Oh god

Oh god...

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Other urls found in this thread:



Hey cool, he brought back Melvin.

Is it true that Doug covered up that JewWario was a pedophile?



Yes but Doug is a pushover, he probably acquiesed after jewwario made some barely threatening gesture.

Mike pulls the strings at Channel Awful. Doug is just the puppet 'face' of the company.


Can't wait for the embarrassing cosplay when he reviews Venom


It will pretty easy since Doug already looks like a loser

Is it true he's a furry?

>looks like a loser
>as in "he isn't one"

He was a pedo? I thought he just harassed women.

He groomed a teenager, so really more of a ephebophile, but those cases always get lumped with pedophilia in general.

>Nostalgia Critic S12
Who is forcing him to keep doing this

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Mike Michaud? Doug's own inability to find success beyond the Nostalgia Critic?

It's kind of sad actually. He clearly hates doing this still and he isn't even reviewing movies he's nostalgic for. He's just trends to get those kid clicks. At least Tamera a cute

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Tamara is aware of her own rule 34 fakes. I wish there was more...

I say the issue is more that they did a terrible job at it

Douge doesn't even own the rights to his own character.

How did Nostalgia Chick get so popular after leaving that identity behind

He tried to branch out and do genuine comedic work.

It fizzled out because Doug isn't a good comedian, production manager, or director, so everything he made was unfunny, disproportionately expensive, and looked like shit, so he had to go crawling back to being the Nostalgia Critic.

Doug doesn't own the rights to the Nostalgia Critic persona.
If he stops making NC videos, he loses his connection to Channel Awesome and any money they continue to make, even with the use of his own image.

I don't know about r34 but I remember she acknowledged her curvage thread

She used her own name and her previous fanbase to launch into a more matured film criticism program on her YouTube channel.


Poor schmuck. When his sketch show failed, he should have just gone the straight comedy route and either work the rounds in some comedy clubs or become a gag writer for a show.

This really tells me that he's in it more for the money now.

>tfw being a young teen when they launched blistered thumbs
>tfw I wanted to be a personality on Douge's website
>tfw I couldn't because I was underage
Thank god I didn't

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she has boobs and has far more control over her "personality" and editorial style.

and she clearly doesn't want to be anything more than a writer or a culture editorialist or whatever.

oh my god that's terrible, that's a fate worse than death.

Lindsay was always a part of the film school scene so she wasn't really settling in with, more like going back to her roots, if anything the Nostalgia Chick persona was a bigger compromise.
Doug on the other hand was never a real filmmaker, he doesn't know how to prepare a set, edit film, properly set up a shot, mix sound, or even write a proper goddamn script despite his claims of having gone to film school. Shit, did you know that before his "feud" with the AVGN he had never seen a movie like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly or didn't at least know what the final duel looked like? James had to show him that bit of the film for an idea he had.

>and she clearly doesn't want to be anything more than a writer or a culture editorialist or whatever.
She clearly didn't want to be a mother.
And that's the obligatory threadly reference checked off.

>despite his claims of having gone to film school
To sweep the floors, maybe.

>Shit, did you know that before his "feud" with the AVGN he had never seen a movie like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly or didn't at least know what the final duel looked like? James had to show him that bit of the film for an idea he ha
I need a source on this. There's no way he's that inept

Who cares, real genius comes from the heart. Not le epic shot mix sound light xD.

Who would let him on stage outside of open mic night, and who would hire him to write jokes?

>Who cares
The people who actually have to put the vision together and need a coherent, competently assembled production to work with?

Being ignorant and being inept are two different things.
That said, he's both.

NO. no no no no NO

I think it's totally plausible, most people who go to film school don't amount to much

Took me a while but here you go, timestamp 9:37

There's a lot of shows that desperately need writers, regardless of talent. Granted, your exposure is going to be minimal but at least its something of a safety net before you head to Cali or NY

He meant literal sketch show, I think he was talking about Demo Reel.

