Post your favorites, discuss.
The library at my school has both Megahex and Amsterdam, which I tore through really quickly. Was thinking about buying One More Year, is it worth it?
Also if anyone could recommend me anything similar to this that would be great, be it comics, cartoons, movies, the vibe of this comic is incredibly unique. Regular Show is similar but obviously way less depressing and dark.
Pic related, one of my favorites.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Clementine / Habits.

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>One More Year, is it worth it?
Nah, there's like 4 new comics in it.

whatever happened to HABITS

It used to get storytimed here and there was new stuff coming out but then people stopped hearing from the creator and then they fell off

Ah damn, which collection is worth it? Hail Satan? Special K? Looking for something that contains comics not easily accessed on the internet or collected in the others that I’ve read

Lauren Monger has disappeared.

>Someone saved my panel crop.

Night in the Woods.

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There’s too many great reaction images

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>i made one of the most popular images online

ok buddy

Drop Out is really good, as is Habits.
Nobody knows. Her zine recently got reprinted by Silver Sprocket for the first time in years.

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Anyone get thier Knife Crime yet? I expect mine tomorrow or Friday

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Fuck, that pic really got me. I need to lie down.

Boys Club obv

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You're illiterate so I'll clarify it for you. No I'm not Simon Hanselmann, but if you read closely I wrote PANEL CROP. Meaning I cropped out the rest of the page and focused on wwj. I didn't draw or produce it. I'm repeating myself because you're retarded. If you need a more in depth explanation please feel free to ask.

i was talking about the cropping you aspie manchild

How would you adapt MMO to video? Claymation, animated, or live actors?

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90s CGI a la reboot

I wouldn't
its garbage

bitch go back to your pony board that megg and booger making out?

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>One of the most popular images that's never seen outside of mmo threads on 4chin
A) why do you think I'd lie about something so inconsequential to strangers for which I have nothing to gain
B) what qualifications do you think it takes to crop an image?
I mean you're clearly handicapped in some fashion. You posit a lot of importance on something very small.

dozens, if not hundreds, have cropped that exact same panel and shared it with friends and on social media (including me) because it's one of the best MM&O moments. the fact that you think you're the only one who thought of doing it and that YOUR cropped panel is the only in existence is pretty fucking sad. your sense of self importance and lack of understanding of just how big this world is and your place in it are a sign of severe autism and/or retardation. get help.

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No, it's being called a liar that I can't stand. I know it's mine because I didn't scan it it's a picture taken from a camera 2 years ago and that's why it's not centered the way it would be on the page if it was a scan crop. These things despite your incredulity do in fact happen. Your whole argument is basically nuh uh. Get a better one

She's in art school. I bought one of her prints at a con and asked if she's around to sign it. Was told she's not a fan of her art and has gone to art school

fucking cringe dude

>She's not a fan of her art
That's kinda cool using that as drive.

"Hypnotic Midday Movie" is my favorite, although it's more of a collage that Megg, Mogg, and Owl happen to be present in.

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If you want more stories about maladjusted losers who hate each other leading bizarre existences on the margins of American society, I'd recommend "The Eltingville Club" by Evan Dorkin and "The Anime Club" by KC Green. They're more about comic book/anime fandom culture, whereas MM&O is sometimes about the world of indie comics (IE, the "Truth Zone" strips).

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>Oh I said the buzzword.

While I enjoy "Night in the Woods" and other works with a similar cutesy art style, I find that MM&O resonates with me a lot more. I think part of that is the gross and unappealing manner in which Simon Hanselmann presents the lives of the comic's titular characters. He doesn't try to cutesify or soften anything about how Megg, Mogg, Owl, and Werewolf Jones act. They're bad, ugly people who do bad, ugly things to one another.

If MM&O was done by another artists, I could see Werewolf Jones being presented as being gruff but having a heart of gold. I like that Hanselmann never does anything like that or tries to make him sympathetic. He's just a repulsive monster who feels no remorse for anything he does.

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Imagine lying about this bullshit on the internet. Holy shit.

You know where to read eltingville club? Readcomiconline only has two issues.

When’s the post-Owl book coming out? This year isn’t it? Feels like I've been waiting for it forever.

two weeks iirc

End of this month, July 30th

Has Hanselman done any new comics in the last year?

Do you have any idea where I could find this?
I have the pdf. Is there anywhere I could upload it for a second? It's insanely worth reading

Couldn't tell you. I saved it all from a thread here long ago. You can see the rest of it in this old thread.

What would you all imagine an MM&O [as] adaptation being like?
>inb4 "It'd never happen"
Let's say for the sake of argument that this hypothetical adaptation has already been greenlit and is in fact happening.

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Every now and then there will be one that does humanize them just a tiny bit. Like when WW Jones stands up for Booger after she’s called a man and he buy her and Megg manicures. But those are few and far between.

Ever see that cartoon "Out There"? I can see it like that but a lot more depressing, cynical and mean-spirited. No real plot, just aimless episodes with the main characters meandering about their small town. The drug episodes would be pretty fun, but I wonder how much they'd have to tone down WWJ.

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I wouldn’t mind just straight adaptations of the comics. Some episodes one continuous story, others are clips made from the one pagers, and you get in betweens to adapt stories of different lengths.

Keep the artstyle the same. The voices would be a huge make it or break it kinda thing.

I imagine an almost regular show kinda vibe in terms of line delivery and titlecards.

Considering what as has put on the air before I dont think they’d need to tone anything down.

>How would you adapt MMO to video?
It has to maintain the rough "drawn on paper with water colors /felt-tip pen /crayons" technique, otherwise it would lose its soul.

>no remorse
Werewolf frequently remarks that he's a disgusting person that spends most days just kind of going through the motions. He's fully aware of what a trash person he is, but he can't stop, which makes him all the more tragic.

>Entire comic ran without a single sex scene
I was so furious. I’ve never wanted anyone to just fuck out their feelings like those two.

Silent film.

Adding voices to play everyone just ain’t right, no one here would agree on any voicecast

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Black and white animated shorts with that early Don Hertzfelt energy but with comics-accurate designs.

*silent ANIMATED film

>The library at my school has both Megahex and Amsterdam
What kind of fucking school do you go to


the only reason i check /co is for meggmogg threads. 3weeks untill the latest comic.
Also OP, get all his comics, they are a nice summer read.

>What kind of fucking school do you go to

It’s college you mong