2010’s cartoons in review

Alright Yea Forums, 2010’s are essentially coming to an end. It’s time to rank the decade.
Go here: wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animated_television_series_of_the_2010s

For a list of every television cartoon in the past 10 years. Grab the ones you’ve seen and rank them in a tier list. Feel free to exclude shit you don’t like if you prefer, name your GOAT, the best waifus, bitch about change and reminisce about this decade.

Comicfags... feel free to participate. As a cartoon only I have no idea how to prompt you but seeing as it’s Yea Forums I don’t see why you can’t reminisce too. I’ll give an example in the next post.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Loud House kinda sucks if you’re not into incest.

My own hot opinions, feel free to point and laugh (only ranked shit I actually recommend):

Samurai Jack Season 5

Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated, Mickey Mouse, OK KO Let’s Be Heroes

Horse Show (1), Symbionic Titan, Black Dynamite, Motorcity, Rick and Morty, Over the Garden Wall

Horse show (2-3), Generator Rex, Robotomy, Thundercats 2011, The Looney Tunes Show, Gravity Falls, Tron Uprising, Wander Over Yonder, Bojack (only seen 1), Moonbeam City, Tangled: The Series, DC Super Hero Girls (2019)

Mid: Adventure Time (1-3), Uncle Grandpa, Clarence, Pig Goat Banana Cricket

Pic related is my WOTD (waifu of the decade)

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Regular show
Over the garden wall
Adventure time
Gravity falls
the looney tunes show
Welcome to the wayne
Uncle grandpa
S1 Steven Universe
Bojack until S3
Everything Laika and Saloon

Those are my favorites so far.

Wait, is Symbionic titan from the 2010?

Shout out to Genndy for absolute madman of the decade award

I initially despised the decade but going over everything it really wasn’t all that bad. It was no 90’s but nothing else is.

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Best comic of the 2010s was probably Scarlet Spider.
Best cartoon... fuck that's hard. This has been an unremarkable decade for televised animation. I guess I would give it to Korra if only because it's the only one I actually remember, even if for the wrong reasons.

How about eternal dissapointment tier? Would Legend of Korra and SvFoE count?

I fapped once.

The 2010's was the worst decade for animaiton since the 1970's.

> Planet Sheen
> Problem Solverz
> Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
> Uncle Grandpa
> PPG 2016
> Scaredy Squirrel
> Fish Hooks
> Pickle and Peanut
> Almost Naked Animals
> Billy Dilley
> Breadwinners
> Adventures of Kid Danger
> Rabbids Invasion
> Crash Canyon
> Brickleberry
> Mr.Pickles
> King Star King
> BorderTown
> Allan Gregory
> Paradise PD
> Legends of Chamberlain Heights
> Magic Schoolbus reboot
> Shitty Canadian cartoons
What went so wrong?

Premiered September of 2010.

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Korra and Star would be defeated by SU if we're talking about dissapointment.

Talk about anything you want. It’s the whole decade on trial.

Korra is the king of disappointment for sure in my eyes.

It certainly had a lot of shit shows every year. I’d put it as worse than everything after 1988, except for 2008-9.

I disagree. SU took ages to get into interesting point. By that time both Korra and Star already crushed all hopes. Especially Korra with her second season

On what planet is SU worse than Star "sudden genocide" VS. The show is still loved by many, but you never even hear people talk about Korra or Star nowadays.

I actually liked Billy Dilly

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Going with favorite from each year
2010: Ugly Americans
2011: The Looney Tunes Show
2012: Tron: Uprising
2013: Wander Over Yonder
2014: Over the Garden Wall
2015: The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show
2016: Bunnicula (nothing that great that year imho)
2017: AS Samurai Jack
2018: Legend of the Three Caballeros
Some years were hard to pick one and some years were hard to find one to pick

2015 had WAY better shows like Harvey Beaks and WBB

Damn, I thought It was older.

It was fine, user, you are just dumb. If you keep focusing on the bad shit you won't be able to enjoy things.

In the planet where Steven "Let's redem and space nazi because she said she's sorry" Universe is a thing.

