You know what this board needs? A Erma Thread

You know what this board needs? A Erma Thread.

Attached: DCF88A51-C645-45AA-B8EA-870A9DAB463A.jpg (1242x1144, 668K)

Her mom is hot

She and Connor really compliment each other.

I wonder what kind of underwear she wears.

Erma is one of those webcomics that'll go down as a classic sunday type comic strip whenever it'll stop updating
It's a shame no one here ever really wants to talk about compared to eagerly wanting to shit on penny arcades all day or ponder over whatever happened to the creator of sinfest

It's a genuinely good webcomic that surprisingly doesn't get a lot of attention compared to others despite how long and easy to get into it is

I think Erma works best when it's one off cute horror shenanigans. The deep backstory shit happening now is fine I suppose, but I miss the suburb

And her comic stopped being fun and regularly updated and became a plot clusterfuck.

The classic lifecycle of any webcomic.
Let's begin.

Attached: Erma - Babysitter 1.jpg (1280x1712, 705K)

Attached: Erma - Babysitter 2.jpg (776x1024, 388K)

Attached: Erma - Babysitter 3.jpg (811x1024, 265K)

I enjoyed Erma a lot and then
THIS happened. The artist decided his cute gag-a-day comic needed to be some magnum opus and it turned into a long, grinding, boring, dark fantasy epic. Gave up on it during the Japan arc.

Attached: Erma - Babysitter 4.jpg (776x1024, 278K)

Attached: Erma - Babysitter 5.jpg (1280x1714, 565K)

Attached: Erma - Babysitter 6.jpg (1280x1715, 663K)

Attached: Erma - Babysitter 7.jpg (791x1024, 286K)

Attached: Erma - Babysitter 8.jpg (776x1024, 295K)


Post ghost MILF

Attached: Erma - Water's fine.jpg (1024x758, 225K)

>old video tapes
thats how you get cursed and/or watch your conception

author guy pls

>tfw no cute simple ghostly waifu to raise a cute daughter with

Attached: Erma - good mothers.jpg (1280x1656, 571K)

Attached: 1477791603400.jpg (1024x744, 226K)


Attached: Erma - accepted in our eyes.jpg (1280x1910, 591K)

Attached: Erma - 3DS.jpg (2907x2106, 864K)

Someone did.

Attached: 1477786398395.jpg (942x1024, 217K)

Attached: Erma - 15 shades of cute.jpg (684x1024, 153K)

Attached: Erma - hairclip.png (891x415, 175K)

There is never enough porn of this type of sadako ghost. It's so simple to do too.

Oh that's right, he has to circle back to that crazy ass sister of the boy she likes

Attached: Erma - What a tweest.jpg (1024x1225, 380K)

Attached: Erma - childhood romance.jpg (1280x1882, 420K)

Bump you brave bastard

Attached: Erma - I give my love not for horror but for you.jpg (500x667, 152K)

Attached: Erma - Dancing in the moonlight.png (916x1403, 676K)

She has an embarrassing voodoo doll of him you know. What she uses it for? Can't say

Attached: Erma - Gobsmacked.png (1024x878, 225K)

Attached: Erma - Hollow's eve.png (1024x749, 331K)

Attached: Erma - help a sister out.png (940x1444, 335K)

Attached: Erma - Nevermore.png (940x2048, 416K)

Attached: Erma - Hair Solution.png (940x2507, 570K)

Attached: Nope.jpg (430x454, 57K)

Attached: Erma - Worse than monsters.png (940x1523, 381K)


Attached: Erma - Madness Returns.png (940x342, 316K)

Attached: Erma - Science Presentation.png (940x1505, 331K)

Attached: Erma - Voodoo Doll.png (940x1925, 512K)


Attached: Erma - Fundraiser 1.png (940x1434, 367K)

Your reaction image is mine now.

Attached: D73F012A-E1A4-4A27-9344-DC432F7D4D98.png (172x172, 26K)

Attached: Erma - Fundraiser 2.png (940x1868, 525K)

Attached: Erma - Fundraiser 3.png (940x1369, 493K)

Is the comic even still going?


Attached: Erma - Fundraiser 4.png (940x2093, 501K)

Attached: Erma - Fundraiser 5.png (940x2626, 697K)

>Tophat man or Erma's Grandpa is in the background


I think so. There was just this long ass arc.

Attached: Erma - Fundraiser 6.png (940x1421, 296K)

a warning to those who would try to steal her man

Attached: Erma - Fundraiser 7.png (940x1735, 466K)


Attached: Erma - dealing with shadman.png (940x2704, 733K)

Found within the Mario Maker 2 level Brandon made.
Thought it could be a good reaction image.

Attached: E2B68C1A-2345-416B-88A6-DDB8D1BC0626.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

what the fuck did she do

Attached: Erma - Canterlot Playset.jpg (940x2886, 530K)

The wushu finger

Attached: Erma - Rules of Survival.jpg (940x683, 185K)

What happened here?

spook nuke?

That the old babysitter?

I don't get this one, honestly.

Yes. She's the older sibling of the boy Erma likes, Conner

Attached: Erma - Unicorn Aftermath 1.png (916x1883, 713K)


Attached: Erma - Unicorn Aftermath 2.png (916x1883, 694K)

Oh yeah I forgot how terrifying yokai can be.

Attached: AD1F34B3-3903-4214-883B-EE958162E3C5.jpg (1242x1741, 1.14M)

Speaking of which...

Attached: Erma - Unicorn Aftermath 3.png (916x649, 279K)

Attached: Erma - Digimon.png (916x679, 227K)

where mere mortals cower, Yea Forums stands erect

Ooh yeah! That subplot about the crazy sister went nowhere after the rat arc. I prefer that over the japan arc


Attached: Erma - Scary things.png (916x679, 214K)

Attached: Erma - The Season has Come.png (916x679, 228K)

>Oh, she’s drawing the same girl over and over like she’s in a cult.
>She’s perfectly fine!


