ITT: bad guys who are not ‘bad guys.’
ITT: bad guys who are not ‘bad guys.’
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Let's me think.....
This guy's whole fucking existence was painful to watch, my god.
The bowler hat was the real villain.
What movie is it?
Meet the Robinsons
The guy is a stereotypical Snidely Whiplash type villain until the reveal in the climax that he's the protagonist's roommate all grown up. The protag's constant tinkering and inventions caused him to miss the game winning catch of the big game which was going to be his whole "hook" for getting adopted. He never got over missing it, however his shitty personality and resentment was what scared all the prospective parents away. He grows into a disgusting old man still wearing his childhood baseball uniform under his clothes. He realizes he wasted his life being bitter and decides to move on .
He was so close to a face turn arc too until the network decided they'd rather sell toys.
the saddest part was after his younger self got that winning catch, that older incarnation ceased to fucking exist -- suffering for decades just to be Thanos'd out of the timeline
Isn't that what he'd want at that point?
Wouldn't a face turn arc sell more toys?
Their friendship was so pure, too.
having had several housecats, I can confirm that Dex-starr is behaving like anyone of them with super powers would.
They're adorable serial killers that happen to target things we hate.
He would've been a good hero.
Well yeah, but it's still after he learns to appreciate the family he never had. He finds happiness then poofs away.
Just because Barry was entirely in the right for wanting to kill Archer doesn't mean he's not a terrible person.
The moment he became a cyborg and got the power to kill people easily and without consequences he'd kill anyone over the tiniest issue, one example that comes to mind is when he killed pretty much everyone on the space station when they refused or couldn't help him get back to earth.
And while we don't know much about how he was before he became a cyborg, the fact that he would only hire Lana if she slept with him is a dick move and he did it casually enough that I don't think he's usually above something this morally bankrupt.
i mean It seems more like the timeline is a rubberband than anything else, it can change to some extent but those people will still exist
This man.
Being a better family man than fucking Goku does not make up for several planet-scale genocides.
Zangief was never a bad guy.
For some reason western players decided he was a villain even though he's always been one of Street Fighter's main heroes.
wait what
I never bothered with DB lore
Vegeta was a fucking monster before he joined the Z fighters
He literally demolished a planet of bug-people, wiped out a Namekian village for a Dragon Ball, and who knows how many countless others he's slaughtered.
But Goku keeps him around because Vegeta's the only one who can keep up with him.
>For some reason
The Cold War made us hate the Ruskies.
Well dang diggity dang dang
I should probably watch the first season of dragonball or something
I'll probably just read the wikipedia excerpt
I'll probably stop halfway through
Bowser’s minions. They’re just following orders
He was bad because USSR. Now he is just neutral like many characters.
And Bulma still spread her legs for him. Add on the fact he ordered no less than 3 of her friends' executions, personally beat the shit out of 4 of them, and threatened her for a namekian dragon ball. Remember that? Cause all that happened. Not counting Piccolo in the friend kill count since he wasn't really a friend at that point.
Bulma would spread her legs for anyone because Bulma's a slut.
I'm not saying Yamcha didn't get fucked raw in this whole deal, but all things considered, he actually dodged a bullet not getting with Bulma
That all happened in Z. Dragonball proper is kid Goku adventures with magic and comedy instead of "Super Saiyan 5" or "AAGH! SUPER SAIYAN GOD ASCENDED SAIYAN KAIOKEN x25 KAAA MEEE HAAA MEEE HAAAAAA!"
There's several reason:
1.He's Russian, so burger racism
2.Most adaptation focus on the Heroes vs Shadoloo plot, so character who aren't as involved usually just get slotted into whatever team the writers decide.
Weren't they broken up when he died, and there is that really awkward cut where she basically cries out how she wishes she had fucked him more to Roshi? Then that proceeds to go nowhere ever again since she was now a saiyan cock sleeve to be.
Self sacrifice to save the universe does though (whether it worked or not)
Cats are apex predators
Somewhat lessened by the fact that death is beyond meaningless in DBZ.
Also it was his fault to begin with.
I wouldn't say Vegeta gets no development; I actually like how he grows to genuinely care about his family, but he never does anything that'd come close to reseeming him. Everyone just decides he's one of the good guys now.