>The show is still loved by many
Do you even lurk SU threads? It's fucking hated by everybody besides waifufaggoty.

White didn't say anything like that, but nice try retard. Double retard points for using Yea Forums as a basis for your viewership opinion too. Triple retard points for trying to gaslight me and pretending you don't see the positive ones.

>uncle Grandpa
>king star king
>mr pickles
>pickle and peanut

Oh fuck off these shows are cool

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What are some NEVER EVERS of the decade?
>Pony became a worldwide phenomenon so big it needed it’s own board
>Toonami came back
>Samurai Jack concluded
>Cartoon Planet came back
>Looney Tunes pulled off a sitcom AND they are making new theatrical quality shorts
>Mickey Mouse is producing quality content now
>Camp Sherwood came back
>Chris Chan is a woman now and was made fun of in the latest Sonic cartoon
>Disney traditional animation was killed
>Dirty Dan Schneider kind of got away with it

2015 was one of those year I mentioned I was having trouble with
I don't think HB is better then P&S and there's no way in hell the nothingness of WBB was getting considered

Dan Schneider has shit to do with cartoons, fuck off. Even the guy who placed Spencer disowns him

Regular Show, Adventure Time, Grabba These Balls, Bojack, Archer, Bob's Burgers, F Is for Family were good at one point.

Pretty much everything else was ho-hum at best. I did like the first season of Rigg & Mody.

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>it’s a find the one thing you dislike about a post and ignore the rest episode

Dan: The one man clan was a driving force in NOT having cartoons on Nickelodeon. He’s related.

>Cuphead got an entire animated series
I half-expected it to happen eventually, just not before the decade ended

Even then I'd expect him to get away with it

I always ignored these shows because they came out at a time I was still seething that cartoons weren’t like the 90’s-mid 00’s anymore. Are they worth it?

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Remember when we all freaked out when Regular Show said PISSED OFF on live Cartoon Network?

Simpler times.

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How about atrocity that was Ultimate and Marvel Spider-Man cartoons? It sure was big let down as it replaced Spectacular (which is imo overrated but I know is still beloved by many)

Regular Show: Yes. In the middle the shows struggles a bit but gets good again towards the end. And it has an excellent series finale, something that is extremely rare especially for cartoons.
Adventure Time: First few seasons yes. The rest --- maybe? It depends on what you're looking to get out of it I guess. And the ending is... not great.

Regular Show: Worth it for the first several seasons. When it starts becoming repetitive to you or especially if you start seeing love drama come in abandon ship immediately
Adventure Time: No part of the series is worth a watch

2010 was literally the year I stopped watching kids’ cartoons so IDK.

Adventure Time has at least 5 seasons worth of great content

>Error: Too many lines.
well then

I dunno some parts were cool as kind of one offs. I recall liking episode where they were getting magic powers. Still it were singular episodes in overall stinking pile. I don't know if any other character in cartoon show ever repulsed me as much as Treetrunks...

I’ll check out regular show then. Really I missed everything from Flapjack to Samurai Jack S5 because I was mad at NOT MUH CARTOONS and switched to Yea Forums. I tried Gravity Falls randomly and liked it enough, and Over the Garden Wall next which I liked a lot, so I kinda wanna go back around and see what I missed.

>fuck Mabel
If you insist

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Just try to skip all the Mordecai drama shit

You could have done 2 posts but deserve recognition for going through and rating each you watched

>51 views in 5 minutes

Imagine if we had a lurker counter

Regular Show and Dan vs. were the only good cartoons for the whole decade. Everything else can fuck off.

Cartoons in the 90's will always be better than the shitty 2010's shows, all of those legendary shows like Ren & Stimpy, Animaniacs, Rocko's Modern Life, Rugrats, Dexter's Lab, Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, PPG, Batman: TAS, Beavis & Butthead etc.. Not to mention all of the stellar Disney animted movies and juggernauts like Toy Story

2010's is shit compared to 90's toons, ucensored shit, CalArts up the ass, Hajib girls in many shows, just lazy animation in general etc...

What went so fucking wrong?

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Yeah yeah, that’s all fine and good and I agree, but this is a 10’s thread, so let’s keep on topic. You didn’t like literally anything?

