Can we have a good old edit thread? I actualy would like to see some funny and original edits instead of just sexy ones
Edit Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Velma is and always has been the patrician choice
Requesting smug face, and Chad-level boner-bulge on Billy Edit.
why is velma edited so much?
I think JL8 had some of the best edits
Power pack as well
>all these creative edits
>my waifu only gets boob edits and r63
R63 edits are really fun besides being sexy
Good. I needed a place to dump this
Because she's really hot
This person is doing THE ENTIRE MOVIE edited in genderbend
Her fem Gaston is especialy hot.
Oh, that's a nice one.
Anybody up for make an edit to show off her butt?
Female beauty and the beast misses the point of the original story (the guy acts like a beast, its only when he stops acting that way that he becomes handsome, while any R63 beast would be a shrinking violet who has low self esteem due to how she looks) and would just be low tier Furfag bait.
absolutely based
we need some Deep End in this thread
That's some nice work, thank you.
Requesting DCAU costumes edit
What you think of this one?
Mind changing their insult to something a bit more scathing?
Thanks, I hate it.
Do you have that one with Green Arrow and Black Canary where BC is a twink?
no she'd be seriously autistic (like the kind of high-functioning autism that might make her unbearable to be around).
Thanks, I love it
Any good places to find edit worthy screen caps or do you all just get your own?
I recall mention of some internet repository. Maybe some user has the address.
this fella has just about every Yea Forums favorite on lock
here's a good one for korra if you like
This site
People can also upload their screemcaps there
I'm taking Rule 63 requests.
those are the cow udders i'd go to war for...well actually i wouldn't...she got blacked.
Much obliged drawfriend..
>How about this one?
Technically nothing is showing
Post more Velma
no! NOOO!
Edit Marie into a mermaid with bigger boobs
Why mermaid?
Because it’s hot
You can have this.
What in the ever living fuck? Hilarious but dear god.
Did you even read the request
Yes, but:
I'm not an editor
I don't particularly care for mermaids, so even if I was an editor, I probably wouldn't do that request
I just decided to post an existing edit of the same scene
And theoretically, you could ask somebody to edit what I posted to be more to your liking, since it already has the boobs.
Ok, I didn’t consider that, thanks
I'd like to see Gastonette trying to seduce Belle.
a bit less muscle than I'd prefer but I can fap to this
Giving fem Gaston muscles is missing the point. She would just be seem as a freak instead of the town's Stacy.
I meant female Belle.
Big boobs and less bubbles please
Girl Lance also wrapped in a towel?
More Mighty Magiswords butt edits? Shrink the tank to give a better view of Simone's butt please.
Interesting, I will work on that.
To the anons on this thread: have you tried working on edits? This kind of request is really easy.
does the jacket make tiddies too difficult?
Could you remove the fries from her mouth, please?
Assuming you meant a screencap as such, there ya go
and dancewear
because I have no control over my life
Thanks, mate.
post caps for editors ya goofs
Skinny twinks like that are my kryptonite
Too bad the large majority of them are crazy
who replaces John Rhys Davies as 63'd Cassim?
damn, now i want a sitcom featuring these 3 in these designs
Can someone edit this without Polly? (Pink thing)
Based! Thank you!
now give her a bulge under the blanket
Id recomend bigger boobs and smaller chin
>tfw want to see someone edit on MORE coverage to the crotch area because you think it’s hotter like that
Needs some cum stains in her hair/from her mouth
So post a pic and request
I think that the thread lacks some creative things like "make the character goth/older/change the genre"
Farewell bump
Huh.So That's what happened to Ashi after she got rid of Aku with Samurai Jack.
Oh my
Any other rules?
your what?
I don't get it.
Rule 35.
A simple one
I meant, are there any other rules for the edits we can request?
Be considerate to the needed effort of an edit, have good quality caps, and don't ask for something real ass grody?