Even when he still gave a fuck about DBZ, Toriyama made it pretty clear that most of his characters aren't good people.
For me it's Ozzy
He is definitely bad, though. That's kinda the point.
Vingt minutes?
Pretty much.
But anyway, Bulma is already rich. She's attracted to power.
he is an egomaniac
His motives weren't pure in itself
Most of the villains of Big Hero 6 the series are just hapless fucktards bumbling their way through crime
Really only big time lunatics like Obake are truly awful. Momokase is just in it for the money and we don’t know the real scope of Liv’s goals yet
Bumla's vagina saved the world.
With Goku out of the picture, there was nothing else stopping Vegeta from finally successfully stealing Earth's dragonballs.
Cold war.
Same as why Eggman was called the russian name Robotnik in the west
>Vegeta was a fucking monster before he joined the Z fighters
He got better
>he ordered no less than 3 of her friends' executions, personally beat the shit out of 4 of them
They got better too
See it's that reason why I vastly prefer Fist of The North Star; every villain gets killed by Ken one way or another. You piss Kenshiro off you're fucking dead. No "you're a worthy challenge even though you tried to kill me and my loved ones. let's be friends!" just getting blown to bits. Though there are "villains" Ken battles who actually die dignified deaths knowing what they did was wrong.
And on the subject of the thread: Pic fucking related
I wouldn't be surprised if rusty had a higher kill count then the monarch.
Hr put the world in danger in the first place.
Well, the two series come from very different points in time and do very different things.
Literally killed millions and got away with it.
Less than you'd think; FOTNS started in 1983 and Dragon Ball started in 1984.
But anyway, Goku started out as a were-monkey who killed his adopted father by mistake and grew into a self-centered asshole who'd sacrifice billions of lives so he can get an adrenaline rush. Making friends with villains so they can live to fight another day is 100% in character.
>What movie is it?
He doesn't count
Huh, could have sworn they were farther apart. I'd still say they are fundamentally different though:
FotNS was written for adults in a time of social change and people starting to question the government. Hence you get the clearcut, no-nonsense hero splattering unredeemable assholes all over the wasteland. It carthatic to see assholes getting their cumuppins in very graphic details.
Same reason Americans enjoyed movies about Arnie and company shooting up terrorists.
Dragonball started out aimed at kids and resonated with teenage boys through the themes of self improvement/overcoming hardships, which is pretty universal. There are bad guys, but it's more about the maincast getting stronger than delivering justice.
Goku would never sacrifice billions, his issue is that he was raised with a get out of jail free card.
The Z fighters usually tend to freak out if they think the won't be able to use the dragon balls to undo everything.
Ontop of that he's managed to make a friend out of every other major villain in some form.
Goku isn't self-centered, he's just got life experiences supporting his actions, and he hasn't turned out to be wrong yet.
I still get sad at the part where he feels for his younger self after he missed the catch.
>Mr. Steak, you’re my only friend
Piccolo had the better redemption.
Oh here we go.
well your not wrong
Sparkplug had a hard life
>He's Russian, so burger racism
Russian is not a race
Bigotry then
FotNS and Arnie movies were both very much intended for teenage boys.
>It's his job
>Doesn't kill for fun
>Stick to his promises
He's Chaotic Neutral and Lawful Evil at the same time.
Piccolo was never really made out to be "evil"
He was always just "avenge my father."
He was ruthless, but nothing he did, to me, stuck out as particularly villainous.
Vegeta, on the other hand, was straight out evil, especially on Namek. And his redemption was a lot slower of a burn, had a better pay off and didn't result in him getting sidelined. Vegeta didn't just jump to being a good guy like Piccolo did.
I love Piccolo, but Vegeta's arc really was handled a lot better
You do realize that Piccolo is literally an EVIL side of a Namekian who landed on Earth and split himself into EVIL and GOOD (Kami) sides?
Why the fuck do you think he wants to avenge his "father", it's cause that "father" died after conquering Earth. What the fuck do you think Majunior going to do after avenging his "father"?
The Third Numbers.
Really, Dr Wily himself and any of his robots could be seen as not being "bad guys."
Wily just wants to prove himself better than Light and rub it in his face, and all the Numbers are just following order.