You picked a good two shows to watch first, those are my two favorite shows from the past decade. That said OtGW is basically the pinnacle of 2010s cartoons so unfortunately I think anything you watch after that will not quite measure up, but there's still quite a bit of decent stuff. And it being a 10-part miniseries greatly benefited it which is definitely true, as opposed to shows that ran for way too long. Same with Gravity Falls only being 40 episodes, though it was already struggling a bit by the end. GF had a lot of flaws but I still really liked it.

Kind of off topic but I feel a animation industry crash in the 20's, Everything that's not disney is failing and TV is dying.

edited and added 2019's shows

Anything not CalArts is fine

I see the opposite. Money is back in the market and the 2008 crash is completely gone. Streaming money is being thrown around, 90’s nostalgia is about to replace 80’s nostalgia and the 20’s already has it’s first big passion project (Looney Tunes Cartoons). Lots of new blood in the industry and shakeups in management. Traditional animation beginning to make a comeback to theaters with the Mary Poppins Returns crew doing Space Jam 2 and their own stuff. I have hopes.

>using Yea Forums as a basis for your viewership opinion
I thought we were talking about Yea Forums's opinion. Of course SU is fucking loved outside this place, it jerks of tumblr safe so pretty hard, obviously they fucking love it despise how shitty it has become with years.

Regular show? Fucking yes
Adventure time? It depends, do you like comfy adventures? Then S1-5 are for you

>Extremely funny minus a few dud episodes
>Great, fluid animation
>Lord Hater is one of the most based characters of all time
>Character development occurs naturally as the show goes on
>Smart, balanced view of pacifism that isn't just the power of love and Talk no Jutsu solving everything and showcases the blowback of not taking an aggressive stance when you need to
>Shares similar concepts with SU but written by people who aren't fucking retarded
>Dominator is a genuinely good CE female character and they don't pull any punches on her being an autistic shithead just because she's cute and has a nice ass
>Got shitcanned by retard execs before S2 even aired, ending is still mostly satisfying and leagues better than trash like AT's or Star Vs.

Here's your best cartoon of the decade

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Mike Tyson Mysteries single-handedly saves this decade.

Sorry user, no dice

Everything that show tried to do SU has done better because it's not just a random alien spongebob pushing at people until they give in and placate him.

>Hmm, why does everyone like this. Am I wrong? No, they're wrong. They're all wrong. It must be a conspiracy.


>implying it hampers anything


Gumball is the only Good one. Every one of the others is crap for babies

Appealing to the majority has never been a valid argument. Love or hat SU but argue on the show’s merits, not popularity.

Do you consider Minions to be a high-quality film

I love WoY but it really needed more creative freedom to be perfect. And that third season. Still I agree about everything here. Also stellar job of voice actors and great songs.

>Loosing the point this hard
Bitch, we were discussing which show was a worse dissapointment, and now you are pulling up a conspiracy, what the fuck?

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>Comparing Wander with SU
That's kinda retarded, mate.

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Looks like bouncy tweenshit to me. Impressive use of unique models for expressions but for every unique movement is a canned hair bounce.

>Everything that show tried to do SU has done better

Are you retarded user?

Some have claimed that similar to the 2000s, the 2010s started off strong but began settling into mediocrity or ran out of ideas towards the end, though it's debatable.

Idk I really liked this decade of animation. People complain about this decade but I always like to see the bright side of the things. Some of my favorites animations were made in this decade so I don't complain.

In no particular ranking:

Samurai Jack Season 5
OK KO Let's Be Heroes
New Mickey Mouse Shorts

Over The Garden Wall
Gravity Falls
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
Ballmastrz: 9009
Mike Tyson Mysteries
Steven Universe
Symbiotic Titan

Bob's Burgers
The Amazing World of Gumball
Ugly Americans
DC Super Hero Girls
Tuca and Bertie
Regular Show
Uncle Grandpa
Black Dynamite
Wander Over Yonder
F Is For Family
Sonic Boom

The Legend of Korra
Rick and Morty
Adventure Time
Big City Greens
The Looney Tunes Show
New Ducktales
Bojack Horseman
Thundercats 2011

Sanjay and Craig
Star Vs. the Forces of Evil (would be in meh if not for that terrible ending)
Allen Greggory
Sit Down and Shut Up
Problem Solverz
Planet Sheen
The terrible youtube Popeye
Magic Schoolbus Netflix
Powerpuff Girls 2016

Over all, it's been pretty good. the 2010's were great in terms of creator-driven cartoons.