Attached: Erma - Stranger Friends.jpg (765x1044, 130K)

Attached: Erma - Courage.jpg (1020x783, 148K)

Attached: Erma - Texas Ballerina.png (940x1286, 1.18M)

Attached: Erma - Cthulhu.png (940x738, 759K)

Attached: Erma - Blaire Witch and Peni Parker.png (940x738, 500K)

Attached: Erma - tags loli old man bathroom forced_embrace.png (940x1286, 1.7M)

Attached: Erma - Candyman.png (940x738, 810K)

Attached: Erma - When Mars Attacks.png (940x738, 801K)

Attached: Erma - Beatlejuice.png (940x1286, 1.35M)

Attached: Erma - Munsters.png (940x738, 744K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 1.jpg (940x1331, 544K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 2.jpg (940x1331, 524K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 3.jpg (935x693, 314K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 4.jpg (940x675, 323K)

Well this thread turned into a circlejerk real quick.

Guess I'll go wait until next month for the next one.

Attached: Erma - Emily 5.jpg (940x675, 208K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 6.jpg (940x675, 323K)

Wait, how is this a circlejerk? The user is just posting the comic for those curious about it

Attached: Erma - Emily 7.jpg (940x675, 322K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 8.jpg (915x909, 221K)

>Those last two panels
Something about her just sliding like that gets me.

Attached: 7754913D-5A9B-4BBA-B44F-CD8006D38C43.png (783x2303, 1.47M)

Erma: I fear no mortal
>Emily appears
Erma: I fear one mortal

Attached: Erma - Emily 9.jpg (915x1101, 295K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 10.jpg (915x1112, 173K)

Attached: reggiestaredown.jpg (764x426, 29K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 11.jpg (915x674, 209K)

Considering her hair being a nightmare and a half to cut, what was Emiko really expecting for Erma to do in the Spa?

Attached: Erma - Emily 12.jpg (915x909, 208K)

Attached: Erma - Emily 13.jpg (915x612, 189K)

Literally who OP?

Attached: Erma - Emily 14.jpg (940x626, 194K)

the second cousin to pic related

Attached: 1545471923183.jpg (1507x1053, 130K)

Figuratively the thread, user.

Attached: Erma - Mothers day.jpg (940x418, 71K)

Attached: Erma - Shortcut.jpg (931x2988, 904K)

I forgot Erma's uncle was Kurt Cobain.

Attached: Erma - Free one.png (940x2495, 550K)

Attached: Erma - Avalanche.jpg (940x3742, 867K)

Attached: Erma - Smug Aura.jpg (940x2050, 255K)

Attached: Erma - Santa.jpg (940x2838, 797K)

Attached: Erma - Surprise.png (940x4000, 953K)

Well I'm beat.

Attached: Erma - Calm Before the Storm.png (940x1397, 333K)

Attached: 1f42031f-0638-4df5-8608-4203523154cf.jpg (935x1531, 98K)

Surprised that there's none between her and Hellboy yet.

Attached: __hellboy_and_totoro_tonari_no_totoro_and_etc_drawn_by_oldwillow__0389d04ec0aa09c9255a2e92164f3b5c.p (565x800, 245K)


Attached: Erma-Casual078.jpg (720x480, 106K)


dis a good thread
the main characters still have that 2002 webcomic look, but all the monsters are well-drawn, even reaching fucking amazing levels in the later stuff. nice

Attached: tinyheadbigdreams.png (300x303, 113K)


Thanks for the dump.

i wanna fuck her mom
i wish i was her dad

Attached: 1542092578628.jpg (4256x2832, 1008K)

why isn't she fetching crummy pails of water

Stupid dog

She must have learned from Gordon

Attached: 1562813272393.jpg (156x130, 5K)

Attached: 1562816014413.jpg (260x267, 14K)

What an interesting discovery I have made today.

Attached: 1526405576166.jpg (468x895, 215K)

I like the Japan arc.
But the rat arc drug on.

to be fair no one likes rats, but nearly everyone likes japan

You should see her sisters

I think the problem is that Brandon realized just how fucking profitable Erma could be, and thus needed to find someway to keep the series floating.
That said, the Japan arc is miles better than the rats are namely due to just how much more interesting the yokai are there, and the sense of finally meeting Erma’s grandfather is building suspense and intrigue, something missing with the rats.
I miss the gag a day strips, but the current arc could be way worse.

Attached: F4D1B228-5193-469C-BBC6-C0523E3037E4.png (695x437, 354K)

I caught that reference!

Attached: C6655262-393D-41E9-8666-916BA8B35860.jpg (1242x901, 316K)

I honestly could have sworn there was at least one of her with hellboy.

bless you, Erma dumper.

Attached: 1458943971050.jpg (1024x613, 154K)

Attached: 57508225-A9EA-444D-8A98-4A8B54EBE2E1.png (940x754, 463K)

Attached: 96F4C291-0A05-4F5D-A126-85AD703E061E.png (940x748, 342K)

The one-off comics were just your typical muh wholesome shit. It's okay to be safe and inoffensive and just plain cute, but the way it was executed, the humor if it had any was weak, and the scenarios where boring or cliched, and pretty forgettable.
The tiny story arcs like all the ones involving the babysitter and the fishing/mall one were great. The rat arc made the japan arc seem like it would be immensely tiring for it's length, but the effort put into the characters and worldbuilding made it great.


>Somebody remembers Alma Wade from F.E.A.R.

Attached: Nice.jpg (846x694, 48K)

If Conner didn’t exist, Erma/Danny would be top tier crossover OTP for me.