Redesign thread. Post what you got! and remember the most important rule...

Redesign thread. Post what you got! and remember the most important rule, if you don't like a redesign don't spurg out and make 6 different threads in anger

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Well, now that we've gotten the trash out of the way...

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The Jean one is really, really good. Much better than her current one from X-Men Red
The Cyclops one is pretty bland though

Look I'm going to say this right now, and it's pretty much an undisputed fact for redesigns; it's next to impossible to make good Superman and Spider-Man redesigns. Artists have better luck with Peter admittedly, given the number of suits he's worn. But you're better off not reinventing the wheel of either character and sticking with those who NEED a good makeover.

Why does every redesign have to have a tacticool jacket and/or hoodie?

It's a swap, bruh. They're wearing each other's 90's outfits.

Because it's MODERN and fashionable, and most fan designers are lazy.

Attached: tumblr_ngwa6pkImJ1qjco10o1_1280.jpg (1280x1836, 279K)

Even so. It's a testament to how that combination of blue on yellow works so much better than the red on blue they gave her

I agree. I just really, REALLY hate that design. It's a perfect encapsulation of a bad redesign.

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This is Spawn

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Rule 1: If you have to clarify who the character is, it's not a good redesign.

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I like this one. Looks cool for an Elseworlds type shit.

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Did Nightwing to summon the Eclipse and sacrifice the Titans? Did he summon Trigon?

This is the best place to ask this. But what happened with all the thread spamming and the autist?

A lot of artists these days can’t seem to get the Shield right, even

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For us oldfags, please call it "Alt-Art" as it was referred to back in the day. Makes it easier to understand

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The first redesign thread had this design for Mysterio as it's OP.
One user made an explanation as to why they didn't like the stage magician look it had. Then another user that got confused as the OP of that first thread (I aught to know, I was the one who made the first thread, and avoided the arguing over it), began arguing back and fourth over it.
TL;DR: Autism.

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I think it looks cool but it isn't flashy enough for Mysterio you know?

Is that you kazari?

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Best redesign ITT

It's Black Panther, obviously.

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I like the idea of making Spawn an actual Hellspawn.

I totally agree. Though I enjoy the stage magician look. Some other user summed up my thoughts well.
>It fits into the illusionist theme and the "nothing up my sleeves" pushed up sleeves really complete that look. I also like how it's more slender, and less beefcake. The brick shithouse look always seemed kind of weird for someone who is supposed to be tricky, and this makes him feel less all there, like you can't just punch him. It's also cool that he shows a little face, because it feels like it's supposed to be obscured by the smoke but it isn't, it feels like you're seeing something you're not supposed to see, which makes it the perfect place for a red herring. It would be a neat trick to put a fake face there and let Spidey think that he saw his face and send him on a wild goose chase.
Now, back to redesigns.

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Cykes looks like a younger version of his Wolverine and the X-Men design, mainly because of the jacket

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Attached: Scarlet-Witch.jpg (675x1013, 81K)

Her Boots and Gloves should either be red/yellow or have trim to break it up from her pants
>Removing Cyclops' most iconic costume element
You can change so much about Cyc but he always needs the visor.

This isn't actually a fan redesign. This is actual concept art for The Rhino for The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
And instead they went for that walking junk pile, with a vague resemblance of a Rhino

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Kind of generic, but better than the mechsuit we got.

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new widowmaker skin looks awesome.

Honestly not a bad angle to go

I like that a lot.

I think they were going for "legitimate mechanical vehicle" rather than "Superpowered villain" with the design.
they wanted it to look like a walking tank that someone might actually design, so its rhino aspect was ancilliary.

That being said, it was utterly terrible, with a guy who was full retard just shooting shit for no reason-- Even without spiderman it was basically asking for a death sentence once the swat team with actual Anti-vehicle weapons shows up in 15-20 minutes, and you have no apparent goal or purpose here with shooting shit.

Attached: another_x_men_line_up_by_gloooscap-d5f4q8f.jpg (900x636, 58K)

It's really strange. Despite having maybe five minutes of screentime total, Rhino by far had the most concept art. Perhaps because there are so many different ways to go with him.
But yeah, almost all of them were better than what we got.

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Colossus is perfect

Cyclops needs more color, especially up top

Wolverine is an actual manlet here

Nightcrawler is pretty damn good as well

Storm is also pretty nice, but needs some yellow accents

Ditch the headphones and itll work.

I concur, I dig the shoulder armor. Gives him a divine flair which fits the acronym of his title

Dunno what to think about these.

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This is my favorite "modern" version of Rhino. He's still a huge dude, and it's not a mech suit.

Attached: The Rhino PS4.jpg (1920x1284, 367K)

Pretty bad

Yeah, not a fan of Peeg's red legs.

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for some reason people seem to dislike the idea of him being super strong from just a skinsuit.

Getting streetwalker vibes here

Yeah I did too.
What the fuck is a streetwalker?

A prostitute, Hooker etc.

I'd say it's fairly easy, the real issue is the always want to reinvent the wheel but Spider-man and Superman basically have all the right elements already there so the artists typically end up trying to overdo it and ruin the simplicity that makes them great.
Like Spider-man is actually so ridiculously simple, it's a sleek simple body suit with THESE EYES. Then you get shit like

Attached: ultimate-spiderman.jpg (500x336, 19K)

I still say that PG design looks better with blue legs.

