Post the best comic art

Post the best comic art.

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For me, its gary frank

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Shit story, but clay that boy

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Sauce please? I never get to use my Spanish and this looks good.

Attached: bernie-wrightson-frankenstein-illustration71.jpg (1125x1268, 763K)

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Good taste

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Perramus by Alberto Breccia and Juan Sasturain. My Spanish is a bit rusty, so it was kind of a tough read.

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Still don’t understand why normies hate Quitely so much. His shit is great.

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This is my wallpaper btw, combines my two favorite things, comics and Frankenstein

good thread OP

Attached: spirit01-pg01_cover.jpg (1210x1600, 411K)

He's great.

Attached: 7a069c4dcb980bb180fbd0577ff2baab.jpg (2087x3131, 1.09M)

It was obviously posted ironically.

Have you read the comic it's from?

THIS is how you drawn the 90s Image characters right.

Attached: Zealot of the Wildcats by Art Adams.jpg (2048x1500, 820K)

Reminds me of Windsor McCay
Do you know where I can read or download his works either in English or in Spanis?

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I found the Spanish books on libgen, but the quality could be better. Mort Cinder is out in English and in top quality via Fantagraphics. Hopefully they publish the rest of his stuff soon.

Attached: breccia mort cinder.jpg (2287x3300, 1.8M)

Attached: Gary Gianni's MonsterMen.jpg (3840x2461, 3.69M)

You’d be surprised

Amber Frost?

Attached: The Adventures of Luther Arkwright - 000 (v00) - p094.jpg (1988x3056, 2.93M)

The artist is Art Adams, if that's what you're asking.

Attached: The Adventures of Luther Arkwright - 000 (v00) - p165.jpg (1988x3056, 1.91M)

How long you think that took to draw?

From a previous thread.

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His faces can look a little pudgy, but he's got insane detail.

Kuder reminds me of Quitely a lot, with the difference that Kuder doesn't do these sort of hyper-detailed paneling.

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Tradd Moore is currently one of the best artists in industry and nothing can change my mind. If we are talking about older stuff i vote for P. Craig Russel

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Sauce on this and is it any good? I've been out of the comic loop forever.

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Please respond.

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This works for me

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Bro, Grant Morrison's Flex Mentallo is a must read. Check it out.

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Which retard drew this? They got the Laughing Batman's costume wrong, and who is that girl supposed to be

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Artist name:Coimo Galluzzi -- don't recall what it's from.

One of the first hurdles to appreciating some good comic art is thinking bad faces = bad art. I hear it all the time in real life and on Yea Forums

Max Cabanes

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Late, and not that user, but check libgen.

Here´s the archive of a sample thread I made on what would have been his 100th birthday.

Attached: Perramus1.jpg (532x785, 90K)

That joke stopped being funny about five minutes after Batman Who Laughs was revealed.

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not the user you're replying to. but where do I find a copy? I found Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein on amazon for $129.89. should I get the kindle version or is there one online?

Fantagraphics is translating it by the end of the year if you're interested

For me it's Kyle Hotz

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Tracies obsession with detail makes her comic slow down to a crawl.
The pages themselves end up looking pretty though, if you can look over the taint of anthropomorphic animals of course.

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These aren't the most detailed drawings, but it terms of guiding your eye to read the panels in the right order is aces

Attached: tumblr_p12e8wvIVo1tti92co1_1280.jpg (1200x1730, 706K)

I mean, like what you like but that anatomy is all sorts of fucked up

Attached: 086addcf20741cbbe3f4c8d00b0600ca.jpg (1094x1558, 432K)

What's the exact title of this one and can I find it online somewhere?

love it. reminds me of this

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Oh oh, what's this guy's name again?

Attached: 20.jpg (1920x2576, 754K)

Holy chriiiiist
I remember reading this ages ago and have been trying to find it ever since
Finally got the title and author again ahhhhhh

Yea Dude, I'm constantly debating if I should invest in the french originals, still the only way to acquire the whole series.

Attached: anti-jol_cabanes_01.jpg (1000x1366, 303K)

I find Druillet's stuff hardly even readable due to the heavy stylised artwork and the weird layouts.

Great thread

Attached: Mr. A 001.jpg (3389x2302, 2.35M)

Yeah, just checked libgen myself and it only has 4 issues instead of 7, fuck.
Is the German title different than Dans Les Villages? Are there even any collections or is it just available in Pilote?

Someday we'll find a way to have tits and ass in the same picture without the girl looking like she's been in an industrial accident.

Till then we'll have to muddle through somehow.

AFAIK there was never an album release outside of France.