Good taste




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Plebs. Even the first three episodes of Samurai Jack murders everything else this decade, and OK KO is the most visually inspired show on television, besides MAAAAYBE Gumball.

Top 10 shows of the decade (that I watched)
1.Sym-Bionic Titan
2.Young Justice
3.Samurai Jack season 5 (if you can even count it since it's a continuation and not an original)
5.Avengers EMH
6.Mike Tyson
6.F is for family
7.Regular Show
8.Bob's Burgers
9.Rick and Morty
Honestly better decade than I thought it's been.

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>Wander is a smart person writing a show about pacifism
>SU is a fucking moron writing a show about pacifism

Not hard to get


>anything I don’t like is bait



>He's actually being serious

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Absolute S W E E T I E




That’s illegal.

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I limited myself to one show that I liked the most and one show that I disliked the most in that order (the ones I've watched)

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
Regular Show
The Looney Tunes Show
Scaredy Squirrel
Black Dynamite
Rick and Morty
Teen Titans Go
Mike Tyson Mysteries
Harvey Beaks
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Milo Murphy's Law
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Ballmastrz 9009
Carmen Sandiego
Tuca & Bertie

Savage hot takes

>Kino tier
Samurai Jack s5
Ben 10 omniverse
Scooby-Doo mystery inc
Tangled the series

>Amazing tier
Mickey Mouse
Thundercats (2011)
Teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012)

>pretty good tier
Ricky Gervais show
Bojack Horseman
F is for family
Barbie: life in a dreamhouse
DC superhero girls
Looney tunes show
Rise of the TMNT
Carmen Sandiego (2019)
Young Justice
Moonbeam city
>ok tier
Steven Universe
She-ra princesses of power
Star vs the forces of evil
Gravity Falls
Napoleon Dynamite
Rick and Morty
Big hero 6 the series
Talking Equines

>Get me out of here tier
PPG (2016)
Ultimate Spiderman
Tara Duncan
Xialon chronicles
The problem solverz
Every marvel cartoons
Ben 10 (2016)
Littlest pet shop
Every canadians cartoons in that decades
Pinky Maliki
Pacific heat
Paradise PD

Other than that, it's an amazing decade. Can't wait for what's to come for next year.

Sleeping on this, is it a waifu show?


For me, this one my favorite toon from 2010's

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A bit, but the show is kinda like sonic boom. were they reference old Barbie franchise and being meta about themselves.

Too bad it's nowhere to be found and all we have left is this boring cartoon vlog show instead.

>Trash Tier
Planet Sheen
Allen Gregory
Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
The Legend of Korra
The Problem Solvers
PPG 2016
>Ok Tier
Kung Fu Panda: LoA
Wild Grinders
Fugget About It
Pacman and the Ghostly Adventures
Sanjay and Craig
Xiaolin Chronicles (Not Showdown)
Teen Titans Go
Uncle Grandpa
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Voltron 2016
>Good Tier
Horse Show
Hero 108
Adventure Time
Fish Hooks
Kick Buttowski
NFL Rush Zone
Tuff Puppy
Lego Ninjago
The Looney Toons Show
Randy Cunningham
Black Dynamite
TMNT 2012
Ultimate Spiderman
Rick and Morty
Steven Universe
Wonder over Yonder
Sonic Boom
Bojack Horseman
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero
>Amazing Tier
Regular Show
Gravity Falls
Over the Garden Wall

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I always thought this show was overrated. I know i’m the odd one out. Love the aesthetic, tone and concept but hated the kid and how disjointed it felt. If it was more plot heavy and the kid was more bearable it would be one of the best cartoons ever.