But I like the Third Numbers best, and this little moment of brotherhood makes me smile.
KING Piccolo was that.
Piccolo Jr was his offspring, yeah, but he wasn't literally King Piccolo. I stick by what I said, I don't personally think Piccolo Jr was ever "evil" the way King Piccolo was
Global terrorism and the zero virus fucked humanity beyond repair user.
Amon was right.
Hes lawful neutral.
Well mythological Hades, Disney Hades is neutral evil.
And? I never said he was completely innocent or that he was good or anything.
I just said that despite being a villain, he's not that bad a guy. He absolutely has at least some decency.
His global terrorism was never about killing people, it was always about showing himself better. Even in the games, do they ever say that anyone was killed by his robot uprisings? It's always just displayed as causing chaos and an uproar because he likes attention.
And the zero virus, let me ask this....was it his INTENTION that the virus fuck up the future? Or did it just happen that way?
>bender oppression only came about due to his unwarranted terrorist acts
I dont even like cats and even I know DexStarr is the friggen best
Piccolo's a better character but I wouldn't say his switch to team good guy was all that interesting
I’d say mythological Hades was straight up True Neutral, like a cenobyte. You agreed to this, you get what you agreed to, that sort of thing. A conscious elemental force. If my memory serves, Persephone even loved him, and enjoys staying with her husband for the six months out of the year that she’s with him. I don’t seem to recall Hades ever fucking a mortal up for no reason, either, which puts him head and shoulders above most of his family.
Before someone brings up Persephone, sure, kidnapped her, but for Ancient Greeks, rape was boning a man's daughter without asking him first.
Piccolo was stronger than Vegeta at the end of Namek.
That issue confused the shit out of me, even as a kid. It didn't make any sense, he didn't do anything and they're trying to start shit. Colossus didn't want to fight, either, Wolverine is a total cunt.
Hades only kidnapped Persephone because Aphrodite and Eros shot him to prove that love is stronger than death.
You have to use a VERY generous sliding scale when it comes to Hellenistic mythology, man. Back then, heroic didn’t mean virtuous or moralistic, it meant having power and the will to use it, after all. Nowadays, Persephone coming to love Hades would be called Stockholm’s Syndrome, back then it was ‘aw, what a romantic love story.’
Bulma likes bad boys and saiyans like strong willed women. This clip explains so much in under a minute.
Just watch Abridged but start with season two. The first one does not hold up.
Why did they ruin him bros? He was such a great villain with believable motives before that fucking reveal.
A bad boy who was willing to destroy the planet because he was throwing a temper tantrum. Explain it all you want, Bulma is still a dumb slut.
Zangieff isn't even a bad guy.
You can tell when a filthy DBZoomer never watched the original DB in his entire life.
...Robotnik is not a Russian name
>Just watch Abridged
They're pretty compatible considering Bulma is a spoiled rich daughter of the world's wealthiest family, and Vegeta is a literal prince.
The afix -nik, especially in regards to technology (see: sputnik), is a cold war anti-USSR dog whistle. So, the tech themed bad guy whose entire thing is turning living beings into robots, is given a dog-whistle name.
Prince of what?
A lot of space debris?
Like a dozen rednecks spread across the galaxy?
Prince of the manlets?
I really wish that the fan series where Vegeta and Goku swap places wasn't discontinued.
Oh, you mean like a job title, not an actual name, I got it. Yeah, I can see that.
Also, it could be a pun, combining the word Robot with Worker, which is "Paбoтник" in Russian.
Also, the "Paб" part of the word translates as "slave"...
First off Second off there’s a better example
I really don't think cenobite are true neutral. They feel more lawful evil if anything.
They're actively malicious, just with rules. Call them, and you're getting taken to experience the limits of the flesh whether you want it or not.
Yeah! You got it,
And yeah, that's a good point that you bring up. I will use that to support my undying argument that Robotnik is a better name that Egg Man.
Dragonball has more or less always been honorary Yea Forums through virtue of Toonami being a Yea Forums topic. In the same sense that Berserk is honorary /trv/ because of boats.
Then I'll bite: Prove me wrong. Explain to me how Piccolo Jr was so "evil." Show me his great acts of villainy.
Also why prince and not king?
