats ignoring all the other options his suit has to kill/incap batman. He is basically invulnerable to batman and only needs to touch him lightly to kill him in return.

Batman, being a detective and all, would probably be able to figure out that Tony has something of an ego considering the gaudy way he colors his armors.
I don’t think Batman would come at Stark directly, if we are to assume that he lures Tony into cqc the best tactic he would have would be to stick and movie and deal small chinks in the armor until it begins to malfunction.
Really, these kinds of Vs debates needs a proper context because without that the versions of these characters in the hypothetical battle are all murder friendly, blood thirsty and have access to whatever super powerful thing they once had in an alternate reality. There is A LOT of variables we haven’t even accounted for here, where is the fight taking place, what equipment does Batman have available, what suit of armor is Stark wearing at the time.

>Batman, being a detective and all, would probably be able to figure out that Tony has something of an ego considering the gaudy way he colors his armors.
by that logic every hero who wears anything besides black and grey is a flashy showboat.

Ironman takes this hands down no contest. Anyone saying Batman needs to read Ironman comics to understand what he's up against.

>Batman, being a detective and all, would probably be able to figure out that Tony has something of an ego considering the gaudy way he colors his armors
That's bullshit batwank and you know it. Heroes wear bright colors all the time without it being any indicator of ego. Fact of the matter is that Batman would get ripped into two if Tony got his hands on him. Hell, if he were feeling particularly spiteful he could just grab hold of bats and take off into the sky at Mach 2. If the extreme g forces don't knock him out then the collpasing of his lungs and the rapid onset of hypothermia will.

again this is assuming Iron Man doesn't just fucking nuke Batman from the sky with missiles and lasers

Bats once wore the Hellbat suit armor which is actually able to go toe to toe with Darkseid. It was forged in the sun by Superman, built with Amazonian metal and reinforced with the Speedforce. Its only drawback is that it drains the user´s stamina to the point of even killing him.

This is yet another reason that i hate batman existing in a shared universe with other super powered heroes.
When you bring a non-powered hero into the justice league you have to basically make him intelligent to the point of presience or give him stupid shit like this.
THEN you have him go up against someone who's entire power is "He talks through a ventriloquist dummy!" and ask "Where the fuck is batman's ironman suit?" the story just shrugs.

Batman works best as a street level hero and dragging him into the multi-verse as an equal against literal god level threats ruins that.

It starts with Bruce confronting Tony in a board room meeting. This leads to a bit of banter as billionaire Playboy goes toe to toe with billionaire Playboy. After doing some homework Bruce find something suspicious tampering with Stark tech that links Stark somehow to Hydra and effectively Leviathan. Wayne dressed as the bat confronts Stark in his own house at night. Mind you the tussle starts out with Batman threatening Stark and Stark not backing down. He summons his suit because everyone knows Tony Stark is Iron Man. Rocket punch and zoom. Bat's dodges and breaks out through the window. Cut to scene of Stark outside Stark Tower with Batman nowhere in sight. Then it becomes a team up book for the rest of the story.

>Then it becomes a team up book for the rest of the story.
ugh that's the worst

This. It is a bit contradictory that he is able to outsmart the likes of Brainiac, and yet he struggles with , let´s say, the Riddler.

Batman has a strong chance if he gets any prep time, Batman has superior logic, prep skills, multi-long-game strategies, and more allies, but Iron Man has more firepower and technology. Batman's no stranger to technology though, he has a lot of backup weaponry and tools for conflicts with heavily armored individuals, some are even alien devices. Tony would have to unload all at once or else Batman will play the very long game and likely land some crucial confrontations.

You have to separate the Batman from his ongoings from the Batman in the Justice League and events. I blame Morrison for making Batgod the default version of Batman outside of his books.

Batwank wins

Yeah. I think Tony is more intelligent overall than Batman but Batman is more intelligent in the ways of war.

>random encounter with average gear each one wears casually
Iron Man
>infinite prep time with both characters having full information of each other so they could meet in a battle world
Batman, it's literally his superpower


He made a supergun and shot Darkseid and himself on accident lmao in one of the Crises books.

yup preptime Cap America plus Batman can win. Thing is, Tony would always have a fail safe that Batman can't hack so....eehhh? Tie

>believing Batman has any chance of winning, preptime or not

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Batman wins unless Tony busts out the Superior Iron Man armor.

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Batman would not fight Iron Man head on. He would Take Tony out in his bedroom in the middle of the night.

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