To be honest, the main reason I love Otgw is because I relate pretty much with Wirt an Greg. Greg reminded me when I was 8 years old and Wirt reminded me my 15yo self when I watched for the first time. I also had a crush that really looked like Sarah and during that time I was considering if I should tell her my feeling, just like Wirt.

The Aesthetic is the strongest point. Another point I would give it is the show managed to have a dark atmosphere and half of the story narrated in the backgrounds, something that SU, AT and Clarence tried to do but It didn't really go well for them.

Regular Show is still the best series of the decade.

That’s perfectly fair, there is no accounting for personal experience and art cannot and should not be viewed in a feigned “objective” sense. I would agree, despite thinking it’s overrated it certainly accomplished some wonderful things and those aspects make it more than worth the price of admission.

Nick Cross has done a really good work on OtGW backgrounds, that's the main reason I hyped for infinity train, he's working on backgrounds there too.

I think you should check Nick's youtube account. all his independent animation proyects are dead, but there are plenty finished works. They have the same backgrounds and dark aesthetics of Otgw, but the character design reminds me more like R&S


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Oh yeah, I forgot about Wander. It was decent.

season 3 never fucking ever

Adventure Time
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Over the Garden Wall
Craig of the Creek
Amazing World of Gumball
Black Dynamite
Regular Show
Gravity Falls
Rick and Morty
Star Vs. the Forces of Evil

Excluding things I don't remember well enough and things I never watched a significant amount of.

Glad to see a general quality consensus of most shows. It wasn’t a great decade but it had some fine stuff.

>'00s were an era of the internet becoming widespread and television struggling to adapt to it. Saturday morning cartoons died, Nick leaned entirely on Spongebob, CN started trying to play around with Live Action, Pixar was in their prime, and Disney had gone to shit
>'10s were the decade when Adventure Time and the horse show's breakout success made networks realize animation wasn't the problem, it was their marketing. Suddenly the flood gates opened for a bunch of "quirky", (usually semi-lore driven) cartoons primarily targeting the online crowd. CN shifted its attention almost entirely to online releases, using the actual network as a Teen Titans Go rerun machine. The Disney Channel decided to give animation another shot, while Disney movies entered a second Renaissance. Pixar got cocky and went to shit. Nick finally began weening itself off Spongebob. Also Netflix and Hulu started dipping their toes in the market.
Given the way things have been going, I expect the next decade to be an interesting one. I predict that the success of Netflix animated series means we're going to enter an extremely experimental age where cartoons can target audiences too niche to have been thought viable before. I feel like this will also be the decade where where group-sourced animation projects finally become viable. Most likely, one group of very talented and dedicated animators will pull something off and there will be loads of people imitating it. But due to drama, the vast majority won't see completion.

top/bottom 3

>Steven Universe
regret sleeping on this. the storytelling, characters and lore make this show incredibly enjoyable, it doesn't have the best animation but everything else makes up for it.

>Gravity Falls
biggest waste of my personal time and the most overrated turd of the decade. it's monster of the week garbage with super cliché characters: white mc, bitchy sister, old fuck, teen girl, rich girl, etc and the lore is honestly nothing remarkable. it's awful.

>Craig of the Creek
captures that feeling of childlike wonder perfectly, all the characters and factions of he creek feel honest about their fanatsy world in the creek, like a real kid would. older shows have done it as well but I'm just so glad to see it alive and kicking through with Craig and his friends.

I. fucking. hate. this. show. I hate its off-model bullshit. I hate the lazy writing and agenda pushing. but what I hate the most is that none of this was evident from the teasers, shorts and anything leading up to the show. it really looked like it was going to be a quirky and zany cartoon about videogame characters and pop culture references, it still seems to be that but why have the baggage of shit like No More POW cards or Let's Not be Skeletons? a big disappointment.

>Summer Camp Island
my favorite of the decade. behind the pastel colors and cute characters is a surreal avalanche of weirdness and wholesomeness. no cartoon before made me look forward to what strange shit and pleasant feelings will they come up with next. I love everything about this show.

>Star vs the forces of Evil
everything about this went downhill over its lifespan, the characters, the plot, the fandom. characters being phased out, irrelevant ones being propped up, it just feels like it never knew where to go. there really isn't a good thing to say about Star VS, except that it ended before it could get worse.

all the good cartoons were on CN, I didn't like anything from Disney and Nick was just there.