Is it just because he never had a coronation, or could it be that he never even considered thinking of himself as king, and he can't think about it now because that mean dealing with the loss of the entire kingdom he is supposed to be ruling?
>Robotnik is a better name that Egg Man
What about Dr. Ivo Kintobor?
Didn’t he hit a kid?
But you still called them, that's the thing. For the cenobites, that's an open invitation for them to make you into their new plaything, and eventual convert. They are the ultimate form of sadomasochistic pleasure, and by your solving the puzzle box, you are telling them that you want in. Whether you want to back out after you've seen what it entails or not, you made an agreement that you can't get out of after you've made it.
Oh shit! That's still canon?! I still remember that from Disney Adventures when I was like...eight?
>Berserk is honorary /trv/ because of boats
Because it was written by hacks who coudn't deliver on their own simple themes. Amon was carried by a charismatic actor and cool design. His actual goals and story are pretty basic.
what's Goku like?
That's his point, they have rules but they're malicious deep down.
Hades has rules and deep down he just wants to do his duty with minor dalliances.
>Be the rightful king of an entire race
>Said race only consists of a handful of people across the galaxy
>None of them recognize your authority
>Atleast 2 are your kids
>They still don't recognize your authority.
>Bet you miss having me around now, don't you Vegeta?
>Remember having a lower class warrior to boss around?
>Remember all the fun?
>Remember the bug planet, Vegeta?
>Vegeta. Vegeta. Vegeta. Vegeta.
Nice cropping.
Thanks, I saved it from Google Image Search :)
Emo Nick is so hot.
Post more!
A rapist is still a rapist even if you invited him into your house.
There is no direct agreement made on the part of the summoner. Kirsty knew jack shit about them and had no interest in their religion, and yet they were perfectly willing to take her. That is evil.
What? I just know that from Archie comics
Well, maybe Kirsty shouldn't've involved herself in shit she can't understand. The shit that happens to people that read the Nekronomicon is fucking horrible, but they really shouldn't've read that shit.
I used to call such threads " Not villains."
Apparently it was printed in a whole bunch of magazines and comics back when Sonic was a brand new thing.
>Weird nice guy does literally nothing but talk to a flower
>cage him and torture him
He was spreading nonsense
Kirsty didn't willingly involve herself in the cenobite's business.
She thought Julia was cheating on her crush Rory and happened to grab the box and solve it in the hospital after Frank tried to kill her, iirc.
>what's Goku like?
He had that sort of general ruthless Saiyan attitude going on that Raditz/Nappa/Vegeta had, but he has the same general positive attitude that original Goku had in regards to fighting people that can put up a fight as opposed to the original Saiyan's who were usually pretty upset when they were losing. He actually convinces Vegeta to join him against Freiza after beating him in their equivalent of the Saiyan Saga.
Because he started out as a Saiyan merc he ends up being stronger than Vegeta by the time they meet for the first time since his naturally low power level made it more of a challenge to fight all of the things that the original Vegeta had to fight when he was growing up. Whereas the alternate Vegeta starts out as strong as he was as a kid in the original, but since he's on Earth he's just beating the shit out of anything that gets in his way. There's a point where he reaches the Red Ribbon Army base and he just flies above it and bombs it from the sky with ki blasts and kills everyone there including Commander Red.
Also Goku has a Saiyan girlfriend that looks almost exactly like ChiChi. The last page in the series before it was discontinued was Goku telling Vegeta that she used to be a man.
Shouldn't've touched the box, just like the firemen that picked up the radioactive stones at Chernobyl. There are consequences to actions, even if you think the actions are benign. Don't read cursed books, don't drive cursed cars and don't touch cursed objects.
>Saiyan Chichi
sounds cut-
>She used to be a man
You degraded yourself by fucking an APE, wrong genus retard. Vegeta deserves the disrespect he gets.
Vegeta responds by telling him to get serious so it was probably just a joke since the series ended after that anywyas.
Their actions being a response to someone else's doesn't change the fact that cenobites are evil.
They are exactly as evil as radiation, lightning, tigers, bears and ebola.
You know how no one likes Hitler?
Where is this from?