I know a lot of people don't like him because of how stylized his art can be, but I feel he's one of the few artists out there that can really mess with proportions and perspective without breaking his character's anatomy.
I've seen too many artists (not just in comics, but in general) who try and peruse their own unique style to the point that their core technique ends up regressing; Tradd, at least in my eyes, hasn't gone down that rabbit hole quite yet.

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Just checked, they actually released the first three in Swedish. Which checks out cause I remember reading the second volume in Swedish one summer I don't know how long ago, which is how I found it. Funny that.
Speaking of which, this is a Danish series that I enjoyed very much.

Attached: 5917948-nof.jpg (468x640, 124K)

I have this as a poster on my wall

Why is it common here no to post the source, so that people have to ask?

to root out the plebs that don't belong in this world.

His Ghost Rider was awesome.

Attached: wolverine-vs-sabretooth-desktop-backgrounds-ccdbd1q.jpg (800x600, 177K)

I'm more impressed by interior art / sequential pages than covers or poster illustrations

Attached: 1111893-wolverine___ghost_rider___punisher___the_dark_design___41.jpg (761x1137, 376K)

I think most people on this board only know him as "the guy who blows off sjws", but Frank Cho is legit a god-tier artist.

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Jawbreakers: God-k1ing

Attached: jawbreakers-god-k1ng-npsktr1qdkuulhpsciep.jpg (695x1043, 263K)

Especially when he gets to draw Dinosaurs.

Attached: 05_02_18_d523479dee4869740a7e654c95f4bd56.jpg (900x286, 94K)

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Lonestar and Monsterhunt

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I know this is bait but its Judge Death by Art Adams

Attached: DfyohJZU0AAAiSo.jpg (693x1046, 260K)

>One of the first hurdles to appreciating some good comic art is thinking bad faces = bad art. I hear it all the time in real life and on Yea Forums
Because most of comic fandom is not interested in the art and craft of the medium but in the brand recognition and speculative value of the product.
Superman needs to look like Superman in order to show off my triple gatefold holofoil Superman #1 (relaunched) original cover art and let everyone know how great and cool I am. It's very important that he looks exactly like Christopher Reeves (God rest his soul) in order to ensure maximum value on my investment.

Based and pouchpilled

Jesus, the recolor totally kills this page

Attached: Bat and Cat.jpg (800x597, 121K)

Art Adams was the whole reason the Image guys, including Liefeld happened

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For me it's Geof Darrow

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What's this?

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Something by Richard Corben I guess.

Clint langley is based as all hell

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Here's some more

Attached: abc.jpg (1123x787, 241K)

Oh yeah, I can see it now.
Nigga give source

You happen to have the original?

Alberto Breccia Library v01 - Mort Cinder

That's bullshit. They were much more influenced by John Byrne and anime than anything else. And if you're implying that Art Adams' style is even slightly similar to their then you're retarded.

Attached: flex mentallo.jpg (1038x1600, 783K)

Whoa. Yeah, that's a whole lot more uplifting. What's with recolors making everything drab?
Thank you kindly

Ro-busters by pat millis and kevin o'neill

Attached: ''Kennedyrobusters.jpg (685x960, 249K)

the recolor was that Quitely originally wanted for the art.

Yes, I'm definitely buying it when it comes out. Thanks.

Attached: breccia perramus 1.jpg (1200x1550, 334K)

Kevin o' neill

Attached: parthogenesis.jpg (656x800, 215K)

which run is this from?

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Attached: The Art of Vampirella-080.jpg (2560x3413, 2.15M)

Best source I could find unfortunately

Attached: The Art of Vampirella-081.jpg (2560x3413, 2.81M)

Attached: The Art of Vampirella-131.jpg (2560x3413, 3.62M)

Can you explain the appeal of Vampirella? I know nothing about it and it's everywhere.

Attached: The Art of Vampirella-159.jpg (2560x3413, 2.51M)

This is why he isn't a colorist

It's vampire shit. This isn't complicated.

The modern comics are garbage though and should be avoided. Anything published by Dynamite is trash.

Attached: The Art of Vampirella-160.jpg (2560x3413, 2.71M)

Attached: The Art of Vampirella-186.jpg (2560x3413, 2.42M)

Yes, but why are there so many pin-ups of her? She doesn't look all that special or cool to me.

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James Harren

Pic Related is Marco Rudy

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i want another good moon knight book

Attached: declanshalveyknight.jpg (736x1117, 364K)

this is hideous. blatantly a bunch of naked cover models spliced together

>if you're implying that Art Adams' style is even slightly similar to their then you're retarded.
Here's your Art Adams influence.
It's more of a case of Jim Lee, Liefeld, Silvestri and Portacio are all X-books artists that were molded under the "house style" of the time.

whereas Larsen was more influenced by Kirby and Simonson.