Putting together a film isn't like writing a book

I don't feel too sorry for him. By a lot of accounts he was a bad case of know-nothing-know-it-all when producing collab shit (look back on all the people who left during the Kickassia/Suburban Knights period and how a pretty consistent reason for it was "filming these collabs was unpleasant and it cost me a lot of money for basically no actual benefit), so him firmly faceplanting once he stepped out of the Nostalgia Critic safety net was some humbling he probably desperately needed.

So do you often make up shit or only when it suits you?

>and it cost me a lot of money for basically no actual benefit)
I don't think Doug was ever in charge of finance

What is he making up?

He's an idiot. Why on Earth would you willingly give the rights of your most successful creation to someone else? Doug's problem was a huge unchecked ego, he thought he could make something bigger and better than the Nostalgia Critic so he didn't need it, and it bit him in the ass. Hindsight is 20/20 but a dumb move is a dumb move, the NC was a successful property at its peak and Doug was a dummy for giving it away.

>he had never seen a movie like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
His source doesn't even back up this claim, so he's making shit up

>Are you familiar with The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?
>Uh... parts of it, yes
So this sounds like the response of someone who did watch the movie to you then?

>Douge is still pumping out videos nonstop
>the Year of the Spoony never came

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Spoony fucked himself over hard after the mashable incident. If it wasn't for that, and other key factors in his downfall, his life could have probably avoided going tumbling down the way it did.

No it cost a lot of money for his collabs not Doug himself. And its probably more Michauds fault than Dougs himself

>tfw Spoony could have easily been on Jontron's level

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>mashable incident
Which one was that again?

Does Jontron even make videogame videos anymore?

doug use to wipe up shit for living unlike the mods who do it for free. ; )

No and who cares to be honest. He's still funny and a goldmine for reaction images. He clearly has aspirations beyond video games

Jontron will now make videos on......well anything really (whenever that is). Last two vidoes were on fitness tapes, one made by OJ Simpson

does jontron still live in new york city?

Cause every once and awhile, the Lion’s gotta show the jackals ... who he is...

It’s too late to be scared...

Jon is old and busted. Scott the Woz is the new hotness

in some alternate universe you got molested by JewWario



You were literally almost Paul Latza

e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

Announcing a report is against the rules ;^)

Just woke up?

The brother of the Joker?

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>matured film criticism program
It's funny; the same way Doug tricked kids who didn't know anything about movies into thinking that his sketch videos were what film critique was, now Lindsay is doing the same to the next generation

Is Doug autistic? Or disabled in any way? I can't describe it right; but he always acts like "Wow I'm so crazy/insane!" and follows that up with a dumb skit where he fights/kills the character of whatever he's reviewing (or some shit like that), and always paints himself as a badass, He always reminds people of the fact that his character has a gun.
Also; he did this: youtu.be/pZ-Sy11mvZU
I can't wait for the day he becomes An Hero.

>and she clearly doesn't want to be anything more than a writer or a culture editorialist or whatever.
This. Her shit is basically Buzzfeed or Vox tier, but it's done independently so it has an iota more personality.

That's not what she's doing though?
Say what you will about Lindsay's work, but doesn't frame it as a comedy



Evilor, is that you?
Thank your Patrons on Patreon!

But it's framed as "mature, serious" criticism when her takes are all icy cold or just parroting shit that's already been said.

I keep seeing people praising her content and I've checked it out and I honestly think it's just people looking to pat her on the back because she's a woman with some production value and pedigree in the typically male-dominated field of film commentary and analysis.

Because she really doesn't have much to offer on anything that isn't Transformers.


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That's so fucking pathetic.

