More Swiftwind Bullshit
Im glad you dyke ra faggots are suffering, its what you deserve for enjoying this reboot in the first place.
God, this was SUCH SHIT.
I might tolerate if it wasn't for the horrible designs and animation. Couldn't they get the guys who animated Voltron?
The LGBTQ+ community AND oldfag She-Ra fans deserve better, I'd say.
something tells me you never cared for the original at all (except possibly for the scant porn it generated).
I like that the first post is from somebody that hates the show. It put things into perspective.
I can stand Swiftwind only because he's the only one but I do not miss the talking animals in MOTU cartoons.
but I do miss her. S3 and episode numbers when.
Swiftwind is nobody's favorite character, it's always Catra.
i wanna fuck that horse
August 2nd.
Episodes N/A. (Maybe 8)
That's a first
Goddamnit, she-ra still looks like a boy in drag.
And this is coming from a guy with a muscle girl fetish; her face just doesn't have alot of normal "feminine" features and she's flat as a board.
Like, I seriously think I'm looking at Hank from venture brothers, she looks just like him.
I gotta say, the thing these shorts did right is show Adora and Swift Wind being dumb bros getting up to stupid wacky hijinks. It gives them a good chemistry that I hope shows up in the show proper.
I just assumed we all did.
It's the only thing I wanna fuck in the show.
>your not a fan because my narrative demands it
Yeah fuck you, a big part of why i hate this show is because it ruined a chance to make a decent reboot, besides the agenda pushing and the people involved in it on top of that.
>S3 and episode numbers when.
August 2 and either 6 or 7, depending on where they split the half season. Seeing as it ended on a fucking Bow slice of life story that had no meaning, I'm going to guess 6, and episode 1 of the season will have something pretty interesting happen to 'get people talking'.
How much we'll get after that depends on if they count the Swiftwind Shorts towards produced content as stipulated by the contract.
Noelle Stevenson is a cunt.
I want to punch her out and then when she tries to cry oppression ill just say that i hit her like any man i dislike.
>eeing as it ended on a fucking Bow slice of life story that had no meaning,
They ended there because it had the Catra cliffhanger. Not the best choice for the A plot for something like that, but we'll see. If nothing else I'm glad I come to these threads, those Siblings Sassing She Ra videos are decently funny.
>Siblings Sassing She Ra
Oh wow yeah, she's just straight up a delusional sexist, isn't she?
Whelp, there goes any hope that Kyle would progress his storyline, hope you all like watching a racist/sexist writer vent their petty frustrations for however long this lasts!
Its on youtube, just type in the name come on dude.
>Oh wow yeah, she's just straight up a delusional sexist, isn't she?
Well gee, like you couldnt tell that she would be from all the red flags about this show before it even premiered?
I hope joe biden gets the dems nomination just so insane feminazis like her cant have a voice in the left anymore
If biden gets nominated he won't win because it'll piss off the left due to him being very far right as far as dems go.
>If biden gets nominated he won't win because it'll piss off the left due to him being very far right as far as dems go.
So trump gets reelected, fine by me then. Id be fine with biden or trump, as long as someone like warren doesnt get in.
Tell me about Bow’s two dads! Who’s vagina did he come out of?!
Very likely one that belonged to someone who's already dead.
She isn't a good fangirl, does she?
Wait what. What the fuck are they doing with this shit?
>not anal birth
Will they ever get an episode dedicated to them?
Swiftwind is cute you joyless fucks.