The "Art Adams style" you're thinking of more directly influenced the Cliffhanger wave of artists like Campbell and Joe Mad.

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Took me a while to start appreciating his art

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Everything Ivan Reis does

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Attached: Requiem_Vampire_Knight_Resurrection_v1_010.jpg (2177x3056, 2.37M)

Attached: Schuiten La-Torre-1.jpg (2790x3486, 1.68M)

There's an amazing sense of movement and continuity of action here
You can tell from the arc of the muzzle flash and the puffs of smoke on the walls and ceiling exactly where Petra's been shooting and consequently exactly what path Jack took to get into the hallway. The next two panels are just the perfect reactions, Petra realizing how exactly how bad trying to stay there and fight is going to go and Jack having the time of his life after a 100 or so years in captivity
The next three panels on the bottom are just Petra creating distance but those last two just perfectly sum up Jack during the entire chase sequence, you see him effortlessly deflect the blind fired shot as Petra goes through the door and then you just see him standing there completely unconcerned and just thinking about the most entertaining way he can go about this as he plans his next move

It looks like something is actually happening instead of just these sort of lifeless still frames you see alot of the time

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What is this? Looks cool.

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Deff Skwadron - Gordon Rennie Writer, Paul Jeacock Artist

Probably the best piece of Warhammer 40,000 related anything ever.

Attached: DeffSkwadron Cover.jpg (1023x1600, 471K)

Thanks, I didn't find the original coloring online. But at least I own the old edition of the tpb

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Man I gotta continue reading that at some point.
Oh damn that looks good. Reminds me a bit of Serpieri.

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Fully agreed.

on a completely different note
André Franquin

Attached: franqui-autoportrait.jpg (894x552, 118K)

Source, damn you!


Attached: gotlib_superdupont_fg2.jpg (800x500, 110K)

This is by Nicolas de Crecy from his art book, New York-sur-Loire.

Much obliged

The second one is from ABC warriors by Pat Mills. Not sure about the first, but I'm going to hazard a guess at the obscure cities by François Schuiten. Which is worth checking out even if I am wrong.

Attached: The obscure cities 2.jpg (571x800, 101K)

Good call on The Obscure Cities, though.

It's cute.

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Alex ross is a legend

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nigga that doesn't look ANYTHING like Liefeld

the dinosaur one has the fucking signature on it you dumbass

The hell is Namor doing up there, threatening to cuck the Germans?

Oh yeah.

Do you see the legs to torso ratio of those characters?

That is the point. He grew increasingly tired of the classicism of Pilote and decided that he simply had to create his own style. Most of the old guard hated him for it, but Herge saw the quality of it and supported his work. Bear in mind that most of the celebrated elements of Moebius' work were just him tryping to ape Druillet as close as he could.

Source please

Some Toth

Attached: ThunderMono1.jpg (1154x1600, 264K)

The original Vampi was more of a Tales from the Crypt kinda deal, but the character stuck around and eventually got his own series due to tits and ass. It's nothing more complicated than that really.

*her, my bad

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Russ Manning

Attached: Magnus, Robot Fighter Archives Volume 2-059.jpg (1570x1096, 1.23M)

Richard Corben, 78 and still putting out great stuff

Attached: Corben Grave.jpg (600x922, 191K)

That's the original Golden Age Invaders.

Attached: sgtrockbolland.jpg (1170x1761, 953K)

>What's with recolors making everything drab?
Should have gone brighter colors on the heroes and kept the drab scene. Have the heroes coming in from the heavens returning wonder to a dull world

I want to rub me dingus on the original of this one.

Because between 70 and 80 percent of posters on any given day are thoughtless. Maybe 10 percent are malicious at most.

Artist is Bernie Wrightson. He will be missed.

Thanks. Reminds me of James Stokoe's stuff.
Thanks for posting that. I remember some of it being storytimed on Yea Forums and i've been wonder what it's called for years.

Bolland was always great. Especially on covers.

This pleases my dick greatly. Contributing with Zulli.

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Everyone should read and ideally pick up a copy of The Puma Blues.

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>Miller didn't make more of this despite it being some of his best work ever
But why frank?

Vol.1, i think this is issue two or three.

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Jeremy Bastian is insane. I'd have to post something super huge to do it justice.

Attached: the-sacking-of-the-royal-city-of-cub.jpg (1080x774, 360K)

There's some detail in this.

