Time for more space British people
Krypton Season 2 Talkback
Is Brainiac a space British person?
More like space French
Czarnians are space Irish
Thanagarans are probably space Viking
Less space British people after that last episode.
>still watching this shitty period piece disguised as a Superman show
Lobo is 100% going to scan the Brainiac body he killed, find out that the real deal is still in Seg, and make his way to Krypton.
Whose plan is he going to fuck up?
Seg really does look better with a beard
>striking down Zod before he can think up a way out
thank fucking christ Seg has Brainiac doing the heavy mental lifting
Seg needs his punished beard.
Fucking Brainiac
Why are you such a fuck up Adam
Why couldn't Mr Manhattan save Seg instead of Jor?
How is Doomdays in this show? What is his origin?
Based Brainiac.
Some ancient bioweapon some old fart cooked up that was locked up in a freezer in the past and kept by a cult, but now he's loose and running around
Damn Grandma Zod don't play
Brainwashed or not, that's fucked reasoning.
>It has been 50 years since man first walked on the moon and we still don't have a theme park there
What have we been doing with our lives?
>oh father, I didn't brainwash mother, I swear! Not a lot anyway...
Cool story Zod.
Is baby Dru going to get punished for what grownup Dru has already done?
How the fuck will baby Dru even get born now
>Brainiac pilots Seg's body to fuck Lyta
Oh shit she really has a lazer eye
Holy shit didn't expect eye beam in any form yet.
I mean, they spoiled it in the trailer, but I wasn't expecting it to be so strong
Seg you fucking retard
I'm just glad we get more Brainiac, even if just one scene per episode
General Zod will force his father to fuck his mother and tube himself or Brainiac programs Seg's sperm to one shot Lyta's eggs.
He doesn't need to anymore. Everything has gone to shit for everyone except Brainiac and Doomsday already this episode.
It's all part f Brainiac's 12th level plan to make Seg more compliant
Dammit, Seg. Is there any show where someone holds someone else at gunpoint and actually just shoots them instead of dragging it out long enough for it to go wrong?
>Your mother, or your war?
Oh Jax-Ur, you don't know Zod at all
It can't go wrong for Seg because Brainiac is on stay by, backseat driver.
Did you confuse this with Smallville?
Is every El ever a over-trusting retard
Goddamn, no one can do shit without getting hostage taken.
I kinda want one of those Sagitari helmets
I mean the symbol for their house is Kryptonian for hope
I thought the S was the Shaggy?
Zod keikaku versus Ur keikaku
Meanwhile Jayna and Dev have their own keikaku and Seg has keikaku he doesn't even know about himself
>Zod keikaku versus Ur keikaku
all utterly meaningless with Doomsday and Brainiac in play
I just want Adam to get his Zeta-Beam back.
Oh shit SDCC is coming up already?
Agreed. They look like the mooks from Tron Uprising.
If Dru grew up without Seg how did Jor get born? Did Val actual had to fuck someone in his old age to get another heir?
Zod actually thinks he's doing something.
Nyssa is best girl again?
>fucking for procreation
Kryptonians are all test tube babies, their DNA is catalogued and stored for artificial breeding
Of course
Holy shit Jayna and Dev are not fucking playing around.
Did they find the clone army
That fucking smug pepe smile on this motherfucker
My friend Brainiac, you got to love him.
>Brainiac basically becomes Harvey from Farscape for the rest of the series
fuck yes
The minute you start listening to Brainiac, he gets more powerful in your head Seg, don't be stupid
The minute you trust Zod is the minute you are kneeling.
Dev is seriously not fucking around.
Jesus everything just went south in the span of one minute because Brainiac prodded Seg at the right moment
Horseshit, how is Brainiac predicting all this shit?
>Brainiac is the Machine from Person of Interest now
Or is he Samaritan?
I will take the Brainiac head implant if I could be this bullshit.
Where was this when Seg was getting his ass kicked in the fist fight?
Your brother is smart, he's a smart guy.
Nigger what
Brainiac intentionally choose to not help so Seg would realize that he needs help.
oh fuck, they actually killed Lyta
>Lobo is coming back
It should be illegal to to end on a cliffhanger like this. This is fucking mad.
She's probably alive. Maybe.
God, I hope she isn't really dead before she could be redeemed.
I don't care if it doesn't stick, I'm just glad someone made good on their threat to kill someone else this episode.
Slowly cutting someone's throat with a knife is pretty brutal but I'm a little disappointed she didn't use her eye laser again.