Punished Doug
>lets success go to his head
>becomes a diva despite knowing nothing about what he's doing
>banks his entire career on a single character, then kills that character off when he gets sick of it
>new venture fails spectacularly
>is forced to continue doing show he hates to pay the bills
>Change the Channel ruins him further
>he's now a prisoner of his own persona
>doesn't even have the rights to his creations

Ascended James
>basically founds an entire genre of internet humor by accident
>accomplished indie filmmaker with a diverse portfolio
>constantly working on things he's passionate about
>does the Nerd not for money or to impress anyone, but because it's the kinda shit that makes him and his friends laugh
>eventually grows tired of the character
>understands retiring him on the spot would be a bad business move and rough for the fans
>decides to make the show work for him
>He wants to make horror movies, so he makes a few nerd episodes that are horror short films
>teams up with celebrities and personal heroes like Lloyd Kaufman and Mac Culkin
>quality is remarkably consistent for a show that's gone on this long, especially on the internet
>still takes time to make passion projects like horror retrospectives and the like
>has a wife and two kids (and a few cats)
>despite working with various companies from Screwattack to Gametrailers, he's always retained the rights to his work
>genuinely loves the work he does, living his best life, helped found a game con that gets bigger and bigger every year

The new AVGN episodes suck. They're written by those screenwave fat fucks and James can't force anything resembling genuine anger out anymore, but he still tries.
I hope his personal projects like the book and the horror movie turn out well. I want to enjoy something new from him again.

The problem is he thinks he’s a good filmmaker, and his ego is so inflated that that would never be an option for him. He’s just a hack, plain and simple

Eh, they're okay for the most part. The Culkin one actually had me laughing a few times and Polybius is fantastic.

Except Paul Latza is 30+ so even he wasn't that pathetic.


Yeah because we needed another Youtuber dickriding Nintendo games

I wonder how that would work in court. Aside from the moniker and maybe the hat, Doug's basically just being an exaggerated version of himself.

The only reason why you wanted to be on the website was because you were underage, user

Current NC and AVGN are quality-wise the same thing with the only difference being that James isn't dumb enough to let the leaches he's surrounded with control him. Still not much of a compliment

You know her LOTR documentary was just nominated for a Hugo Award, right?


Like how Colbert doesn’t own the Colbert Report version of himself.

That said, like how Colbert can be character Colbert by not wearing glasses and literally stating he is a different Colbert first, you can get away with it if the character is so you in the first place that the entire thing is grey area and you have made the effort to differentiate yourself.

Too bad in commentary Doug said he based the character on an old actor, which could be used as evidence against him.

James set out to do what he is doing.

Doug wanted more, but is stuck there.

>Wanna know how I got these scars?...I’M THE JOKER, BABY!

Still nothing special if you're both mediocre content creators. I mean, sure Doug's not in the sketch comedy business like he intended but NC still has tons opportunities for him to do sketches he wants to and he's still raking in tons of revenue. Overall, not that much


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Douge doesn't claim to have gone to film school. He worked in a factory before "making it big" off the movies in 5 seconds videos and his impressions of comics ad on PBS.

I lost any and all respect for Doug Walker after he did his Alien 3 review. That being said - the last good review he did was the review of the Christmas tree, along with the BvS review with Joe. Other then that, he should have stopped with Scooby Doo. That, for me, was the real ending for the Critic.

I've switched to the Snob, mainly because the Snob is a bit more self-loathing.


Doug should have ended it with the last NC movie he did. The quality of the output just fucking plummeted

The NC character is based off of angry/ wacky Daffy Duck mostly and isn't really like actual Douge at all.

>isn't really like actual Douge at all.
Oh you poor bastard.

>this Vienna language
>they have Cheerios in Europe?
>lol look at those gay uniforms

IIRC he did at least take classes in college. He uploaded at least one "artistic" video he made during that time period to moan at his younger self.

What are you talking about, this is the very height of comedy.


Why is that video 53 minutes


Will he ever review the Chris Savino seasons of Dexter's Lab and PPG?

Will he ever review shows nobody watched like Kulipari, Legend Quest, Niko & The Sword of Light, Stretch Armstrong, Buzz Lightyear, Earthworm Jim?