Yeah, needs to be more feminine
>real ass grody
unless someone advertises they're up for something ike that
real talk those van helsing/goofy are bomb
Man, this thread is weak.
Would anyone like to give Vambre and Witchy Simone appropriate beachwear?
How so? And do you mean "weak for a Yea Forums edit thread" or "weak for a thread" period?
fucking kek
>Edit Thread
Give her a pretty eyelashes.
How old is that edit, that takes me back.
Are there any other Splatoon style edits?
Which comic is this?
Not sure when they began but there's been a number of Incredibles comics released in a new run
Storytiming happened in a thread not too far back
thank you.
I'm not OR, but I assume this satisfied them, so I'm thanking you in their place.
OR Here:Thank You So Much For Doing This.It Looks Great.
But also could you edited out of her helper hat as well,if you don't mind.
oh for fucks sake, i spent at least 8 minutes on the last edit. how much of my scheduled time wasting do you want me to waste on this waste of time?
Oh um,i just said if you don't mind is all.No need for the harsh language.
But thank you for making another one of this it looks great as the first one.
needs some work
cap bump
glad i checked Yea Forums today, the deep end would hate to miss an edit thread! :)
this is very sweet and cute
I regret not dying in my sleep now
>no bulge
One job!
I get that reference!
Figured I'd do another Elvira edit.
i like electrical tape
A simple underwear edit would be based. and czeched
This one is great
>that Twitter
not sure if based or autistic
does anybody have the teen Jean Grey edit where she reads Scott's mind and he is thinking of having sex with her?
With the right edit, you could probably flip her mouth and make it look like she's biting her lip in anticipation
The ass and cameltoe weren't there.
i tried, but didn't like the result, so i scrapped it. (she wound up looking like the Joker.)
but I also would like someone to do the lip bite edit.
Well I don't know the show good enough to tell.
Not going to lie, I would date fem Gaston
>female genie
More please
Yea, it would take more than just flipping the mouth, and I don't really know how to that since it does create gaps where the placement originally was.
Considering most modern cartoons rarely detail butts beyond a slightly rounded shape or hardly any shape, it'd be pretty ballsy if they had given the girl an ass like or
Anyone have the edit of this that gave Judy a larger ass and tits.
I have this
Doug's fat cat was a good Judy episode
>instead of just sexy ones
>posts sexy one
Its all I had..
I don't know if you'll find this funny, but I found it funny.
He's one I did a while ago but never posted.
At least I don't think it did.
What was the original?
This was the original.
Lipstick version
Which one you guys prefer?
Got any with Jasmine as the genie?
Good stuff
I prefer without lipstick, but I have always disliked how that looks in women.
>petite girly girl with stacked tomboy
Is anybody going to post some new caps or what?
I'll post some Kim Possible ones that I recently did for another thread on another board.
>Kim getting titmogged
yessss, perfect
That's nice but what the fuck am I suppose to do with these? Where the hell are the requests?
he's just posting stuff that's been done, which is better than plain bumping
Again, where the hell are the requests?
shit nigga I don't know, there's stuff earlier in the thread I guess
You could just edit whatever you want.
Ah, I didn't realize that's what you were asking for.
Here's one that I would like to see.
April's jumper splitting open from the pressure of her huge boobs.
Same for this one.
Or you could do a random mutation on either of them, since it would be in keeping with the show.
I know these threads already made some pretty great Ben 10 genderbend edits.
So sugesting/requesting rule 63 of these.
Requesting a pregnant Catwoman.
Some more rear shots for your consideration.
Got any of these edits?
Lewd the Jude.
God, she is so cute.
Gothy fem Ben.
>the hairy stomach AND armpits
Requesting a editing remove of Bernard in this picture and replacing him with Enid.
Well the thread doesn't seem to have much steam left but I figure I'll give it one last bump to see if anything comes of it.
you editors are doing gods work
More please
Wasn't that Roger's cat.