It's out, lads. Is it as bad as they say?

It's out, lads. Is it as bad as they say?

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Worse if you love Hellboy from what I hear. They cram like 5 different stories into one

I mean. I'm not gonna fuckin pay to find out.


You're missing the point of this thread

I love Hellboy. I refuse to see this abomination.

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I'm talking about time

it's the most precious commodity of all

Nah it's pretty much the least precious commodity when you think about it

It's embarrassing that you, a Yea Forums browser, is here acting like your time is valuable.

You're not fooling anyone. Everyone here knows you don't have anything better to do with your time than shitpost and watch bad movies, so you might as well do it.

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Why not watch the first two movies instead of this? Or read some of the comics instead. Or Hell, write some Hellboy fanfiction?

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I watched a cam out of morbid curiosity and still felt like I should be entitled to a refund. Absolutely irredeemably awful. Anyone trying to defend any aspect of it you can consider a pleb who has been appropriately filtered.

This is really the jist of it. It wasn't badly made visual and such wise, it was just too much going on and as such left out parts of the stories it crammed in.

I'd rather spend my time shitposting than watching shitass movies desu senpai

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That's pretty sad, desu. When watching a bad movie, at least you're experiencing something new. Something is changing for you. What is changing by shitposting on Yea Forums? Nothing. It's literally the same memes, the same stupid people making the same stupid threads 100 times a week. "What did he mean by this?" "Muh SJWs" "CalArts rage" etc. This shit is rotting your brain, user.

watched it last night. Its an absolute mess of a film... BUT there are some really cool parts to nerd out about if youre a mignolaverse fan.

the screen writer either sucks a bag of dicks or was constantly having to edit shit because apparently there was a 'too many cooks' problem, he's some writer from BOOM! so I kinda wanna hope he's not a total idiot, leading to....
The biggest turd in the punchbowl is what they did with bruttenholms character, Ian Mcshane is fantastic but its the completely wrong take and it effects the entire movie.
The lesser turds are the *excessive* swearing, like it actually gets annoying, HB survives waaayyy too much punishment, and they needed a proper fight/action coordinator.

ppl bitched alot about the CG but I found the design choices and alot of proper practical fx made me not care, Alice being black wasnt an issue for me at all, her character was better than I expected, as was Daimio's

just sucks how many bad decisions were made film-making wise because the bones of this thing are pretty sweet.

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>This shit is rotting your brain
And watching whatever hollywood shits out isn't rotting your brain? OK pal.

I like all the characters, but the story is a complete mess.

The worst fucking part of the bloated mess that is Hollywood is that you can't even have fun with watching a bad movie because literally every movie has to be a 2+ hour slog.

No it's pretty fun but there's a bunch of real nasty bloody scenes. Kinda gross desu

I like the Del Taco movies and the first one is definitely a better film than this one, the shittiness of which is the result of producer interference. They wanted a new Deadpool and the director wanted something more action-horror.

That said, I did really enjoy the direct adaptation of comic scenes as opposed to Del Taco's fanfic.

But the producer vision, the quips and the daddy issues stuff, and Harbour's performance, really sucked. This could've been better. I still liked it, but it's not gonna blow anyone's socks off.

>daddy issues
>every Marvel movie ever
b-but they made money, that's how you make money right, by doing what some other money maker did?

>write some Hellboy fanfiction
I've had this idea to do a Hellboy/Labyrinth crossover using The Corpse as a jumping off point where Hellboy has to take on Jerith to get Alice back.

its like they got the R rating they wanted to go with and just pushed it as far as they could, sometimes for no reason really...

The R rating is the only reason it got made, Deadpool and Logan having R ratings and making money were a direct influence to this getting produced.

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>HB survives waaayyy too much punishment

I can't even imagine what this looks like given how much Hellboy survives in the comics, combined with the fact that he's canonically immortal. What could possibly constitute too much punishment?

t. shill

It fulfills the need for social interaction, which if you're here you probably lack

I just enjoyed watching hellboy kick the shit out of monsters. Don't care about the story so much.