And shows nobody discusses like 2000s anime? Shaman King? Trigun? Cowboy Bebop? Ghost Stories? Kitty Grade?

Will he ever stop being Irate Gamer levels of bad? or rather ... will he stop falling into every bad cliche James Rolfe has fallen? The Alien, Transformers, Predator reviews he did were terrible, he didn't even finish the game.

I forget the specific video. Check the thread on curvage, it's posted there

ADD, maybe. But his audience (what's left of it, anyway) is autistic and he learned to cater to them and never try to deviate.

>Doug on the other hand was never a real filmmaker, he doesn't know how to prepare a set, edit film, properly set up a shot, mix sound, or even write a proper goddamn script despite his claims of having gone to film school.

>think about the inevitable youtube crash when fair use copyright will become more strict or the site goes under for whatever reason
>think about how a lot of major youtubers have some production or editing skills, and can use their previous work as an impressive portfolio
>(or can at least go on to be real critics since they actually write well and analyze their material and don't just make a bunch of stupid jokes)
>mfw realize Doug Walker will never make it outside of his show, and can't even go back to his factory job because of this: youtu.be/pZ-Sy11mvZU

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his latest video touches on that.
he wanted to move on to more interesting stuff with higher budget

You know...

I don't want to sound bitter about Doug's success. He's found a way to express himself, he's doing what he loves, is earning a living and is supporting a business that employed a few people. He also supports a lot of charities and that money going to good causes that wouldn't have gone there otherwise.

On the other hand....

>His sense of humor is like a fossil trapped in the Obama administration.
>His "insights" in his "reviews" are neither insightful, witty, informative or (worst of all) funny. It's the same old jokes made a million times over.
>Why is he reviewing stuff from outside his childhood? He was grown up when Kim Possible was on TV. Reeks of desperation.
>He's actively ignored ChangeTheChannel and every other attempt to cal him and his organization out. Eve if half the stories about him are true than We have to assume if your not his friend he's kind of an asshole and worse an enabler of shitty behavior.

>with higher budget
Buying a giant lawn gnome sure qualifies for that.

What was Malcolm thinking when he did this?

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>>Why is he reviewing stuff from outside his childhood? He was grown up when Kim Possible was on TV. Reeks of desperation.

It's a mix of him running out of "nostalgic" media from the 80s and 90s, and the fact that his fanbase is growing younger and he needs to cater to them.

>e-celeb thread
could you don't

And Unbeatable Squirrel Girl won an Eisner. Your point?

Zoomers please leave

wow so she gets a golden turd for her turd of a career

>he's doing what he loves
Except he isn't. He's literally forced to be the critic or starve. That's what's so pathetic about it.

Was it Malcom's idea or Doug's idea to make Malcom hate what he's doing? It feels so fucking meta.

>He's literally forced to be the critic or starve.
He's literally forced to be the critic or get a real job.
Or starve.

Would you hire him?

For anything but a peepshow glass cleaner.

Shitty jobs with high turnover will hire literally anyone. I should know.

Yeah,nobody but boomers like him, literal baby boomers. He's a fucking relic striving for relevance on a world that's been over him for nearly a decade now.

He fucked a legal mentally retarded feminist who claimed she that while she was physically an adult in her mind she was a teen so it's still pedophilia.

Choose one.

Not exactly that his fans are growing younger so much as the original fans he catered to have grown up and moved on and were replaced by new kids who don't have nostalgia for those late 80s-90s shows

Doug will probably be fine. I bet he has loads of cash squirrelled away somewhere.

Yeah, mediocre. He's lost his zest and anger and most of his humor. He's been doing this for nearly two fucking decades, he should just pack up exit before another scandal or controversy that's less kinder deals him a messy coup de grace he's been so in desperate need off.

His Earthbound episode is one of the best things he's made.