They aren't a force of nature. They are sadomasochistic cultists who could choose to not take someone unwilling, as shown by letting Kirsty go after she proves Frank got free, but they don't.
You are way too generous to horror movie protagonists, man.
It's a fanmade "what if" story called Dragonball Sai where Vegeta and Goku swap ages/roles, but keep their starting power levels, so Vegeta vastly outclasses anything Goku had trouble with in Dragonball. Vegeta is shipped off to earth as a baby and Goku is already a child mercenary when planet Vegeta gets blown up. It covers a lot of Dragon Ball content and then it covered the Saiyan Saga before it was discontinued.
Eva liked Hitler.
This thread makes me wish, deep down, that DBZ was good. Like if it just had a good writer, all the good concept and stuff about DBZ could flourish without me rolling my eyes.
>Steals a kid without any permission from the parents
>blows up the fucking moon to stop gohan from going ape (although this has been done by the likes of Roshi as of the original DB
>States he'll continue where his father left himself after killing goku (which only changed when Raddits stated Vegeta and Nappa was going to come to Earth which he had no hope standing a chance with them without help)
I mean compared to the Red Ribbon Army even King Piccolo didn't do much to boast his evilness, just the fact he said "I'm Evil King Piccolo" and caused a bit of collateral damage and that's it. Piccolo was just a more laid back version of his "dad" because he was young minded like any other teenaged being.
>do this with broly
>kid broly is stronger than goku was vs nappa
Vegeta probably is the better choice.
How many chapters? I can only find up to 4 with kid No. 17.
There's like 4 or 5 pure saiyans left, right?
I'm not entirely sure myself. The first parts of the Dragonball stuff seem easy enough to find, but anything in between that point and the DBZ stuff seems harder to come by without digging a bit deeper into google. Also I think the DBZ stuff goes under the name of Super Vegeta Den.
Theres this video that I originally found out about the thing from, but its more of a summary and its voice acted. There's a link to a facebook page in the description but the image quality on some of the chapters is questionable, and not all of it is translated I think.
Goku, Vegeta, Broly. (Maybe Vegeta's brother if he is considered canon) Das it mane.
If you want to count the other universes then the entire planet plant still exist.
He just want to protect people.
By killing them?
Sometimes you gotta kill people to instill order.
Have you ever heard of the "Cycle of Revenge"?
Fuck starscream
This post made by the non-affiliated indigenous lifeform gang
I'm too tired to remember to link the things that I'm talking about
Thanks! I'll give this a listen on my way home from work.
He isn't a bad guy. He's a good kitty.
He's russian.
Someone part of the production responded to this by saying that Zangief was such a frustrating character to play against as a kid that he always imagined him as a villain,
The zero virus came about because Sigma was and is a reckless asshole. Had Zero's awakening happened after X finished his trials and were it X to go in there, Zero's original crystal may never have been broken.
Wily's whole game has always been proving himself Light's better, and in the end with Zero he does. It's Zero who goes on to save the world, not X. Aside from that, in the Megamix comics there are whole situations caused by Wily just to prove Light can't fix them.
The Red Lanterns are an even more unhinged group of space Punishers that spew magic blood lava. Not saying that they're entirely 'bad,' because they tend to target sentients that got it coming, but they certainly aren't 'good.'
Wolverine got him drunk and let the fight escalate because Peter went off, cheated on Kitty with a woman who later died. He came back told her about it, then broke up with her. So Logan let him get his ass kicked.
>Fist of North Star
Now that it was mentioned... never understood how so many giant people managed to go around. You know, the mooks Kenshiro kills in droves. If there isn't any food and water around... how that kind of people eat and drink.
>In the same sense that Berserk is honorary /trv/ because of boats.
IASIP is honorary Yea Forums
Wasn't killed multiple times?
Yet yamcha couldn't get any the eternal virgin.
Rinzler too
Super Vegeta Den
Honestly, I was hoping for the complete opposite of what was revealed. When he was revealed to be a bender, it actually completely ruined the entire point of his goddamn character because he was reduced to a simple terrorist who was manipulating his followers. God i felt so bad for the lieutenant
Also I think the underlying grievances the equalists had with the bender elite were valid and were never sufficiently addressed by those in power, the mood of the series was just "welp, Amon was a fraud, guess the equalists didn't have a leg to stand on"
I loosely remember some SF lore, Zangief was supposedly used by the USSR government to promote communism around the world due to his fame in Russia, reason why he was seen as a bad guy, but not related to Shadaloo at all. In the end he's a loveable bear who's very popular with kids and wrestlers all around the world.