>combined with the fact that he's canonically immortal.

Except for that time he died. And that other time he died.

Literally just ha da conversation abou this with a guy at work. Told him t was shit. He said it was good and was true to the comics, asked if he read them, he said know but he knows what the comics are like.

As someone who read the comics, just because they use stories from comics doesn't mean it's liek the comics.

My power levels showed a little.

Are you guys retarded or what? The movie is out of the theaters and a web rip is our, who the fuck is shilling anything here? Just pirate it.

Things I liked
>monster designs were good (except Baba Yaga who was just turnes into a creepy old woman who moves weird)
>that one scene at the tree where all the weird creatures gather around the Nimowhatsit
>King Hellboy
>some cool visuals

Bad things
>the music
>the writing
>the jokes all fall flat
>starting a reboot with some of the last arcs from the comic
>no likeable characters
>action scenes aren't that great
>cgi is dire at times

It was Legendary AF

>that Abe teaser
A shame we won't get a sequel
Practical effects were good imo

>Or Hell, write some Hellboy fanfiction?

>MFW 90% of it is myers/nuada shipping

It's really a shame because there's so much cross over potential.

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It was very plot dense like
said. A couple of cool designs (I thought baba yaga scene was fun) but hard to compete with del toro works.
They do throw a lot of wild ideas/characters at you which kinda made it feel like the older comics book/adventure movies.
There is entertainment here but don't think it'll be a top tier comic book flick.

Overall it was shit. Some ok CG and the monster designs were pretty cool. Bad dialogue, bad jokes, wasted Ian McShane and they had too many plot threads in the film. Why can't they just do a story about Hellboy fighting some monsters? Why does it always have to be destiny shit/the end of the world?

Also, Sasha Lane was fucking awful. Why didn't they just cast someone from the UK who already has the accent? I get that it was a diversity thing but ffs, there are black people in the UK.

One more thing.
The Were-Jaguar looked ok. Why wasn't it pic related? Much cooler.

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On the bright side, Beast of Vargu was another Mignola/Fegredo classic

>producer interference

People keep saying this but I've seen no evidence that this isn't just a normal shitty movie

Might make a drinking game for it with my friends

Camazotz was butchered from what I saw

This hit too close to home

Me too haha, me and my friends drinking beers and watching bad movies ha ha

It’s not good but not the worst thing ever made. Basically if you’re not the MCU and don’t make the “greatest cbm ever” it’s automatically considered the worst movie of all time.

Like BvS, not a good movie but the reputation is just a meme at this point that normies like to repeat, because it’s hardly the worst movie or cbm ever made

Only the MCU can make aggressively mediocre movies and not have fanboys react like the movie killed their dog

I'd pay to rent it. But it's only available to purchase.

A lot of the early promo material was mostly focused on the darker horror aspects but it kinda did a 180 and went full Deadpool/MCU quipfest by the time the movie was finished. They basically pulled a Suicide Squad.

So the director was bullshitting

I'm gonna watch this with the expectation that I'll roll my eyes a lot. Will update you later.

Maybe. Or they switched gears on the tone early on. Like I said, I got the same kind of vibe watching Hellboy as I did Suicide Squad that execs tried to completely change the movie late in production.

Ok but there is no evidence for your "feelings." People have been trying to make excuses for this movie and Mignola since it released and there are none, the movie is a piece of shit and there is no evidence of executive meddling or responsibility anywhere but on the filmmaker.

It's worse, it's shitty crap.

Why the fuck, why the fuck is Del Toro Hellboy better than this movie and the comics?
And now, how would you make DelToro Hellboy 3?

Speaking of Mignola, is there any current ongoing BPRD or something?

I can give Mignola a pass, he sold the rights long ago and I doubt he had much input on the finished product. He promoted it a bit but he was hardly a cheerleader for the reboot. As for the director, he's pretty above average and has done some good horror. He certainly never done anything as bad as Hellboy before. Hellboy also has a lot of signs of execs knowing it was gonna bomb so maybe a lot of the blame did rest of the director but I'm more inclined to believe execs had their fingers in the pie like they usually do with these types of bombs.