>him making a fake art exhibit about gnomes in New York
My sides were destroyed when real people started walking in. I still think he's pretty fucking funny. Only videos I didn't like were the workout videos because there's only so much you can do with those

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Are Jon and Arin the 2010's version of Doug and James?
>Jon is succeeding, Arin's life is slowly falling apart even though he still makes money
I bet by the 2020's well have nostalgic Jontron memes and people shitting on Arin or some shit.

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The OJ one felt a bit thin since the actual tape starts more than halfway through the video. Granted it was still great but very thin. The second one was slightly better but the plot really gets into the way

Hold up! Did Arin do something big recently or is he just failing at games on Game Grumps?

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Still better than Doug

Jon actually still has a successful career, which can't be said about any of the other guys you mentioned. I think its mainly cause Jon never overexerts himself. He leaves enough to make you want more but doesn't ghost his entire fanbase until their over him (like fucking Ebeeto)

Most of the original guys on Grumps are slowly leaving, Danny's calling him out on his shit more, and Ross got cucked big time and is more justed than Brendan.
It's only a while longer until this cracking support beam breaks and with it the entirety of what he's set up.

Sure, but not by a lot

At his peak, wasn't he making hundreds of thousands of dollars? If thats the case, then yeah, Doug could probably live somewhat comfortably if Channel Awesome fell through.

Is there a compilation where Danny calls him out on his shit??? Gus i wanna see that.

Also Oneyplays is far better than Game Grumps now

>striving for relevance
James? Really? The dude that has a video renting store in his basement and talks every week for stuff from decades ago and rarely talks about movies or games from this decade. Striving for relevance?

What were the golden seasons of NC?

He also spent a lot of that buying a studio, equipment and hiring extras for a project that fell on its face right out of the gate.

2009 to 2012 imho

His last episode of his black and white fedora series where he brings back Nostalgia Critic is unironically kino in a very... special niche schizophrenic avant-garde way.

Isn't he connected to the ProJared shit

2008-2010, somewhere around when he started AVGN rivalry to Kickassia. In my opinion his Casper review is Nostalgia Critic's tombstone, it's because him screaming on the streets like a retard chasing a special effect was apparently so liked, he's been doubling down on screaming ever since. Kickassia was merely a final nail in the coffin.

He barely does AVGN any more his rental reviews and other movie reviews seem to be his main thing. He also has other regular gaming videos. AVGN was always a character and James didn't let th character over shadow his actual opinions and hobbies. He doesn't even need to do AVGN any more

But surely Doug is intelligent enough to put away say, 100k ( if he was indeed making big bucks) for a emergency, like NC falling apart and he's about to be kicked to the curb?

I think he’s referring to the time Spoony won Mashable’s “Funniest Person to Follow” and made some video with his then-girlfriend, Scarlet. People freaked out because Scarlet is an ugly bitch, both inside and out, and Spoony freaked out.

Maybe autism or cringe kino in a so bad it's good way. It just showed that he's a bad business man and critic

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God i hate screaming shtik. Once a year i watch his recent reviews and i close the tab when he starts screaming. It's like his ass is grounded in early 2010s lolrandum humor.

No idea, man

>Everyone else's lives are slowly falling apart
>Jon singlehandedly saved his channel with Flex Tape and a garden gnome
What went so right lads?

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I can't name the years but I can name the cutoff point.
It's the one before he did the Timothy Green review, everything else before that was consistent at least. Everthing after that was mostly forgettable except some gems like The Christmas Tree because how the fuck could you go wrong with The Christmas Tree

His screaming is in the opening of his videos. I'll put them on sometime for background noise and to see Tamara's sweet ass but he's actually regressed over the years

Not giving a fuck about them haters

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I don't think there are any compilations, but Dan was sometimes biting Arin's ass when he was absolute 1000% retarded in Zelda (but ONLY when he's objectively 1000% retarded, it's an important distinction because Arin is retarded when it comes to 3D Zeldas throughout, but Dan calls him out only when Arin's argument might indicate legitimate brain dysfunction) and Marvel's Spider-man. Marvel's Spider-man was especially painful, I don't even particularly like the game and I think it takes too much from BamHam games, but fucking hell man, Danny has excuse he doesn't particularly care about video games, but Arin trying to complain and point out flaws in Marvel's Spider-man is like watching a man trying to lose weight in McDonald's. Dan definitely got fed up with him by the end.

