From six solid weeks of robots to lesbian wedding planning
Questionable Content
It's well known this comic is for brainlets
that isnt being very sensitive towards Claire
I'm trying to sum up my opinion for this strip and this comic as a whole in a single word, but I just can't seem to find the right one!
Today is a good day to Read Questionable Content.
Back to the shitty humans again I see.
As ever, the edits are the reason to come to these threads
Why in the motherfuck would anyone give this any shred of attention?
It's funny how her wiccan shit that hasn't been a thing for like 10 years suddenly matters again
Fucking terrible.
Jeph please hurry up and get to the sex.
No one gives a flying FUCK about Dora and Tai's god damn fucking wedding.
The edits are always orders of magnitude better than the original.
Unterrible, good job.
god dammit I remember now why I don't come to Yea Forums
I legit forgot this piece of trash existed, damn you
Dora used to look like she was in her late 20s. Now she looks like she's 15.
Eating pussy makes you younger
It's a natural fact.
Can you stop making threads for this shit? No one cares anymore.
You apparently care enough to come in here and type up a post instead of adding the comic to your filters
So what reason do we have to believe their relationship is any stronger than Dora and Martens? Has Dora overcome her insecurities about fidelity? Has Tai overcome her previous preference for loose attachments in this, apparently her first serious relationship? Have there been any struggles that tested and confirmed their love?
Will Jeph ever acknowledge that these two have major issues that haven't been overcome?
I used to read this up to page ~150 years ago, what the fuck has happened now that there's like aliens, robots and whatever?
Because they're gay.
Now why would Dora worry about the fidelity of her predator girlfriend, the female version of the 40 year old guy at frat parties?
Nah, Tai and Dora are gonna get hitched without working anything out, then once the honeymoon phase is over they'll slowly slide into a dismal and unfulfilling marriage filled with unspoken regret and paranoia.
This comic is terrible.
Are they going to use strapon in the next page?
they better
the edits are the only part of this comic that deliver
The worst and most paid webcomic artist of the modern era. Even he must know how low quality and infantile his work is. This con he's been working on is a long one. He's in it till he reaches his grave.
Or at least til his hands do.
I was about to ask if their honeymoon phase should’ve ended years ago, but then I remembered that in-universe time for the webcomic moves a lot slower than realtime, and they’ve only been together about a year and a half maybe.
It’s so weird, Jeph keeps having the characters act a lot older than they probably should and as though their events are happening in real time.
Dora and Tai haven't even been dating a year. Dora is supposed to be pushing 30.
Lesbians should be hunted down and raped in public.
Sharp comedy.
Quality art.
Deep characterizations.
Progressive, inclusive cast.
Timely social commentary.
The list goes on ... I doubt any of you losers could do anything a tenth as good.
Dora started seeing a shrink after fucking up Marten's world. She's probably better, plus as horny as Tai is, she is obviously devoted to Dora as she was the pursuer. Dora went after Marten, with Tai and Dora it was the other way around. And there's probably a lot less lipsticks around to worry about hitting on Tai anyway.
Tai was also burned out with casual sex before she got with Dora, and was looking for something serious and monogamous.
Only aware of this because I was reading a stretch from 10 years ago and realizing how much better this comic actually was back then. Hacques really has given up on having any wit at all. Every other comic had a better joke than the 'yaaaay' joke whether he remembers that he used to write decently or not. Characters were snarkier, there were actually edgy bits, etc. So many characters besides Hanners have been written out, not explicitly per se, but we just don't hear from them any more, because he got bored I guess? Cause they were all the same? But now we have robot versions of many of these characters that aren't much different. And Renee, holy cow, she went from Black Tai to the thiccest girl in the comic practically overnight.
>Tai was also burned out with casual sex before she got with Dora, and was looking for something serious and monogamous.
Ah, so a used up slut. Why should anyone root for that character, then?
wake me when somebody....anybody fucks Brun
>She's probably better
We've seen or hear literally nothing on the topic since she began seeing said shrink, and they aren't magic nor immediate.
>plus as horny as Tai is, she is obviously devoted to Dora as she was the pursuer. Dora went after Marten, with Tai and Dora it was the other way around.
Why do you think that makes it better? To a person with commitment issues, that just means that if Tai gets bored, she's gonna go looking, while Marten repeatedly demonstrated a complete lack of ability to follow up on girls hitting on him and a lack of desire to do so.
>And there's probably a lot less lipsticks around to worry about hitting on Tai anyway.
There are exactly two CIS straight people (who get a pass because Jeph can still win points for them being interracial) left in the comic, and you think there are fewer options for a lesbian?
>Tai was also burned out with casual sex before she got with Dora, and was looking for something serious and monogamous.
And what's keeping her from getting bored with that and start looking for casual hookups again, even if it's just in the perception of Dora?
At least in this universe, when characters state they definitely know what they want, they aren't too prone to change their minds later are they? Unless it pisses off the readers of course.
And while QC time is fairly slow, Dora has probably been seeing her shrink for some time even in QC terms. Plus working out things with her brother now, which oddly, not even sure why things were bad _after_ she had already been living with him after Marten and her split up. Still waiting to get back to Sven and see how things are going there. Maybe Sven will somehow break up Dora and Tai? Who knows.
Dora gets angry at Sven because bad writing, Tai defends Sven for whatever he is doing with may, and Dora and Tai schism? I dunno.
In-universe about a year and some change has passed since Dora and Marten broke up. The problem with Dora and Sven is that Dora rarely speaks to him and when she does its usually to criticize or judge him. I'd say it's more likely that Dora and Tai's wedding will result in Marten and Claire breaking up than anything.
Showing gay characters do something wrong, less than ideal? You're in the wrong comic, buddy
So he's dying in his 50s or earlier? It's pretty hard to see something like this lasting into his old age. He's already lost the #1 Patreon spot; I don't think he'll ever see it again.
This is the problem of being a mediocre writer who can't see outside of the box in which he currently resides. If Jeph really does make it into his 50s doing this, the still 20-something female characters will be complaining about old man health issues because that is what Jeph will then be experiencing.
Yeah, Dora went to a shrink one time to be told it was really Marten's fault because Faye and Marten's mom going to bat for her just wasn't enough. Actually, I think you're wrong. I think Dora went to the shrink long before the breakup. Or, it was mentioned in a single word bubble somewhere along the way, probably in the past tense, and thus is irrelevant.
Every guy dating advice forum tells you to stay far away from this kind of woman. Add in the increased instability of lesbian relationships and it seems success is nigh impossible.
>To a person with commitment issues, that just means that if Tai gets bored, she's gonna go looking
Which is exactly why you don't marry a party girl. She's probably going to keep partying, even if she claims she's done with the lifestyle. It's ridiculous that Dora would be fatally insecure over Mr. Monogamous while being totally comfortable with the lesbian town bike.
The rub is the characters rarely know what they want, hence QC is "marking time: the webcomic". Like everything else, it's a reflection of Jeph. This isn't what he really wants to be doing, but he's unable to move on to anything else. Really Jeph could probably divest of QC and take the passive revenue in 6 months, 12 at most, and use the free time to do whatever. He's a prisoner by choice.