>I can give Mignola a pass, he sold the rights long ago and I doubt he had much input on the finished product. He promoted it a bit but he was hardly a cheerleader for the reboot.

This is complete bullshit. He stabbed Del Toro in the back and then hyped this movie as MORE TRUE TO THE COMICS so he wouldn't look like the bad guy and now that it's shit it's apparently not his fault and he had nothing to do with it.

>He stabbed Del Toro in the back
Also, yeah, technically the movie is closer to the comics since it directly recreates some scenes.

>He stabbed Del Toro in the back
How? He had no creative control over the movies, it wasn't his decision to not make Hellboy 3, that was all the execs that owned the movie rights. It is technically right that the movie is closer to the comics, it's just a shitty adaption. Del Toro's Hellboy was almost wholesale his own creation.

Eh? Theres a few articles on it

They even manage to make Hellboy himself pretty unlikeable. I mean that takes determination.

Can Nimue pulling out his heart really be considered killing him conventionally? And as for the Devil you know, we're not sure if he's alive or dead or in existential torment.

It feels like a Netflix movie for what that's worth. I enjoyed some of it but it really feels like they decided to try and condense all of Hellboy into a single story, including the vampire luchadore, Baba Yaga, The Blood Witch, the Changeling story and then bits and pieces from other chapters all into one.
I think it'd work better as if they'd done a series since the special effects are pretty shit for a movie and nothing feels like it couldn't be in a TV series.

yeah i just mean that its almost like because it was R they felt they had to completely cram the shit out of it with fbombs


this guy gets it

As shameful as it is to say , I'm working on some Hellboy fanfics at the moment. No crossovers or shipping or anything like that, just me trying to write short stories that don't fit into Canon.

As a longtime fan, it was.. alright. Like maybe a 4-5/10, not the absolute dumpster fire I was expecting but also probably the worst of any of the Hellboy movies. I went with some friends who knew nothing about the franchise and they really enjoyed it. It feels like they got a whole bunch of writers, like at least twelve writers, only gave half of them access the source material, and then frankensteined all their scripts together into one movie.

11:25 in and Hellboy pronounces Bruttenholm like it's spelled. Not as "Broom".

And like a shot going off I lose all respect for this version.

I thought I was the only one who noticed that. Everyone else in the movie "Broom", his own fucking son? Bruttenholm.

I thought the gory apocalypse scenes were neat

Misplaced as all hell, but neat
are there more movies with that kinda nihilistic gore?


t. Mignola

t. Mignola

Nice damage control

Mignola makes a point of writing it phonetically literally in the first arc. Fuck you, movie. Fuck you.

I think it was done a couple of times in 1946 as well if I remember correctly. Plus the Del Toro movies said it right. There's literally no way to get it wrong if one has cursory knowledge of the Mignolaverse.

It's said correctly every other time in the movie. I think they did it just to be dicks

Why are people claiming it's out, all the usual movie sites only have camrips.


>Having to download drive links instead of it just being on putlocker already

Wew, well thanks to that user regardless.

That's a torrent site user, that's illegal here. We're allowed to stream any content as long as we don't actually download files here. Thanks though.

Hellboy and the bprd 1956 finished a month or two ago, and before that there was a crimson lotus spin off. Nothing was revealed about her family relation with daimio, but it was a fun romp none the less, and arcudi was the writer for it. Fuck Scott Allie.

Was waiting for it to come out, just watched last nighh. I've read every hellboy an bprd comic and I liked it. I mean its ok it's not complete shit.

Most fanfic writers are girls, Nuada was a hot elf and it's not like they have someone better to pair Myers with.

The hyperviolence was off putting. I don't remember the Comics ever being so graphic. The demons in London seemed to walk out of Bloodborne.

But Lobster Johnson was amazing.