Like, for example, he thought he was going to get through tutorial level by never dodging and got his ass kicked SEVERAL TIMES on tutorial missions and then complained that "isn't Spider-man supposed to be super strong?". I am not making that up, he was trying to point out game is super easy while getting his ass handed to him, that's just vile.

Yeah, what is that whole Caulkin shit? Dunno, might be me but that whole Caulkin stuff strikes me as riding on the coattails. Dunno, could have been Caulkins idea for all I know

Let me elaborate on vile part, what I think was vile is that he was trying to point out game is easy, then got his ass kicked and then he started making an argument "isn't Spider-man super strong wtf?"

So, when he tried to complain about game being too easy instead of realizing it's not, he started building an argument that Spider-man isn't OP enough. Just fuck off man.

Actually being talented ,probably not surrounding himself with yes-men and taking breaks to recharge creativity

I believe he was a guest at a furry convention, but I don't know if he's a furry.

Rob said that Melvin had Sally Acorn poster in his childhood.

>Mods purged dubs but not fucking Nostalgia Critic thread
Yea Forums jannies are on par with fucking Marvel editors.

they were complaining about one form of cancer by spamming an even worse form of cancer

Doug went to the same university which had Robert Zemeckis and Dan Castellaneta as alumni and still couldn't make nothing with his degree on film besides working as a janitor prior to NC.
It kinda scares me as a film student myself

e-celeb shit aside, i had no idea this shit movie even came out.
i knew it was coming and it was direct-to-video, but i was expecting at least SOME discussion, even to laugh at how obviously bad it was
i mean
>no actual kim possible-ing until 40m into the movie
come the fuck on

well, he mocked feminists and SJWs in this review, so there is that

I think it was Caulkin's idea to promote his new podcast. He went on RLM as well.

So did we ever figure out what happened to those 90,000 dollars?

>He fucked a legal
Stopped reading right there. If it's legal it's legal. Who cares if they're a feminist who's 18-19?

>the Chris Savino seasons of Dexter's Lab and PPG

Who actually wants this? Did Savino hurt you?

i actually watched the review... he said he watched the show recently after it was recommended to him and he liked it, although not having the nostalgia goggles for it that others have.

>but Dan calls him out only when Arin's argument might indicate legitimate brain dysfunction
So like the "Guts" argument?

Post it


Sploopity Sploosh!


jesus, this was a different time...........

seeing Doug with his hair again........

you guys think that Doug knew he would lose his hair?

Level of what? Being an unfunny sack of shit?

>He's still funny

He was never funny.

> a goldmine for reaction images.

Holy shit, you're retarded.

Legal isn't legal anymore. 19 is a year away from being almost not legal, age gaps are terrible and shouldn't happen in modern society, that kind of thing.


The 2020's will be the Decade of Spoony. Spread the word.

but he didn't promote SHIT because im sure Mike wouldn't let him because it wouldn't be funny to promote shit even as a half assed joke from Rich's mouth.

>I still think he's pretty fucking funny.


lol sure thing pedo


They're nobodies to normies and they'll be nothing when they're in their late thirties.


>he should just pack up exit before another scandal or controversy that's less kinder
What "scandal or controversy"? The only thing he's ever had was the Ghostbusters 2016 thing, which just made a few D-list celebs and a bunch of angry feminists mad.

how is that literal neckbeard successful?

None. He was never funny.

Because he lives in a bubble of dick suckers like you.

>shouting like a child at video games while talking to a bird

Holy fuck.