He has one of the best jokes in the movie, too.
cept right after that the Bender Council was taken out of their governance role and they held elections which elected a non Bender to a new office.
Learn punctuation.
>and grew into a self-centered asshole who'd sacrifice billions of lives so he can get an adrenaline rush.
That's completely untrue. He loves a good fight and to always challenge foes stronger than him, but he never goes for a killing blow unless he's completely pushed to the wall to take that decision. Remember that he forgave Frieza's life of all people in Namek, the only person he has admited he 100% hates, not because he wished to fight against him again but because it has never been in his nature to kill, especially against foes that had already been felled.
>You got paid?
Correction: two of the best jokes in the movie.
It actually defeated the whole purpose of Season 1 really. Benders vs. Non-benders is indeed, a real issue that was never addressed afterwards. Hell, they fucked it up a hell of alot more after season 2 when not only did Korra effectively destroy the bridge between the human world and the spirit world but she basically made other non-benders into benders like Bumi. Honestly, it kinda made everything in Season 1 pretty redundant especially because Korra didn't really grow as a character, period.
>bad guy
I mean, she's already a protagonist
remember dragon ball? Remember the red ribbon army?
Goku was a fucking murder beast as a child. He killed every single foe of his without mercy.
Yamcha had girls tossing themselves at him on the Dragon Ball days, thats why Bulma dumped him, even though her own mom and Oolong said he didn't cheat, he was just popular in school.
It has been forever since I watched Dragon Ball, but I recall the only person he went for the kill was against King Piccolo. Against Tao he only kicked back the grenade he threw at him and against the RR Army I'm sure he only incapacitated the soldiers, with the leader being killed by his right hand instead.
Two words: child, soldiers.
He killed Piccolo's kids to avenge Krillin.
But then Goku killed the leader's right hand.
Didn't he want to kill all humans(except Fry)?
He’s just very passionate
I mean, if you had a button that would render the human species extinct in less than a second, wouldn't you be at least willing to listen to compelling reasons why you ought to press it?
>wir2 post
Barry was right to want to kill Archer but he is also inarguably a worse person than Archer.
He showed he was a decent person when he came back for Alibert.
>Found a way to make a crime syndicate a more efficent group
>Replaced the old useless leader and improved the lives of a ton of criminals
>even had a program to help underaged criminals to start as supervillians
>All it takes to ruin that is one Autistic girl, her boyfriend and a walking talking high tech toaster
it isn't fair
Adding to this he had Zeus’ consent. Since the girls father and the suitor were the only parties who needed to consent, Hades didn’t rape her by Greek standards
The Greeks!
This Guy
Garrosh did nothing wrong
What the fuck did they do to him in Energon. In fact, what the fuck did they do to all the Descepticons that had become friendly?
the only one I remember was demolishor who they had to kill then resurrect him and he came back bad or some shit like that
Incorrect. They have natural predators. They aren't the apex.
Planet Plant has its own royalty, though, right?
Not killing Vegeta is what led to the downfall of Z, and the over saturation of Saiyan horse shit
Krilling should have killed him, maybe the series wouldn't have eventually devolved into nothing but Golden Hair shit
10/10 would pat
Jebus in MC8
Henchman. He was a henchman.
I remember being about 10 and never having watched or read dragon ball and then reading Z up to the beginning of the namek arc and thinking it was cool as shit. Glad I just left it there instead of filling my brain with more constant super saiyan bs.
>he was just popular in school
??? Patently untrue.
Yamcha never went to school. He was a bandit all of his life, Goku meets him in Dragon Ball when Yamcha and Puar are trying to steal their shit.
Bulma dumped Yamcha for a lot of reasons, she said she was tired of him looking at other girls. But the real reason she dumped him, for good, is because Vegeta needed a waifu.
Sonic movie really should have just went this route. Instead of that horrible cg monster.
Not op, but revenge is only a cycle if you don't retaliate hard enough the first time.