Attached: power girl redesign2 edit2.jpg (2220x3772, 883K)

This one is completely different though, theres no Shazam elements here at all.

I think the whole leggings are a mistake.
It just misses the point of her stark white costume, makes the blue and red fight or offsets the red to be too heavy.
Either abandon the whole leotard and give her white legs or ditch the leggings but you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Her classic is great.

Looks like a Kingdom Hearts' character

Is that suppose to be Cyclops??? lol he looks like fucking blue beetle. What was the artist thinking?

I agree with you completely, but if she's going to be shunted to limbo for not wearing pants, I'd take the lesser of two evils any day.

I was thinking Final Fantasy or Dark Souls, myself.

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There truly is nothing better than underboob.

Will take forever to put that costume on with all the belts

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it really makes her look pop

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She could just "magic" it on

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>"What if The Sentry didn't even try to hide that he was a Superman knockoff?"

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>Black Predator

That's good shit

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Sentry is in no way a Superman knockoff. You're thinking of Hyperion.

I like Spider-Man having more messy, spider web-like webbing.

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Reminds me a lot of his mullet era costume

I like the pajamas look

Imo Insomniac has done it exceptionally well.

That design is absolute gold when you consider it a bit. I think the Homecoming suit and Far From Home Suit is strong as well. Raimi suit always pops and that second Webb suit is great; albeit those last two aren’t as much of a redesign, either is the homecoming suit, really just more retextures ultimately.

But yeah, anyway, Insomniac white Spider really got me.

Crap . Natasha isn't an assault commando, you need to bring elegance and femininity in her suit too.

Its not hard to improve upon Earth-2 Robin because the original was *hideous*

Not really a redesign, its just Storm's Thor costume from that late-80s or early-90s annual when Loki made her a hammer.

So many concepts because they clearly could not decide upon a clear concept that would guide them to the final desired look. And when swamped with options, the human tendency is to become overloaded and all too often make the worst of possible choices.

Time for even worse trash?

It is a redesign of that design, which was in itself a redesign of her actual look.

There isn't a single good redesign in this thread.

Dudes don't really have thigh gap

Didn't like the stage magician Mysterio?

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Putting a forward facing hood on someone who swings through the air most of the time. He's going to be de-masked every time he moves.

This looks like some kind of fighting game character.
I like it.

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official Kaine Scarlet Spider concepts

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official venom spaceknight concepts

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>Not Super-Predator

I hate Spider-Twink.

Please tell me the artist who did that has more.

I understood that reference

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A Bruce Timm/Fleischer Fusion drawn by Alex Ross.

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too "Batman & Robin"

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Too SJW. I want a costume that's says rape me! not "I'll teach you about Kryptonian feminism"

oh hell i like the idea of scarlet witch having a more gutteral witchy look

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3/10 for effort. Room for improvement.

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Now that's an ass to rape

That's actually really good. Love the boots.

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He looks like a fucking World of Warcraft's raid boss

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that's just the tick with some american flair to him

How edgy
Unironically great

why is the riddler a woman?

i like this alot

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it's cool but needs more neck bracing, that he smashes stuff with his head is kind of a major point of the character

that is not at all practical or safe

>toe shoes
a faggot did this

Oh yeah, Rafael Grampa does tons of "homemade" superhero designs.

That obviously wasn't the point of the design, user.

Attached: Rafael Grampa - Wolverine 2.jpg (584x834, 45K)

Fuck he does some good shit.

He really does.

Attached: Rafael Grampa - Nightcrawler.jpg (1263x1631, 432K)

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Damn I hope he has good writers to work with

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It's not the same. A woman wouldn't design a character like Kratos. He's designed by men for men as a power fantasy. An angry hulking mass of muscles. Can he be sexy to some girls? Sure. Is he designed with pandering to girls in mind? No.

When women design male characters they usually end up looking like either cute and lean bishies or sensual and handsome macho. And how they dress and act plays a huge role too.
And these characters definitely trigger the average nerd. Calling them "gay" or "emo" is the most common response.
You're collectively tapping yourselves on the back here too hard and it's getting pathetic. This place is also filled with bunch of inceloids seething about other men. Seething about height. Seething about race. About wealth. Coping that lifting is a waste of time. Calling women roasties therefore elevating your self worth and coping with the fact that nobody is touching you with a ten foot pole. And so on.

You're all insecure bags of sensitive shit.

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Behold, the most boring redesign ever.

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Wrong thread or just unrelenting autism?

It's trying so hard to be realistic that it just becomes comical.

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>Everything to hate about tacticool in one picture

Oh boy... Wait until Slade sees this...

Absolutely nothing: the image.

Who gets the least redesigns?

Older characters that no one cares about. Also Hawkeye

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That's actually pretty cool.

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>Older characters that no one cares about.
>Also Hawkeye
No need for redundancy.

Her base outfit is fucking boring, user. It's time she put the SUPER in super spy for once. Snake from Metal Gear is armed to the teeth too when he wants to be

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Woulda been neat without that stupid cowl.

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Fuck you I like hawkeye. I want him to go back to something similar to his classic suit, sick of this t-shirt "costume" he's in now.

Wrong thread on the wrong board.
There's a thread on Yea Forums shitposting about male objectification.
Good thing Yea Forums doesn't come here or this would pretty much validate every view they have about Yea Forums.

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This is what he should have looked like in Dare-Devil