What does tumblr have to do with not finding a fat loser who fakes anger and does stupid faces like a generic lets player funny?

>lets player


Are you trying to prove something? What? Autocorrect left out the apostrophe? Oh no.

He's a fatter, equally unfunny proto pewdiepie and they're edgelord BBFs.

>Imagine being this autistic about someone you don't like

Get a life, faggot

The whole "Change The Channel" thing just made Doug Walker look incompetent.

>imagine being this autistic about some loser you worship

Who needs to get a life, faggot? Let me guess; you love him because he's "woke" and "tells it like it is"? Go cry about ethics in gaming journalism somewhere else, autist.

>this eceleb sucks!
>THIS eceleb with the exact same brand of humor is better!


Fag in general.

Way to ignore my points and proving them right.

I want to believe.
Of he comes back and reviews the remaining Highlander stuff, that'd be a good time.

Okay smartass. Which comedy geniuses do you like?

Richard Katellis.

Pretty Based desu

I miss when it was this guy in front of the camera losing his shit over a movie. Nothing else, no lame sketches no nothing. It was his high point and I think he just can't acknowledge that.


Apparently he thought it was going to be a huge thing, but we saw how that turned out. I can't say for certain if he's smart enough to put away money for a rainy day, but I somehow doubt it.


I still watch his videos even though I don't find them particularly funny. I still don't understand why everyone on here needs to take some much time out of there lives just to shit on him

>out of there lives



>still watch his videos even though I don't find them particularly funny.

Than why are you giving him views?

>I still don't understand why everyone on here needs to take some much time out of there lives just to shit on him

Yet you're taking time out of your life to watch videos you just admitted aren't funny.

>Than why are you


It's cancer like you that we keep getting threads like this.

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>He's actively ignored ChangeTheChannel and every other attempt to cal him and his organization out
That's actually the smart thing to do. Acknowledging those kinds of things doesn't bring out forgiveness. It's just throwing chum in the water. Kevin Spacey would probably still have a career if he didn't say shit.

I remember Rob calling Doug a closet furry and Doug arguing with him over what a furry actually is, but I don't remember anything about a Sally poster.

its sad how he tries a new character from time to time but nobody cares and he ends always stuck as the nostalgia critic

>its sad how he tries


>All the perks of being a c- actor/writer/producer/celebrity whitout the need of acting or practicing
>Basically "Marvel at this theater about my amazing opinions being illustrated by a actual production" the show, the wet dream of every narcissistic manchild
>A small group of kids who tell how cool you are by intenert comments every morning to boost your moral, if someone shows dissatisfaction with your work you know it's a adult who is a bigger loser than you for actually caring about such content after 14
>Reaffirmation that you did not throw your life away by wasting your parent's money on movie "analysis" school (not actual movie school, since he never learned anything about audiovisuals) and still being unnable to be a indie movie maker or critic after 30
Doug is still living his dream, if he needs any encouragement he just needs to go to the nearest anime con and wait for some fat kid to scream his name


You had one job.

Wait, he's not married to the land whale anymore?

>Scott the Woz is the new hotness
Fuck that guy and his dumb "hurr hey all. scott here" bullshit. None of that humor is funny.


t. seething Jonfag
He's already playing with the big boys now under half the time


>Playing with the big boys
>Playing with washed up hack

Attached: 8c3.jpg (640x496, 125K)

>Playing with washed up hack
>still casually gets millions of views per-video

Yeah cause that's a measurement of quality. >Sandler movies frequently sell out on the box office so I'm pretty sure he's not a hack

Not just that, he memorialized him after he died, leaving his victims even more afraid to talk about their experience since he was effectively an internet saint until CA accidentally leaked his name in their chat logs.

There were some underage victims with one stating she woke up to him being knuckle deep inside her. I think there were other accusations of rape as well.

Yes, like Jon

He stopped dick riding Nintendo ages ago