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>Disney movies entered a second renaissance
Incorrect. When will this marketing shill meme die? What disney has done in this decade can’t even kiss the ground the renaissance walked on.


>90+ shows watched
Fuck it let's do it.

God Tier:
Over the Garden Wall
Harvey Beaks

Great Tier:
The Dragon Prince
BoJack Horseman
Craig of the Creek
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
Gravity Falls
The Amazing World of Gumball
Steven Universe
Wander Over Yonder
Black Dynamite
Mike Tyson Mysteries
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Camp Camp
Tangled: The Series
DC Super Hero Girls
DuckTales (2017)
Moonbeam City
Sonic Boom
Mickey Mouse
Rick and Morty

Good Tier:
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Adventure Time
Bob's Burgers
Carmen Sandiego
F Is for Family
Golan the Insatiable
The Legend of Korra
Big Hero 6: The Series
Our Mini Horsie: Full-On Friendship

Decent Tier:
Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart
Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race
DC Nation Shorts
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Final Space
Tuca & Bertie
Big Mouth
The Loud House
Miraculous Ladybug
We Bare Bears
Star Wars Rebels
Beware the Batman
Summer Camp Island
Hanazuki: Full of Treasures
Mighty Magiswords
Harvey Street Kids

>Meh Tier
The 7D
Victor and Valentino
The Casagrandes
Total DramaRama
Regular Show
Ballmastrz 9009
Big City Greens
The Looney Tunes Show
Milo Murphy's Law
Teen Titans Go!
Littlest Pet Shop
The Shivering Truth
DreamWorks Dragons
Ugly Americans
Danger Mouse
The Lion Guard
Generator Rex
Legend of the Three Caballeros
Apple & Onion
Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness
China, IL
Mary Shelley's Frankenhole

>Bad Tier:
Young Justice
Uncle Grandpa
The Powerpuff Girls (2016)
Mongo Wrestling Alliance
T.U.F.F. Puppy
Mr. Pickles
My Life Me
Neighbors from Hell

>Shit Tier:
Legends of Chamberlain Heights
Planet Sheen
Allen Gregory

Honestly not a bad decade

How about we talk about some of the biggest/most memorable/most game changing cartoon events of this decade?

This one is undoubtedly up there.

As did I, title character was pretty uninteresting but all those subterranean characters were pretty fun.

Not a terrible list, but some of the "Meh tier" being that low is surprising and I don't get HB in god tier


>Regular Show
>Carmen Sandiego 2019
>Gravity Falls

6/10 decade

1. MLP FiM
2. Regular Show
3 Looney Tunes
4. Adventure Time

>Dukes of Broxstonia was the first series to be released this decade


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Great taste in shows, user.
>surprised to see Moonbeam City but no Archer
>Archer is from 2009
Goddamn it's been a short 10 years.

If you ask me the decade started off really strong with shit like Sym bionic titan, Tron legacy, motorcity, and the looney tunes show. Even the canadian crap from the early 2010's is god tier in comparison to the shit we have nowadays.
>Jimmy Two-shoes
>Dude My friend's a ghost
>Randy Cunningham
>Kick Buttowski
All of those are on par with the loud house for me. Decently enjoyable,all around comfy watches. I will say one thing however, this decade was home to alot of diamonds in the rough that got trampled by a sea of shit. Harvey Beaks, Robotomy, and Wander over Yonder are probably the best examples of that point. I dont think the 2010's got wholly insufferable until 2014 when network execs realized how popular regular show and adventure time had gotten, opening the doors for the calarts shitstorm we still live in.
My favorites are as follows.
Tmnt 2012, Secret Saturdays, Generator Rex, Ben 10 omniverse, tron legacy, sym bionic titan,wander over yonder, and EMH.

I'd say it was a good decade for cartoons.

>Adventure Time
>Regular Show
>Loud House
>Steven Universe
>Star vs the Forces of Evil
>Gravity Falls
>That show that will not be named
>Bojack Horseman
>Rick and Morty
>Final Space