Could Mike Stoklasa pull off a convincing grandpa Max in a live action Ben 10 reboot?

Could Mike Stoklasa pull off a convincing grandpa Max in a live action Ben 10 reboot?

Attached: beingaplumberisexactlylikestartrek.png (1640x1092, 1.2M)

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He only has two settings, Purposefully shitty obvious acting and just being himself.
So unless Grandpa Max is a Midwest loser who obviously regrets his life decisions

Not unless Grandpa Tennyson gets rewritten as a alcoholic VCR repairman who used to be a plumber.

That's right, Jay!

He kinda is so it might work.


Nah, but I'd watch it.

will he be allowed to talk about start trek

Yes but who played Ben and Gwen

Jay and Rich clearly

I wonder who's the fat, diabetic schlub behind this post?

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Max has some mistakes but mostly seems to love his life as a semi-retired G-man trying to make the most with his grandkids.

He'll be fine.

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His job is star trek



Someone tell me how the fuck he has 15 million dollars when RLM only just got a million subscribers.

He doesn't, that website is just bullshit about everyone. Mike probably does have a few hundred g's though. Patreon makes them a fuckload of money, but YouTube doesn't make them much money due to their content. Lots of cursing and adult situations means not too many ads that pay much money. When I checked two years ago and they had less than 4k patrons, they were pulling in 45,000 dollars a month. Split that between Rich, Mike, and Jay and you've got a lot of money. Most of which I assume goes to Mike and Jay because they own the company, while Rich is an employee. Beardfat and Aidsmoby are guest stars who get cut a check for appearing.

>Beardfat and Aidsmoby are guest stars who get cut a check for appearing
Everyone's involved in some stage of the production process, whether it be actually starring in the episodes, camera work, sound mixing, editing, etc. They'd probably get paid for that too.

Sure, but they are either contractors or employees. Someone got RLM's tax records a few years back and RLM was literally Mike & Jay as the owners with Rich as the one employee.

>>”hey ben, ya know this situation reminds me of that one episode of DS9 where odo tries to sneak taking pictures of kira undressing in her quarters

The numbers on those sites is always sourceless speculation with little or no data behind it. They're making no money on YouTube with their style of content, I doubt merch or media sales is much either. Patreon is probably a few hundred thousand a year but considering he and Jay are employing several friends and buying equipment and materials for filmmaking all the time I doubt they're taking home much extra.

I can see this and I'm fine with it

e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
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all that money goes into buying the finest whisky

Why did he shill for TFA?

it doesn't make sense. Why shill for TFA and go full man baby over the last jedi

Maybe he enjoyed one and didn't enjoy the other.

>We can't remove the scene where Ben spies on gwen bathing, but we can diminish it's effects

Maybe in 15 years. He's not quite enough enough yet.

Mike that was Quark

stole rich's inheritance

how could he do that to his best friend

Alot of fanboys loved TFA but hated the Last Jedi.

TFA was just the same shit they loved but with slightly different characters.

Last Jedi is where it started getting meta and staying that doing the same stuff over and over was bad and derailed expected headcanons about Rey and Snoke and had Luke not be the awesome mentor everyone thought he was gonna be from his 5 seconds in TFA and they didn't like that.

Jack aka Aidsmoby is a video editor and I think owns a few houses? He does commission work for them when they ask him to come in, sometimes they do it for fun. Josh is the same way but I think he does music stuff.

TFA was mostly only loved because it wasn't prequel films.

>Last Jedi is where it started getting meta and staying that doing the same stuff over and over was bad and derailed expected headcanons about Rey and Snoke and had Luke not be the awesome mentor everyone thought he was gonna be from his 5 seconds in TFA and they didn't like that.
Stop being a faggot, nobody liked it because TLJ was a plot hole ridden mess with poor chooices and bad decisions. JJ purposefully made TFA the way he did so the next director could do cool stuff iwith it and lead the story the way they wanted, Rian pissed all over it so bad they shit canned all the starwars trash and the cool boba movie in development.

You don't set up Snoke as a big bad jsut to kill him for no fucking reason, you don't spend half a movie on a pointless fucking casino planet that servers nothing, you don't bloat the plot with terrible useless characters like hotdog, and you certainly don't take a shit on the people who buy your fucking product

Why waste cash on a hundred fine whiskeys when you can have a thousand cheap, terrible whiskeys?

I pretty sure you meant Crystal Skull Vodka


It's not so much shilling, they just thought it an extremely safe start and they were interested to see where the franchise was going. That was until the Last Jedi.

Rich didn't wanted it.
Mike just loaded his truck with ENDLESS INHERITANCE

>someone saved my comment from a thread a few days ago

Attached: 3106998D-B86E-4A7D-89DB-E32099FEA500.jpg (453x358, 20K)

This. Everyone, including RLM, rightfully pointed out that subversion for subversions sake is the most pointless/infuriating thing you can ever do in a franchise. Maybe if you did it in your self contained movie, it'll be alright but in a big budget franchise? Nope

“The wine tasting” is genuinely really useful for giving people an example of what pointless subversion looks like when I’m trying to explain various things.

He also drags his 10 year old grandkids into one lifethreatening situation after the other because he wants to relive his glory days.

>Ben, the omnitrix can't be removed, it's stylistically designed to be that way

I can't believe the last episode of the series was just 30 minutes of newsreel footage of 9/11

he's an alcoholic, he sometimes does irrational things like enjoy the new Jurassic Park movies

I can live with that

In looks, yes. But isn´t grandpa Max supposed to be an empathetic adult who cares about his children? I can´t see Mike playing any character who isn´t a complete moron or a selfish asshole.

lets not forget nazi sympathizer

Rich's constant laughter was too much for me.

>TFW my laugh has recently started to sound like rich evans

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Remember that episode where it was nothing but a black screen with slowed down omnitrix noises and the theme song playing?

Fuck off lolifags

A fine choice, user. Did you know that it has no glycol in it like cheap vodkas which gives it a very smooth and buttery taste?

Not to mention how it's filtered three times through Herkimer diamonds to give it that extra smoothness.