Could Spider-Man characters fight Terraformer Roaches?
Could Spider-Man characters fight Terraformer Roaches?
Spidey would stomp them, Venom will eat them, same with the Lizard. Kane and Toxin will squash them.
I think your underestimating them a bit, Spidey can get knocked out by random mooks
spiderman holds back. Otherwise 90% of the people he fights would end up with permanent brain damage or death from one hit.
Yeah thats what I'm saying if he held back at all here he would be paste
Well spiders preys on cockroachs don't they?
He holds back because he's afraid of killing civilians, but on his first appeareances he bested the FF and the X-Men and has gone toe-to-toe people like Absorbing Man and Titania who clash every single week with Hulk and Thor. If he had to battle a brood of barely sapient raches to save NY, he will take off the gloves and squash them.
I thought they were like, Spider-Man tier strength? Sometimes with stupid levels of speed, too?
Probably, I only read the first 2 arcs when the manga was new but Peters got way decent super human reflexes and abilities compared to some of the dumb human/insect hybrids they had that got wrecked near instantly.
Off the top of my head...
>Spidey Cast that COULD fight the Roaches
>Carnage, most definitely
>Sandman, oh god would he do so well here
>Maybe Electro, but he couldn't fuck around at all.
And that's it. Everyone else is too squishy.
So what’s the name of this stand?
They're too OP. Please nerf.
It would be a very difficult battle, Terraformers are cheating bastards and the hybrids are ridiculously op
Sandman and Hydro-Man could stomp all of them without any real effort.
except that hydroman is about as retarded as you can go without being medically brain damaged.
He has a SSS tier power and still jobs at C level with it. And putting sandman and hydroman anywhere near each other is basically an instakill on themselves waiting to happen.
Those are cockroaches? They look like apes.
It is because they are modeled after black men
They're supposed to have evolved so hard they turned into martian cavemen roaches.
They're super strong, super smart, super smart, and being near them can give you incurable roach aids which then can spread like wildfire.
So obviously the smart thing to do is send people with bug powers to fight them hand to hand instead of lets say nuke them.
Or gas Mars with bug spray....or something.
They're DOUBLE super smart?!
They're Ultra Smart.
Stop making Yea Forums threads on Yea Forums
DOUBLE roach
If nukes don't work on regular earth roaches why the fuck would they work on super mars roaches?
Because for them, those would be ALIEN nukes.
Anywhere from 95% to 100% of the time a "what if a non Yea Forums related thing was a Yea Forums related thing" thread is created, it's for the sole purpose of discussing things that are neither comics, nor cartoons.
Yea Forums is not a refugee board.
Go back to Everyone else, report the OP for breaking >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
Based /pol/ anti-refugee poster.
not even sure what's going on with the manga lately.
stopped around the time they got to earth somehow and crashed a plane.
the main thing about these guys though is the numbers they have, and the adaptability.
if they are all basic roaches, they might not have much problems, but some of the specialized ones are such bullshit.
Spiderman is a fucking beast and he often restrains his striking power against most opponents. He holds that lesson, "With great power comes great responsibility", quite close to him.