Nuclear and industrial material created by humans can't be ecologically disposed of if we are all dead. Also, farm hogs gone feral pose a massive risk of destroying ecosystems if let loose.
He even had a plan to undo all his wrong doings, he just lacked sufficient resources to complete his plan.
I dunno, she was pretty close. One of those stubborn, close-minded cunt types.
Bitch he turned Proto into a walking nuke
OK No Yea Forums
this man, TOFFEE. do no wrong all entry the show from start to the end.
>all those muh russophobia replies
Zangief was a hard enemy to beat, which is why the makers of the film assumed that he must be some sort of boss battle.
Redemption arc done right. Not rushed but gradual.
Bonus points for the main characters to reject him at first because they wouldn't forgive him that easily. More stories need to consider this when redeeming villains.
>Only reason he did what he did was because he thought he could just undo it all when he won
>When he realized he'd been cheated he just gives up
Probably the most tragic animated villain we've ever had.
best answer
Even though Zenigata is the main antagonist and Lupin is a thief, neither are bad guys.
Tell me one bad thing Dex did.
Zeni is the fifth member of the team, he just doesn't know it. How many times has he been instrumental in either helping Lupin or taking down the real antagonist of the episode?
he was the gatekeeper for a lot of people at the arcade
It was not nonsense, there were tiny people on that flower
She didn't believe until she saw solid proof.
What about Other Barry?
That wasn't him though, it was Venom Snake.
Depends on the run, but still.
>his dad the king died
>hes still a prince
You fucking what
This picture completely encapsulates my feelings toward Steven Universe.
Who's the artist?
Lupin is a borderline rapist though.
the show/movies just treat is as quicky because Japan.
lupin is actualy a bad guy
ffs he made sails out priceless paintings and got people put in jail by framing them as human trafficers
I'd argue it's more of a reversal of the meaning. He's a pretty bad guy morally, but he does it (mostly) for good reasons.
Nah the frieza kill had more weight to it. Should have stayed dead there. Series should have ended there imo. Left it open ended with Gokus fate ambiguous and gohan carrying the saiyan legacy on earth.
I wonder if the Capcom licensing people even bothered to mention that Zangief is not a bad guy at all. It's not like they would be cucking themselves out of representation in the movie since actual bad guy M. Bison was right there.
The internet.
>And Bulma still spread her legs for him
Bulma spread her legs for fucking Yamcha, your argument is invalid.
At least Yamcha is hot.
Not his fault Toriyama sucks powercrept the setting.
He was antagonistic, and got ahead of himself, but he wasn't inherently bad or evil.
Not that anyone on Yea Forums even knows who this is.
Honestly, the difference in tone between the Classic and X series basically changes Wily into an almost new character.
Go back to /trash/
I love that Superboy and Icicle Jr. catch up with each other while fighting. I need more of that kind of thing in my life.
>None of them recognize your authority
only one does and he's from another universe
Kiwi Blitz
Omi is the only thing that keeps Jack from being an absolute demon that rules the world and kills everyone.
Dr. Doof becomes a good guy.
Go back to Yea Forums.
It always grinds my gears that Zangief is always a bad guy in shows but has always been one of the good guys in the games.
>No, Dad. You're basically a nice guy who's pretending to be evil. And, you know, it seems like it's all out of obligation to your backstories, not something that truly comes from your heart.
All I can assume is that the writers realized that their villain had too much of a good point so they had to find some stupid ass way to undermine it.
I enjoyed season 1, things were shaky for season 2, but by 3 I was just entirely tired with Korra's no development. Aang was a kid who had his impatient, impulsive kid moments. But you could see him grow up bit by bit because he had no choice. Korra just stagnated into being beaten into submission, forced to listen, and got a slap on the wrist before being right at it again.
The "villains" and their motives were always promising before the writing tripped on its own shoelaces and it just went to shit to make Korra look better, make her not look /too/ good, and an overall balancing act that was a constant jumble.
The Evil Dog
quite an obscure one
Yamcha didn't genocide entire planets. Your logic is retarded.
I think he likes Tommy at least
Wouldn’t this handsome bastard count?
I'd say Disney Hades is more lawful evil, he likes to make deals and bargains.
Merci docteur
Nice cropping.