*ruins your show*

*ruins your show*


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Yeah I Matt and Trey are funny guys, but they sure didn't bet on the right horse here.

Its a fucking shame that they ruined a great character just so they could make the same tired jokes as every other comedy.

What ruins it for me is that they wasted valuable airtime on a stupid political joke that could be better spent on cute boys. That is also why I hate Randy.

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It's like they don't understand that you can only make so many jokes so many times about a person's appearance and mannerisms. Bush jokes were funny because they were connected to politics and diplomatic gaffs. Trump jokes didn't evolve at all when he became president because he's a very average republican president. He doesn't do wacky and zany shit like Bush did. He's about as funny of a president as Obama at his core (not at all).

The problem is that the real life person they based his character on is more of a clown than whatever ridiculous caricature they constructed out of Garrison, especially when everyone else is recycling the same jokes.

>Trump jokes didn't evolve at all when he became president because he's a very average republican president.
I was about to argue but then I realized our recent Republican presidents were all disasters so you're technically correct. Nixon, Reagan, Bush Jr., the brainwashing apparatus in your country must be powerful to continually convince people that this is an acceptable second party for your two party system.
>Fox News was made with the help of a Nixon ally
Hm, weird coincidence.

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Are we being blessed with the presence of a retarded boomer?

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No, but we have definitely been 'blessed' with the presence of multiple retarded liberals.

Holy shit you just OWNED those LIBZ my fellow boomer

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I love it, South Park was always unfunny shit, now everyone sees it.

ORANGE CHEETO MAN BAAAADD!!!!! TWO SCOOPS! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE CANT LET THISG UY AHVE THE NUCKLEAR CODES

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>boomer "argument" is literally just repeating what's said to them
Are you ok? I thought your capacity for independent thought was supposed to be your strong suite.

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the high jew elf king demands you all shut the fuck up about droomf and post cute boys

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>He doesn't do wacky and zany shit like Bush did

Trump says, does and tweets retarded shit on an almost daily basis. He puts himself in the news all the time. Why wouldn't shows about pop culture and current events make fun of someone who is eating all the air in the national headlines?

Bush and Obama were way quieter for longer stretches

Those are only deemed important enough to pay attention to because he's the president and that is inappropriate behavior for his status. They have nothing to do with politics. He isn't passing retarded or awful laws left and right like Bush did. He isn't even passing scary-ass shit like Barack "drone assassin" Obama did. They are laughing at Trump the person who happens to be president, not at president Trump and his political actions. That's why the comedy is so stale and weak.

>Why wouldn't shows about pop culture and current events make fun of someone who is eating all the air in the national headlines?
Because repeating the same jokes over and over again is not funny or original.

Trump was a trap. They though he would give them endless material, but all he gave him is the same stale shit he did since decades ago. He can literally dress and act as a clown and it won't make for good political jokes, because politics-wise he's not doing anything joke-worthy. He's actually a rather weak and low-impact president. Which admittedly isn't 100% his fault with the cooperation he gets, but still.

Trump hires loyalists before the competent.

Most bush politics back then had politics in them but they're were mainly there to enforce how stupid he was and how he was bumbling around

Politics shouldn't be what stops a joke from being stale and funny
Trump says and does stupid shit all the time, to the point where even other world leaders will look at him in confusion

>Gumball references Trump but gets a free pass
Why is this?

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because i've literally never seen that show so why would i make a thread about it

>He isn't passing retarded or awful laws

Nigga turn off the Fox.

>He isn't even passing scary-ass shit like Barack "drone assassin" Obama did.


You have no clue what you're talking about it's hilarious, it's like you haven't a clue how vaguely you're talking to cover up the fact that you get all your knowledge off of memes. Trump already drone striked the Middle East, Trump repeatedly repealed protections and regulations which is just as "retarded" and "awful" as implementing bad laws, and you've completely got your head in the sand concerning HIS policy on family separation which is new and illegal and has caused an entire generation of broken children for no benefit - at least, not to the country's benefit. The private contractors profiting off them with whom Trump just so happens to be friends are thriving.

They really should have just acted like this never happened when Trump won
Trying to roll with it was cringeworthy

Because they did it once for a segment of an episode, they didn't do an entire season where a side character is a Trump parody and focus the entire plot about it

>implying Obama didn't pass the laws that make him able to drone strike shit with impunity
>implying the "regulations" he repealed aren't just bullshit that give one corporation the edge over another and part of the dance where whoever lobbied the current president better decides the steps
>implying it's a good idea to keep unidentified kids in the same prison as random unidentified adults they just happened to be traveling (breaking the law) with

Meh I'm more pissed by the act Obama pulled off even shadier shit than Nixon and no one seems to give a single shit about it. For all the Lock Up Hillary Memes there are Obama is the one that should be in jail or at the very have the same negative legacy as Nixon.

God damn it. How fucking funny might it have been if they just had Hillary win in the South Park continuity and Garrison spends the ensuing seasons trying to get her impeached or engaging in wacky revenge schemes, which could LOOSELY or symbolically reference actual Trump developments??

There is literally no reason, none, why the setting of South Park needs to have the same American president as real life. That is inherently the less funny option.

There were literally thousands of powerful people fucking furious that Obama was in office and they didn't find a single scandal to drag him for. Fox News didn't even make up any huge lies about him or anything, they just tried to drag him for shit like a tan suit.

Bernie will never be President, libfag.

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