Fucking forever.

7 years hand drawn?

Fuck, I miss him.

If sheer detail and effort is what matters to you, no one ever beat Franklin Booth.

Attached: 0_daea8_5c9762e5_XXXL.jpg (1032x711, 395K)

I suppose a good deal of his intricate cross-hatching could be done quickly by a computer nowadays.

Attached: 0_daea9_a1abdf7_XXXL.jpg (1030x768, 473K)

Unimaginable effort went into creating illustrations in the era before photolithography and offset printing.

Attached: 26_booth_robertfrank_1925_lamentation.jpg (1030x1333, 414K)

whats the name of the comic


thank you kind user

God I want this stuff framed on my wall or something, just so good

God I had how every fucking thing in this picture has a computer gradient on it

Yeah but you can see their feet lmao

I love this sort of Pen_stroke style

It's very skilled and high effort but at the same time it's also too detailed for its own good. It becomes a jumbled mess and it's hard to decipher what you're looking at without focusing on a specific part. This needs colors.

Attached: luigi critone 53705f025b8b4.jpg (2200x3612, 976K)

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Attached: carnage003_cvr.jpg (1778x2700, 367K)

I would post art of a noir Zorro comic, but I don't know who made it and it's probably at my grandparents' house

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I miss Russ Heath

Attached: FA042B80-6183-4634-83F8-C7EA39E2215E.jpg (1687x1250, 1.63M)

Still haven't been able to find this entire comic online.

>I love this sort of Pen_stroke style
it's called hatching.
and yeah, when it's done well it's godlike-- as seen in the many example above.


Attached: thomas ott c4e27e3cd4902ffa1a1c79307374fe9a.jpg (1280x1884, 1.15M)

It's not a comic, it's a series of 50 illustrations he did

He did a Frankenstein comic at IDW 30 years later, died before it was finished and the last issue was completed by Kelly Jones

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>283 replies
>ctrl+f “Toppi”
>0 results

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It's effectively a comic. It's a wordless adaptation of the novel.

I can upload it for you if you're still interested.

Not good.

He had nothing on Barry Windsor-Smith.

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Volume 2 of Collected Toppi out soon, but no announced vol 3 makes me think sales were real bad

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What happened to Barry Windsor-Smth? He quit comics or something?

>No Barbucci

Attached: 1525622826814.jpg (500x563, 68K)

I don't think that was done by Barbucci?

Look at that huge jabberjaw

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo-3.png (360x360, 23K)

Image was born out of Michael Golden.

Attached: Avengers Annual 10.jpg (1029x1500, 2M)

This. Salammbo may be one of my all time favourite comics.

I think his works aren't that recognized because they're all pretty much pleb filter.

Attached: Druillet_Salammbo0002.jpg (1764x2627, 738K)

And his works from 1975-1980 (Gail, Vuzz, Yragael, Salammbo and The Night) all have absurdly good art.

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Hi Richard

How could that guy possibly get anything done with such a disorganized workspace?

Everything is just where he put it, it's fine.

Attached: Shaun Tan 547475a8ca872409451fcfb3f6b24079.jpg (1280x1787, 621K)

>every plane is defined with contour lines
How the fuck does he do that

Based and Superpilled. Triggers a lot of dbzfags

There is nothing impressive about this drawing at all
>flat single point perspective
>empty background
>stiff idle poses

It's impressive how pretty much all of what have been posted in this thread has been done only by hand. Impressive indeed.

It's fucking Victor Frankenstein. Organization is the LAST of his laundry list of personal issues.

Not really.

fuck yeah

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technically his most popular work isn't in comics but I still like chris riddell's art a lot

Attached: The-Art-Of-Chris-Riddell.jpg (1829x2595, 1.22M)

>How the fuck does he do that
that's the easy part.
the grass.
that texture and that lighting.
that's the maddening part.

It's like calligraphy.
The artist has somehow reduced and stripped away every unnecessary, trivial element and has distilled it into an image of raw potential energy.
Perfectly, decisively struck stroke encapsulating everything a teenage boy in the 90's needs to separate him from his lunch money.

You realize that was posted as a joke, right?


>Thanks for posting that
You're welcome. He's great.

How else would it be done?

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Of course, the og Mike Mignola shouldn't be forgotten either.

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By computer or with photoshop like Greg Land or the guy who works with Tom King does.

Spoiler alert: Even if you work on a computer, in Photoshop, you still draw by hand. Even lazy guys like Land who just trace some porn shots, trace by hand. There is no magic "turn this into art" button.


Didn't know that. Thanks for the information.

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